43 research outputs found

    Trakya’daki Bazı Kene Türlerinde Sitogenetik İncelemeler

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    Üç kene türünün, Hyalomma detritum, H. excavatum ve H. marginatum, hücre kültürüne dayalı karyotiplendirilmesini amaçlayan bu çalışmada, primer hücre kültürlerini kurmada başarı sağlanamadığından karyotiplendirme yapılamamış, ancak genom büyüklükleri flow sitometrik olarak ölçülmüştür. H. detritum’un dişisi ve erkeğinin haploid genom büyüklüğü sırasıyla 1046 Mbp (1.07 pg) ve 861 Mbp (0.88 pg), H. excavatum’un 1086 Mbp (1.11 pg) ve 949 Mbp (0.97 pg) ve H. marginatum’un 1213 Mbp (1.24 pg) ve 968 Mbp (0.99 pg) olarak bulunmuştur. XX:XO cinsiyet belirleme sistemi bulunan bu kene türlerinde dişi ve erkek genom büyüklüğü arasındaki fark X kromozomunun büyüklüğüne denk geldiğinden, H. detritum, H. excavatum ve H. marginatum’un X kromozomunun sırasıyla 0.19 pg, 0.14 pg ve 0.25 pg DNA içeriğine sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır.In this study aiming karyotyping of three tick species, Hyalomma detritum, H. excavatum and H. marginatum, based on cell culture, karyotyping could not be achieved because of failure in establishing primary cell cultures; however their genom sizes were measured flow cytometrically. The haploid genom sizes of female and male H. detritum were found to be 1046 Mbp (1.07 pg) and 861 Mbp (0.88 pg), respectively, while H. excavatum 1086 Mbp (1.11 pg) and 949 Mbp (0.97 pg), and H. marginatum 1213 Mbp (1.24 pg) and 968 Mbp (0.99 pg), respectively. Since differences in the haploid genom size of the female and male of these ticks which have an XX:XO sex determination system indicate X chromosome size, it is understood that the X chromosome of H. detritum, H. excavatum and H. marginatum may be composed of as much as 0.19 pg, 0.14 pg and 0.25 pg of DNA, respectively

    Histological structure of the ovary of hyalomma marginatum (Koch, 1844) (Acari: Ixodidae)

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    Hyalomma marginatum’un ovaryumu ve ovogenez süreci ilk kez bu çalışmada ışık mikroskobu düzeyinde histolojik ve histokimyasal olarak incelenmiştir. Ovaryum nurse ve folikül hücrelerinden yoksundur ve bu nedenle panoistik olarak tanımlanmıştır. İçi boş tübül biçimindeki ovaryumun duvarı tek sıra epitel hücrelerinden ve gelişmekte olan ovositlerden oluşur. Ovositler bir pedisel ile hemosöle bakacak şekilde ovaryum duvarına bağlıdır. Sitoplazmanın görünüşü, germinal vesikülün varlığı, yumurta sarısı granüllerinin bileşimi ve koryonun oluşumuna göre gelişmekte olan ovositler sınıflandırılmış ve dört evre tanımlanmıştır. Olgun ovositler küresele yakın eliptik şekilli olup, en büyük ovosit 315x295 µm çapındadır. Protein ve karbonhidratların varlığını gösteren boyama teknikleri bu kene türünde, yumurta sarısı granüllerinde hem proteinlerin hem de karbonhidratların bulunduğunu, vitellogenezde karbonhidratların proteinlerden önce sentezlendiğini ve koryonda karbonhidratların baskın olduğunu göstermiştir. Çok yaygın olmasa da ovaryumda ovosit yozlaşması gözlenmiştir.With this study, the ovary and oogenesis in Hyalomma marginatum were histologically and histochemically examined at light microscope level for the first time. The ovary lacks nurse and follicular cells, thus defined as panoistic type. Wall of the ovary, a hollow tubular structure, is composed of a layer of epithelial cells and developing oocytes. Facing hemocoel, oocytes are attached to the ovarian wall through a pedicel. The developing oocytes were classified according to cytoplasm appearance, presence of germinal vesicle, constitution of yolk granules, and formation of chorion, and accordingly four developmental stages were described. Mature oocytes were oval to rounded in shape, the largest one being 315x295 µm in diameter. Staining techniques revealing the presence of proteins and carbohydrates indicate in this tick species that yolk granules contain both proteins and carbohydrates, that carbohydrates are first to be synthesized prior to proteins during vitellogenesis, and that carbohydrates predominate in chorion. Oocyte degeneration was observed although it was not so common in the ovary

    Diyabetik albino Balb/ c farelerdea aminoguanidinin böbrek üzerindeki etkisi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, uyarılabilir nitrik oksit sentaz (iNOS) aktivasyonunun ve nitrik oksidin streptozotos in (STZ) ile uyarılmış diyabetik farelerde böbrek dokusunu nasıl etkilediğini ve etkisinin spesifik bir iNOS inhibitörü olan a minoguanidin (AG) ile önlenip önlenemediğini öğrenmektir. Yirmi dört erkek fare, 90 gün boyunca günlük 100 mg. kg - 1 AG (AG Grubu), tek doz 150 mg. kg- 1 STZ (STZ Grubu),tek doz 150 mg. kg - 1 STZyi takiben 90 gün boyunca günlük 100 mg. kg - 1 AG (STZ - AG Grubu) ve sadece intraperitonal fizyolojik tuzlu su (Kontrol Grubu) alan dört gruba ayrılmıştır. NADPH - diaforez (NADPH -d) dağılımı, STZ uygulanmış hayvanların böbrek kesitlerinde kontrolle karşılaştırıldığında daha fazlaydı. STZ uygulaması proksimal tübüllerde fırç a kenarların devamlılığının bozulmasına, glomerulus endotelinde hasara ve juks taglomerular hücrelerde renin granüllerinin daha fazla olmasına yol açmıştır . STZ uygulamasını takiben verilen AG, böbrek korteksindeki histolojik ve sitolojik değişiklikleri kıs men önlemiştir ve renin dağılımı kontrol hayvanlardakine benzer şekilde olmuştur. Uyarılabilir nitrik oksit (iNO) artışıyla böbrekte meydana gelen bozulmanın AG uygulamasıyla kısmen önlenebildiği bulunmuştur. Diyabette, artan iNOS ile jukstaglomerular hücr elerde reningranülleri dağılımı arasında olası bir ilişki vardırThe aim of this study is to find out how activated inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nitric oxide (NO) affect kidney tissue in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice and whether its influence can be prevented by aminoguanidine (AG), a specific iNOS inhibitor. Twenty-four male mice were divided into four study groups (n=6) receiving a daily dose of 100 mg.kg-1 AG for 90 days (Group AG), a single dose of 150 mg.kg-1 STZ (Group STZ), a single dose of 150 mg.kg-1 STZ followed by daily administration of 100 mg.kg-1 AG for 90 days (Group STZ-AG), and intraperitoneally injections of saline only (Group Control) for 90 days. Dispersion of NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) was stronger in the kidney sections of STZ-treated animals compared with the controls. STZ treatment caused disruption of continuity of the brush borders in proximal tubules, glomerular endothelial damage, and considerable renin granules in the juxtaglomerular cells. AG administration following STZ treatment partly prevented histological and cytological changes in kidney cortex, and renin dispersion was similar to that in control animals. We found that increased inducible nitric oxide (iNO) caused kidney tissue degeneration that could be prevented to some extent by AG treatment. There is a possible relationship between increased iNOS and dispersion of renin granules in juxtaglomerular cells in diabetes

    Hydrogen Sulphide and Nitric Oxide Cooperate in Cardioprotection Against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Isolated Rat Heart

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    Background/Aim: This study was designed to provide further evidence for the interactions between hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and nitric oxide (NO) in ischemia/reperfiision (I/R) injury. Materials and Methods: Rat hearts were studied with the Langendorff technique using the H2S donor sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS, 40 mu M) and the cystathionine gamma-lyase (CTH or CSE) inhibitor DL-propargylglycine (PAG, 1 mM). NO synthase inhibitor L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 30 mg/kg, 7 days) was administered before the isolation. The hearts were homogenized for biochemical and molecular analysis. Results: NaHS reversed I/R-induced cardiac performance impairment, increased tissue nitric oxide production and decreased tissue markers for cardiac injury, while L-NAME inhibited these effects. The expression of CTH was increased with PAG, which was suppressed by L-NAME. Conclusion: H2S and NO increase each other's production suggesting their interaction and cooperation in cardioprotection against I/R injury.Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Istanbul UniversityIstanbul University [31508, 55736, 47109]This work was supported by Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Istanbul University [grant numbers; 31508, 55736 and 47109]

    Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of a commercial noni juice revealed by carrageenan-induced paw edema

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    This study aimed to investigate antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of a commercial product of noni (Morinda citrifolia) juice. Carrageenan-induced rat paw edema was employed as inflammatory model. One control and three experimental groups were formed. Experimental groups were administered noni juice alone, noni juice+carrageenan, and carrageenan alone. Oxidant and antioxidant capacity were determined by d-ROMs test and BAP test, respectively. Plasma concentrations of endothelin-1 and leptin were measured by ELISA. Measurements were performed at zero time and 2nd hour of inflammation. Oxidant capacity decreased in noni-received groups at 2nd hour (p=0.019). Antioxidant capacity of the group which received noni alone was found to be higher at 2nd hour (p=0.036). Plasma concentrations of endothelin-1 and leptin were notably lower in noni-received groups (p=0.001 and p=0.021, respectively). The results show that the commercial noni juice investigated has pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities

    Cryptosporidiosis in Humans with Reference to the First Case of Cryptosporidium hominis Infection in Turkey

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    Amaç: Cryptosporidiosis dünya çapında bir zoonozdur. Mikroskopik muayene, etken türlerin belirgin olmayan morfolojik özellikleri nedeniyle başarısız olabilir. Bu nedenle moleküler tanı daha da önem kazanmıştır.Yöntemler: Cryptosporidium spp. oosistlerini belirlemek için 150 hastanın dışkı örnekleri karbol-fuksin boya kullanılarak incelendi. Pozitif örneklerde farklı türlerin belirlenmesi için nested polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu-restriksiyon parça uzunluk polimorfizmi (PZR-RPUP) kullanıldı. Örnekler, diğer parazitler için yaş preparasyon ve çinko sülfat flotasyonu yöntemleriyle de araştırıldı.Bulgular: Mikroskobik muayene ve moleküler yöntemlerle sırasıyla %0,67 (1/150) ve %8,93 (5/56) pozitiflik saptandı. Nested PZR-RPUP bir örnekte Cryptosporidium hominis'in (C. hominis), dört örnekte ise Cryptosporidium parvum'un (C. parvum) saptanmasına olanak verdi. Bu çalışma ile C. hominis Türkiye'de ilk kez insanlarda bildirildi. Enfekte olanlar arasında üçü çocuktu, dışkısında C. parvum oosistleri görülen dört hastada gastroenterit, C. hominis pozitif olan bir hastada ise mide bulantısı ve kusmanın eşlik ettiği gastroenterit vardı. Enfekte kişilerin hiçbirinde Giardia spp. ve Entamoeba spp. saptanmadı.Sonuç:­ C. parvum olgularının C. hominis olgularından fazla olması, enfekte kişilerin hayvancılık yapılmasına izin verilmeyen kentsel alanda yaşamasına rağmen, bir zoonotik bulaşma olduğunu düşündürmektedir. Bununla birlikte, şehir suyundaki su kaynaklı patojen kirliliği bir bulaşma faktörü olarak düşünülmektedir.Aim: Cryptosporidiosis is a worldwide zoonosis. Microscopic examinations may fail due to indistinctive morphological peculiarities of causative species. Hence, molecular diagnostics has become more important. Methods: Stool samples from 150 patients were examined using carbol-fuchsin stain to determine Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts. Combined nested polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique was used for establishing different species in positive samples. The samples were also screened for other parasites by wet-mount and zinc sulfate flotation methods. Results: Microscopic examinations and molecular techniques revealed 0.67% (1/150) and 8.93% (5/56) positivity, respectively. Nested PCRRFLP enabled the detection of Cryptosporidium hominis (C. hominis) in one sample, while Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) was detected in four samples. With this study, C. hominis was reported from humans for the first time in Turkey. Among infected ones, three of which were children, four patients excreted C. parvum oocysts had gastroenteritis, and a patient positive for C. hominis had gastroenteritis accompanied by nausea and vomiting. No Giardia spp. and Entamoeba spp. were detected in all infected individuals. Conclusion: C. parvum cases outnumbered C. hominis cases, suggesting a zoonotic transmission although infected individuals were living in an urban area where animal husbandry was not allowed. However, water-borne pathogen contamination in the city's water supply is considered a factor for transmission

    The Genome Size of Some Species of Hyalomma Ticks from Turkish Thrace

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    Hyalomma scupense, H. excavatum and H. marginatum are globally important tick species, as well as in Turkey, both in terms of human and animal health. The genome sizes of these tick species were determined in this study for the first time. From flow cytometric measurements, diploid genome sizes of female and male H. scupensewere found to be 2.13 pg and 1.75 pg, respectively, while H. excavatum were 2.21 pg and 1.94 pg, and H. marginatum were 2.48 pg and 1.98 pg, respectively. Differences in diploid genome size indicate X chromosome size of females and males in these ticks because they have an XX:XO sex determination system. Thus, it was estimated that the X chromosome of H. scupense, H. excavatum, and H. marginatum may be composed of as much as 0.38 pg, 0.27 pg, and 0.50 pg of DNA, respectively. These findings indicate suitability of these three species for genome sequencing due to the relatively small size of their genomes compared with other tick species. © Systematic & Applied Acarology Society.NKUBAP.00.10I would like to express my very great appreciation to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sırrı Kar for providing tick specimens, and to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rıfat Bircan for his technical assistance. This study was supported by Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (Project number: NKUBAP.00.10.AR.15.10)

    A Comparative Study on Temperature and Relative Humidity Data of Three Caves in Different Climatic Regions of Turkey, with Notes on the Distribution of Anatolian Cave Crickets (Insecta, Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae)

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    The diversity of cave crickets (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) remarkably differs between geographic regions in Anatolia. While only 4 species are distributed in northern Anatolia where Black Sea climate prevails, 14 species are found throughout southern and western Anatolia where the Mediterranean climate is dominant. However, no cave crickets were reported from the middle and eastern Anatolia where the continental climate is present. There is no data-based study on the distribution pattern of cave cricket species in Anatolia. This study aimed to reveal any possible relation between climatic conditions and distribution of cave crickets in three caves selected as representatives for three climate types present in Anatolia. Temperature and relative humidity in the ecological zones of the given caves and the surface were periodically measured by using data loggers. Our data show within cave variations in temperature and relative humidity among all three caves: (i) variations in temperature and relative humidity decreased from the entrance zone to the dark zone, (ii) over the winter period, temperature increased from the entrance zone to the dark zone, (iii) over the summer period, temperature decreased from the entrance zone to the dark zone, (iv) the most distinct temperature variation was measured in continental climate, and (v) the major similarity of climatic conditions between cave and climate type was observed in the Black Sea region which cave crickets species have widened distribution and limited speciation.TUBITAK BIDEB-2218 (Ankara, Turkey) post-doctoral scholarshipTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [1929B011100092]We thank Anil Alkan and Ceyhun Uludag from The Society of Anatolian Speleology Group-Aspeg, Semih Tan and Nezihi Ekizoglu from Akdeniz University Cave Research Group-Akumak, and Ferdi Ugurlu from Hacettepe University Cave Research Group-Humak for their help in the field studies. Dr. Gokhan GUNES from Hakkari University is appreciated for his help with statistics. This work was supported by TUBITAK BIDEB-2218 (Ankara, Turkey) post-doctoral scholarship [Grant number 1929B011100092]