146 research outputs found

    Cyfraniad Menywod i Ddarlledu Cyhoeddus yng Nghymru yn ystod Y Chwedegau Hirion (c. 1958–c.1974)

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    Mae’r traethawd hwn yn canolbwyntio ar gyfraniad menywod i ddarlledu cyhoeddus yng Nghymru yn ystod Y Chwedegau Hirion (c.1958–c.1974), yn bennaf eu cynnyrch cyfrwng y Gymraeg. Caiff y gwaith ei drin o safbwynt ffeminyddol ac mae profiad yr awdur fel cynhyrchydd radio a theledu gyda’r BBC yn darparu perspectif amgen wrth ddadansoddi cynnwys a chreadigrwydd rhaglenni. Rhydd y cyfnod o dan sylw gefnlen gymdeithasol gyfoethog i waith yr arloeswyr gyda Chymru fel llawer o wledydd gorllewinol yn profi gwrthdaro traddodiadau’r gorffennol a grymoedd rhyddid Eingl-Americanaidd. Deffrôdd pobl ifainc Cymru, fel ieuenctid ar draws Ewrop, a daeth darlledu yn ei dro yn ffocws eu hymgyrchoedd cenedlaetholgar. Ynghanol y bwrlwm, daeth pump o arloeswyr i’r amlwg, sef Ruth Price, Evelyn Williams, Nan Davies, Marion Griffith Williams a Teleri Bevan, a’u gyrfaoedd yn cwmpasu’r genres a’r darpariaethau canlynol, sy’n ffurfio penodau’r traethawd: adloniant ysgafn, darpariaeth ar gyfer plant, cylchgrawn newyddion, rhaglenni nodwedd a’r ddarpariaeth i fenywod. Caiff eu llwybrau tuag at eu cyflogaeth eu holrhain, ac wrth i oriau darlledu ehangu ar radio a theledu yn ystod y pumdegau a’r chwedegau, daeth yr angen iddynt oll arbenigo. O’r herwydd fe’u gwelwyd yn ymroi i un genre neu ddarpariaeth trwy gydol eu gyrfaoedd, gyda Bevan yn unig yn esgyn i’r lefel rheoli o fewn y BBC yng Nghymru. Ceisir dadansoddi eu gwaith, ac yn benodol eu perthynas gyda’u cynnyrch a ddarlledwyd ar y tonfeddi radio neu ar y sgrîn. Rhoddir sylw i’w cynrychiolaeth o fenywod mewn cyfnod lle bu i’r Mudiad Rhyddid Menywod yn rhyngwladol dynnu sylw at ddylanwad y cyfryngau ar y modd y cai menywod eu portreadu. Daeth i’r amlwg nad ymyrraeth ffeminyddol oedd gweledigaeth y mwyafrif ohonynt, yn hytrach eu nod oedd sefydlu gwasanaeth darlledu o’r safon uchaf yng Nghymru, a hynny trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg

    Net Zero requires ambitious greenhouse gas emission reductions on beef and sheep farms coordinated with afforestation and other land use change measures

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    CONTEXT: The UK Climate Change Committee has recommended a 64% reduction in greenhouse gas emissionsfrom the agriculture and land-use sector to meet the 2050 Net Zero target in the UK. However, it is unclear howthis reduction can be achieved at a farm level.OBJECTIVE: Using detailed real farm data and novel modelling approaches, we investigated the managementinterventions and afforestation that would be required to deliver Net Zero within the farm boundary.METHODS: Baseline carbon footprints were calculated for twenty Welsh beef and sheep farms using the Agrecalccarbon calculator, whilst carbon sequestration was estimated using Bangor University’s Carbon FootprintingTool. Scenarios were created to determine the emissions reductions achievable on each farm through implementationof cost-effective mitigation measures. Mitigation measures and their abatement potentials weresourced from the most recent UK Marginal Abatement Cost Curve, which allow emissions to be reduced mostlythrough improvements in efficiency thus maintaining the production of the system. Area footprints werecalculated for production, with and without offset (afforested) areas needed to achieve Net Zero

    NEAT1 and paraspeckles in neurodegenerative diseases: A missing lnc found?

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    Neurodegenerative diseases are among the most common causes of disability worldwide. Although neurodegenerative diseases are heterogeneous in both their clinical features and the underlying physiology, they are all characterised by progressive loss of specific neuronal populations. Recent experimental evidence suggests that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play important roles in the CNS in health and disease. Nuclear Paraspeckle Assembly Transcript 1 (NEAT1) is an abundant, ubiquitously expressed lncRNA, which forms a scaffold for a specific RNA granule in the nucleus, or nuclear body, the paraspeckle. Paraspeckles act as molecular hubs for cellular processes commonly affected by neurodegeneration. Transcriptomic analyses of the diseased human tissue have revealed altered NEAT1 levels in the CNS in major neurodegenerative disorders as well as in some disease models. Although it is clear that changes in NEAT1 expression (and in some cases, paraspeckle assembly) accompany neuronal damage, our understanding of NEAT1 contribution to the disease pathogenesis is still rudimentary. In this review, we have summarised the available knowledge on NEAT1 involvement in the molecular processes linked to neurodegeneration and on NEAT1 dysregulation in this type of disease, with a special focus on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The goal of this review is to attract the attention of researchers in the field of neurodegeneration to NEAT1 and paraspeckles

    Associations between metabolic syndrome components and markers of inflammation in Welsh school children

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    We investigated the multivariate dimensionality and strength of the relationship between metabolic syndrome (MetS) and inflammation in children. Caucasian school children (N = 229; 12-14 yr) from Wales were tested on several health indicators including measures of body composition, inflammation, fasting glucose regulation, blood pressure and lipids. The multivariate associationbetween MetS and inflammation was investigated via canonical correlation analysis. Data were corrected for non-normality by log transformation, and sex-specific z-scores computed for variables where there was a significant sex difference. Structure r’s were interpreted to determine the dimensions of MetS and inflammation responsible for significant canonical variates. The overallmultivariate association between MetS and inflammation was significant (Wilks’ Lambda = 0.54, p < 0.001). The relationship was explained primarily by the waist circumference dimension of MetS (CC = 0.87) and inflammatory markers of fibrinogen (CC = 0.52) and C-reactive protein (CC = 0.50). The pattern of results was similar regardless of whether variables were adjusted for sex differences.Conclusions: Central adiposity is the strongest predictor of the inflammatory aspect of cardiovascular disease risk in Caucasian adolescents. Future research into MetS and cardiometabolic risk should consider multivariate statistical approaches, in order to identify the separate contributions of each dimension in interrelationships and to identify which dimensions are influenced by preventive interventions

    Genetic Ancestry, Social Classification, and Racial Inequalities in Blood Pressure in Southeastern Puerto Rico

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    The role of race in human genetics and biomedical research is among the most contested issues in science. Much debate centers on the relative importance of genetic versus sociocultural factors in explaining racial inequalities in health. However, few studies integrate genetic and sociocultural data to test competing explanations directly.We draw on ethnographic, epidemiologic, and genetic data collected in Southeastern Puerto Rico to isolate two distinct variables for which race is often used as a proxy: genetic ancestry versus social classification. We show that color, an aspect of social classification based on the culturally defined meaning of race in Puerto Rico, better predicts blood pressure than does a genetic-based estimate of continental ancestry. We also find that incorporating sociocultural variables reveals a new and significant association between a candidate gene polymorphism for hypertension (alpha(2C) adrenergic receptor deletion) and blood pressure.This study addresses the recognized need to measure both genetic and sociocultural factors in research on racial inequalities in health. Our preliminary results provide the most direct evidence to date that previously reported associations between genetic ancestry and health may be attributable to sociocultural factors related to race and racism, rather than to functional genetic differences between racially defined groups. Our results also imply that including sociocultural variables in future research may improve our ability to detect significant allele-phenotype associations. Thus, measuring sociocultural factors related to race may both empower future genetic association studies and help to clarify the biological consequences of social inequalities

    Suono e Spettacolo. Athanasius Kircher, un percorso nelle Immagini sonore.

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    The Society of Jesus made great propaganda efforts throughout the seventeenth century and chose the images and the play as a privileged means to communicate and persuade. Athanasius Kircher, a key figure of the seventeenth century, he decided to dominate the wild nature of sound through Phonurgia Nova, which includes a gallery of powerful symbolic images for Baroque aesthetics. The essay, through the grant of the images from the Library of the Department of Mathematics "Guido Castelnuovo" Sapienza University of Rome, aims to understand, through the pictures offered by Kircher, the sound phenomenon and the spectacle that this produces. In Phonurgia Nova a process of dramatization sound effects takes place, often through machines and "visions" applied to the theatrical reality, as experimental and astonishing environment beloved in baroque. Kircher illustrates the sound through explanatory figures, so to dominate the sound through the eyes. Sound is seen, admired and represented: its spectacle not only takes place through the implementation of sound machines or the "wonders" applied to the theater, but even through images, creating create a sense of wonder in in the erudite person of the seventeenth century

    Alpha interferon in the treatment of hematologic malignancies

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    The interferons are an important first member of a family of biologic response-modifiers used in treating human malignancies. Activities associated with the interferons include inhibition of viral replication, influence on cellular protein production, direct antiproliferative effects, and a variety of modulatory effects on the immune response. These regulatory functions of interferon underlie the interest in its use as an anticancer agent. Alpha interferon is the most extensively studied interferon species. Although antitumor activity has been seen both in vitro and in vivo in some solid malignancies, the most impressive responses have occurrred in the hematologic malignancies. More than 90 percent of patients with hairy cell leukemia have a sustained recovery of their peripheral blood cell counts with alpha interferon therapy. Approximately 50 percent of patients with low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and cutaneous T cell lymphoma demonstrate a response to alpha interferon. More than 80 percent of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia have a response to alpha interferon, and in one study, nearly half of the patients with response had complete suppression of the Philadelphia chromosome clone on at least one examination. Ongoing clinical trials are addressing such issues as optimal dosage, duration of alpha interferon therapy, and combinations of alpha interferon with other biologic agents, chemotherapy drugs, and radiation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/26440/1/0000528.pd
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