166 research outputs found

    Residual volatile anesthetics after workstation preparation and activated charcoal filtration

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    Background Volatile anesthetics potentially trigger malignant hyperthermia crises in susceptible patients. We therefore aimed to identify preparation procedures for the Draeger Primus that minimize residual concentrations of desflurane and sevoflurane with and without activated charcoal filtration. Methods A Draeger Primus test workstation was primed with 7% desflurane or 2.5% sevoflurane for 2 hours. Residual anesthetic concentrations were evaluated with five preparation procedures, three fresh gas flow rates, and three distinct applications of activated charcoal filters. Finally, non‐exchangeable and autoclaved parts of the workstation were tested for residual emission of volatile anesthetics. Concentrations were measured by multicapillary column–ion mobility spectrometry with limits of detection/quantification being <1 part per billion (ppb) for desflurane and <2.5 ppb for sevoflurane. Results The best preparation procedure included a flushing period of 10 minutes between removal and replacement of all parts of the ventilator circuit which immediately produced residual concentrations <5 ppm. A fresh gas flow of 10 L/minute reduced residual concentration as effectively as 18 L/minute, whereas flows of 1 or 5 L/minute slowed washout. Use of activated charcoal filters immediately reduced and maintained residual concentrations <5 ppm for up to 24 hours irrespective of previous workstation preparation. The fresh gas hose, circle system, and ventilator diaphragm emitted traces of volatile anesthetics. Conclusion In elective cases, presumably safe concentrations can be obtained by a 10‐minute flush at ≥10 L/minute between removal and replacement all components of the airway circuit. For emergencies, we recommend using an activated charcoal filter

    Влияние способа обработки поверхности на сорбцию водорода титановым сплавом ВТ1-0

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    Объектом исследований являлся титановый сплав ВТ1-0 с различным состоянием поверхности. С помощью автоматизированного комплекса Gas Reaction Controller LP было определено влияние состояния поверхности на взаимодействие водорода с титановым сплавом. Из полученных значений скоростей сорбции сравнивается влияние воздействия водорода на титановый сплав. Целью работы является изучение влияния способа обработки поверхности титанового сплава ВТ1-0 на скорость сорбции водорода.The object of investigation was a titanium alloy VT1-0 with different surface states. The influence of the surface state on the interaction of hydrogen with a titanium alloy was determined with the help of the Gas Reaction Controller LP automated complex. The influence of the action of hydrogen on the titanium alloy is compared from the obtained values of sorption rates,. The aim of this work is to study the influence of the method for treating the surface of a titanium alloy VT1-0 on the rate of hydrogen sorption

    Продвижение образовательных услуг вуза с помощью интернет-технологий

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    Объектом исследования является система интернет-продвижения образовательных услуг ТПУ. Цель работы - разработка рекомендаций по использованию интернет-технологий для совершенствования системы продвижения образовательных услуг ТПУ. В результате исследования были разработаны рекомендации по использованию интернет-технологий для совершенствования системы продвижения образовательных услуг ТПУ. Область применения: образовательные учреждения. Значимость работы состоит в следующем: - адаптированный алгоритм построения интернет-маркетинговой стратегии может быть использован для любого вуза; - разработанные рекомендации могут быть в дальнейшем применены в ТПУ.The object of research is Internet-marketing of educational services of TPU. Purpose of research is to develop recommendations on how to use Internet-technologies to improve the system of educational services promotion in TPU. Scope: educational institutions. Significance: - adapted algorithm of Internet marketing strategy developing can be used for any university; - proposed recommendations can be further applied in TPU

    Final publishable JRP summary for ENV55 MetNH3 - Metrology for Ammonia in Ambient Air

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    This project developed reference standards and measurement techniques for traceable measurements of NH3 in air. These will enable validated high quality ammonia measurement data which will help monitor and compare NH3 levels and ensure compliance with environmental protection policies and legislation

    Investigating mitochondrial DNA relationships in Neolithic Western Europe through serial coalescent simulations

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    Recent ancient DNA studies on European Neolithic human populations have provided persuasive evidence of a major migration of farmers originating from the Aegean, accompanied by sporadic hunter-gatherer admixture into early Neolithic populations, but increasing toward the Late Neolithic. In this context, ancient mitochondrial DNA data collected from the Neolithic necropolis of Gurgy (Paris Basin, France), the largest mitochondrial DNA sample obtained from a single archeological site for the Early/Middle Neolithic period, indicate little differentiation from farmers associated to both the Danubian and Mediterranean Neolithic migration routes, as well as from Western European hunter-gatherers. To test whether this pattern of differentiation could arise in a single unstructured population by genetic drift alone, we used serial coalescent simulations. We explore female effective population size parameter combinations at the time of the colonization of Europe 45000 years ago and the most recent of the Neolithic samples analyzed in this study 5900 years ago, and identify conditions under which population panmixia between hunter-gatherers/Early-Middle Neolithic farmers and Gurgy cannot be rejected. In relation to other studies on the current debate of the origins of Europeans, these results suggest increasing hunter-gatherer admixture into farmers' group migrating farther west in Europe.European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication, 28 December 2016; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2016.180