52 research outputs found

    Visual navigation in ants

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    Les remarquables capacitĂ©s de navigation des insectes nous prouvent Ă  quel point ces " mini-cerveaux " peuvent produire des comportements admirablement robustes et efficaces dans des environnements complexes. En effet, ĂȘtre capable de naviguer de façon efficace et autonome dans un environnement parfois hostile (dĂ©sert, forĂȘt tropicale) sollicite l'intervention de nombreux processus cognitifs impliquant l'extraction, la mĂ©morisation et le traitement de l'information spatiale prĂ©alables Ă  une prise de dĂ©cision locomotrice orientĂ©e dans l'espace. Lors de leurs excursions hors du nid, les insectes tels que les abeilles, guĂȘpes ou fourmis, se fient Ă  un processus d'intĂ©gration du trajet, mais Ă©galement Ă  des indices visuels qui leur permettent de mĂ©moriser des routes et de retrouver certains sites alimentaires familiers et leur nid. L'Ă©tude des mĂ©canismes d'intĂ©gration du trajet a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux, par contre, nos connaissances Ă  propos de l'utilisation d'indices visuels sont beaucoup plus limitĂ©es et proviennent principalement d'Ă©tudes menĂ©es dans des environnements artificiellement simplifiĂ©s, dont les conclusions sont parfois difficilement transposables aux conditions naturelles. Cette thĂšse propose une approche intĂ©grative, combinant 1- des Ă©tudes de terrains et de laboratoire conduites sur deux espĂšces de fourmis spĂ©cialistes de la navigation visuelle (Melophorus bagoti et Gigantiops destructor) et 2- des analyses de photos panoramiques prisent aux endroits oĂč les fourmis naviguent qui permettent de quantifier objectivement l'information visuelle accessible Ă  l'insecte. Les rĂ©sultats convergents obtenus sur le terrain et au laboratoire permettent de montrer que, chez ces deux espĂšces, les fourmis ne fragmentent pas leur monde visuel en multiples objets indĂ©pendants, et donc ne mĂ©morisent pas de 'repĂšres visuels' ou de balises particuliers comme le ferait un ĂȘtre humain. En fait, l'efficacitĂ© de leur navigation Ă©mergerait de l'utilisation de paramĂštres visuels Ă©tendus sur l'ensemble de leur champ visuel panoramique, incluant repĂšres proximaux comme distaux, sans les individualiser. Contre-intuitivement, de telles images panoramiques, mĂȘme Ă  basse rĂ©solution, fournissent une information spatiale prĂ©cise et non ambiguĂ« dans les environnements naturels. PlutĂŽt qu'une focalisation sur des repĂšres isolĂ©s, l'utilisation de vues dans leur globalitĂ© semble ĂȘtre plus efficace pour reprĂ©senter la complexitĂ© des scĂšnes naturelles et ĂȘtre mieux adaptĂ©e Ă  la basse rĂ©solution du systĂšme visuel des insectes. Les photos panoramiques enregistrĂ©es peuvent Ă©galement servir Ă  l'Ă©laboration de modĂšles navigationnels. Les prĂ©dictions de ces modĂšles sont ici directement comparĂ©es au comportement des fourmis, permettant ainsi de tester et d'amĂ©liorer les diffĂ©rentes hypothĂšses envisagĂ©es. Cette approche m'a conduit Ă  la conclusion selon laquelle les fourmis utilisent leurs vues panoramiques de façons diffĂ©rentes suivant qu'elles se dĂ©placent en terrain familier ou non. Par exemple, aligner son corps de maniĂšre Ă  ce que la vue perçue reproduise au mieux l'information mĂ©morisĂ©e est une stratĂ©gie trĂšs efficace pour naviguer le long d'une route bien connue ; mais n'est d'aucune efficacitĂ© si l'insecte se retrouve en territoire nouveau, Ă©cartĂ© du chemin familier. Dans ces cas critiques, les fourmis semblent recourir Ă  une seconde stratĂ©gie qui consiste Ă  se dĂ©placer vers les rĂ©gions prĂ©sentant une ligne d'horizon plus basse que celle mĂ©morisĂ©e, ce qui gĂ©nĂ©ralement conduit vers le terrain familier. Afin de choisir parmi ces deux diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies, les fourmis semblent tout simplement se fier au degrĂ© de familiarisation avec le panorama perçu. Cette thĂšse soulĂšve aussi la question de la nature de l'information visuelle mĂ©morisĂ©e par les insectes. Le modĂšle du " snapshot " qui prĂ©domine dans la littĂ©rature suppose que les fourmis mĂ©morisent une sĂ©quence d'instantanĂ©s photographiques placĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents points le long de leurs routes. A l'inverse, les rĂ©sultats obtenus dans le prĂ©sent travail montrent que l'information visuelle mĂ©morisĂ©e au bout d'une route (15 mĂštres) modifie l'information mĂ©morisĂ©e Ă  l'autre extrĂ©mitĂ© de cette mĂȘme route, ce qui suggĂšre que la connaissance visuelle de l'ensemble de la route soit compactĂ©e en une seule et mĂȘme reprĂ©sentation mĂ©morisĂ©e. Cette hypothĂšse s'accorde aussi avec d'autres de nos rĂ©sultats montrant que la mĂ©moire visuelle ne s'acquiert pas instantanĂ©ment, mais se dĂ©veloppe et s'affine avec l'expĂ©rience rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©e. Lorsqu'une fourmi navigue le long de sa route, ses rĂ©cepteurs visuels sont stimulĂ©s de façon continue par une scĂšne Ă©voluant doucement et rĂ©guliĂšrement au fur et Ă  mesure du dĂ©placement. MĂ©moriser un pattern gĂ©nĂ©ral de stimulations, plutĂŽt qu'une sĂ©rie de " snapshots " indĂ©pendants et trĂšs ressemblants les uns aux autres, constitue une hypothĂšse parcimonieuse. Cette hypothĂšse s'applique en outre particuliĂšrement bien aux modĂšles en rĂ©seaux de neurones, suggĂ©rant sa pertinence biologique. Dans l'ensemble, cette thĂšse s'intĂ©resse Ă  la nature des perceptions et de la mĂ©moire visuelle des fourmis, ainsi qu'Ă  la maniĂšre dont elles sont intĂ©grĂ©es et traitĂ©es afin de produire une rĂ©ponse navigationnelle appropriĂ©e. Nos rĂ©sultats sont aussi discutĂ©s dans le cadre de la cognition comparĂ©e. Insectes comme vertĂ©brĂ©s ont rĂ©solu le mĂȘme problĂšme qui consiste Ă  naviguer de façon efficace sur terre. A la lumiĂšre de la thĂ©orie de l'Ă©volution de Darwin, il n'y a 'a priori' aucune raison de penser qu'il existe une forme de transition brutale entre les mĂ©canismes cognitifs des diffĂ©rentes espĂšces animales. Le fossĂ© marquĂ© entre insectes et vertĂ©brĂ©s au sein des sciences cognitives pourrait bien ĂȘtre dĂ» Ă  des approches diffĂ©rentes plutĂŽt qu'Ă  de vraies diffĂ©rences ontologiques. Historiquement, l'Ă©tude de la navigation de l'insecte a suivi une approche de type 'bottom-up' qui recherche comment des comportements apparemment complexes peuvent dĂ©couler de mĂ©canismes simples. Ces solutions parcimonieuses, comme celles explorĂ©es dans cette thĂšse, peuvent fournir de remarquables hypothĂšses de base pour expliquer la navigation chez d'autres espĂšces animales aux cerveaux et comportements apparemment plus complexes, contribuant ainsi Ă  une vĂ©ritable cognition comparĂ©e.Navigating efficiently in the outside world requires many cognitive abilities like extracting, memorising, and processing information. The remarkable navigational abilities of insects are an existence proof of how small brains can produce exquisitely efficient, robust behaviour in complex environments. During their foraging trips, insects, like ants or bees, are known to rely on both path integration and learnt visual cues to recapitulate a route or reach familiar places like the nest. The strategy of path integration is well understood, but much less is known about how insects acquire and use visual information. Field studies give good descriptions of visually guided routes, but our understanding of the underlying mechanisms comes mainly from simplified laboratory conditions using artificial, geometrically simple landmarks. My thesis proposes an integrative approach that combines 1- field and lab experiments on two visually guided ant species (Melophorus bagoti and Gigantiops destructor) and 2- an analysis of panoramic pictures recorded along the animal's route. The use of panoramic pictures allows an objective quantification of the visual information available to the animal. Results from both species, in the lab and the field, converged, showing that ants do not segregate their visual world into objects, such as landmarks or discrete features, as a human observers might assume. Instead, efficient navigation seems to arise from the use of cues widespread on the ants' panoramic visual field, encompassing both proximal and distal objects together. Such relatively unprocessed panoramic views, even at low resolution, provide remarkably unambiguous spatial information in natural environment. Using such a simple but efficient panoramic visual input, rather than focusing on isolated landmarks, seems an appropriate strategy to cope with the complexity of natural scenes and the poor resolution of insects' eyes. Also, panoramic pictures can serve as a basis for running analytical models of navigation. The predictions of these models can be directly compared with the actual behaviour of real ants, allowing the iterative tuning and testing of different hypotheses. This integrative approach led me to the conclusion that ants do not rely on a single navigational technique, but might switch between strategies according to whether they are on or off their familiar terrain. For example, ants can recapitulate robustly a familiar route by simply aligning their body in a way that the current view matches best their memory. However, this strategy becomes ineffective when displaced away from the familiar route. In such a case, ants appear to head instead towards the regions where the skyline appears lower than the height recorded in their memory, which generally leads them closer to a familiar location. How ants choose between strategies at a given time might be simply based on the degree of familiarity of the panoramic scene currently perceived. Finally, this thesis raises questions about the nature of ant memories. Past studies proposed that ants memorise a succession of discrete 2D 'snapshots' of their surroundings. Contrastingly, results obtained here show that knowledge from the end of a foraging route (15 m) impacts strongly on the behaviour at the beginning of the route, suggesting that the visual knowledge of a whole foraging route may be compacted into a single holistic memory. Accordingly, repetitive training on the exact same route clearly affects the ants' behaviour, suggesting that the memorised information is processed and not 'obtained at once'. While navigating along their familiar route, ants' visual system is continually stimulated by a slowly evolving scene, and learning a general pattern of stimulation rather than storing independent but very similar snapshots appears a reasonable hypothesis to explain navigation on a natural scale; such learning works remarkably well with neural networks. Nonetheless, what the precise nature of ants' visual memories is and how elaborated they are remain wide open question. Overall, my thesis tackles the nature of ants' perception and memory as well as how both are processed together to output an appropriate navigational response. These results are discussed in the light of comparative cognition. Both vertebrates and insects have resolved the same problem of navigating efficiently in the world. In light of Darwin's theory of evolution, there is no a priori reason to think that there is a clear division between cognitive mechanisms of different species. The actual gap between insect and vertebrate cognitive sciences may result more from different approaches rather than real differences. Research on insect navigation has been approached with a bottom-up philosophy, one that examines how simple mechanisms can produce seemingly complex behaviour. Such parsimonious solutions, like the ones explored in the present thesis, can provide useful baseline hypotheses for navigation in other larger-brained animals, and thus contribute to a more truly comparative cognition

    Opponent processes in visual memories: A model of attraction and repulsion in navigating insects’ mushroom bodies

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    International audienceSolitary foraging insects display stunning navigational behaviours in visually complex natural environments. Current literature assumes that these insects are mostly driven by attractive visual memories, which are learnt when the insect's gaze is precisely oriented toward the goal direction, typically along its familiar route or towards its nest. That way, an insect could return home by simply moving in the direction that appears most familiar. Here we show using virtual reconstructions of natural environments that this principle suffers from fundamental drawbacks, notably, a given view of the world does not provide information about whether the agent should turn or not to reach its goal. We propose a simple model where the agent continuously compares its current view with both goal and anti-goal visual memories, which are treated as attractive and repulsive respectively. We show that this strategy effectively results in an opponent process, albeit not at the perceptual level-such as those proposed for colour vision or polarisation detection-but at the level of the environmental space. This opponent process results in a signal that strongly correlates with the angular error of the current body orientation so that a single view of the world now suffices to indicate whether the agent should turn or not. By incorporating this principle into a simple agent navigating in reconstructed natural environments, we show that it overcomes the usual shortcomings and produces a step-increase in navigation effectiveness and robust-ness. Our findings provide a functional explanation to recent behavioural observations in ants and why and how so-called aversive and appetitive memories must be combined. We propose a likely neural implementation based on insects' mushroom bodies' circuitry that produces behavioural and neural predictions contrasting with previous models

    Running paths to nowhere: repetition of routes shows how navigating ants modulate online the weights accorded to cues

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    Ants are expert navigators, keeping track of the vector to home as they travel, through path integration, and using terrestrial panoramas in view-based navigation. Although insect learning has been much studied, the learning processes in navigation have not received much attention. Here, we investigate in desert ants (Melophorus bagoti) the effects of repeating a well-travelled and familiar route segment without success. We find that re-running a homeward route without entering the nest impacted subsequent trips. Over trips, ants showed more meandering from side to side and more scanning behaviour, in which the ant stopped and turned, rotating to a range of directions. In repeatedly re-running their familiar route, ants eventually gave up heading in the nestward direction as defined by visual cues and turned to walk in the opposite direction. Further manipulations showed that the extent and rate of this path degradation depend on (1) the length of the vector accumulated in the direction opposite to the food-to-nest direction, (2) the specific visual experience of the repeated segment of the route that the ants were forced to re-run, and (3) the visual panorama: paths are more degraded in an open panorama, compared with a visually cluttered scene. The results show that ants dynamically modulate the weighting given to route memories, and that fits well with the recent models, suggesting that the mushroom bodies provide a substrate for the reinforcement learning of views for navigation

    Neural coding in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster: how do small neural populations support visually guided behaviours?

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    All organisms wishing to survive and reproduce must be able to respond adaptively to a complex, changing world. Yet the computational power available is constrained by biology and evolution, favouring mechanisms that are parsimonious yet robust. Here we investigate the information carried in small populations of visually responsive neurons in Drosophila melanogaster. These so-called ‘ring neurons’, projecting to the ellipsoid body of the central complex, are reported to be necessary for complex visual tasks such as pattern recognition and visual navigation. Recently the receptive fields of these neurons have been mapped, allowing us to investigate how well they can support such behaviours. For instance, in a simulation of classic pattern discrimination experiments, we show that the pattern of output from the ring neurons matches observed fly behaviour. However, performance of the neurons (as with flies) is not perfect and can be easily improved with the addition of extra neurons, suggesting the neurons’ receptive fields are not optimised for recognising abstract shapes, a conclusion which casts doubt on cognitive explanations of fly behaviour in pattern recognition assays. Using artificial neural networks, we then assess how easy it is to decode more general information about stimulus shape from the ring neuron population codes. We show that these neurons are well suited for encoding information about size, position and orientation, which are more relevant behavioural parameters for a fly than abstract pattern properties. This leads us to suggest that in order to understand the properties of neural systems, one must consider how perceptual circuits put information at the service of behaviour

    How do field of view and resolution affect the information content of panoramic scenes for visual navigation? A computational investigation

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    The visual systems of animals have to provide information to guide behaviour and the informational requirements of an animal’s behavioural repertoire are often reflected in its sensory system. For insects, this is often evident in the optical array of the compound eye. One behaviour that insects share with many animals is the use of learnt visual information for navigation. As ants are expert visual navigators it may be that their vision is optimised for navigation. Here we take a computational approach in asking how the details of the optical array influence the informational content of scenes used in simple view matching strategies for orientation. We find that robust orientation is best achieved with low-resolution visual information and a large field of view, similar to the optical properties seen for many ant species. A lower resolution allows for a trade-off between specificity and generalisation for stored views. Additionally, our simulations show that orientation performance increases if different portions of the visual field are considered as discrete visual sensors, each giving an independent directional estimate. This suggests that ants might benefit by processing information from their two eyes independently

    The Central Complex as a Potential Substrate for Vector Based Navigation

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    International audienceInsects use path integration (PI) to maintain a home vector, but can also store and recall vector-memories that take them from home to a food location, and even allow them to take novel shortcuts between food locations. The neural circuit of the Central Complex (a brain area that receives compass and optic flow information) forms a plausible substrate for these behaviors. A recent model, grounded in neurophysiological and neuroanatomical data, can account for PI during outbound exploratory routes and the control of steering to return home. Here, we show that minor, hypothetical but neurally plausible, extensions of this model can additionally explain how insects could store and recall PI vectors to follow food-ward paths, take shortcuts, search at the feeder and re-calibrate their vector-memories with experience. In addition, a simple assumption about how one of multiple vector-memories might be chosen at any point in time can produce the development and maintenance of efficient routes between multiple locations, as observed in bees. The central complex circuitry is therefore well-suited to allow for a rich vector-based navigational repertoire

    Still no convincing evidence for cognitive map use by honeybees

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    Cheeseman et al. (1) claim that an ability of honey bees to travel home through a landscape with conflicting information from a celestial compass proves the bees' use of a cognitive map. Their claim involves a curious assumption about the visual information that can be extracted from the terrain: that there is sufficient information for a bee to identify where it is, but insufficient to guide its path without resorting to a cognitive map. We contend that the authors’ claims are unfounded
