158 research outputs found

    Representação do lenguaje del concepto "britishess" en el discurso de medios británicos post-brexit

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the concept “Britishness”, peculiarities of its language representation in the situation of the post Brexit policy in the modern British media discourse. It can be presented by a number of semantic meanings which find their expression in specific contexts determined by the basic task of Media language, i.e. to transfer information not only objectively but in accordance with particular attitudes and beliefs. In today’s British society the concept “Britishness” is a key element in the system of British cultural values.El objetivo del artículo es analizar el concepto "británico", peculiaridades de su representación del lenguaje en la situación de la política post-Brexit en el discurso mediático británico moderno. Puede presentarse mediante varios significados semánticos que encuentran su expresión en contextos específicos determinados por la tarea básica del lenguaje de los medios, es decir, transferir información no solo objetivamente sino de acuerdo con actitudes y creencias particulares. En la sociedad británica actual, el concepto "británico" es un elemento clave en el sistema de valores culturales británicos.O objetivo do artigo é analisar o conceito "britânico", peculiaridades de sua representação da linguagem na situação da política pós-Brexit no discurso moderno da mídia britânica. Pode ser apresentado através de vários significados semânticos que encontram expressão em contextos específicos determinados pela tarefa básica da linguagem da mídia, isto é, a transferência de informações não apenas objetivamente, mas de acordo com atitudes e crenças particulares. Na sociedade britânica de hoje, o conceito "britânico" é umelemento-chave no sistema britânico de valores culturais

    Servicio terminológico para prostodoncia e implantología

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    Debido al constante desarrollo de la ciencia. la tecnología y la ingeniería del conocimiento. los léxicos especializados se amplían y se precisan cada vez más con la aparición de nuevos conceptos y elementos que requieren una denominación. lo cual a su vez plantea problemas mayores al traductor. En el siglo XX, aumenta considerablemente el flujo de información especializada y con ello la aparición de términos nuevos "... más del 90% de las palabras nuevas que surgen en las lenguas modernas pertenecen al léxico especializado» (Grtnev, 8). Según los datos de la historia de la ciencia, cada 25 años en promedio. el número de disciplinas científicas se duplica. Se hace más evídente la necesidad de lenguaje y comunicación profesional adecuados. Ademas. la introducción acelerada de términos nuevos en las terminologías" nacionales genera una avalancha de sinonimia. homoníma y polísemía en los discursos científico-técnicos


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    The topical issues related to the development of taxation in the financial sector organizations of the Russian economy have marked. The author determines the main features of the functioning of the financial sector of the economy, highlighting its problems and prospects for development. Banking organizations and prospects for their taxation have considered, taking into account the current state and problems as the main institution in the financial sector of the economy. The author gives a number of recommendations, which will ensure the interaction between the banking sphere and the taxation system as a whole. In addition, the article examines the problems and prospects for taxation of insurance organizations. The same gives recommendations and directions on improving the taxation system of insurance organizations, thereby leading to stabilization of the country's economy


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    Today, the main role in the process of increasing investment activity is assigned to state regulation. The pushing influence on the investment response of potential investors can be provided by various methods of regulation, among which are those that are implemented through tax incentives for investment in the innovative development of the real sector of the Russian economy. The authors of the article considers the main problems of tax stimulation of innovation activity in the real sector of the economy of the Russian Federation. In addition, forms and instruments of tax incentives for innovation have been studied

    Test system for evaluation of the influence of the biological activity of substances on the signal system of NF-κB: focus on the derivatives of 3- hydroxypyridine

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    At the first stage of our study, 11 pharmacological agents-inhibitors of NF-κB in vitro were screened with an estimate of the activity of the p65 subunit in mononuclear cells stimulated by bacterial lipopolysaccharide. The most active substances were: mexidol, ethoxidol and the agent under the code XS-9. Further inhibitory activity against NF-κB pharmacological agents was studied on 4 models: L-NAME-induced endothelial dysfunction, staphylococcal sepsis, acute toxic liver damage and acute pancreatiti

    Spacecraft Mars Odyssey

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    Spacecraft Mars Odyssey

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    Nuclear factor kappa B as a potential target for pharmacological correction endothelium-associated pathology

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    The nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) is one of transcription factors. A high interest in studying the biological role of the signal system and its contribution to the development of cardiovascular, oncological and autoimmune diseases is obvious. A number of stimuli (proinflammatory cytokines: tumor necrosis factor α, interleukin 1β, ligand CD40 and others) trigger the canonical and non-canonical pathways of NF-κB signaling, which increase the expression of genes regulating synthesis of cytokines and chemokines, cell proliferation and differentiation, angiogenesis, immune reactions and apoptosis. However, pathological activation of NF-κB violates the balance of substances participating in the normal activity of the cardiovascular system. This leads to the development and progression of endothelium-associated pathology and comorbidit

    Improving educational process quality in the lessons of natural and mathematical cycle by means of stem-training

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    Today, the educational process is focused on the development of personal characteristics that meet the requirements of a modern educated person. In this regard, the task of educational institutions is to adopt the educational process to today’s realities. To achieve this goal, STEM education is implemente