614 research outputs found

    Influence of Subpixel Scale Cloud Top Structure on Reflectances from Overcast Stratiform Cloud Layers

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    Recent observational studies have shown that satellite retrievals of cloud optical depth based on plane-parallel model theory suffer from systematic biases that depend on viewing geometry, even when observations are restricted to overcast marine stratus layers, arguably the closest to plane parallel in nature. At moderate to low sun elevations, the plane-parallel model significantly overestimates the reflectance dependence on view angle in the forward-scattering direction but shows a similar dependence in the backscattering direction. Theoretical simulations are performed that show that the likely cause for this discrepancy is because the plane-parallel model assumption does not account for subpixel, scale variations in cloud-top height (i.e., "cloud bumps"). Monte Carlo simulation, comparing ID model radiances to radiances from overcast cloud field with 1) cloud-top height variation, but constant cloud volume extinction; 2) flat tops but horizontal variations in cloud volume extinction; and 3) variations in both cloud top height and cloud extinction are performed over a approximately equal to 4 km x 4 km domain (roughly the size of an individual GAC AVHRR pixel). The comparisons show that when cloud-top height variations are included, departures from 1D theory are remarkably similar (qualitatively) to those obtained observationally. In contrast, when clouds are assumed flat and only cloud extinction is variable, reflectance differences are much smaller and do not show any view-angle dependence. When both cloud-top height and cloud extinction variations are included, however, large increases in cloud extinction variability can enhance reflectance difference. The reason 3D-1D reflectance differences are more sensitive to cloud-top height variations in the forward-scattering direction (at moderate to low, sun elevations) is because photons leaving the cloud field in that direction experience fewer scattering events (low-order scattering) and are restricted to the topmost portions of the cloud. While reflectance deviations from 1D theory are much larger for bumpy clouds than for flat clouds with variable cloud extinction, differences in cloud albedo are comparable for these two cases

    Exploring and Visualizing A-Train Instrument Data

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    The succession of US and international satellites that follow each other in close succession, known as the A-Train, affords an opportunity to atmospheric researchers that no single platform could provide: Increasing the number of observations at any given geographic location.. . a more complete "virtual science platform". However, vertically and horizontally, co-registering and regridding datasets from independently developed missions, Aqua, Calipso, Cloudsat, Parasol, and Aura, so that they can be inter-compared can be daunting to some, and may be repeated by many. Scientists will individually spend much of their time and resources acquiring A-Train datasets of interest residing at various locations, developing algorithms to match up and graph datasets along the A-Train track, and search through large amounts of data for areas and/or phenomena of interest. The aggregate amount of effort that can be expended on repeating pre-science tasks could climb into the tens of millions of dollars. The goal of the A-Train Data Depot (ATDD) is to enable free movement of remotely located A-Train data so that they are combined to create a consolidated vertical view of the Earth's Atmosphere along the A-Train tracks. The innovative approach of analyzing and visualizing atmospheric profiles along the platforms track (i.e., time) is accomplished by through the ATDDs Giovanni data analysis and visualization tool. Giovanni brings together data from Aqua (MODIS, AIRS, AMSR-E), Cloudsat (cloud profiling radar) and Calipso (CALIOP, IIR), as well as the Aura (OMI, MLS, HIRDLS, TES) to create a consolidated vertical view of the Earth's Atmosphere along the A-Train tracks. This easy to learn and use exploration tool will allow users to create vertical profiles of any desired A-Train dataset, for any given time of choice. This presentation shows the power of Giovanni by describing and illustrating how this tool facilitates and aids A-Train science and research. A web based display system Giovanni provides users with the capability of creating co-located profile images of temperature and humidity data from the MODIS, MLS and AIRS instruments for a user specified time and spatial area. In addition, Cloud and Aerosol profiles may also be displayed for the Cloudsat and Caliop instruments. The ability to modify horizontal and vertical axis range, data range and dynamic color range is also provided. Two dimensional strip plots of MODIS, AIRS, OM1 and POLDER parameters, co-located along the Cloudsat reference track, can also be plotted along with the Cloudsat cloud profiling data. Center swath pixels for the same parameters can also be shown as line plots overlaying the Cloudsat or Calipso profile images. Images and subsetted data produced in each analysis run may be downloaded. Users truly can explore and discover data specific to their needs prior to ever transferring data to their analysis tools

    Spatially explicit stock assessment uncovers sequential depletion of northern shrimp stock components in the North Sea

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    Space is a critical component of fisheries management. Despite this, very few of the world's fish and shellfish stocks are currently assessed using methods that are spatially structured. In the Northeast Atlantic, northern shrimp in the North Sea and Skagerrak, is currently assessed using a spatially structured assessment model. This metapopulation model includes two spatial units (the Norwegian Deep and the Skagerrak), however, in the recent past, the fishery on northern shrimp in the North Sea also occurred in a third neighbouring fishing area, the Fladen Ground. Here, we have reconstructed the dynamics of northern shrimp in the Fladen Ground using historic landings, a standardized commercial index of abundance and fragmented survey data and integrated this third spatial unit into the assessment model of the stock. In doing so, we find evidence of sequential spatial depletion, whereby high rates of fishing mortality have successively eroded stock components in a west to east pattern of overexploitation and produced cryptic collapses. This finding is the first documented case of sequential spatial depletion in the Northeast Atlantic, a phenomenon that could be common and largely overlooked by stock assessment methods that are inherently non-spatial

    Introduction to special section: Outstanding problems in quantifying the radiative impact of mineral dust

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    International audienceThis paper provides an introduction to the special section of the Journal of Geophysical Research on mineral dust. We briefly review the current experimental and theoretical approaches used to quantify the dust radiative impacts, highlight the outstanding issues, and discuss possible strategies to overcome the emerging problems. We also introduce the contributing papers of this special section. Despite the recent notable advances in dust studies, we demonstrate that the radiative effects of dust remain poorly quantified due to both limited data and incomplete understanding of relative physical and chemical processes. The foremost needs are (1) to quantify the spatial and temporal variations of dust burden in the atmosphere and develop a predictive capability for the size‐ and composition‐resolved dust particle distribution; (2) to develop a quantitative description of the processes that control the spatial and temporal variabilities of dust physical and chemical properties and radiative effects; (3) to develop new instrumentation (especially to measure the dust particle size distribution in a wide range from about 0.01 μm to 100 μm, scattering phase function and light absorption by dust particles); and (4) to develop new techniques for interpreting and merging the diverse information from satellite remote sensing, in situ and ground‐based measurements, laboratory studies, and model simulations. Because dust distribution and effects are heterogeneous, both spatially and temporally, a promising strategy to advance our knowledge is to perform comprehensive studies at the targeted regions affected by mineral dust of both natural and anthropogenic origin

    Heuristic Optimization Methods for Dynamic Panel Data Model Selection: Application on the Russian Innovative Performance

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    Innovations, be they radical new products or technology improvements are widely recognized as a key factor of economic growth. To identify the factors triggering innovative activities is a main concern for economic theory and empirical analysis. As the number of hypotheses is large, the process of model selection becomes a crucial part of the empirical implementation. The problem is complicated by the fact that unobserved heterogeneity and possible endogeneity of regressors have to be taken into account. A new efficient solution to this problem is suggested, applying optimization heuristics, which exploits the inherent discrete nature of the problem. The model selection is based on information criteria and the Sargan test of overidentifying restrictions. The method is applied to Russian regional data within the framework of a log-linear dynamic panel data model. To illustrate the performance of the method, we also report the results of Monte-Carlo simulations

    Cloud Occurrences and Cloud Radiative Effects (CREs) from CCCM and CloudSat Radar-Lidar (RL) Products

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    Two kinds of radar-lidar synergy cloud products are compared and analyzed in this study; CERES-CALIPSO-CloudSat-MODIS (CCCM) product and CloudSat radar-lidar (RL) product such as GEOPROF-LIDAR and FLXHR-LIDAR. Compared to GEOPROF LIDAR, CCCM has more low-level ( 40). The difference occurs when hydrometeors are detected by CALIPSO lidar but are undetected by CloudSat radar, which may be related to precipitation. In the comparison of cloud radiative effects (CREs), global mean differences between CCCM and FLXHR-LIDAR are mostly smaller than 5 W m-2, while noticeable regional differences are found over three regions. First, CCCM has larger shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) CREs than FXLHR-LIDAR along the west coasts of Africa and America. This might be caused by missing small-scale marine boundary layer clouds in FLXHR-LIDAR. Second, over tropical oceans where precipitation frequently occurs, SW and LW CREs from FLXHR-LIDAR are larger than those from CCCM partly because FLXHR-LIDAR algorithm includes the contribution of rainwater to total liquid water path. Third, over midlatitude storm-track regions, CCCM shows larger SW and LW CREs than FLXHR-LIDAR, due to CCCM biases caused by larger cloud optical depth or higher cloud effective height

    Title: will be set by the publisher Editors: will be set by the publisher EAS Publications Series, Vol.?, 2009 THE BEST SITE ON EARTH?

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    Abstract. We compare the merits of potential observatory sites on the Antarctic Plateau, in regard to the boundary layer, cloud cover, free atmosphere seeing, aurorae, airglow, and precipitable water vapour. We find that (a) all Antarctic sites are likely compromised for optical work by airglow and aurorae; (b) Dome A is the best existing site in almost all respects; (c) there is an even better site (‘Ridge A’) 150kms SW of Dome A; (d) Dome F is a remarkably good site except for aurorae; (e) Dome C probably has the least cloud cover of any of the sites, and might be able to use a predicted ‘OH hole ’ in the Spring. The Antarctic plateau probably contains the best astronomical sites on Earth, but none of the existing bases were situated with astronomy in mind. In Saunders et al.(2009), we use published data and models, and unpublished meteorological and other information, to try to compare the merits of the potential sites. Here, we summarise only the new findings and conclusions. We include boundary layer thickness, cloud cover, auroral emission, airglow, precipitable water vapour, an

    Heuristic Model Selection for Leading Indicators in Russia and Germany

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    Business tendency survey indicators are widely recognized as a key instrument for business cycle forecasting. Their leading indicator property is assessed with regard to forecasting industrial production in Russia and Germany. For this purpose, vector autoregressive (VAR) models are specified and estimated to construct forecasts. As the potential number of lags included is large, we compare full's specified VAR models with subset models obtained using a Genetic Algorithm enabling in multivariate lag structures. The problem is complicated by the fact that a structural break and seasonal variation of indicators have to be taken into account. The models allow for a comparison of the dynamic adjustment and the forecasting performance of the leading indicators for both countries revealing marked differences between Russia and Germany