30 research outputs found

    Inter-household Allocations within Extended Family: Evidence from the Indonesia Family Life Survey

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    This paper uses data from two waves of the Indonesia Family life Survey (IFLS2-1997 and IFLS3-2000) to investigate whether households that belong to the same extended families pool their income to smooth their consumption. We exploit the fact that the survey also tracks and interviews split-off households during the follow-up surveys, enabling us to construct a panel of extended families. The findings suggest that in contradiction to the null hypothesis of extended-family income pooling, household own income still matters to household consumption even after controlling for extended family resources. The result stands after correcting for potential measurement error and endogeneity of income. More importantly, the findings also suggest that although the change in household own income matters to the change in household consumption, controlling for extended family resources, the magnitudes of the coefficients are small. We also find evidence that household consumption is affected by characteristics of other households in the same extended family

    Information, Intermediaries, and International Migration

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    Job seekers face substantial information frictions, especially in international labor markets where intermediaries match prospective migrants with overseas employers. We conducted a randomized trial in Indonesia to explore how information about intermediary quality shapes migration outcomes. Holding access to information about the return to choosing a high-quality intermediary constant, intermediary-specific quality disclosure reduces the migration rate, cutting use of low-quality providers. Workers who do migrate receive better pre-departure preparation and have improved experiences abroad, despite no change in occupation or destination. These results are not driven by changes in beliefs about average provider quality or the return to migration. Nor does selection explain improved outcomes for those who migrate with quality disclosure. Together, our findings are consistent with an increase in the option value of search: with better ability to differentiate offer quality, workers search longer, select higher-quality intermediaries, and ultimately have better migration experiences

    Change in clinical knowledge of diabetes among primary healthcare providers in Indonesia: repeated crosssectional survey of 5105 primary healthcare facilities

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    Introduction Indonesia is experiencing a rapid rise in the number of people with diabetes. There is limited evidence on how well primary care providers are equipped to deal with this growing epidemic. This study aimed to determine the level of primary healthcare providers' knowledge of diabetes, change in knowledge from 2007 to 2014/2015 and the extent to which changes in the diabetes workforce composition, geographical distribution of providers, and provider characteristics explained the change in diabetes knowledge. Research design and methods In 2007 and 2014/2015, a random sample of public and private primary healthcare providers who reported providing diabetes care across 13 provinces in Indonesia completed a diabetes clinical case vignette. A provider's diabetes vignette score represents the percentage of all correct clinical actions for a hypothetical diabetes patient that were spontaneously mentioned by the provider. We used standardization and fixed-effects linear regression models to determine the extent to which changes in diabetes workforce composition, geographical distribution of providers, and provider characteristics explained any change in diabetes knowledge between survey rounds, and how knowledge varied among provinces. Results The mean unadjusted vignette score decreased from 37.1% (95% CI 36.4% to 37.9%) in 2007 to 29.1% (95% CI 28.4% to 29.8%, p<0.001) in 2014/2015. Vignette scores were, on average, 6.9 (95% CI −8.2 to 5.6, p<0.001) percentage points lower in 2014/2015 than in 2007 after adjusting for provider cadre, geographical distribution, and provider experience and training. Physicians and providers with postgraduate diabetes training had the highest vignette scores. Conclusions Diabetes knowledge among primary healthcare providers in Indonesia decreased, from an already low level, between 2007 and 2014/2015. Policies that improve preservice training, particularly at newer schools, and investment in onthe-job training in diabetes might halt and reverse the decline in diabetes knowledge among Indonesia's primary healthcare workforce.This project has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement number 850896). JMG was supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (grant number T32 AI007433

    Two of Ten Elderly Have Dementia When Entering Age of 70 Years Old

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    Life expectancy of Indonesia has increased in the few decades; it has now reached the age of 70 years. As age increases, the risk of degenerative diseases, like dementia is also increasing. As many as 60-70% of dementia cases are Alzheimer\u27s disease. However, there is only limited information on the prevalence rate of dementia in Indonesia. Early detection of dementia and knowing its prevalence rate is very important especially, since in most progressive case of dementia, including the Alzheimer\u27s disease, there is no known cure

    Angka Prevalensi Demensia, Perlu Perhatian Kita Semua

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    Kurang dari empat tahun Indonesia akan memiliki struktur penduduk yang tua, yaitu persentase penduduk yang berusia 60 tahun atau lebih paling tidak 10%. Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk lanjut usia terjadi juga peningkatan jumlah penduduk dengan penyakit degeneratif seperti demensia. Sebanyak 60-70 % demensia, merupakan demensia Alzheimer. Demensia Alzheimer (pikun) merupakan penyakit degeneratif dimana terjadinya penurunan fungsi otak yang mempengaruhi emosi, daya ingat, pengambilan keputusan, perilaku dan fungsi otak lainnya hingga mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari. Pada saat ini belum diketahui secara pasti berapa banyak lanjut usia di Indonesia yang mengalaminya. Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang demensia Alzheimer (pikun) sebagai sebuah penyakit juga masih kecil. Sebagian besar masyarakat menganggap demensia Alzheimer (Pikun) sebagai bagian dari proses penuaan yang sifatnya alami. Di sisi lain penyakit demensia alzheimer belum ada obatnya sehingga deteksi dini sangat perlu dilakukan, termasuk angka prevalensi pada masyarakat perlu diketahui untuk mengetahui beban dari komunitas dan pelayanan kesehatan. Salah satu tujuan dari survei demensia di D I Yogyakarta yang dilakukan oleh SurveyMETER pada tahun 2016 dengan support dari Knowledge Sector Initiative DFAT adalah untuk mendapatkan prevalensi demensia. Survey ini dibangun dari hasil studi Demensia di Jakarta dan juga dari Survei Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Indonesia (SAKERTI) atau Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). DI Yogyakarta merupakan provinsi dengan persentase jumlah lanjut usia terbanyak di Indonesia. Persentase lanjut usia Indonesia 15 tahun lagi terlihat di D I Yogyakarta sekarang. Angka prevalensi demensia dari survei demensia di D I Yogyakarta menunjukan nilai yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan angka prevalensi pada tingkat internasional. Seberapa besar lebih tingginya tingkat prevalensi demensia pada setiap kelompok umur, tempat tinggal dan implikasinya dipaparkan dalam policy brief ini

    Inter-household Allocations within Extended Family: Evidence from the Indonesia Family Life Survey

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    This paper uses data from two waves of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS2-1997 and IFLS3-2000) to investigate whether households that belong to the same extended families pool their income to smooth their consumption. We exploit the fact that the survey also tracks and interviews split-off households during the follow-up surveys, enabling us to construct a panel of extended families. The findings suggest that in contradiction to the null hypothesis of extended-family income pooling, household own income still matters to household consumption even after controlling for extended family resources. The result stands after correcting for potential measurement error and endogeneity of income. More importantly, the findings also suggest that although the change in household own income matters to the change in household consumption, controlling for extended family resources, the magnitudes of the coefficients are small. We also find evidence that household consumption is affected by characteristics of other households in the same extended family

    Access to Land and Tenancy Practices on Tanah Bengkok: Evidence from Java, Indonesia

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    Tanah bengkok (bengkok land) in Java, Indonesia boasts a unique institution where elected village leaders receive usufruct rights to a parcel of land owned by the village, in lieu of salary. Despite its relevance to the political economy of land distribution in Java, unavailability of systematic data has so far constrained in-depth empirical research on bengkok land. In 2018, we conducted a survey covering 130 villages and more than 1,800 households in Java. We found substantial heterogeneity in the incidence and use patterns of bengkok land across villages. Fixed rental tenancy appeared more prevalent than sharecropping on bengkok land and bengkok landlords seldom got involved in tenants' farming decisions, which made bengkok land management look more 'business-like'. Finally, evidence is consistent with political cycles as the village heads with reelection motives offered sharecropping contracts to non-relatives to garner a larger pool of supporters