15 research outputs found

    Anomalous Transport through the p-Wave Superconducting Channel in the 3-K Phase of Sr2RuO4

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    Using micro fabrication techniques, we extracted individual channels of 3-Kelvin (3-K) phase superconductivity in Sr2RuO4-Ru eutectic systems and confirmed odd-parity superconductivity in the 3-K phase, similar to pure Sr2RuO4. Unusual hysteresis in the differential resistance-current and voltage-current characteristics observed below 2 K indicates the internal degrees of freedom of the superconducting state. A possible origin of the hysteresis is current-induced chiral-domain-wall motion due to the chiral p-wave state.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Edge states of Sr2_2RuO4_4 detected by in-plane tunneling spectroscopy

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    We perform tunneling spectroscopy of Sr2_2RuO4_4 searching for the edge states peculiar to topological superconductivity. Conductance spectra obtained on Sr2_2RuO4_4/Au junctions fabricated using inin situsitu process show broad humps indicating the successful detection of a-axis edge of 1.5K phase. Three types of peak shape are detected: domelike peak, split peak and two-step peak. By comparing the experiments with predictions for unconventional superconductivity, these varieties are shown to originate from multiband chiral p-wave symmetry with weak anisotropy of pair amplitude. The broad hump in conductance spectrum is a direct manifestation of the edge state peculiar to the chiral p-wave superconductivity.Comment: 7 pages and 4 figure


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    1998年,沖縄県豊見城村で収穫前のグアバ果実に腐敗が発生した。最初,緑色の果実表面に褐色小斑が発生,その後成熟した黄色の果実に茶褐色の病斑が急速に拡大し,果実表皮下に未熟な分生子層が多数形成され,さらに表皮を裂開した成熟分生子層からは円筒形の分生子(大きさ : 8.1~18.8μm×3.5~4.5μm)が豊富に観察された。また得られた分離株を用い接種試験を行った結果,グアバをはじめパパイア,マンゴー果実にも病原性を示した。これらの結果から本病は,Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penzig) Penzig & Saccardoによって引き起こされた炭疽病であることが確認された。In 1998, a new disease was found on Guava (Psidium guajava L.) fruits, in Okinawa prefecture, Japan. Small brown spot lesions appeared first on immature green fruits. After the maturation of fruits, dark brown lesion enlarged and developed rapidly on the yellow colored fruits, and bore members of concentrically arranged acervuli with orange conidial masses. A fungus was isolated from these lesions, the acervuli were subepidermal, 80~200μm in diameter and lacked setae. Conidia were aseptate, hyaline, cylindrical, apex obtuse, base truncate, and measured 8.1~18.8×3.5~4.5μm (av. 11.3×4.1μm). Appressoria were clavate or slightly irregular and brown colored and 4.7×6.8μm in size. The causal fungus was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penzig) Penzig & Saccardo. Anthracnose of Guava was proposed as a new disease in Japan

    COLLETOTRICHUM ACUTATUM ニ ヨル ハナミズキタンソビョウ

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    2004年6月,東京都世田谷区の街路樹に植栽されていたハナミズキ(Cornus florida L.)の葉に,淡褐色,不整形の病斑を生じ,その上に炭疽病菌と思われる分生子粘塊が観察される病害が発生した。病斑は,はじめ葉の周縁部および中央部が褐色となり,それぞれ不定形に拡大,融合し,その後,葉の全体が褐変後,早期に落葉した。病斑部の分生子層には,無色,単胞,紡錘形で,大きさ11~14×3.1~4.2μm(平均13.4×3.8μm)の分生子が形成されていた。分生子は発芽時に褐色,厚膜,棍棒状,大きさ7.7~11.5×5.1~7.7μm(平均8.8×5.6μm)の付着器を形成した。また,分離菌を健全なハナミズキに接種した結果,自然発生と同様な病徴が再現された。これらの結果から,本病はColletotrichum acutatum Simmonds ex Simmondsによって引き起こされる病害であることが確認された。本菌によるハナミズキの病害はわが国では未報告であることから,本病をハナミズキ炭疽病と呼称することを提案した。In June 2004, diseased leaves with lesions characterized as anthracnose were found on Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida L.) planted on a roadside in Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan. These lesions were light-brown to brown in color with yellowish margin and irregular-shaped. Globose and salmon pinkish acervuli were formed on their surface. Conidia are aseptate, hyaline, fusiform or ellipsoid with pointed ends, and measured 11~14×3.1~4.2μm (13.4×3.8μm in average). Appressoria are ellipsoid to obovate with smooth margins and brown colored, 7.7~11.5×5.1~7.7μm (8.8×5.6μm in average). The causal fungus was identified as Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds ex Simmonds. The pathogenicity was confirmed by the artificial inoculation test. This is the first report describing the Flowering Dogwood disease caused by C. acutatum in Japan. Anthracnose of Flowering Dogwood was proposed as a new disease in Japan

    Sodium fluoride influences calcium metabolism resulting from the suppression of osteoclasts in the scales of nibbler fish Girella punctata

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    The influence of sodium fluoride (NaF) on calcium metabolism was examined in nibbler fish (marine teleosts). Two days after the administration of NaF (5 μg/g of body weight) (around 10−4 M in fish), we showed that plasma calcium levels significantly decreased in NaF-treated nibbler fish. In addition, we detected fluoride in the treated scales by use of a scanning electron microscope with an energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, indicating that NaF directly affects their scales. Therefore, the influence of NaF on osteoblasts and osteoclasts in the scales was examined. In the scales of NaF-injected nibbler fish, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) (osteoclastic marker enzyme) decreased, although alkaline phosphatase (osteoblastic marker enzyme) was activated. To confirm the effect of NaF on osteoclasts, furthermore, the mRNA expressions of osteoclastic markers (matrix metalloproteinase-9 and TRAP) were decreased significantly 2 days after incubation. In barred knifejaws, plasma calcium levels decreased as they did in nibbler fish. Therefore, NaF functions in both osteoblasts and osteoclasts and then influences calcium metabolism in marine fish. In the marine environment, high levels of fluoride (1.2–1.5 mg F−/l) (around 10−5–10−4 M) are present in seawater. It is probable that teleosts living in seawater efficiently use fluoride to regulate their blood calcium levels. © 2017 Japanese Society of Fisheries Science出版者照会後に全文公開 / Embargo Period 12 monthsErratum to: Sodium fluoride influences calcium metabolism resulting from the suppression of osteoclasts in the scales of nibbler fish Girella punctata (Fish Sci, 10.1007/s12562-017-1086-0)( https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12562-017-1092-