577 research outputs found

    Large negative and positive delay of optical pulses in coherently prepared dense Rb vapor with buffer gas

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    We experimentally study the group time delay for a light pulse propagating through hot Rb vapor in the presence of a strong coupling field in a Λ\Lambda configuration. We demonstrate that the ultra-slow pulse propagation is transformed into superluminal propagation as the one-photon detuning of the light increases due to the change in the transmission resonance lineshape. Negative group velocity as low as -c/10^6=-80 m/s is recorded. We also find that the advance time in the regime of the superluminal propagation grows linearly with increasing laser field power.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Hox gene expression during postlarval development of the polychaete Alitta virens

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    BACKGROUND: Hox genes are the family of transcription factors that play a key role in the patterning of the anterior-posterior axis of all bilaterian animals. These genes display clustered organization and colinear expression. Expression boundaries of individual Hox genes usually correspond with morphological boundaries of the body. Previously, we studied Hox gene expression during larval development of the polychaete Alitta virens (formerly Nereis virens) and discovered that Hox genes are expressed in nereid larva according to the spatial colinearity principle. Adult Alitta virens consist of multiple morphologically similar segments, which are formed sequentially in the growth zone. Since the worm grows for most of its life, postlarval segments constantly change their position along the anterior-posterior axis. RESULTS: We studied the expression dynamics of the Hox cluster during postlarval development of the nereid Alitta virens and found that 8 out of 11 Hox genes are transcribed as wide gene-specific gradients in the ventral nerve cord, ectoderm, and mesoderm. The expression domains constantly shift in accordance with the changing proportions of the growing worm, so expression domains of most Hox genes do not have stable anterior or/and posterior boundaries. In the course of our study, we revealed long antisense RNA (asRNA) for some Hox genes. Expression patterns of two of these genes were analyzed using whole-mount in-situ hybridization. This is the first discovery of antisense RNA for Hox genes in Lophotrochozoa. CONCLUSION: Hox gene expression in juvenile A. virens differs significantly from Hox gene expression patterns both in A. virens larva and in other Bilateria. We suppose that the postlarval function of the Hox genes in this polychaete is to establish and maintain positional coordinates in a constantly growing body, as opposed to creating morphological difference between segments

    EIT and diffusion of atomic coherence

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    We study experimentally the effect of diffusion of Rb atoms on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) in a buffer gas vapor cell. In particular, we find that diffusion of atomic coherence in-and-out of the laser beam plays a crucial role in determining the EIT resonance lineshape and the stored light lifetime.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Addressing public subjects in latin american countries

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    The aim of research was identified comparative legal study of constitutions of American countries. The current study was based on a dialectical approach to disclosure of legal phenomena and processes, using general scientific method, (system, logical, analysis, and synthesis) and private scientific method

    Coupling to short linear motifs creates versatile PME-1 activities in PP2A holoenzyme demethylation and inhibition

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    Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) holoenzymes target broad substrates by recognizing short motifs via regulatory subunits. PP2A methylesterase 1 (PME-1) is a cancer-promoting enzyme and undergoes methylesterase activation upon binding to the PP2A core enzyme. Here, we showed that PME-1 readily demethylates different families of PP2A holoenzymes and blocks substrate recognition in vitro. The high-resolution cryoelectron microscopy structure of a PP2A-B56 holoenzyme–PME-1 complex reveals that PME-1 disordered regions, including a substrate-mimicking motif, tether to the B56 regulatory subunit at remote sites. They occupy the holoenzyme substrate-binding groove and allow large structural shifts in both holoenzyme and PME-1 to enable multipartite contacts at structured cores to activate the methylesterase. B56 interface mutations selectively block PME-1 activity toward PP2A-B56 holoenzymes and affect the methylation of a fraction of total cellular PP2A. The B56 interface mutations allow us to uncover B56-specific PME-1 functions in p53 signaling. Our studies reveal multiple mechanisms of PME-1 in suppressing holoenzyme functions and versatile PME-1 activities derived from coupling substrate-mimicking motifs to dynamic structured cores

    Comportamiento destructivo de una persona en retrospectiva histórica: factores, diagnóstico y prevención

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    In conditions of the current development of society which is characterized by mounting social, economic and political crises, the problem of destructive behavior of an individual acquires special significance and topicality. The paper presents the results of a theoretical and methodological analysis of this problem in foreign and domestic literature in several areas: analysis of the attitude of society towards destructive behavior in its historical aspect; philosophical and theological approach; sociological and demographic areas in the study of destructive behavior, biological and biochemical; genetic approaches; psychological and socio-psychological aspects in the study of destructive behavior of a person. In view of the analysis of various approaches and areas in the study of destructive behavior, the conclusions have been drawn that destructive behavior is represented as a complex phenomenon, caused by biological factors (genetic predisposition, constitutional features of the body structure, the use of psychoactive substances, etc.), social (economic and social crises ), psychopathological (connection with mental disorders), psychological (especially the system of needs and motives of activity), socio-psychological (the impact of socio-psychological maladaptation and characteristics of the values and meaning sphere of an individual) plans. These factors are interconnected and each of them has its own specific role in the complex of destructive behavior, and therefore it is impossible to obtain a holistic view of the phenomenon under consideration taken separately from the entire system of interconnected components.En las condiciones del desarrollo actual de la sociedad, que se caracteriza por el aumento de las crisis sociales, económicas y políticas, el problema del comportamiento destructivo de un individuo adquiere un significado especial y actualidad. El artículo presenta los resultados de un análisis teórico y metodológico de este problema en la literatura extranjera y nacional en varias áreas: análisis de la actitud de la sociedad hacia el comportamiento destructivo en su aspecto histórico; enfoque filosófico y teológico; áreas sociológicas y demográficas en el estudio del comportamiento destructivo, biológico y bioquímico; enfoques genéticos; Aspectos psicológicos y socio-psicológicos en el estudio del comportamiento destructivo de una persona. En vista del análisis de varios enfoques y áreas en el estudio del comportamiento destructivo, se ha llegado a la conclusión de que el comportamiento destructivo se representa como un fenómeno complejo, causado por factores biológicos (predisposición genética, características constitucionales de la estructura del cuerpo, el uso de sustancias psicoactivas, etc.), sociales (crisis económicas y sociales), psicopatológicas (conexión con trastornos mentales), psicológicas (especialmente el sistema de necesidades y motivos de actividad), sociopsicológicas (el impacto de la mala adaptación sociopsicológica y las características de los valores y la esfera de significado de un individuo) planes. Estos factores están interconectados y cada uno de ellos tiene su propio papel específico en el complejo del comportamiento destructivo y, por lo tanto, es imposible obtener una visión holística del fenómeno en consideración tomado por separado del sistema completo de componentes interconectados

    A Method for Assessing the Retention of Trace Elements in Human Body Using Neural Network Technology

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    © 2017 Yulia Tunakova et al. Models that describe the trace element status formation in the human organism are essential for a correction of micromineral (trace elements) deficiency. A direct trace element retention assessment in the body is difficult due to the many internal mechanisms. The trace element retention is determined by the amount and the ratio of incoming and excreted substance. So, the concentration of trace elements in drinking water characterizes the intake, whereas the element concentration in urine characterizes the excretion. This system can be interpreted as three interrelated elements that are in equilibrium. Since many relationships in the system are not known, the use of standard mathematical models is difficult. The artificial neural network use is suitable for constructing a model in the best way because it can take into account all dependencies in the system implicitly and process inaccurate and incomplete data. We created several neural network models to describe the retentions of trace elements in the human body. On the model basis, we can calculate the microelement levels in the body, knowing the trace element levels in drinking water and urine. These results can be used in health care to provide the population with safe drinking water

    Phenotypic traits differentiating the genetic resources of pea (<i>Pisum sativum</i> L.) by the type of use

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    The paper presents an analysis of the data obtained for pea accessions from the VIR collection studied at the Adler Experiment Station in the setting of the Krasnodar Territory in 2017–2019. It was for the first time that these accessions were studied for a set of phenotypic traits. The object of the study was a sample of 494 pea accessions originated from 43 countries and 18 regions and territories of the Russian Federation. The work was carried out in compliance with the methodological guidelines developed at VIR. Statistica 13.3 software was employed for statistical data processing. An assessment of four qualitative, 10 quantitative and four phenological traits in the accessions made it possible to differentiate them by the type of use, that is, as dry, forage and garden peas. The varieties differing in the type of use significantly differed by the values of such traits as stem length, number of pods per plant, number of nodes to the first flower, number of flowers in the inflorescence, the maximum number of seeds per pod, pod length, and a narrower pod of forage pea compared to that of dry and garden peas. The average values of these traits were recorded for the peas with different types of use. The maximum difference was noted between garden and forage pea varieties. Dry pea varieties occupied an intermediate position. The complex of phenotypic traits identified determines the differences between three types of pea use, which is important when selecting the initial material for breeding appropriate varieties