27 research outputs found

    zebra balığı solungaç dokusunda optimal histolojik görünüm için rutin histokimyasal boyama ile sık kullanılan fiksatiflerin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi

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    Histopathological studies related to Zebrafish which are used as a model organism in researching the pathogenesis of many diseases increase day by day. Because of the increasing importance of zebrafish research, experiments on this animal model are more prominent and gill tissue is frequently examined in various disease models using zebrafish. As it is known, at the end of the experimental animal model studies, if the histopathological examination is to be done, the tissues should be fixed. The purpose of fixation is to keep cellular and extracellular components in vivo as much as possible. Therefore, the choice of fixation methods and fixatives has a significant effect on tissue processing. In this study, we aimed to optimize fixation techniques and staining protocols for producing ideal slides and histological images of gill tissue in zebrafish. In our study, to determine the optimal histology in the zebrafish-gill tissue, the tissues were fixed with Bouin’s, Carnoy’s, 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF), Davidson’s, and Dietrich’s solutions. Following the routine tissue processing, the sections were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) and Masson’s Trichrome (MT) stains. Consequently, tissue morphology was best preserved with Bouin’s and NBF solutions. The best results in H&E stain were obtained from tissues fixed with NBF solution, while Dietrich's solution fixation was found to be ideal for MT stainingBirçok hastalığın patogenezinin araştırılmasında model bir organizma olarak kullanılan Zebra balığı ile ilgili histopatolojik çalışmalar gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Zebra balığı araştırmalarının artan önemi nedeniyle, bu hayvan modelindeki deneyler daha önemlidir ve solungaç dokusu zebra balığı kullanılan çeşitli hastalık modellerinde sıklıkla incelenir. Bilindiği üzere, deneysel hayvan modeli çalışmalarının sonunda, eğer histopatolojik inceleme yapılacaksa, dokular fikse edilmelidir. Fiksasyonun amacı, hücresel ve hücre dışı bileşenleri mümkün olduğunca in vivo halde korumaktır. Bu nedenle, fiksasyon yöntemlerinin ve fiksatiflerin seçiminin doku takibi üzerinde önemli bir etkisi vardır. Bu çalışmada, zebra balığı solungaç dokusundan ideal preparatlar ve histolojik görüntüler elde etmek için fiksasyon tekniklerini ve boyama protokollerini optimize etmek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamızda, zebra balığı-solungaç dokusundaki ideal histolojiyi belirlemek için, dokular, Bouin, Carnoy, %10’luk nötral tamponlu formaldehit, Davidson ve Dietrich solüsyonları ile fikse edilmiştir. Rutin doku işleminin ardından, kesitler Hematoksilen ve Eosin (H&E) ve Masson Trikrom (MT) boyaları ile boyandı. Sonuç olarak, doku morfolojisi en iyi Bouin ve NBF solüsyonları ile korunmuştur. H&E boyamasında en iyi sonuçlar NBF çözeltisi ile fikse edilmiş dokulardan elde edilirken, Dietrich solüsyonu fiksasyonunun MT boyaması için ideal olduğu bulundu

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Bir köpekte metastazik seminoma

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    A 12 year-old, male, mixed breed dog was referred to our clinic suffering from enlarged testicle. The testicle had became extensively larger within last 6 months. The dog was emaciated and showed a small ulcerated lesion on the right scrotum. The testicular area was quite sensitive to touch especially in milieu of enlarged testicle. Abdominal and thoracal radiography was taken. Because of the nature of the enlarged testicle it was decided to perform bilateral orchiectomy (included sound testicle). A cauliflower like growth was observed within preputium adhered to the midway of the shaft of the penis. Therefore partial amputation of penis including the growth was also achieved. To observe whether the tumor metastazed to the nearest lymp node, right superficial inguinal lymhp node was removed for histopathological examination. The mass was 14X9 cm in size and weighed 550 g. The case was determined to be a metastatic seminoma in histopathological evaluation. X-ray images showed that the tumor metastazed to the lungs. Two weeks postoperatively Cisplatin chemotheraphy protocol was initiated at a dosage of 60 mg/m2 (diluted in 370 ml of saline) intravenously. After 1 month the dog was brighter. Apetite and activity level of the dog increased. No surgical complication or medication was observed at the final control (at the 18th month of postsurgery).Oniki yaşında erkek, melez bir köpek testislerinde büyümeye bağlı ağrıdan dolayı kliniğimize getirildi. Testisin son 6 ayda aşırı büyüdüğü bildirildi. Köpeğin aşırı zayıflamış ve sağ skrotum üzerinde küçük ülseratif lezyonların bulunduğu gözlendi. Testiste büyümenin olduğu bölge dokunmaya oldukça duyarlıydı. Abdominal ve torakal radyografi çekildi. Testisin yapı olarak çok büyüdüğünden bilateral orşiektomi’ye (sağlam testisle birlikte) karar verildi. Penisin ortasına kadar uzanan prepusyuma yapışmış karnıbahar benzeri üremeler görüldü. Bu yüzden büyümeleride içermek kaydıyla penis kısmi penis amputasyonu yapıldı. En yakın lenf nodulüne metastaz yapıp yapmadığını görmek için sağ ln inguinalis superficialis dextra histopatolojik inceleme amacıyla uzaklaştırıldı. Kitle 14x9 cm boyutunda ve 550 g ağırlığındaydı. Histopatolojik muayenede olgunun mestastazik seminoma olduğu tespit edildi. Radyografik görüntü tümörün akciğerlere metastaz yaptığını gösterdi. 60 mg/m2 (370 ml serum fizyolojikte dilüe edilerek) dozunda intravenöz yolla Cisplatin kemoterapi protokolü başlatıldı. Bir ay sonraki kontrolde köpek daha canlıydı. İştah ve aktivite artmıştı. Son kontrolde (postoperatif 18. ay) herhangi bir cerrahi ve ilaçla sağaltımıyla ilgili komplikasyon gözlenmedi

    Visionary Leadership Phenomenon in School Management

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    The aim of this study is to examine the concept of vision and visionary leadership, of which importance is being understood more and more in the management of educational institutions, and to reveal the positive differences between school administrators with visionary leadership characteristics. In the study, which was designed as a review article, the concepts of leader, manager, vision, and visionary leader were considered in the literature, and the features of visionary leadership, which are open to change and innovation, constantly improving themselves, inspiring the people they work with, guiding them, walking the path together and helping them when necessary, realizing the goals determined have been revealed. Therefore, it has been revealed that visionary school administrators are more peaceful and happier with the internal and external stakeholders they work with in their institutions, they move more confidently to the place where they are thought to be in the future determined for the institution, and that their institution is more preferable than the equivalent institutions around it. Besides, it has been indicated that the school includes innovative educational practices and student-centered studies, supports pluralistic participation in all areas, and shares its authority by giving responsibility. In this regard, the necessity of making legal arrangements that will reveal visionary leaders is an inevitable requirement for the future of the country and the accomplishment of the institutions

    Visionary Leadership Phenomenon in School Management

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    The aim of this study is to examine the concept of vision and visionary leadership, of which importance is being understood more and more in the management of educational institutions, and to reveal the positive differences between school administrators with visionary leadership characteristics. In the study, which was designed as a review article, the concepts of leader, manager, vision, and visionary leader were considered in the literature, and the features of visionary leadership, which are open to change and innovation, constantly improving themselves, inspiring the people they work with, guiding them, walking the path together and helping them when necessary, realizing the goals determined have been revealed. Therefore, it has been revealed that visionary school administrators are more peaceful and happier with the internal and external stakeholders they work with in their institutions, they move more confidently to the place where they are thought to be in the future determined for the institution, and that their institution is more preferable than the equivalent institutions around it. Besides, it has been indicated that the school includes innovative educational practices and student-centered studies, supports pluralistic participation in all areas, and shares its authority by giving responsibility. In this regard, the necessity of making legal arrangements that will reveal visionary leaders is an inevitable requirement for the future of the country and the accomplishment of the institutions

    Clinical and Pathological Effects in the Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.1758) Exposed to Low pH Levels in the Water

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    Çalışmada sağlıklı, 60 adet Aynalı Sazan (Cyprinus carpio) kullanıldı. Sertlik derecesi, pH ve sıcaklık derecesi sırasıyla 29 mg/L CaO, 7,8 ve 20 oC olarak ayarlanan akvaryumlara bırakılan balıklar 15 gün süreyle buralarda tutularak adaptasyonları sağlandı. Daha sonra bu balıklar her bir grupta 10 balık bulunan 6 gruba ayrıldı. Gruplar I, II, III, IV, V ve kontrol grup olarak adlandırıldı ve bu grupların pH seviyeleri sırasıyla 2,3,4,5,6 ve 7,8 (± 0,1) olarak ayarlandı. Çalışma süresince ölen ya da çalışma sonunda nekropsileri yapılan balıklardan karaciğer, dalak, bağırsak, kalp, beyin ve solungaç olmak üzere alınan doku örnekleri %10’luk formalin solusyonunda tespit edildi. Klinik olarak, düşük pH seviyelerine sahip pH= 2- 4 (± 0,1) ) akvaryumlardaki balıklarda solunum güçlüğü ve su yüzeyine yakın yüzme hareketleri gözlendi. I,II ve III. gruplarda karaciğer, böbrek, bağırsak ve solungaç filamentlerinde mikroskobik olarak vakuolizasyon, dejenerasyon, kanama ve hiperplazi gibi değişiklikler belirlendi. Bu gruplardaki balıklarda gözlenen lezyonların şiddetinin asiditeye paralel olarak arttığı gözlendi. Grup IV, V ve kontrol grubu balıklarda klinik ve patolojik bir değişiklik belirlenmedi.In this study, 60 carps (Cyprinus carpio) were used as research material. Adaptaion of fish to water having 29 mg/L CaO, pH 7,8 and 20 C was achived in aquiriums for 15 days. Fish were divided into 6 groups each having 10 fish. The groups were named as Group I, II, III, IV, V and control group, and their pH levels were adjusted to 2,3,4,5,6 and 7,8 (±0,1), respectively. The gills, livers, spleens, kidneys, intestines, hearts and brains of fish died during experiment and necropsied at the end of experiment were fixed in 10% formaline. Clinically, asphexia and surface swimming were observed in the fish kept at low pH levels (2-4 ±0,1). Microscopically, vacuolation, degeneration, hemorrhage and hyperplasia were determined in the livers, kidneys, intestines and gills, filaments of fish in groups I, II and III. An increase was observed in the severity of these lesions in parallel to acidity. No pathological and clinical changes were determined in the groups IV, V and control

    A mucocele (Sialocele) case in a German Shepherd dog

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    Bu çalışmada, yedi yaşlı dişi bir Alman Kurt köpeğinde karşılaşılan mukosel olgusu klinik ve histolojik olarak değerlendirildi. Hayvanın klinik, radyografik ve hematolojik muayeneleri yapıldı. Klinik muayenede sol boyun bölgesinde solunum, yeme ve içme faaliyetlerine engel olan 8x9 cm8boyutlarında, hafif fluktuan yapıda, deneysel punksiyonda kanlı, yapışkan ve irinsiz içerikle dolu olan kitle tespit edildi. Operasyonla alınan kitlenin ışık mikroskobunda histopatolojik olarak incelenmesi sonucunda mukosel olduğu belirlendi.In this presentation, a case of mucocele in a 7 aged female German Shepherd dog was clinically and histologically evaluated. Clinical, radiographical and haematological examinations of the case were performed. Clinically, a 8x9 cm round mild fluctuant soft tissue mass which is a reddish, ropy and nonsuppurative fluid-filled swelling in aspiration and presenting difficulty eating and respiratory distress was determined in left cervical region. On postoperative histopathological assessment of the mass in light microscope, the extirpated mass was determined to be a cervical mucocele