2 research outputs found
Indonesia is an agricultural country with most of its people relying on
agricultural sector as their main livelihood. The diversification of cattle business
with sheep cattle is one of the alternative efforts to increase the income of the
farmers. Srumbung Sub-district is a mountainous area with an abundance of
fodder as well as the subdistrict with the greatest population of sheep in Magelang
Regency in such a way that it has high potential in the development of sheep
cattle. Marketing is one of the keys in the success of sheep cattle business.
Inefficient marketing is among others indicated by the low profit margin which is
gained by the cattle breeders. This can be seen as an indicator to the problems in
marketing in such a way that the clarity of such marketing identities as
pattern,cost, margin and profit is needed.
The objective of this research was to investigate the profile, pattern, cost,
margin, profit and efficiency of the sheep marketing in Srumbung Sub-district,
Magelang Regency. It was conducted in August 2012. This research used the
descriptive survey research method. Srumbung sub-district was purposively
chosen as the location of the research as it had the largest sheep population in
Magelang Regency (10,272 sheep). Three villages, those were Ngargosoko,
Pandanretno and Srumbung villages, were taken in this research as the research
samples on the basis of the number of sheep cattle breeders categorized as large,
medium, and small scales. The samples of the research were 60 sheep farmers and
they were taken by using the random sampling technique. The data of the research
were analyzed by using margin, cost, profit and farmer’s share analyses.
The existence of sheep cattle in Srumbung subdistrict is part of the life of
its people, particularly those who have livelihood from the agricultural sector. The
results of this research are as follows: (1) 83% of the sheep breeders in Srumbung
subdistrict mainly work as either farmers or farm workers; (2) the main goals of
the cattle breeders to cultivate sheep are possession of side business, saving, and
increase in income supported by such factors as minor capital, abundance of
fodder, maintenance which does not consume space and time as well as easily
applicable experience; (3) there are two types of business system of sheep cattle in
Srumbung subdistrict, namely: Shared Business Group system (Kelomok Usaha
Bersama/ KUBE) and individual system.
The result of the research showed that there were four sheep marketing
channels, namely: Channel I: Farmers→Consumers, Channel II: Farmers→Sheep
Traders→Consumers, Channel III: Farmers→Sheep Traders→Livestock
Markets→Consumers and Channel IV: Farmers→Sheep Traders→Livestock
Market→Meat Traders→Consumers. The highest cost was found in Channel IV
that is Rp129,000.00, whereas the lowest was found in Channel I that is Rp0.00.
The highest margin was found in Channel IV that is Rp527,000.00, whereas the
lowest margin was found in Channel that is Rp0.00. The highest marketing profit
is found in Channel IV that is Rp398,000.00 whereas the lowest marketing profit
was found in Channel I that is Rp0.00. The highest farmer’s share was found in
Channel I that is 100 %. Then it was followed by Channel II (91%), Channel III
(88%) and Channel IV (67%) respectively. The four marketing channels have
been efficient as the values of the farmer‘s share were greater than 50 %.
The result of the research showed that the most efficient marketing
channel was Channel I : Farmers→Consumers, but the one used at most was
Channel III : Farmers→Sheep Traders→Livestock Markets→Consumers. The
farmers prefer selling their sheep to the traders for the process were caused by
simple and easy, the smaller marketing cost, habit factor and trust the traders. The
cattle breeders emphasize the reasons and the consideration which are considered
as more profitable, such as: the facility in the selling process and the trust of the cattle breeders in the traders who are regarded as those who have great role in
assisting the cattle breeders to market their sheep cattle.
Keywords : sheep, marketing channels, cost, margin, marketing efficiency
Indonesia merupakan negara agraris yang sebagian besar penduduknya
mengandalkan sektor pertanian sebagai lapangan pekerjaan utama. Diversifikasi
usahatani dengan ternak domba merupakan salah satu upaya alternatif untuk
meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Kecamatan Srumbung merupakan daerah
pegunungan yang memiliki ketersediaan hijauan melimpah serta merupakan
kecamatan yang memiliki populasi domba terbesar di Kabupaten Magelang
sehingga berpotensi tinggi dalam pengembangan ternak domba. Pemasaran
merupakan salah satu kunci dalam keberhasilan usaha ternak domba. Tidak
tercapainya pemasaran yang efisien salah satunya ditunjukkan oleh rendahnya
margin keuntungan yang diterima peternak, hal ini dapat dipandang sebagai
indikator adanya permasalahan dalam segi pemasaran sehingga perlu adanya
kejelasan identitas pemasaran seperti pola saluran, biaya, margin dan keuntungan
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil, pola, biaya,
margin, keuntungan dan efisiensi pemasaran domba di Kecamatan Srumbung.
Metode dasar penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan pelaksanaannya
menggunakan metode survei. Lokasi penelitian diambil secara purposive
berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa Kecamatan Srumbung memiliki populasi
domba terbesar di Kabupaten Magelang (10.272 ekor). Penelitian ini mengambil
3 desa sebagai lokasi sampel penelitian yaitu Desa Ngargosoko, Pandanretno dan
Srumbung berdasarkan jumlah peternak domba yang dikategorikan besar, sedang
dan kecil. Sampel responden terdiri dari 60 peternak yang diambil secara random
sampling dan sampel lembaga pemasaran diambil secara purposive sampling.
Analisis data penelitian menggunakan analisis margin, analisis biaya, keuntungan
dan farmer’s share.
Keberadaan ternak domba di Kecamatan Srumbung merupakan bagian
dari masyarakat terutama yang bermatapencaharian dari sektor pertanian. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 83 % peternak domba di Kecamatan Srumbung
memiliki pekerjaan utama sebagai petani maupun buruh tani. Tujuan utama
pemeliharaan domba oleh peternak adalah sebagai usaha sampingan, tabungan
dan menambah penghasilan dengan didukung oleh modal usaha yang ringan,
tersedianya hijauan melimpah, pemeliharaannya tidak menyita banyak tempat dan
waktu serta merupakan pengalaman turun temurun yang mudah diterapkan.
Sistem usaha ternak domba di Kecamatan Srumbung ada 2 tipe yaitu Kelompok
Usaha Bersama (KUBE) dan sistem individu.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 4 saluran pemasaran domba di
Kecamatan Srumbung yaitu, saluran I : Peternak→Konsumen, saluran II :
Peternak→Pedagang Pengumpul→Konsumen, saluran III : Peternak → Pedagang
Pengumpul → Pasar Hewan → Konsumen dan saluran IV : Peternak → Pedagang
Pengumpul → Pasar Hewan → Pedagang Pemotong → Konsumen. Saluran
pemasaran yang paling banyak digunakan adalah saluran III yaitu sebanyak 42
peternak atau 69 %. Biaya pemasaran tertinggi terdapat pada saluran IV yaitu Rp
129.000,00, sedangkan terendah pada saluran I yaitu Rp 0,00. Margin pemasaran
tertinggi terdapat pada saluran IV yaitu Rp 527.000,00, sedangkan terendah pada
saluran I yaitu Rp 0,00. Keuntungan pemasaran tertinggi terdapat pada saluran IV
yaitu Rp 398.000,00, sedangkan terendah pada saluran I yaitu Rp 0,00. Farmer’s
share tertinggi terdapat pada saluran I sebesar 100 %, diikuti saluran II sebesar
91 %, saluran III sebesar 88 % dan saluran IV sebesar 67 %. Keempat saluran
pemasaran sudah efisien karena nilai farmer’s share > 50 %.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa saluran pemasaran
domba di Kecamatan Srumbung yang paling efisien adalah saluran I karena
memiliki nilai farmer’s share tertinggi (100 %) yaitu : Peternak → Konsumen,
namun pada kenyataannya saluran yang paling banyak digunakan adalah saluran
III yaitu : Peternak →Pedagang Pengumpul→Pasar Hewan→Konsumen. Peternak
lebih menekankan pada alasan dan pertimbangan yang dianggap lebih
menguntungkan dirinya antara lain kemudahan proses penjualan, jarak tempat
tinggal dengan pasar hewan cukup jauh, biaya pemasaran yang dikeluarkan lebih
sedikit, serta faktor kebiasaan dan kepercayaan oleh peternak terhadap pedagang
pengumpul yang dianggap berperan besar dalam membantu kegiatan pemasaran
domba peternak.
Kata kunci : Ternak domba, saluran pemasaran, biaya, margin, efisiensi
The increasing relapsing of client schizophrenia is shown increate of counted average 1.440 patients at last
two months in year 2007. Purpose this research is to know the relation of between knowledge and families
attitude with the relapsing at patient schizophrenia in Psychiatric Hospital of Surakarta. This Research is
conducted quantitatively. Method research of Cross Sectional. Research Variable composed by the free
variable is level storey of knowledge and attitude of while variable tied by is relapsing of patient
schizophrenia. Sample used by counted 50 respondents. Data collecting use the questioners. Technique
analyzes the data by using Chi Square. From data analysis obtained by that from variable mount the
knowledge indicate that there no relation between level storey of family knowledge with the relapsing of
patient schizophrenia. This matter is visible from value probability of larger ones from level of significant from
knowledge level storey is 5% (0,256>0,05) meaning Ho accepted. While from attitude variable indicate that
there is relation between family attitudes by relapsing is patient schizophrenia. This matter is visible from
probability value which is smaller than level of significant from attitude is 5% (0,04