22 research outputs found

    Monitoring of innovative environment of regional industrial enterprises

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    In modern conditions of economic instability of one of the major tasks facing the entities of the region creation of a management system, flexible, capable to reorganization, and orientation to sustainable innovative development is. Finding of flexibility is impossible without use of system of monitoring and an assessment of level of innovative development of the entity that allows to estimate influence of internal and external factors of organization development on its provision, and also to make the decision on timely change of the controlling mechanism by the entity. Innovative development differs in complexity, and, therefore, mechanisms of interaction between various structural divisions involved in innovative process are necessary for implementation of its operational management. One of such mechanisms is monitoring of the innovative environment of the entity. Feature of monitoring of the innovative environment as management tool innovative development of the entity is concentration on identification of tendencies and dynamics of development. The essence of monitoring consists in tracking of results of financial and economic activity and its correction within the planning (project) period. In case of development and strategy implementation of innovative development monitoring acts as the mechanism of coordination of actions of all involved structural divisions of an accounting entity. Thus, monitoring of the innovative environment of the entity can be provided as the tool of a sustainable development of the entity, and it lays the foundation for implementation of innovative activities of the company

    Analysis of the innovative environment of the industrial enterprise

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    In conditions of economic instability of one of the major problems facing managing subjects, creation of a flexible control system capable to restructuring and orientation to stable progress is. Finding of flexibility is impossible without use of system of monitoring and an assessment of a level of development of the enterprise that allows to estimate influence of internal factors of progress of the organization on its position in an environment, as well as to make a decision on duly variation of the mechanism of operation of business. Innovative activity differs integrated approach, and, consequently, mechanisms of interoperability are necessary for realization of operative management of her between the various structural divisions involved in innovative process. One of such mechanisms is the analysis of the innovative environment. Feature of the analysis of the innovative environment as tool of management of progress of the enterprise is concentration on revealing of tendencies and dynamics of progress that distinguishes it from the controlling aimed at result. The essence of the analysis consists in regular tracking results of financial and economic activity and its correction within the limits of the scheduled (design) period. By development and realization of strategy of innovative progress monitoring acts as the mechanism of coordination of actions of all involved structural divisions of the managing subject. Thus, it is possible to present the analysis of innovative progress of the enterprise as continuous supervision over a condition of the external both internal environment and processes of financial and economic activity of the enterprise with objective of the prevention of undesirable deviations on the major parameters of economic progress. The assessment of structure of the innovative environment of the enterprise will allow to analyze, first of all, financial capacity of the enterprise to innovative progress, to check correctness of the chosen direction of progress from positions of a modern and further financial condition of the enterprise. The generated procedure can become a substantial basis of formation of strategy of innovative progress and payment of new technologies. The enterprises will have effective toolkit of an assessment of innovative possibilities, as well as a choice of possibly sold strategy of progress


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    Currently, in many regions of the Russian Federation initiated a large-scale work on the development and implementation of cluster policy in accordance with Federal and regional socio-economic development until 2020. The analysis of the status of implementation adopted in 2012, the concept of cluster policy of the Voronezh region showed that the complex is made on the date of the event is mainly responsible for the informational and infrastructural nature. However, from the total number of promising clusters by 2014, formed in fact, only two-thirds, while among the uncreated shall apply the cluster processing of agricultural products having a high rating prospects. Given that the formation of the agro-industrial cluster corresponds to the requirements and conditions in this study developed a new methodological approach, which carried out the rationale for the priority of the formation of the meat cluster in the agro-industrial complex of the Voronezh region. The basis of this methodological approach is the algorithm for the identification of areas of clustering, developed by the authors using statistics Forsythe, represents an efficient tool for the formation of priorities to achieve a qualitatively new results in the field of economy, science and technology. The proposed algorithm includes the serial combination of the following methodological stages: the formation of the object of research, identifying sources of reliable information on the basis of expert assessments, identify areas clustering of industries (including analysis legal framework the study of statistical data on the level of localization of industries and analysis of the practice of implementation of the cluster policy regions-analogues), identification of areas for additional clustering of industries and their mapping, and de-termination of the priority directions of the additional clustering of industries by ranking. The results of the study, carried out in accordance with this algorithm, allow to conclude that the production of meat products is one of the most promising areas of clustering in the field of agro-industrial complex of the Voronezh region

    Financial and economic characteristics of the organization's life cycle

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    One of the most acceptable scientific and methodological approaches to work in difficult economic conditions is regular and targeted management of the life cycle of a business organization as an open social and economic system. Any system develops and changes, passing through typical stages or cyclic states of its development. Studying the enterprise from the point of view of the life cycle allows to increase efficiency of financial and economic activity exactly at the specified stage and in due time to develop measures on prevention or weakening of negative and increase of positive results. The analysis of scientific researches has allowed to define the "life cycle of an enterprise" as a quantitatively limited set of stages or states within which the enterprise is during its existence and development. With regard to the functioning of a business organization, the following stages of its life cycle have traditionally been identified: creation, growth, maturity and crisis. Depending on the stage of the life cycle, a business organization should focus on various aspects of its financial and economic activities. Development of a business organization is to ensure the transition from the first and second stages to the third, and the longest possible retention (maturity stage) with timely identification of signs of the fourth stage (crisis) in order to prevent it by retaining the existing positions, returning to the second stage, diversification or transition to a new life cycle. Each stage of development has its key aspects on which management should focus to achieve and maintain positive financial and economic performance. Correspondence of life cycle stages and financial and economic priorities gives grounds for development of the system of financial and economic indicators and formation of limits of their permissible fluctuations within each stage. Based on the values of financial and economic indicators and their dynamics, it is possible, firstly, to contribute to more accurate diagnostics of the life cycle stage of a business organization; secondly, to improve the efficiency of a business organization at each stage by adjusting the values of indicators within the optimal ranges and applying adequate managerial impacts

    Application of a systematic approach to the analysis of the processes of formation and functioning of territorial entities

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    The problem of ensuring high rates and level of socio-economic development of the country and its regions necessitates a thorough study and improvement of existing approaches to the functioning and future development of territorial entities. As a retrospective analysis of this issue shows, at present, there is an active discussion of scientific, methodological and practical provisions related to ensuring the socio-economic development of the regions. The objective of this study is the theoretical and methodological justification of the need and the possibility of using a new terminological unit of territorial entities in terms of a systematic approach. The article presents the results of applying a systematic approach to the study of territorial entities. In accordance with the requirements and features of the systematic approach, the necessity of distinguishing a new maxim “regional spatial system” is substantiated and a description of its most essential characteristics is made. The systemic aspects of the regional spatial system and their impact on the functioning of the system are considered, a group of priority development problems is identified, and the research and application of the regional spatial system are justified in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the regions. Thus, the aspects of a systematic approach highlighted by the authors as applied to the analyzed object of research make it possible to reveal the substantive side of the CPF and, based on this, carry out forecasting and planning in order to ensure the effective strategic development of CPF in the conditions of the modern dynamic and volatile development of the national economy

    Methodological approach to the terminological analysis of the key concepts of economic security

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    The issue of defining concepts and developing terminology is fundamental in any science. Definitions and terms influence the final results of research. Currently, a large number of diverse approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “economic security” are presented in the scientific literature, while the content of each analyzed term reflects one or another approach of the author. Given the dynamic growth of objective interest in the requirements and practical aspects and issues of ensuring economic security, the systematization and development of the methodological apparatus for ensuring economic security, according to the authors, is a priority of scientific research. The results of a study on the substantiation of a methodological approach to conducting a terminological analysis of key concepts on the example of the maxim "economic security" are presented. This approach offers a five-step gradation of terminological constructions and allows you to highlight the key factors that most fully and accurately characterize the concept of economic security, as well as give an author's definition that meets the criteria of significance. The methodological approach is universal and can be used for terminological analysis of scientific categories both in the field of economic security and in other scientific fields


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    A rational development of industrial territories and regions implies the improvement of their cooperation in economic sector of the country, perfecting the territorial structure of husbandry, rational exploration of natural resources, usage of promising technologies, mobilization of investment etc. Along with this, the improvement of the existing and formation of a new industrial manufacture structure should be implemented with consideration of key market aspects, connected with competitiveness and innovations. Thus, an important condition of industrial structure development is the formation of innovative landscape representing the entirety of innovative territorial subjects that use innovative technologies, management tools for creation the product. In narrow sense, innovative landscape can be understood as an integrative entirety of parameters including socio-economic conditions, state administrative body, innovative economic subjects, existence of innovative infrastructure and cluster interactions etc. A methodic approach to comparative estimation of industrial regions innovative landscape parameters considered in the article lets identify its state and structural characteristics with the purpose of making more reasonable decisions on productive forces location and o n the increase of innovativeness level of industrial territories and regions

    Model of state regulation of production and the economic system

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    The mathematical model of state regulation of national industrial and economic system based on the calculation of economic flows that link a set of institutional sectors is substantiated in the article. This model adequately describes the process under study and can be used in the theory and practice of public administration

    Opportunities to improve the methods and forms of the strategic management in the system of secondary education

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    The article discusses the relationship of strategic management objectives in the general secondary education with the methods and forms of its achievements. As the strategic objective of secondary education serves the reorganization and optimization of compulsory secondary education and increase the possibility of non-formal education received by students outside of school. We consider some examples to support a specified purpose and expressing its specific advantages and disadvantages. Three main types of learning processes. The first – an arbitrary, non-structured learning process through which a person throughout his life acquires most of the knowledge and skills. The second – an informal (or non-formal) education. The third – the formal (school) education. It is shown that the trajectory changes in the content of the formal secondary education in Russian. The basic methods of strategic management of secondary education: funding and administration. The main forms of financing of secondary education on an example of the Voronezh area: financial services strategy; strategy to reduce the share of inefficient charges; Roadmap strategy. The directions of improving the financing of public services of general secondary education: optimizing the distribution of students in educational institutions; optimization of wages of teachers, depending on the population density in classrooms; optimization roadmap in education; Optimization of interaction of educational institutions with municipal and public services; optimization of per capita funding by region. The basic form of the administration of secondary education: a strategy of introduction of new federal education standards, the strategy of horizontal integration secondary educational institutions; management strategy through the levels of hierarchy; distance learning strategy. The possibilities of improving the administration of the main forms of secondary education on an example of the Voronezh region and other regions of Russia