1,017 research outputs found

    Wigner Crystals Phases in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems

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    (This is a substantially shortened version of the original abstract:) The Wigner crystal phase diagram of the bilayer systems have been studied using variational methods. Five crystal phases are obtained. As the layer spacing increases, the system will undergo a sequence of phase transitions. A common feature of most bilayer Wigner crystals is that they have mixed (pseudo-spin) ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 19 figures. Figures will be provided upon request. Submitted in PRB in Nov 94

    A study of pentaquark Θ\Theta state in the chiral SU(3) quark model

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    The structure of the pentaquark state uudd-sbar is studied in the chiral SU(3) quark model as well as in the extended chiral SU(3) quark model, in which the vector meson exchanges are included. Four configurations of JP=1/2- and four of JP=1/2+ are considered. The results show that the isospin T=0 state is always the lowest one for both JP=1/2- and JP=1/2+ cases in various models. But the theoretical value of the lowest one is still about 200-300 MeV higher than the experimental mass of Θ\Theta. It seems that a dynamical calculation should be done for the further study.Comment: 9 page

    Further study on 5q configuration states in the chiral SU(3) quark model

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    The structure of the 5q5q configuration states with strangeness S=+1{\cal{S}}=+1 is further studied in the chiral SU(3) quark model based on our previous work. We calculate the energies of fifteen low configurations of the 5q5q system, four lowest configurations of Jπ=1/2J^{\pi}={1/2}^- with 4q4q partition [4]orb(0s4)[31]σf[4]_{orb}(0s^4)[31]^{\sigma f}, four of Jπ=1/2+J^{\pi}={1/2}^+ with 4q4q partition [31]orb(0s30p)[4]σf[31]_{orb}(0s^30p)[4]^{\sigma f} and seven of Jπ=1/2+J^{\pi}={1/2}^+ with 4q4q partition [4]orb(0s30p)[31]σf[4]_{orb}(0s^30p)[31]^{\sigma f}. Some modifications are made in this further study, i.e., the orbital wave function is extended as an expansion of 4 different size harmonic oscillator forms; three various forms (quadratic, linear and error function form) of the color confinement potential are considered; the states with 4q4q partition [4]orb(0s30p)[31]σf[4]_{orb}(0s^30p)[31]^{\sigma f} are added, which are unnegligible in the Jπ=1/2+J^{\pi}={1/2}^+ case and were not considered in our previous paper, further the mixing between configurations [31]orb(0s30p)[4]σf[31]_{orb}(0s^30p)[4]^{\sigma f} and [4]orb(0s30p)[31]σf[4]_{orb}(0s^30p)[31]^{\sigma f} is also investigated. The results show that the T=0 state is still always the lowest one for both Jπ=1/2J^{\pi}={1/2}^- and Jπ=1/2+J^{\pi}={1/2}^+ states, and Jπ=1/2,T=0J^{\pi}={1/2}^-, T=0 state is always lower than that of Jπ=1/2+J^{\pi}={1/2}^+. All of these modifications can only offer several tens to hundred MeV effect, and the theoretical value of the lowest state is still about 245 MeV higher than the experimental mass of Θ+\Theta^+. It seems to be difficult to get the calculated mass close to the observed one with the reasonable parameters in the framework of the chiral SU(3) quark model when the model space is chosen as a 5q5q cluster.Comment: 16 page

    Measurement of Trace I-129 Concentrations in CsI Powder and Organic Liquid Scintillator with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry

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    Levels of trace radiopurity in active detector materials is a subject of major concern in low-background experiments. Procedures were devised to measure trace concentrations of I-129 in the inorganic salt CsI as well as in organic liquid scintillator with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) which leads to improvement in sensitivities by several orders of magnitude over other methods. No evidence of their existence in these materials were observed. Limits of < 6 X 10^{-13} g/g and < 2.6 X 10^{-17} g/g on the contaminations of I-129 in CsI and liquid scintillator, respectively, were derived.These are the first results in a research program whose goals are to develop techniques to measure trace radioactivity in detector materials by AMS.Comment: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometr

    Anomaly analysis of Hawking radiation from Kaluza-Klein black hole with squashed horizon

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    Considering gravitational and gauge anomalies at the horizon, a new method that to derive Hawking radiations from black holes has been developed by Wilczek et al. In this paper, we apply this method to non-rotating and rotating Kaluza-Klein black holes with squashed horizon, respectively. For the rotating case, we found that, after the dimensional reduction, an effective U(1) gauge field is generated by an angular isometry. The results show that the gauge current and energy-momentum tensor fluxes are exactly equivalent to Hawking radiation from the event horizon.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, the improved version, accepted by Eur. Phys. J.

    Fabrication of CuO nanoparticle interlinked microsphere cages by solution method

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    Here we report a very simple method to convert conventional CuO powders to nanoparticle interlinked microsphere cages by solution method. CuO is dissolved into aqueous ammonia, and the solution is diluted by alcohol and dip coating onto a glass substrate. Drying at 80 °C, the nanostructures with bunchy nanoparticles of Cu(OH)2can be formed. After the substrate immerges into the solution and we vaporize the solution, hollow microspheres can be formed onto the substrate. There are three phases in the as-prepared samples, monoclinic tenorite CuO, orthorhombic Cu(OH)2, and monoclinic carbonatodiamminecopper(II) (Cu(NH3)2CO3). After annealing at 150 °C, the products convert to CuO completely. At annealing temperature above 350 °C, the hollow microspheres became nanoparticle interlinked cages

    Interacting entropy-corrected new agegraphic dark energy in Brans-Dicke cosmology

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    Motivated by a recent work of one of us [1], we extend it by using quantum (or entropy) corrected new agegraphic dark energy in the Brans-Dicke cosmology. The correction terms are motivated from the loop quantum gravity which is one of the competitive theories of quantum gravity. Taking the non-flat background spacetime along with the conformal age of the universe as the length scale, we derive the dynamical equation of state of dark energy and the deceleration parameter. An important consequence of this study is the phantom divide scenario with entropy-corrected new agegraphic dark energy. Moreover, we assume a system of dark matter, radiation and dark energy, while the later interacts only with dark matter. We obtain some essential expressions related with dark energy dynamics. The cosmic coincidence problem is also resolved in our model.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, accepted for publication in Gen. Relativ. Gra

    Recent Advances in Understanding Particle Acceleration Processes in Solar Flares

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    We review basic theoretical concepts in particle acceleration, with particular emphasis on processes likely to occur in regions of magnetic reconnection. Several new developments are discussed, including detailed studies of reconnection in three-dimensional magnetic field configurations (e.g., current sheets, collapsing traps, separatrix regions) and stochastic acceleration in a turbulent environment. Fluid, test-particle, and particle-in-cell approaches are used and results compared. While these studies show considerable promise in accounting for the various observational manifestations of solar flares, they are limited by a number of factors, mostly relating to available computational power. Not the least of these issues is the need to explicitly incorporate the electrodynamic feedback of the accelerated particles themselves on the environment in which they are accelerated. A brief prognosis for future advancement is offered.Comment: This is a chapter in a monograph on the physics of solar flares, inspired by RHESSI observations. The individual articles are to appear in Space Science Reviews (2011