8,208 research outputs found

    Direct Measurement of Neutron-Star Recoil in the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant Puppis A

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    A sequence of three Chandra X-ray Observatory High Resolution Camera images taken over a span of five years reveals arc-second-scale displacement of RX J0822-4300, the stellar remnant (presumably a neutron star) near the center of the Puppis A supernova remnant. We measure its proper motion to be 0.165+/-0.025 arcsec/yr toward the west-southwest. At a distance of 2 kpc, this corresponds to a transverse space velocity of ~1600 km/s. The space velocity is consistent with the explosion center inferred from proper motions of the oxygen-rich optical filaments, and confirms the idea that Puppis A resulted from an asymmetric explosion accompanied by a kick that imparted roughly 3*10^49 ergs of kinetic energy (some 3 percent of the kinetic energy for a typical supernova) to the stellar remnant. We discuss constraints on core-collapse supernova models that have been proposed to explain neutron star kick velocities

    Coherent optical transfer of Feshbach molecules to a lower vibrational state

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    Using the technique of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) we have coherently transferred ultracold 87Rb2 Feshbach molecules into a more deeply bound vibrational quantum level. Our measurements indicate a high transfer efficiency of up to 87%. As the molecules are held in an optical lattice with not more than a single molecule per lattice site, inelastic collisions between the molecules are suppressed and we observe long molecular lifetimes of about 1 s. Using STIRAP we have created quantum superpositions of the two molecular states and tested their coherence interferometrically. These results represent an important step towards Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of molecules in the vibrational ground state.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Phase noise and jitter modeling for fractional-N PLLs

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    We present an analytical phase noise model for fractional-N phase-locked loops (PLL) with emphasis on integrated RF synthesizers in the GHz range. The noise of the crystal reference, the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), the loop filter, the charge pump, and the sigma-delta modulator (SDM) is filtered by the PLL operation. We express the rms phase error (jitter) in terms of phase noise of the reference, the VCO phase noise and the third-order loop filter parameters. In addition, we consider OFDM systems, where the PLL phase noise is reduced by digital signal processing after down-conversion of the RF signal to baseband. The rms phase error is discussed as a function of the loop parameters. Our model drastically simplifies the noise optimization of the PLL loop dynamics

    Pancreatic lipases: evolutionary intermediates in a positional change of catalytic carboxylates?

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    Comparison of the fold of lipases from Geotrichum candidum and from human pancreas identified a high degree of similarity which was not expected on the basis of their amino acid sequences. Although both enzymes utilize a serine protease-like catalytic triad, they differ in the topological position of the acid. We speculate that these proteins are evolutionarily related and that the pancreatic lipase is an evolutionary intermediate in the pathway of migration of the catalytic acid to a new position within the fold

    Invariant expansion for the trigonal band structure of graphene

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    We present a symmetry analysis of the trigonal band structure in graphene, elucidating the transformational properties of the underlying basis functions and the crucial role of time-reversal invariance. Group theory is used to derive an invariant expansion of the Hamiltonian for electron states near the K points of the graphene Brillouin zone. Besides yielding the characteristic k-linear dispersion and higher-order corrections to it, this approach enables the systematic incorporation of all terms arising from external electric and magnetic fields, strain, and spin-orbit coupling up to any desired order. Several new contributions are found, in addition to reproducing results obtained previously within tight-binding calculations. Physical ramifications of these new terms are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; expanded version with more details and additional result

    Anomalous spin-resolved point-contact transmission of holes due to cubic Rashba spin-orbit coupling

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    Evidence is presented for the finite wave vector crossing of the two lowest one-dimensional spin-split subbands in quantum point contacts fabricated from two-dimensional hole gases with strong spin-orbit interaction. This phenomenon offers an elegant explanation for the anomalous sign of the spin polarization filtered by a point contact, as observed in magnetic focusing experiments. Anticrossing is introduced by a magnetic field parallel to the channel or an asymmetric potential transverse to it. Controlling the magnitude of the spin-splitting affords a novel mechanism for inverting the sign of the spin polarization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Cruising through molecular bound state manifolds with radio frequency

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    The emerging field of ultracold molecules with their rich internal structure is currently attracting a lot of interest. Various methods have been developed to produce ultracold molecules in pre-set quantum states. For future experiments it will be important to efficiently transfer these molecules from their initial quantum state to other quantum states of interest. Optical Raman schemes are excellent tools for transfer, but can be involved in terms of equipment, laser stabilization and finding the right transitions. Here we demonstrate a very general and simple way for transfer of molecules from one quantum state to a neighboring quantum state with better than 99% efficiency. The scheme is based on Zeeman tuning the molecular state to avoided level crossings where radio-frequency transitions can then be carried out. By repeating this process at different crossings, molecules can be successively transported through a large manifold of quantum states. As an important spin-off of our experiments, we demonstrate a high-precision spectroscopy method for investigating level crossings.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Repulsively bound atom pairs: Overview, Simulations and Links

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    We review the basic physics of repulsively bound atom pairs in an optical lattice, which were recently observed in the laboratory, including the theory and the experimental implementation. We also briefly discuss related many-body numerical simulations, in which time-dependent Density Matrix Renormalisation Group (DMRG) methods are used to model the many-body physics of a collection of interacting pairs, and give a comparison of the single-particle quasimomentum distribution measured in the experiment and results from these simulations. We then give a short discussion of how these repulsively bound pairs relate to bound states in some other physical systems.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of ICAP-2006 (Innsbruck

    Hole spin relaxation in intrinsic and pp-type bulk GaAs

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    We investigate hole spin relaxation in intrinsic and pp-type bulk GaAs from a fully microscopic kinetic spin Bloch equation approach. In contrast to the previous study on hole spin dynamics, we explicitly include the intraband coherence and the nonpolar hole-optical-phonon interaction, both of which are demonstrated to be of great importance to the hole spin relaxation. The relative contributions of the D'yakonov-Perel' and Elliott-Yafet mechanisms on hole spin relaxation are also analyzed. In our calculation, the screening constant, playing an important role in the hole spin relaxation, is treated with the random phase approximation. In intrinsic GaAs, our result shows good agreement with the experiment data at room temperature, where the hole spin relaxation is demonstrated to be dominated by the Elliott-Yafet mechanism. We also find that the hole spin relaxation strongly depends on the temperature and predict a valley in the density dependence of the hole spin relaxation time at low temperature due to the hole-electron scattering. In pp-type GaAs, we predict a peak in the spin relaxation time against the hole density at low temperature, which originates from the distinct behaviors of the screening in the degenerate and nondegenerate regimes. The competition between the screening and the momentum exchange during scattering events can also lead to a valley in the density dependence of the hole spin relaxation time in the low density regime. At high temperature, the effect of the screening is suppressed due to the small screening constant. Moreover, we predict a nonmonotonic dependence of the hole spin relaxation time on temperature associated with the screening together with the hole-phonon scattering. Finally, we find that the D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism can markedly contribute to the .... (omitted due to the limit of space)Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Phys. Rev. B, in pres
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