15 research outputs found

    Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook

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    Effective Research Data Management (RDM) is a key component of research integrity and reproducible research, and its importance is increasingly emphasised by funding bodies, governments, and research institutions around the world. However, many researchers are unfamiliar with RDM best practices, and research support staff are faced with the difficult task of delivering support to researchers across different disciplines and career stages. What strategies can institutions use to solve these problems?Engaging Researchers with Data Management is an invaluable collection of 24 case studies, drawn from institutions across the globe, that demonstrate clearly and practically how to engage the research community with RDM. These case studies together illustrate the variety of innovative strategies research institutions have developed to engage with their researchers about managing research data. Each study is presented concisely and clearly, highlighting the essential ingredients that led to its success and challenges encountered along the way. By interviewing key staff about their experiences and the organisational context, the authors of this book have created an essential resource for organisations looking to increase engagement with their research communities.This handbook is a collaboration by research institutions, for research institutions. It aims not only to inspire and engage, but also to help drive cultural change towards better data management. It has been written for anyone interested in RDM, or simply, good research practice


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    The Effect of Chocolade on Graduate Student Happiness

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    This is a study of chocolate’s impact on student wellbein

    7. Interviews and Case Studies

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    Research Data Management (RDM) professionals, librarians, funders and even university boards around the globe are convinced that good data management practices benefit researchers and science. But what do the researchers have to say about this? At two Dutch universities, RDM teams took the initiative to go and ask. As a result, they didn’t only successfully engage with the scientific community, but they also helped researchers to raise their professional profile, to act as RDM ambassadors and..

    6. Dedicated Consultants to Offer One-to-One Support with Data

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    What if you have slightly more resources available and would like to effectively engage with researchers across all disciplines? We recommend you consider hiring dedicated domain experts who could offer in-depth, one-to-one support to your researchers. We collected three slightly different case studies illustrating this approach: Data Stewards at TU Delft; Informatics Lab at Virginia Tech; Data Managers at Utrecht University. Subject-Specific Consultants Are an Add-On to ‘Traditional’ RDM Sup..

    III. How to Use this Cookbook

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    This infographic (Table I, left) has been designed to help you to navigate case studies of interest, and to select those most suitable for implementation within your research institution. Just like a cookbook recipe, we provide a list of ‘key ingredients’ in a graphical format: the elements you’ll need to successfully implement each initiative. In addition, we also provide a table (Table II, below) with a quick overview of all case studies and recipes (ingredients) necessary to implement them..

    I. Introduction

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    Good Research Data Management (RDM) is a key component of research integrity and reproducible research, and its value is increasingly emphasised by funding bodies, governments, and research institutions. However, discussions about data management and sharing are often limited to librarians, data professionals, and researchers who are already passionate about data stewardship and open science. In order to implement good RDM practice throughout research communities a cultural shift is necessary..

    II. Methodology

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    The aim of the project ‘Research Engagement with Data Management’ was to collect case studies from different organisations around the globe that focus on how to engage with the research community about research data management. By asking various questions about the models used and also about the organisational context, we created a useful resource for organisations that are looking to increase their engagement with their research communities. In order to achieve this, we first designed and se..