35 research outputs found

    Corrective and Preventive Actions of Pharmacist Preceptor in Guiding Pharmacy Internship at Public Health Center during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, a pharmacy internship at the Public Health Centers (PHC) was carried out by complying with the implementation of health protocols. There were risks for students to be exposed to COVID-19 when a pharmacy internship was carried out directly at the PHC, and some pharmacy internship materials could not be applied easily due to the pandemic. This study aimed to identify the corrective and preventive actions of the preceptor in guiding the pharmacy internship at the PHC during the COVID-19 pandemic. This descriptive study was conducted using the in-depth interview method and examined using qualitative data analysis. The results of interviews were categorized into six issues, namely: 1) roles and abilities as preceptors; 2) pharmacy college institution support; 3) pharmacy internship mentoring methods; 4) corrective and preventive actions to overcome problems in pharmacy internships during pandemics; 5) pharmacy internship modules; and 6) barriers and factors supporting the role of preceptors. Preventive action taken by the preceptor was generally in relation to government policies during the pandemic and infection prevention and control programs in PHC. Concurrently, the corrective actions were modifying learning methods and using information technology to support pharmacy internship learning outcomes during the pandemic and post-pandemic

    PEMAHAMAN MASYARAKAT KECAMATAN MERGANGSAN, GONDOKUSUMAN, UMBULHARJO DAN KOTAGEDE YOGYAKARTA TERKAIT ANTIBIOTIKA Studi Pendahuluan Dalam Pengembangan Materi dan Metode Edukasi Dengan Pendekatan Secara Kualitatif: Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (DKT)

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    Abstract: Antibiotics will be used safely when it is used rationally, and rational use of antibioticsneed an appropriately of knowledge. In accordance to achieve appropriately knowledge aboutantibiotics, it is important to identify the level of knowledge about antibiotics to improve aneducational method and material about antibiotics. As a qualitative study using focus groupdiscussion (FGD) among residence of Four Sub-district in Yogyakarta City, e.g.: Mergangsan,Gondokusuman, Umbulhardjo and Kotagede. There was eight key person of each sub districtinvolved in the study. The inclusion criteria are: Residence of one of the four sub-districts withage above 17 years old, willing to attend the activities. The exclusion criteria are: residence withPharmacy education background, moving limited and mental disability. Results of the studyshow the characteristic demography of the participants are: 5 Female and 3 Male, age rangefrom 40 to 52 years old, with educational level: 5 participants are high school graduated and 3participants are University graduated. All of participants are key person of each sub districtwhose familiar with the residences and the environmental where they are living. All ofparticipants mention that they do not know about antibiotics et all including resistance and otherrisks of irrational use of antibiotics. All of participants asking for complete information aboutantibiotics which simple, accessible and could be socialized through the routine activities inevery sub district e.g.: PKK (mothers gathering). In conclusion, the level of participants'knowledge about antibiotics is still low, and need to be improved. Complete information aboutantibiotics in a simple form has to be developed as an educational material.Keywords: Focus Group Discussion, Antibiotics, Knowledg


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    This study follows the previous study entitle Problem-based Learning (PBL) in reflective pedagogy paradigm (RPP): Innovative learning in pharmaceutical care, which identified the learning material as complicated. This study aimed to provide an appropriate method for performing pharmacy management and pharmaceutical care in Community Pharmacy. Data collection was done using an assessment instrument to identify student’s achievement. The previous study encompasses preceptors and students in developing learning material, which cause it more valid and reliable to be implemented. The study was conducted in Yogyakarta, Surakarta, and Semarang city. The effectiveness of the learning material was shown by the grade of student’s achievement in learning outcome and the clear state with confidence in the expression of reflection and action-plan. Most of the students in the 3 cities achieved an excellent grade both in the problem-solving field, and presentation of the assignment. The students reflected that the learning material is simple and suitable in practicing pharmaceutical care and pharmacy management, moreover, they can state their plan to work as a Community Pharmacist with confidence. Therefore, PBL in the RPP method is ready to be used in practicing pharmaceutical care in the Community Pharmacy

    Pelatihan pola asuh demokratis orangtua terhadap pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku bebas narkoba

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    Environmental education is an aspect of education for students who are important to support life in the future. In the learning process there are several factors that influence success in learning. One of them is the ability factor of teaching from a teacher include material, method and learning media. However, there are important factors that need to be considered, namely the ability of teachers to reflect themselves during the learning process. Therefore it is necessary for the research to know the reflection of teachers in the learning process. This study aims to determine the effect of teacher reflection on student learning outcomes. The study involved as many as 15 students of English education. Data obtained in the form of student reflection data, questionnaire value of proenvironment attitudes. The data obtained were analyzed using Paired Samples T-Test. The results showed that the process of reflection that has not been optimal can’t improve the quality of learning.Keywords: pro-environment, reflection of paradigm pedagogy, lecturer, learnin

    Pemahaman Masyarakat Kecamatan Mergangsan, Gondokusuman, Umbulharjo dan Kotagede YOGYAKARTA Terkait Antibiotika Studi Pendahuluan dalam Pengembangan Materi dan Metode Edukasi dengan Pendekatan secara Kualitatif: Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (Dkt)

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    Antibiotics will be used safely when it is used rationally, and rational use of antibiotics need an appropriately of knowledge. In accordance to achieve appropriately knowledge about antibiotics, it is important to identify the level of knowledge about antibiotics to improve an educational method and material about antibiotics. As a qualitative study using focus group discussion (FGD) among residence of Four Sub-district in Yogyakarta City, e.g.: Mergangsan, Gondokusuman, Umbulhardjo and Kotagede. There was eight key person of each sub district involved in the study. The inclusion criteria are: Residence of one of the four sub-districts with age above 17 years old, willing to attend the activities. The exclusion criteria are: residence with Pharmacy education background, moving limited and mental disability. Results of the study show the characteristic demography of the participants are: 5 Female and 3 Male, age range from 40 to 52 years old, with educational level: 5 participants are high school graduated and 3 participants are University graduated. All of participants are key person of each sub district whose familiar with the residences and the environmental where they are living. All of participants mention that they do not know about antibiotics et all including resistance and other risks of irrational use of antibiotics. All of participants asking for complete information about antibiotics which simple, accessible and could be socialized through the routine activities in every sub district e.g.: PKK (mothers gathering). In conclusion, the level of participants' knowledge about antibiotics is still low, and need to be improved. Complete information about antibiotics in a simple form has to be developed as an educational material


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    Profesionalisme guru penting dalam menunjang proses pembelajaran di kelas. Indonesia adalah negara dengan kualitas pendidikan yang belum baik. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan hal tersebut. Salah satu faktor adalah Sumber Daya Manusia, Guru. Seorang pendidik di sekolah dituntut memiliki 3 kompetensi wajib  yaitu  pedagodik,  social  dan professional. Pada  kompetensi  pedagogic menjadi kebutuhan mutlak bagi seorang guru. Untuk menjadi guru yang mampu mengajar di kelas dengan baik membutuhkan pengalaman yang cukup banyak dan waktu yang lama. Namun, jika harus demikian makan kebutuhan guru di lapangan  akan  sulit  terpenuhi.  Ada  salah  satu  cara  yang  mampu  untuk membantu meningkatkan kapasitas guru dalam mengajar. Alternatif tersebut berupa kemampuan refleksi diri seorang guru. Kebiasaan refleksi yang saat ini ada  pada  beberapa  guru  di  Indonesia  masih  sedikit,  salah  satunya  “Lesson study”, namun jumlah komunitas ini tidak begitu banyak, Oleh karena itu untuk mengetahui berbagai bentuk relfeksi guru yang ada di Indonesia diperlukan suatau  penelitian  untuk  memetakan  kondisi  tersebut.  Penelitian  ini  adalah Review Reasearch dengan objek berbagai artikel hasil penelitian di Indonesia yang meneliti tentang “refleksi” guru dalam pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil review   artikel   penelitian   diperoleh   banwa   bentuk-bentuk   refleksi   yang dilakukan  guru  di  Indonesia  berupa:  jurnal  reflksi,  refleksi  wawancara, konfrensi observasi temanejawat, diskusi group, Video, Blok, dan portofolio elektronik. Kata Kunci : Refleksi, Pembelajara