569 research outputs found

    Compulsory Attendance at School

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    Movement Patterns of Carabid Beetles Between Heterogenous Crop and Noncrop Habitats

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    Habitats adjacent to crop fields can increase natural enemy populations by providing additional food, shelter and overwintering sites. While many studies have focused on the role of non-crop borders for supporting natural enemies, here we investigate the influence of adjacent crop habitats as well. We monitored the movement of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) between wheat fields and adjacent crop and non-crop habitats using bi-directional pitfall traps. We found greater movement of carabids from corn into wheat fields than from forest and soybean, with intermediate levels of movement from roadside vegetation. Additionally, significantly more carabids were captured moving into corn from wheat than into any other habitat. We also found that carabid community assemblages at habitat borders were different from those in the interior of wheat fields. Our findings suggest that agricultural ecosystems composed of a variety of both non- crop and crop habitats are necessary to maintain carabid abundance and diversity

    Senior Composition Concert

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    Vestuário inclusivo : a adaptação do vestuário às pessoas portadoras de necessidades especiais motoras

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Design e MarketingEste trabalho teve como principal objectivo propor soluções que contribuam para o aumento da qualidade de vida das pessoas portadoras de necessidades especiais motoras (PPNEM), através da utilização de um vestuário adaptado às suas características específicas. Foram estudadas diferentes adaptações ao vestuário comum, propondose um Vestuário Inclusivo, uma vez que com a adaptação do vestuário às especificidades dos utilizadores é possível elevar a sua auto estima, de forma a experimentarem e partilharem a vida em sociedade, sentindo-se assim como uma parte mais activa da comunidade. A principal justificação para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi a crescente necessidade de iniciativas que visem a inclusão das PPNEM na sociedade. O vestuário é uma das ferramentas para alcançar este objectivo, por se tratar de um importante canal de comunicação, que permite que os indivíduos sejam avaliados e aceites ou não por outros indivíduos. Foram utilizados dois métodos. Numa primeira fase foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a situação actual dos deficientes e uma pesquisa em relação à importância da moda. Posteriormente, foram desenvolvidos protótipos de Vestuário Inclusivo, tendo por base o estudo das especificidades apresentadas por estes utilizadores, através de estudos do corpo e ergonomia. O sentimento final foi bastante positivo e motivador para a continuidade da investigação nesta área, tendo sido possível contribuir para o aumento da qualidade de vida das PPNEM, e um importante passo na procura da sua inclusão na nossa sociedade.The main goal of this project was the proposal of solutions that can contribute to increase of self esteem and quality of life for people with special needs, through the use of adapted clothing according to their specific characteristics. Different adaptations to be made in the common garments have been studied, and an Inclusive Clothing was proposed, once adapted garments can elevate their self esteem, improving their participation in society and feeling as a more active part of the community. The main reason for this project was the growing need for initiatives aiming the inclusion of disabled people in society’s life. Clothes are one tool to achieve this goal, since they are an important communication channel that allows the individuals to be evaluated and accepted or not by other individuals. Two methods have been used. In a first stage a bibliographic research was done about the situation of the people with special needs in actual society and about the importance of fashion as well. After that, experiments have been made and prototypes of Inclusive Clothing have been developed based on the research about the specific characteristics of disabled people, including body studies and ergonomics. The final evaluation of this study was very positive and motivating for future studies in this field and it was possible to contribute to the increase of quality of life for people with special needs, and an important step on the search for inclusion of these people on society

    This I Believe

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    The role of Judas Iscariot in Stephen Adly Guirgis\u27 The Last Days of Judas Iscariot: a production thesis in acting and the actor director relationship

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    Directing The Last Days of Judas Iscariot and playing the title role was chosen as the basis for a thesis project in the fall semester of 2008 to be presented to the Graduate School of Louisiana State University in partial fulfillment of the graduate requirement for the Master of Fine Arts degree in Theatre. The thesis will contain an introduction, a text analysis, a director’s concept, a chapter on the rehearsal process (to include a physical score and a tactical score), a chapter on performance, and a conclusion. The purpose of this thesis is to explore both an actor’s interpretation as well as a director’s interpretation of the play as they interface, contrast, and finally combine. Beyond documentation of the experience as both an actor and a director, the central focus of this thesis will determine whether acting in a central role while simultaneously directing can ultimately be judged as liberating or limiting in the process of creating a theatrical production