5 research outputs found

    Leucose mieloide em poedeira caipira negra de “fundo de quintal” do Estado de Santa Catarina

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    This paper describes an atypical case of myeloid leukosis that occurred in an adult Black Rock hen that lived in a backyard chicken flock. The bird showed interruption of egg production, weight gain, and pelvic limb paresis. At necropsy, multiple whitish friable nodules were observed on the skin, subcutaneous, muscles, sternum, synsacrum, trachea, lung, bone marrow, liver, kidneys; besides enlarged liver, spleen and kidneys. Histopathology showed the proliferation of neoplastic round cells with vesicular eccentric nuclei and enlarged cytoplasm containing eosinophilic granules. These findings are compatible with myeloid leukosis.Este trabalho descreve um caso atípico de leucose mieloide em galinha poedeira negra adulta, pertencente a uma criação de fundo de quintal. A ave apresentou interrupção na postura, peso excessivo e paresia dos membros pélvicos. À necropsia observaram-se nodulações esbranquiçadas e macias em pele, subcutâneo, musculatura, esterno, sinsacro, traqueia, pulmão, medula óssea, fígado e rins, além de aumento do fígado, baço e rins. Na histologia evidenciouse proliferação de células arredondadas, com núcleos vesiculares e excêntricos, e citoplasma repleto de grânulos eosinofílicos, caracterizando leucose mieloide

    Endocarditis by Staphylococcus sp. in Cow and Sheep Leading to Osteoarthritis and Sepsis as Unusual Outcomes

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    Background: Endocarditis is one of the most important heart diseases in cattle and a rare disease in sheep. This illness could be caused by any bacteria when related to bacteremia, being Staphylococcus aureus one uncommon cause for this disorder in ruminants. The clinical sings at the early stages are unspecific and many cases are only diagnosed just at thefinal stages of the disease, resulting in heart insufficiency with bad prognosis. The aim of this study is to report two cases of endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus spp. leading to sepsis in a sheep and osteoarthritis in a cow, showing the importance of this bacteria in the pathogenesis of this disease.Cases: Case 1. A 8-month-old sheep, female, Texel showed lameness in the left thoracic limb, and even treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug had anorexia, locomotion difficulty and on the day before of death showed neurological sings, with less than one week of total clinical course. At necropsy, in the heart was observed thrombus in the tricuspid,mitral and aortic valves and pale areas in the myocardium. Multiples abscesses were observed in the lungs, liver and kidneys and infarcts in kidneys, spleen and brain. At the histopathology exam was observed in the tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves subacute endocarditis with intralesional coccoids bacteria Gram positives. There were multifocal fibrinonecrotic myocarditis, abscess in lung, liver and kidney with intralesional bacterial myriads. In kidneys, spleen and brain was observedthrombosis associated to multiple infarct areas. Samples of cardiac thrombus, heart, spleen, kidney and meningeal swabs were submitted for bacterial cultivation and was isolated Staphylococcus aureus in all samples, in pure culture.Case 2. A 2-year-old cow, female, mixed breed Angus and Charolais showed a wound in the distal part of the thoracic limb that was done topical treatment. After a month, was noted submandibular and dewlap edema, prostration, lethargy and fever. Antibiotic treatment was performed having remission of edema and fever, however being lethargic yet. Aftera month post antibiotic treatment, the animal showed bilateral increased of joint volume and a new antibiotic treatment was performed. The X-ray and cytology of the synovial fluid presented septic osteoarthritis in both radiocarpal joint. At necropsy was observed a thrombus in the tricuspid valve of approximately 20x4cm ascending to caudal and cranial cavaveins and a pulmonary abscess. In the left carpometacarpal joint, right antebrachiocarpal joint and stifle joint were observed severe purulent exudation and erosions. At histopathology evaluation of the heart was noted subacute septic endocarditis in tricuspid valve and in the joints was observed subacute fibrinopurulent osteoarthritis. In the swabs of joints and thrombus was identified Staphylococcus coagulase positive.Discussion: Despite the fact of to be skin commensal, S. aureus can enter in the bloodstream and to cause endocarditis, sepsis, abscesses and arthritis. Regard to possible entryways, interdigital pododermatitis and skin superficial lesions can be the entrance of the agent. In both cases the animals showed lesions on the limbs, as possible cause. The relationshipbetween endocarditis and osteoarticular infections is not fully known. In cattle with heart disease was noted that lameness is an important clinical sign and osteoarthritis could be related with endocarditis. Staphylococcus aureus rarely is reported in endocarditis cases in ruminants and the outcomes showed here are uncommon and poorly studied.Descritores: estafilococose, doença cardíaca, poliartrite, bacteremia, ruminantes

    Immunocytochemistry in the diagnosis of cattle rabies and a retrospective study

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    This study aimed to investigate the use of immunocytochemistry (ICC) as a quick diagnostic method of rabies, and to perform a retrospective study of positive rabies cases of the Animal Pathology Laboratory (LAPA/CAV) archives, by using immunohistochemistry (IHC). The study was divided into two stages: data collection from the LAPA/CAV archives between 1987 and 2011, through the processing of paraffin embedded samples for histopathology and IHC; and clinical follow-up of susceptible animals between the years of 2012 and 2013, in which naturally dead or euthanized animals were necropsied. Central nervous system samples were collected for immunocytochemistry assessment, in addition to direct immunofluorescence (DIF) and histopathology with hematoxylin and eosin staining. The retrospective study showed that the affected animals ages ranged from 4 months to 10 years. Most frequently reported clinical signs were incoordination of the hind limbs, progressing to decumbency and death in 2-7 days. Northeastern (Vale do Itajaí) and eastern Santa Catarina were the regions with most of the cases submitted to the laboratory. During the clinical follow-up stage 13 animals presented the paralytic form of the disease, and one showed the furious form. The histological alterations observed in both stages of the study consisted of mild to severe perivascular lymphocytic and macrophagic meningoencephalitis, sometimes with foci of gliosis and neuronal necrosis; Negri inclusion bodies were observed in 85% of the retrospective study cases and 88% of the clinically assessed animals. IHC was essential to the diagnosis conclusion in the retrospective study, especially those in which no Negri bodies were found. The ICC was positive in 85,7% (12/14) of the cases, including one animal whose direct immunofluorescence was negative, and also proved to be a fast and easy-to-perform test. Rapid diagnostic techniques are extremely important as they allow for prevention and control measures to be taken quicklyEste trabalho teve como objetivos utilizar a imunocitoquímica (ICQ) como método rápido de diagnóstico para raiva, e realizar estudo retrospectivo de casos positivos de raiva nos arquivos do Laboratório de Patologia Animal (LAPA/CAV), através da imunohistoquímica (IHQ). O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas, levantamento de dados entre os anos de 1987 e 2011 no LAPA/CAV, através de processamento das amostras mantidas em parafina, para histopatologia e imunohistoquímica (IHQ), e acompanhamento clínico de animais suspeitos entre os anos de 2012 e 2013, no qual bovinos mortos naturalmente ou eutanasiados foram necropsiados. Amostras de sistema nervoso central foram coletadas para aplicação de ICQ, além de imunofluorecência direta e histopatologia com coloração de Hematoxilina e Eosina. No estudo retrospectivo observou-se que a idade dos animais afetados variou de quatro meses a 10 anos. Os principais sinais clínicos relatados foram incoordenação dos membros posteriores, evoluindo para decúbito e morte em 2 a 7 dias. As regiões do vale e leste de Santa Catarina foram às com maior numero de casos remetidos ao laboratório. Durante o acompanhamento clínico 13 animais apresentaram a forma paralítica da doença e um bovino apresentou forma furiosa. As alterações histológicas observadas, nas duas etapas do trabalho consistiram em meningonecefalite linfocítica e macrofágica perivascular, variando de leve a acentuada, por vezes com focos de gliose e necrose neuronal; Corpúsculos de inclusão de Negri foram observados em 85% dos casos do levantamento e 88% dos animais acompanhados clinicamente. A IHQ foi essencial para a conclusão do diagnóstico nos casos do estudo retrospectivo, especialmente aqueles em que não foram observadas inclusões de Negri. A ICQ foi positiva em 85,7% (12/14) dos bovinos com raiva, inclusive em um animal cuja IFD foi negativa, além de se mostrar um teste rápido e de fácil execução. Técnicas que buscam o diagnóstico rápido são extremamente importantes, pois permitem que medidas de prevenção e controle possam ser tomadas mais rapidament

    Endocarditis by Staphylococcus sp. in Cow and Sheep Leading to Osteoarthritis and Sepsis as Unusual Outcomes

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    Background: Endocarditis is one of the most important heart diseases in cattle and a rare disease in sheep. This illness could be caused by any bacteria when related to bacteremia, being Staphylococcus aureus one uncommon cause for this disorder in ruminants. The clinical sings at the early stages are unspecific and many cases are only diagnosed just at thefinal stages of the disease, resulting in heart insufficiency with bad prognosis. The aim of this study is to report two cases of endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus spp. leading to sepsis in a sheep and osteoarthritis in a cow, showing the importance of this bacteria in the pathogenesis of this disease.Cases: Case 1. A 8-month-old sheep, female, Texel showed lameness in the left thoracic limb, and even treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug had anorexia, locomotion difficulty and on the day before of death showed neurological sings, with less than one week of total clinical course. At necropsy, in the heart was observed thrombus in the tricuspid,mitral and aortic valves and pale areas in the myocardium. Multiples abscesses were observed in the lungs, liver and kidneys and infarcts in kidneys, spleen and brain. At the histopathology exam was observed in the tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves subacute endocarditis with intralesional coccoids bacteria Gram positives. There were multifocal fibrinonecrotic myocarditis, abscess in lung, liver and kidney with intralesional bacterial myriads. In kidneys, spleen and brain was observedthrombosis associated to multiple infarct areas. Samples of cardiac thrombus, heart, spleen, kidney and meningeal swabs were submitted for bacterial cultivation and was isolated Staphylococcus aureus in all samples, in pure culture.Case 2. A 2-year-old cow, female, mixed breed Angus and Charolais showed a wound in the distal part of the thoracic limb that was done topical treatment. After a month, was noted submandibular and dewlap edema, prostration, lethargy and fever. Antibiotic treatment was performed having remission of edema and fever, however being lethargic yet. Aftera month post antibiotic treatment, the animal showed bilateral increased of joint volume and a new antibiotic treatment was performed. The X-ray and cytology of the synovial fluid presented septic osteoarthritis in both radiocarpal joint. At necropsy was observed a thrombus in the tricuspid valve of approximately 20x4cm ascending to caudal and cranial cavaveins and a pulmonary abscess. In the left carpometacarpal joint, right antebrachiocarpal joint and stifle joint were observed severe purulent exudation and erosions. At histopathology evaluation of the heart was noted subacute septic endocarditis in tricuspid valve and in the joints was observed subacute fibrinopurulent osteoarthritis. In the swabs of joints and thrombus was identified Staphylococcus coagulase positive.Discussion: Despite the fact of to be skin commensal, S. aureus can enter in the bloodstream and to cause endocarditis, sepsis, abscesses and arthritis. Regard to possible entryways, interdigital pododermatitis and skin superficial lesions can be the entrance of the agent. In both cases the animals showed lesions on the limbs, as possible cause. The relationshipbetween endocarditis and osteoarticular infections is not fully known. In cattle with heart disease was noted that lameness is an important clinical sign and osteoarthritis could be related with endocarditis. Staphylococcus aureus rarely is reported in endocarditis cases in ruminants and the outcomes showed here are uncommon and poorly studied.Descritores: estafilococose, doença cardíaca, poliartrite, bacteremia, ruminantes

    Fatal toxoplasmosis in an immunosuppressed domestic cat from Brazil caused by Toxoplasma gondii clonal type I

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    Abstract The objective of the study was to report on a fatal case of feline toxoplasmosis with coinfection with the feline leukemia virus (FeLV). A domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) presented intense dyspnea and died three days later. In the necropsy, the lungs were firm, without collapse and with many white areas; moderate lymphadenomegaly and splenomegaly were also observed. The histopathological examination showed severe necrotic interstitial bronchopneumonia and mild necrotic hepatitis, associated with intralesional cysts and tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii that were positive by anti-T. gondii immunohistochemical (IHC) evaluation. The bone marrow showed chronic myeloid leukemia and the neoplastic cells were positive by anti-FeLV IHC evaluation. DNA extracted from lungs was positive for T. gondii by PCR targeting REP-529. T. gondii was characterized by PCR-RFLP and by the microsatellites technique. ToxoDB-PCR-RFLP #10, i.e. the archetypal type I, was identified. Microsatellite analysis showed that the strain was a variant of type I with two atypical alleles. This was the first time that a T. gondii clonal type I genotype was correlated with a case of acute toxoplasmosis in a host in Brazil