74 research outputs found

    Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Glebionis coronaria (L.) Cass. ex Spach essential oil

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    Glebionis coronaria (L.) Cass. ex Spach (syn. Chrysanthemum coronarium L.) is a member of the Asteraceae plant family which has extensive edible, folk medicinal, insecticidal uses. Previously, an essential oil of flowerheads of C. coronarium from Spain was reported to contain camphor (29.2%), α-pinene (14.8%), β-pinene (9.5%), and lyratyl acetate (9.8%). The oil was shown to possess significant antifungal activity [1]. Also, the essential-oil composition and antimicrobial properties of C. coronarium from Ukraine were investigated. The major constituents were found to be chrysanthemyl acetate (24.4%), chrysanthemol (21.8%), chrysanthenyl acetate (7.6%), camphor (7.3%), β-farnesene (5.9%), and α-bisabolol (5.6%). An ethanolic extract of the plant showed antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive (S. aureus) bacteria. [2]. Biological activities of the essential oil of C. coronarium from Jordan were also reported. The essential oil showed a significant antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria. Also, the oil showed moderate antioxidant activity, weak acetylcholinesterase-inhibitory and potent antiproliferative activities [3]. In the current study, the essential oil of the aerial parts of G. coronaria was obtained by hydrodistillation (3 h). The essential-oil composition was analyzed by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The main components of the essential oil from the aerial parts were capillene (54.5%) and caryophyllene oxide (9.8%). The current composition differed from the previously reported ones. Thus, G. coronaria originating from Istanbul belongs to a new chemotype of this species. Additionally, the antimicrobial activity of the oil was investigated against Gram-negative (Escherichia coli DH5α) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria. The essential oil showed a growth-inhibitory activity against E. coli (53.3%) and S. aureus (17.1%), tested at 75 mg/mL. The antimicrobial effects of the essential oil were more pronounced against Gram-negative bacteria

    Art and Emotion in Schopenhauer

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    Bu tezin amacı, Schopenhauer'ın sanat ve duyguya bakışını,felsefesinin odak noktası olan, isteme ve tasarım olarak belirlenen dünyanın içerisinde değerlendirerek ortaya koymaktır. Schopenhauer'ı anlamak ve anlamlandırmak için ilk olarak, hayatı ile ilgili bilgiler ayrıntılı bir şekilde verilmiştir. Yaşamı ile ilgili bilgilerin verilmesinin ardından, felsefesini şekillendiren isimler ifade edilmiştir. İsteme ve tasarım olarak dünyanın şekillenmesinde Kant'ın etkisi ifade edildikten ve Schopenhauer'ın felsefesinin başlangıç ilkesi olan yeter sebep ilkesinin dört kökü hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi verilmesinin ardından, bu ilkeyle ortaya çıkan dünyanın, benim tasarımımdan ibaret olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Schopenhauer'a göre, özne olmadan bu dünyanın anlamlandırılması mümkün değildir. Zorunluluk ilkesi ile şekillenen bu dünya, yani tasarım olarak dünya, görüngülerden, çokluktan, değişmeden ve yanılsamadan ibarettir. Sonrasında, Schopenhauer, Kant'ın görüngülerin arkasında yatanın bilinemez olduğu savını çürüterek, bilinebilir olduğu ve bu ilkenin isteme olduğu sonucuna varır. Görüngülerin arkasındaki kendinde şey, istemedir. Bu noktadan sonra istemenin görüngülerin çokluğundan bağımsız, tek,sonsuz, sınırsız, değişime uğramayan doğası ortaya konur. Schopenhauer'a göre idealar, görüngülerle isteme arasında bir köprü görevi üstlenir. İdealar,tek tek türlerin ilk örnekleridir. Schopenhauer, bu noktadan sonra tek tek türlerin çatışmasından, en üst noktada insanlar arasındaki çatışma,uyumsuzluk, geçici hazlara yönelme ve en nihayetinde acı ve sefaleti getiren şeyin, isteme olduğu sonucuna varır ve bu acı ve sefaletten geçici bir süre de olsa kurtulma yolu olarak sanatı ortaya koyar. Sanat, şeyleri yeter sebep ilkesinden bağımsız görme yolu olarak, istemenin geçici süreyle susturulmasını sağlar. Sanatın özünde güzellik ve yüce duygusu bulunmaktadır. Sanatın en üstünü, işte bu yüce duygusunu ortaya çıkarandır. İsteme duygusundan uzaklaşmanın, en alt seviyeden en üst seviyeye, mimariden resme, heykelden şiire pek çok alanda kendini gösterdiğini, fakat bu sanatların tek yaptıkları şeyin nesnelerin özleri olan idealara ulaşmak olduğunu ifade eden Schopenhauer, müziği diğer sanatlardan ayrı tutarak, istemenin (tıpkı idealardaki gibi) nesneleşmesi olduğu sonucuna varır. Müzik, kendi tarzında her şeyi resmeder. Müziği daha yüksek varlıkbilimsel düzeye yerleştiren Schopenhauer tüm yaşamın ve var oluşun en iç özünü dolaysız olarak ifade eder. Buradan da anlaşılıyor ki, Schopenhauer'a göre, dünyanın bize görünen yüzünün arkasında yatan aç istemenin susturulması, sanatla, daha özelde müzikle mümkündür. Duygunun ve tutkunun dili olan müzik, en gizemli tarihini anlatırken,Schopenhauer, sanatın bu özel alanına değinen ender filozoflar arasında olduğu için dikkate değerdir.The purpose of this Thesis is, to exhibit Schopenhauer's regard to art and Emotion, the focus point of his Philosophy, by evaluating it in the world designated as will and representation. To understand and to give meaning to Schopenhauer, first of all, informations about his life have been given in detail. To understand and to give meaning to Schopenhauer, first of all, informations about his life have been given in detail. The informations given about his life is actually, has a great importance in exhibiting the appearance and shape of the pessimism in the basis of his Philosophy. After giving information about his life, the names which shaped his Philosophy are indicated. After indicating Kant's effect on shaping the world as will and representation and giving detailed information about Schopenhauer's basic Principle The Fourforld Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason , it's accepted that the world appears with this principle is about My representation. It is impossible to give meaning to word without subject. This world shaped with the Principle of Necessity, in other words the world as representation is consisting of phenomenon, multitude, change and illusion. Afterwards, by disproofing the unknown beyond the Kant Phenomenon can be known and Schopenhauer conclude that this principle is will. Ding an sech beyond the Phenomenon is will. After this point, without Phenomenon multitude, alone, endless, unlimited, unchanging nature of the will is presented. According to Schopenhauer, ideas establish a connection with Phenomenon and will. Ideas are the first samples of kinds one by one. Schopenhauer, after this point from the disagreement of the kinds one by one, disagreement between human, disharmony, gravitation to temporary pleasures and finally desides the thing makes pain and poverty is will and he exhibits the art as the way to rescue from the pain and poverty temporarily. Art, as a way to see the things without Principle of Sufficient Reason Art, provides to keep the will quit temporarily. In the basis of the Art, there is beauty and the feel of the Nobel. The most excellent art exhibits the feel of Nobel. Leaving from the feel of will, from the lowest point to highest point, from Architecture to Painting, from Sculptural to Poem in most part it shows itself, but Schopenhauer who incidates the only thing that all these arts do is to reach the ideas that are the basis of the objects, by excluding the music from the other arts, exhibits the objectification of the will. Music portray everything in its style. Schopenhauer who puts the music to the highest level of the Ontological, indicates the basis of Life and Existence directly. As it is understood, According to Schopenhauer, silencing the will beyond the world's visible side is possible with art especially music, Music as a way to show feel and patience, while indicating it misirable history, Schopenhauer, who refers to this special kind of art, as one of the most important Philosopher is remarkable