84 research outputs found

    Completing the Census of AGN in GOODS-S/HUDF: New Ultra-Deep Radio Imaging and Predictions for JWST

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    A global understanding of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their host galaxies hinges on completing a census of AGN activity without selection biases down to the low-luminosity regime. Toward that goal, we identify AGN within faint radio populations at cosmic noon selected from new ultra-deep, high resolution imaging from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array at 6 and 3 GHz. These radio data are spatially coincident with the ultra-deep legacy surveys in the GOODS-S/HUDF region, particularly the unparalleled Chandra 7 Ms X-ray imaging. Combined, these datasets provide a unique basis for a thorough census of AGN, allowing simultaneous identification via (1) high X-ray luminosity; (2) hard X-ray spectra; (3) excess X-ray relative to 6 GHz; (4) mid-IR colors; (5) SED fitting; (6) radio excess via the radio-infrared relation; (7) flat radio spectra via multi-band radio; and (8) optical spectroscopy. We uncover AGN in fully half our faint radio sample, indicating a source density of one AGN arcmin2^{-2}, with a similar number of radio-undetected AGN identified via X-ray over the same area. Our radio-detected AGN are majority radio-quiet, with radio emission consistent with being powered predominantly by star formation. Nevertheless, we find AGN radio signatures in our sample: 12%\sim12\% with radio excess indicating radio-loud activity and 16%\sim16\% of radio-quiet AGN candidates with flat or inverted radio spectra. The latter is a lower limit, pending our upcoming deeper 3 GHz survey. Finally, despite these extensive datasets, this work is likely still missing heavily obscured AGN. We discuss in detail this elusive population and the prospects for completing our AGN census with JWST/MIRI.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 30 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, 2 appendices. Minor update to fix typos and better match published versio

    Probing Obscured Massive Black Hole Accretion and Growth since Cosmic Dawn

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    Most of the stars today reside in galactic spheroids, whose properties are tightly tied to the supermassive black holes (MBHs) at their centers, implying that the accretion activity onto MBHs leaves a lasting imprint on the evolution of their host galaxies. Despite the importance of this so-called MBH-galaxy co-evolution, the physical mechanisms responsible for driving this relationship - such as the dominant mode of energetic feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) - remain a poorly understand aspect of galaxy assembly. A key challenge for identifying and characterizing AGN during the peak epoch of galaxy assembly and beyond is the presence of large columns of gas and dust, which fuels the growth of their MBHs but effectively obscures them from view in optical and X-ray studies. The high sensitivity of the ngVLA will capture emission from AGN in an extinction-free manner out to z ∼ 6 and beyond. At lower-redshifts (z ∼ 2), the high angular resolution of the ngVLA will enable spatially-resolved studies capable of localizing the sites of actively growing MBHs within their host galaxies during the peak epoch of cosmic assembly

    Planetary Collisions outside the Solar System: Time Domain Characterization of Extreme Debris Disks

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    Luminous debris disks of warm dust in the terrestrial planet zones around solar-like stars are recently found to vary, indicative of ongoing large-scale collisions of rocky objects. We use Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m time-series observations in 2012 and 2013 (extended to 2014 in one case) to monitor 5 more debris disks with unusually high fractional luminosities ("extreme debris disk"), including P1121 in the open cluster M47 (80 Myr), HD 15407A in the AB Dor moving group (80 Myr), HD 23514 in the Pleiades (120 Myr), HD 145263 in the Upper Sco Association (10 Myr), and the field star BD+20 307 (>1 Gyr). Together with the published results for ID8 in NGC 2547 (35 Myr), this makes the first systematic time-domain investigation of planetary impacts outside the solar system. Significant variations with timescales shorter than a year are detected in five out of the six extreme debris disks we have monitored. However, different systems show diverse sets of characteristics in the time domain, including long-term decay or growth, disk temperature variations, and possible periodicity.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures, 9 tables; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Large Impacts around a Solar Analog Star in the Era of Terrestrial Planet Formation

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    The final assembly of terrestrial planets occurs via massive collisions, which can launch copious clouds of dust that are warmed by the star and glow in the infrared. We report the real-time detection of a debris-producing impact in the terrestrial planet zone around a 35-million year-old solar analog star. We observed a substantial brightening of the debris disk at 3-5 {\mu}m, followed by a decay over a year, with quasi-periodic modulations of the disk flux. The behavior is consistent with the occurrence of a violent impact that produced vapor out of which a thick cloud of silicate spherules condensed that were ground into dust by collisions. These results demonstrate how the time domain can become a new dimension for the study of terrestrial planet formation.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures (fixed a typo in name

    Cosmic evolution of radio-excess active galactic nuclei in quiescent and star-forming galaxies across 0 < z < 4

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    Context. Radio-excess active galactic nuclei (radio-AGNs) are essential to our understanding of both the physics of black hole (BH) accretion and the interaction between BHs and host galaxies. Recent deep and wide radio continuum surveys have made it possible to study radio-AGNs down to lower luminosities and up to higher redshifts than previous studies, and are providing new insights into the abundance and physical origin of radio-AGNs.Aims. Here we focus on the cosmic evolution, physical properties, and AGN-host galaxy connections of radio-AGNs selected from a total sample of ∼400 000 galaxies at 0 < z < 4 in the GOODS-N and COSMOS fields.Methods. Combining the deep radio continuum data with multi-band, de-blended far-infrared, and submillimeter data, we were able to identify 983 radio-AGNs out of the entire galaxy sample through radio excess relative to the far-infrared–radio relation.Results. We studied the cosmic evolution of 1.4 GHz radio luminosity functions (RLFs) for both star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and radio-AGNs, which can be well described by a pure luminosity evolution of L⋆ ∝ (1 + z)−0.34 × z + 3.57 and a pure density evolution of Φ⋆ ∝ (1 + z)−0.77 × z + 2.69, respectively. We derived the turnover luminosity, above which the number density of radio-AGNs surpasses that of SFGs. We show that this crossover luminosity increases with increasing redshifts, from 1022.9 W Hz−1 at z ∼ 0 to 1025.2 W Hz−1 at z ∼ 4. At the full redshift range of 0 < z < 4, we further derive the probability (pradio) of SFGs and quiescent galaxies (QGs) hosting a radio-AGN, as a function of stellar mass (M⋆), radio luminosity (LR), and redshift (z), which yields pradio ∝ (1+z)3.08 M⋆1.06 LR−0.77 for SFGs, and pradio ∝ (1+z)2.47 M⋆1.41 LR−0.60 for QGs, respectively.Conclusions. The quantitative relation for the probabilities of galaxies hosting a radio-AGN indicates that radio-AGNs in QGs prefer to reside in more massive galaxies with higher LR than those in SFGs. The fraction of radio-AGN increases toward higher redshift in both SFGs and QGs, with a more rapid increase in SFGs

    JWST and ALMA imaging of dust-obscured, massive substructures in a typical z3z \sim 3 star-forming disk galaxy

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    We present an identification of dust-attenuated star-forming galactic-disk substructures in a typical star-forming galaxy (SFG), UDF2, at z=2.696z = 2.696. To date, substructures containing significant buildup of stellar mass and actively forming stars have yet to be found in typical (i.e., main-sequence) SFGs at z>2z > 2. This is due to the strong dust attenuation common in massive galaxies at the epoch and the scarcity of high-resolution, high-sensitivity extinction-independent imaging. To search for disk substructures, we subtracted the central stellar-mass disk from the JWST/NIRCam rest-frame 1.2 μ\mum image (0.130.13'' resolution) and subtracted, in the visibility plane, the central starburst disk from ALMA rest-frame 240 μ\mum observations (0.030.03'' resolution). The residual images revealed substructures at rest-frame 1.2 μ\mum co-located with those found at rest-frame 240 μ\mum, 2\simeq 2 kpc away from the galactic center. The largest substructure contains 20\simeq20% of the total stellar mass and 5\simeq5% of the total SFR of the galaxy. While UDF2 exhibits a kinematically-ordered velocity field of molecular gas consistent with a secularly evolving disk, more sensitive observations are required to characterize the nature and the origin of this substructure (spiral arms, minor merger, or other types of disk instabilities). UDF2 resides in an overdense region (N4N \geqslant 4 massive galaxies within 70 kpc projected distance at z=2.6902.697z=2.690-2.697) and the substructures may be associated with interaction-induced instabilities. Importantly, a statistical sample of such substructures identified with JWST and ALMA could play a key role in bridging the gap between the bulge-forming starburst and the rest of the galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; ApJL, accepte

    SXDF-ALMA 2 Arcmin^2 Deep Survey: Resolving and Characterizing the Infrared Extragalactic Background Light Down to 0.5 mJy

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    We present a multi-wavelength analysis of five submillimeter sources (S_1.1mm = 0.54-2.02 mJy) that were detected during our 1.1-mm-deep continuum survey in the SXDF-UDS-CANDELS field (2 arcmin^2, 1sigma = 0.055 mJy beam^-1) using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The two brightest sources correspond to a known single-dish (AzTEC) selected bright submillimeter galaxy (SMG), whereas the remaining three are faint SMGs newly uncovered by ALMA. If we exclude the two brightest sources, the contribution of the ALMA-detected faint SMGs to the infrared extragalactic background light is estimated to be ~ 4.1^{+5.4}_{-3.0} Jy deg^{-2}, which corresponds to ~ 16^{+22}_{-12}% of the infrared extragalactic background light. This suggests that their contribution to the infrared extragalactic background light is as large as that of bright SMGs. We identified multi-wavelength counterparts of the five ALMA sources. One of the sources (SXDF-ALMA3) is extremely faint in the optical to near-infrared region despite its infrared luminosity (L_IR ~ 1e12 L_sun or SFR ~ 100 M_sun yr^{-1}). By fitting the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) at the optical-to-near-infrared wavelengths of the remaining four ALMA sources, we obtained the photometric redshifts (z_photo) and stellar masses (M_*): z_photo ~ 1.3-2.5, M_* ~ (3.5-9.5)e10 M_sun. We also derived their star formation rates (SFRs) and specific SFRs (sSFRs) as ~ 30-200 M_sun yr^{-1} and ~ 0.8-2 Gyr^{-1}, respectively. These values imply that they are main-sequence star-forming galaxies.Comment: PASJ accepted, 15 pages, 6 figures, 2 table