33 research outputs found

    Amino Acids Metabolism in the Muscle of Sheep fed with Mitchell Grass Hay Supplemented with Gliricidia sepium

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    Leaf of Gliricidia sepiumcontains high amino acid that required for protein synthesis in the muscle. Supplementation of the legume leaves to low quality basal diet would improves amino acids amount to obtain an optimum growth of animal. The aim of experiment was to investigate the effect of Gliricidia sepium leaves supplementation to low quality basal diet on protein synthesis in muscle of animal. Eighteen sheeps were divided into three groups based on live weight (27.6 ± 1.72, 27.1 ± 2.26 and 27.5 ± 1.56 kg) of feed treatment, namely Mitchell grass hay (MG), Gliricidia (GS),and haycombined with Gliricidia (MGGS). All the dietwas offered with the amount was determined to meet the maintenance metabolizable energy (ME) requirement of the animals. Feed utilization and amino acid metabolism in muscle of sheep was measured with radioactively labeled leucine, water and sodium bicarbonate. Results indicated that sheepin MG group had a negative energy balance, whereas sheep in MGGS group had the highest amount of ME available for growth. The rate of protein synthesis was higher in the MGGS group and tended to take up these amino acids in their hind-limb muscles, while animalsin MG and GS groups tended to have net outputs of amino acids from their hind-limb muscles. Animals in the MGGS group synthesised more protein in their muscle than those in the GS and MG groups. It was concluded that the supplementation of Gliricidia at a ratio of 40:60improved feed utilization of low quality basal diet. The improvement would be manifested in better digestible organic matter intake (DOMI) with subsequent better utilization of amino acids

    Beef Cattle Development Models in the Selected Transmigration Areas

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    ABSTRACT One of the government efforts to optimize available human and natural resources lial dry zone of transmigration areas is using beef cattle development. Several advantages of beef cattle me: increase of family income, provide animal power, improve the quality of natural resources, fulfil the need for food of high quality and increase job opportunity. Beef cattle model for transmigration has not been developed, therefore, this study was eeildrietecl. The aims of the study was to design beef caulemodel in accordance with agro-ceosysteni profile in die study areas. The study was conducted in the four provinces consisting of 10 transmigration uscitlernonts i.e. 3 sites in South Sulawesi and in South East Sulawesi will 2 sites in West Nusatenggara and East Nusatenggara provinces. Rapid Rural Appraisal method was employed, Primary data were collected by dircet interview to trans]iiigranS, farmer groups, institutions, and related officers in various levels. Of the 10 locations all have different conditions in term of topographical, geographical and socto-economic. They Clad low livestock population and far below its carrying capacity. Cattle sculls to have a greatest potential For increasing income both w short and long term. Three basic model for cattle development were identified: cattle tor fatuming. breeding and combination of the two. These models can be approached through the nucleus estate concept which increase farmer\u27s resource use for more productive activities, Key Words: Boer Cattle Model, Transmigration Area

    Farmer\u27s Response to Rumen Fill Transfer Technique

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    ABSTRACT: Under controlled cavironment, rumen fill transfer shows to improve miner fermentation. survival rate and daily liveweight gain of ruminants fed low quality diets but tins should be tested under rural condition. Four villages were selected in Lombok. Each village was represented by 15 mature Bali cows or the total of 60 cows belonged to 45 farmers. Appropriate combination of rumen fill suitable for rumen condition of Bali cows was selected by using the Balitnak Method developed by Winugroho et al (1993) The rumen fill %%us then sun-dried at 08 00 am to 14_00 pm for 4 days prior to be ground through aproximately 1 nun diameter screen. Approximately, 100 g dried and ground selected rumen fill was given to individual cows in the middle of dry season (November 1993). In order to rejection, the nimcn fill was mixed with fresh cassava tubers or banana trunks prior to offering Although, some tree legumes and eon] stovers were supplemented but the diet was still rich in fibre content ie. typical feed during dry season Fanner\u27s response was taken in at the end of dry season or after about 3 months study period. Data were presented in form of percentages. Fresh buffalo rumen fill from Bogor was best combined for rumen environment of Bali cows_ The dried rumen fill was 3 weeks old kept in aerobic under room temperature before being brought to Lombok and given to the animals. According to the fanners, 75% of the transferred cows showed improved cow appetite, 6U% of them had better body condition, 90% of the cows had smoother faeeal output. Thirty percent of the farmers suggest that the smell of the dried fill should be overconied. However. all farrilerS were willing to feed dried ruiner fill for the next dry season Key Words: Farmer\u27s Response, Rumen Fill Transfer, Bali Cow

    Blood Profile of Beef Cattle Offered Mulberry Leave Meal to Substitute Feed Concentrate

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    The purpose of this experiment was to examine the effects of mulberry leave meal to substitute concentrate in rice straw based ration on blood profiles of Ongole crossbreed cattle. This experiment was carried out according to completely randomized design consisted of 3 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were P1 (50% rice straw + 50% concentrate), P2 (50% rice straw + 25% concentrate + 25% mulberry leave meal), and P3 (50% rice straw + 50% mulberry leave meal). Parameters measured were blood profiles, i.e. blood glucose, blood cholesterol and blood HDL. The results showed that substitution of concentrate with mulberry leave meal significantly reduced (P<0.05) blood glucose and increased blood cholesterol and HDL. It is concluded that mulberry leave meal can be used to substitute concentrate and give a positive effect on glucose, cholesterol,and HDL contents of blood

    Substitution of Concentrate with Mulberry Leaves in Ongole Grade Cattle Fed Rice Straw Based Diet

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    An experiment was conducted to assess the substitution of concentrate with mulberry (Morus spp.) leaves combined with rice straw offered to beef cattle. The study used 12 male Ongole grade cattle weighing 217+10.53 kg. Rations consisted of rice straw, mulberry leaves and concentrate. Research was carried out according to completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 4 replications for each treatment. The treatments were: P1= 50% rice straw + 50% concentrate; P2= 50% rice straw + 25% concentrate + 25% mulberry; P3= 50% rice straw + 50% mulberry. The results of the study indicated that rumen fermentation in cattlle fed on P2 ration was more effective than those receiving P1 and P3 rations. The fermentation was characterized by a higher production of total VFA and allantoin excretion in the urine. The presence of 1-deoxynojirimycin  (DNJ) compound of mulberry leaves in the rumen system in treatment P2 and P3 improved digestibility of fiber fractions of rice straw-based rations. Mulberry leaves in rations also accounted for isoacids in the rumen system, which supported the development of cellulolytic bacteria. In conclusion, mulberry leaves containing concentrate had a potency to substitute concentrate when used together with  fiber source feed such as rice straw

    Pengaruh Pemberian Daun Leguminosa terhadap Penampilan Hormon Progesteron pada Domba Betina

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    Energi dan asam amino merupakan nutrisi yang sangat dibutuhkan agar ternak dapat estrus. Sumber energi utama untuk proses reproduksi adalah dalam bentuk glukosa. Sedangkan sumber utama asam amino ruminansia adalah protein mikroba rumen, kecuali methionine dan lysine yang diperoleh dari makanan. Sumber asam amino diantaranya adalah daun Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala dan Calliandra calothyrsus. Penelitian bertujuan melihat dampak pemberian tiga macam daun leguminosa terhadap profil hormon progesteron domba dara. Delapan belas ekor domba dara dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok perlakuan pakan yaitu: (1) Pakan I, rumput dan konsentrat; (2) Perlakuan II, pakan I + leguminosa; dan (3) Perlakuan III, pakan I + asam amino murni. Penelitian mengamati konsumsi dan kecernaan pakan, pertambahan bobot badan serta profil hormon progesteron. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ternak di kelompok II mengkonsumsi lebih banyak energi dibandingkan dengan ternak di kelompok perlakuan I dan III (P0,05). Pertambahan bobot badan harian ternak di kelompok perlakuan II 12,6 dan 10,11% lebih besar dibandingkan dengan ternak di kelompok perlakuan I dan II (

    Potency of 1 - Deoxynojirimycin Compounds for Slowed Hydrolysis of Various Carbohydrates by Raw Enzymes of the Rumen Liquid

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    Compound of 1- deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) in the mulberry leave extract (MLE) potentially hamper the hydrolysis process of various carbohydrates. This experiment aimed to study dynamic concentration of reductive sugar resulted from the hydrolysis of various carbohydrates by raw enzymes of the rumen liquid, with or without the addition of mulberry leave extract containing 1-deoxynojirimycin. Materials tested are maltose, sucrose, starch and cellulose. The result of the experiment showed that the addition of mulberry leave extract on the media with the substrate of maltose hampered the activity of Maltase. It was concluded that MLE containing DNJ can be used as an agent of slow release mechanism of non-structural carbohydrates, especially maltose, in the rumen system