170 research outputs found

    Angle-resolved photoemission from bromine chemisorbed on Ni(100)

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    Molecular bromine dissociatively adsorbs to form a chemisorbed overlayer on Ni(100). The bromine induced 4px,y and 4pz orbitals have been identified at ฮ“ฬ… with binding energies of 6.6 ยฑ 0.2 eV and 5.3 ยฑ 0.2 eV below the Fermi energy, respectively. The relative ionization cross-section variations of the two bromine levels 4px and 4pz are observed to differ with changing photon energy

    Angle-resolved photoemission from bromine chemisorbed on Ni(100)

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    Molecular bromine dissociatively adsorbs to form a chemisorbed overlayer on Ni(100). The bromine induced 4px,y and 4pz orbitals have been identified at ฮ“ฬ… with binding energies of 6.6 ยฑ 0.2 eV and 5.3 ยฑ 0.2 eV below the Fermi energy, respectively. The relative ionization cross-section variations of the two bromine levels 4px and 4pz are observed to differ with changing photon energy

    On-site correlation in valence and core states of ferromagnetic nickel

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    We present a method which allows to include narrow-band correlation effects into the description of both valence and core states and we apply it to the prototypical case of nickel. The results of an ab-initio band calculation are used as input mean-field eigenstates for the calculation of self-energy corrections and spectral functions according to a three-body scattering solution of a multi-orbital Hubbard hamiltonian. The calculated quasi-particle spectra show a remarkable agreement with photoemission data in terms of band width, exchange splitting, satellite energy position of valence states, spin polarization of both the main line and the satellite of the 3p core level.Comment: 14 pages, 10 PostScript figures, RevTeX, submitted to PR

    Cell adhesion molecules nectins and associating proteins: Implications for physiology and pathology

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    Nectins have recently been identified as new cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) consisting of four members. They show immunoglobulin-like structures and exclusively localize at adherens junctions (AJs) between two neighboring cells. During the formation of cellโ€“cell junctions, nectins function in cooperation with or independently of cadherins, major CAMs at AJs. Similar to cadherins, which are linked to the actin cytoskeleton by binding to catenins, nectins also bind to afadin through their C-terminal region and are linked to the actin cytoskeleton. In addition to nectins, there are nectin-like molecules (Necls), which resemble nectins in their structures and consist of five members. Nectins and Necls are involved in the formation of various kinds of cellโ€“cell adhesion, and also play key roles in diverse cellular functions including cell movement, proliferation, survival, and differentiation. Thus, nectins and Necls are crucial for physiology and pathology of multicellular organisms

    Time reversal symmetry breaking in cuprates induced by the spiral spin order

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    We propose a new interpretation of the spontaneous time reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) observed recently in a pseudogap state of cuprate (Kaminsky et al.). It is shown that the TRSB dichroism in ARPES signal may be connected with the local spiral spin structures in system. It may be caused by a spin-orbit interaction and by spin polarization of electrons at various sections of Fermi surface in spiral state. Angular dependence of dichroism signal is studied in schematic KKR approximation. Tests are proposed to check an existence of the local spiral spin structure and to distiguish it from the TRSB state with micro-currents constructed by Varma.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex, 4 figure

    Combined effects of prevention and quarantine on a breakout in SIR model

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    Recent breakouts of several epidemics, such as flu pandemics, are serious threats to human health. The measures of protection against these epidemics are urgent issues in epidemiological studies. Prevention and quarantine are two major approaches against disease spreads. We here investigate the combined effects of these two measures of protection using the SIR model. We use site percolation for prevention and bond percolation for quarantine applying on a lattice model. We find a strong synergistic effect of prevention and quarantine under local interactions. A slight increase in protection measures is extremely effective in the initial disease spreads. Combination of the two measures is more effective than a single protection measure. Our results suggest that the protection policy against epidemics should account for both prevention and quarantine measures simultaneously

    Novel copy number variants in children with autism and additional developmental anomalies

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    Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by three core symptom domains: ritualistic-repetitive behaviors, impaired social interaction, and impaired communication and language development. Recent studies have highlighted etiologically relevant recurrent copy number changes in autism, such as 16p11.2 deletions and duplications, as well as a significant role for unique, novel variants. We used Affymetrix 250K GeneChip Microarray technology (either NspI or StyI) to detect microdeletions and duplications in a subset of children from the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE). In order to enrich our sample for potentially pathogenic CNVs we selected children with autism who had additional features suggestive of chromosomal loss associated with developmental disturbance (positive criteria filter) but who had normal cytogenetic testing (negative criteria filter). We identified families with the following features: at least one child with autism who also had facial dysmorphology, limb or digit abnormalities, or ocular abnormalities. To detect changes in copy number we used a publicly available program, Copy Number Analyser for GeneChipยฎ (CNAG) Ver. 2.0. We identified novel deletions and duplications on chromosomes 1q24.2, 3p26.2, 4q34.2, and 6q24.3. Several of these deletions and duplications include new and interesting candidate genes for autism such as syntaxin binding protein 5 (STXBP5 also known as tomosyn) and leucine rich repeat neuronal 1 (LRRN1 also known as NLRR1). Lastly, our data suggest that rare and potentially pathogenic microdeletions and duplications may have a substantially higher prevalence in children with autism and additional developmental anomalies than in children with autism alone

    ALCAM Regulates Motility, Invasiveness, and Adherens Junction Formation in Uveal Melanoma Cells

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    ALCAM, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, has been implicated in numerous developmental events and has been repeatedly identified as a marker for cancer metastasis. Previous studies addressing ALCAMโ€™s role in cancer have, however, yielded conflicting results. Depending on the tumor cell type, ALCAM expression has been reported to be both positively and negatively correlated with cancer progression and metastasis in the literature. To better understand how ALCAM might regulate cancer cell behavior, we utilized a panel of defined uveal melanoma cell lines with high or low ALCAM levels, and directly tested the effects of manipulating these levels on cell motility, invasiveness, and adhesion using multiple assays. ALCAM expression was stably silenced by shRNA knockdown in a high-ALCAM cell line (MUM-2B); the resulting cells displayed reduced motility in gap-closure assays and a reduction in invasiveness as measured by a transwell migration assay. Immunostaining revealed that the silenced cells were defective in the formation of adherens junctions, at which ALCAM colocalizes with N-cadherin and รŸ-catenin in native cells. Additionally, we stably overexpressed ALCAM in a low-ALCAM cell line (MUM-2C); intriguingly, these cells did not exhibit any increase in motility or invasiveness, indicating that ALCAM is necessary but not sufficient to promote metastasis-associated cell behaviors. In these ALCAM-overexpressing cells, however, recruitment of รŸ-catenin and N-cadherin to adherens junctions was enhanced. These data confirm a previously suggested role for ALCAM in the regulation of adherens junctions, and also suggest a mechanism by which ALCAM might differentially enhance or decrease invasiveness, depending on the type of cadherin adhesion complexes present in tissues surrounding the primary tumor, and on the cadherin status of the tumor cells themselves
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