3,386 research outputs found

    Letter from Geraldine Ferraro to Laurence M. Wiig, YMCA International Institute for Peace

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    Letter from Geraldine Ferraro to Laurence M. Wiig, of the YMCA International Institute for Peace. Letter has handwritten notes.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_international/1359/thumbnail.jp

    Lowering barriers to agricultural exports through technical assistance

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    Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) regulations imposed by the developed world, significantly reduce the export opportunities of developing countries. Under the SPS Agreement, developed countries are obliged to provide technical assistance to developing countries, to help them meet SPS requirements. A survey of providers of technical assistance reveals, however, that assistance is allocated in an ad hoc manner. This article argues for a more systematic allocation of technical assistance to developing countries, based on relevant data and comparisons of benefits and costs of different kinds of capacity building. Data is presented which highlights the major problems of developing countries in exporting to the European Union, complementing earlier studies of exports to the United States.Food policy Agriculture Exports Technical assistance Aid evaluation

    The grey seal, Halichoerus grypus (Fabricius), in Finnmark, Norway

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    The distribution, abundance and breeding season of grey seals in Finnmark, Norway are reviewed. The seals are divided into eight hypothetical stocks: Sørøya, Magerøya, Laksfjord, Tanafjord, Kongsfjord, Syltefjord, Vardø and Varangerfjord. Breeding has been verified for five of these stocks. The total minimum observed stock size is 353 grey seals, but the real number is probably much higher. The breeding season seems to be in October-November west of Nordkapp and in December in the eastern part of the county

    KIBS and industrial development of cities.Labour mobility, innovation and client interaction

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    The paper departs from a seemingly disagreement between theoretical propositions stressing the importance of the KIBS sector as an innovation agent, and empirical results from quantitative innovation surveys. KIBS are increasingly seen to have a strategic role in stimulating innovation processes, particularly in large cities. However, the alleged importance of KIBS does not show up in empirical surveys. The surveys generally regard KIBS (or consultancy firms) to be of less importance as information sources and innovation partners. The paper somewhat supports the conclusions from the empirical surveys, pointing to the fact that parts of the literature attach larger importance to the role of KIBS in innovation processes than can be confirmed by empirical results. However, the low importance attached to KIBS in quantitative surveys may rely on the fact that surveys only seize some of the roles played by KIBS in innovation processes. Surveys do not map, for example, knowledge spillovers occurring through the mobility of workers. The paper demonstrates that many workers left the KIBS sector in Norway to start working in other sectors during parts of the 1990s, signifying a flow of knowledge following the workers out of the KIBS sector. However, the paper also demonstrates that the flow of knowledge via labour mobility first of all benefits the most central parts of Norway. Less knowledge is seen to flow from the KIBS sector in Oslo and the other large cities to other industries and other parts of the country.

    Innoverer elder bedrifter annerledes enn unge

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    Tema for denne oppgaven er sammenhengen mellom bedriftsalder og innovasjon. Mület for oppgaven er ü studere hva som kjennetegner eldre bedrifters innovasjonsarbeid og hva som skiller disse fra grßnderbedrifter. Dette har blitt gjort ved ü studere tre casebedrifter og ved ü sammenligne funnene med en lignende studie av grßnderbedrifter innen samme region og industri. Jeg har funnet at eldre bedrifter i mye større grad kommer med smü hyppige forbedringer av sine produkt og at intern FoU er deres største innovasjonskilde. Yngre bedrifter har en mer fleksibel struktur som gjør at de kan tilpasse seg omgivelsene og dette gir økt sannsynlighet for mer radikale innovasjoner. Eldre bedrifter opplever en fare med at de kan utvikle seg i utakt sine omgivelser, en faktor for ü opprettholde kontakten med sine omgivelser er ü bli sett pü som innovativ

    Toward a New Dimension in the Study of Political Behavior: An Analysis of Biopolitical Theory and Quantitative Methodology as an Approach to the Study of Politics

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    In recent years, a number of popular books have contributed to an awareness of apparent similarities between human behavior and the behavior of other animals. Writers such as Robert Ardery, Desmond Morris and Konrad Lorenz have seemingly taken a great leap of faith when drawing their comparisons between observed non-human behavior and the behavior of Homo Sapiens. As a result of the controversy generated by such writings, few have realized or considered the true utility of a bioevolutionary approach for the social sciences. In the past few years, however, Peter Corning, James Davies, Thomas Thorson, and others have speculated on the utility of such an approach for the social sciences in general and for political science in particular
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