12 research outputs found

    Relaksasi Otot Progresif terhadap Stres Psikologis dan Perilaku Perawatan Diri Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2

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    Penderita DM tipe 2 sering mengalami stres berkaitan dengan terapi yang harus dijalani. Pengalaman stres sebelum dan selama terapi berpengaruh terhadap perilaku perawatan diri. Relaksasi otot progresif merupakan salah satu manajemen stres. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pengaruh relaksasi otot progresif terhadap stres psikologis dan perilaku perawatan diri pada pasien DM Tipe 2 ang dilakukan pada tahun 2014. Desain penelitian ini kuasi eksperimen dengan pre-test dan post-test. Jumlah sampel 30 responden yang terdiri dari kelompok 14 orang kelompok perlakuan dan 16 orang kelompok kontrol. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purpossive sampling. Analisa data khusus menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test dan Mann-Whitney U Test. Berdasarkan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test untuk menguji pre-test dan post-test pada kelompok perlakuan didapatkan hasil stres psikologis p=0,014 (p<0,05) dan perilaku perawatan diri p=0,003 (p<0,05). Mann-Whitney U Test pada post-test kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol didapatkan hasil stres psikologis p=0,035 (p<0,05) dan perilaku perawatan diri p=0,058 (p>0,05) Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini: ada pengaruh relaksasi otot progresif terhadap penurunan stres psikologis pada pasien DM tipe 2 dan tidak ada pengaruh relaksasi otot progresif terhadap perilaku perawatan diri pada pasien DM tipe 2. Penelitian lebih lanjut post-test perilaku perawatan diri perlu dilakukan dengan selang waktu yang lebih lama dibandingkan dengan stres psikologis. Patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus often have stress experience related to diabetes therapy. Stress experience before and during therapy affects self-care behaviors. Progressive muscle relaxation is one of stress management. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on the psychological stress and self-care behavior in patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus in 2014. The research design was quasy-experiment with pre-test and post-test design. Total sample was 30 respondents consisting of 14 people in treatment group and 16 people in control group recruited by purpossive sampling. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test test and Mann-Whitney U Test. The result showed in the experimental group of psychological stress p=0.014 (p<0,05) and self-care behavior of p=0,003 (p<0,05). Mann-Whitney U test to post-test treatment and control groups showed psychological stress p=0,035 (p<0,05) and self-care behavior of p=0,058 (p>0,05). It is concluded that there was an effect of progressive muscle relaxation on reducing psychological stress in patients with type 2 diabetes and no effect of progressive muscle relaxation on self-care behavior in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Further research about self-care behaviors post-test needs to be done at longer intervals than the psychological stress

    The Effectiveness of Tepid Sponge Bath with 32oc and 37oc to Decrease Body Temperature at Toddler with Fever

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    Introduction: Tepid sponge bath is a therapeutic bath by washing all around of the body with warm water to decrease body temperature. Warm water that used were 32oC (nail warm) and 37oC (warm). The aimed of this study was to compare the effectivity of tepid sponge bath with 32oC and 37oC warm water on decreasing body temperature at toddler with fever. Method: A quasy experimental pre post test design was used in this study. The population was toddler who had body temperature ≥38oC which treated in anggrek pediatric room dr. Iskak public hospital Tulungagung. There were 26 respondents recruited by using purposive sampling technique and divided into two group, each of 13 respondents received tepid sponge bath with 32oC and others received tepid sponge bath with 37oC warm water. The independent variable was tepid sponge bath and dependent variable was body temperature. Data were collected by using digital termometere and noted in respondent observation, then analyzed by using Paired t-Test and Mann Withney U-Test. Result: The result showed that there was an effectivity on decreasing body temperature by giving tepid sponge bath with 32oC and 37oC warm water with significance level p=0.000 and there was a difference decreasing body temperature among both of them with significance level p=0.016. Discussion: It can be concluded that tepid sponge bath with 37oC warm water was more effective than tepid sponge bath with 32oC warm water. Further studies should be observed the effectivity of tepid sponge bath with more specific age, fever character and more time and respondent

    Red Rosella Tea and Avocado as Simvastatin Therapy Support Reduce Total Cholesterol

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    Introduction: Hypercholesterolemia is a condition characterized by high levels of total cholesterol in the blood. Many studies have proven that steeping tea rosella and flesh of an avocado can reduce total cholesterol levels. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of therapy companion rosella tea and avocado in lowering total cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia clients. Method: This type of research is a quasi-experimental study with pre-post test control group design. The population study was a client with hypercholesterolemia in the working area of menganti health centers. First sample group consisted of nine respondents received the drug Simvastatin 10 mg and rosella tea consumed as much as 2 g 1x / day. The second group consisted of nine respondents received the drug Simvastatin 10 mg and avocado meat weighing 330 grams were consumed 1x / day. The control group consisted of 11 respondents have a drug Simvastatin 10 mg oral 1x daily at night before bed. All groups examined total cholesterol levels before treatment and after treatment on day 15. Result: The results of one-way ANOVA test showed a significant difference between before and after treatment in the first group (p=0,001) and second group (p= 0,005), and there is no significant difference before and after treatment in the control group (p= 0,248). The difference between the three groups showed p= 0.025. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is giving rosella tea and avocado has the same effectiveness in lowering total cholesterol levels so that health workers can suggest the use of rosella tea and avocado as a companion therapy to reduce total cholesterol level

    Active Lower Range of Motion Reduce the Sign and Symptom of Diabetic Neuropathy

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    Introduction: The aimed of this study for the 56 members of PERSADIA Surabaya was to determine the effect of active lower range of motion exercise on the signs and symptoms of diabetic neuropathy in type II Diabetes Mellitus\u27s patients. Method: A quasy experimental pre-post test design with a consecutive sampling technique was used in this study. Result: The results showed that there was a significant differences between control and treatment groups for muscle strength with p value 0.047 but not for tendon reflexes, protective sensation, ankle brachial index and diabetic polyneuropathy complaints. Discussion: It can be concluded that active lower range of motion exercise has an effect on muscle strength in patients with type II of Diabetes Mellitus with microvascular complications

    Pengalaman Istri Dalam Pemenuhan Seksualitas Suami Dengan Gagal Ginjal Kronik Yang Menjalani Hemodialisis

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    Pendahuluan: Gagal Ginjal Kronik adalah penyakit dimana ginjal mengalami kerusakan yangprogresif dan irreversible. Salah satu terapi pengganti ginjal adalah hemodialisis. Permasalahanakibat penyakit gagal ginjal kronik dengan hemodialisis diantaranya masalah seksualitas. Masalahseksualitas belum mendapatkan perhatian dari pemberi pelayanan kesehatan dan klien atau pasanganhemodialisis jarang melaporkan masalah seksualitas kepada petugas kesehatan. Perlu digalibagaimanakah pengalaman istri dalam pemenuhan seksualitas suami dengan gagal ginjal kronik yangmenjalani hemodialisis. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif tipe penelitianstudi kasus Intrinsik. Partisipan berjumlah 5 orang yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Instrumenpenelitian berupa panduan wawancara terstruktur. Peneliti juga menggunakan metode observasidengan cara melakukan pencatatan. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini mengidentifikasi tujuh tema.Pengetahuan istri tentang seksualitas, pengetahuan istri tentang Perubahan akibat penyakit gagal ginjalkronik, respon terhadap penampilan, perasaan dan gejolak emosional yang dirasakan, upaya yangdilakukan untuk memenuhi seksualitas, pola aktifitas seksual, dukungan dan harapan untuk kliengagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisis. Diskusi: Klien dengan gagal ginjal kronis yangmenjalani hemodialisis membutuhkan pemenuhan seksualitas. Istri harus memahami tentang cara danupaya yang harus dilakukan untuk memenuhi seksualitas. Diperlukan kerja sama antara klien, istri danpetugas kesehatan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada istri supaya dapat memenuhi seksualitas kepadaklien sehingga kualitas hidupnya menjadi lebih baik

    Good Homosexual Behaviour Decrease Prevalence of Sexual Transmitted Dissease

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    Introduction: The homosexual behaviour were become indicators of sexually transmitted diseases\u27s (STDs) prevalencies. Prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in homosexual community was very high but until recently study it was conducted sporadically. The objective of this study was to analyze the correlation of homosexual behaviour with prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in Mobile Clinic Community Centre of IGAMA collaborating with Public Health Centre Sumberpucung of Malang Regency. Method: Analytic design with cross sectional methode was used in this study. The population were all visitors of Mobile Clinic Community Centre of IGAMA collaborating with Public Health Centre Sumberpucung of Malang Regency (353 people). Sample were 40 people who met to the inclusion criteria. The independent variable was homosexual behaviour and the dependent variable was prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Data for homosexual behaviour were collected by using questionnaire and indhept interview with content analyze and data for prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) were collected by using laboratorium test for STDs. Result: The research result was presented in the form diagram, table of cross tabulation and analyzed by using Spearman Rho with significance level ρ=0.005. The result showed that there was correlation of homosexual knowledge (ρ=0.001), attitude (ρ=0.000) and practice (ρ=0.000) with prevalence of STDs. Dsicussion: It can be concluded that the better knowledge, attitude and practice of homosexual could be decrease prevalence of STDs. Futher studies are recomended to analyze the correlation between homosexual behaviour and prevalence of STDs with Health Believe approach

    Family Behavior in Maintenance Status Hb Chronic Renal Failure Patients Through Family Centered Care Approach of Diet Fe Management

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    Introduction: Erythropoietic agent as standard practice for anemia treatment, which has a function to increase the value of hemoglobin (Hb) to 12 g/dl in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), who receiving dialysis treatment. The use of erythropoietin has to keep of the iron/Fe amount in the body. Family who have a duty of care should have knowledge, attitude, and behavior to maintain patient\u27s Hb by giving support to the patient to obey the Fe diet. The aimed of this study was to investigate the effect of family centered care approach in management Fe diet toward family\u27s behaviour in maintenance Hb level of CRF patients in hemodialysis ward, Gambiran Hospital, Kediri. Method: This study was used a pre experimental design. Total sample were 10 respondents, who met to inclusion criteria. The independent variables were knowledge, attitude, and psychomotor of family in maintenance of Hb level in CRF\u27s patients. The dependent variable was Fe diet management with family centered care approach. Data was collected by using a structured questionnaire and home visit observation. Result: Data was analyzed by using Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test with significance level α≤0.05. Results showed that Fe diet management with family centered care approach took effect to family\u27s knowledge (p=0.011), family\u27s attitude (p=0.005) and family\u27s psychomotor (p=0.005) in maintenance Hb level of CRF patients. Discussion: Family\u27s knowledge, attitude, and psychomotor were effected by experiences during the care of a patient, not affordable to access information and patient\u27s own decision. The strengths and weaknesses in the family to got a better plan of care can be made by discuss and sharing among researcher, patient and his family. It can be concluded that Fe diet management with family centered care approach took effect to family\u27s behaviour. Further studies should involve larger respondents and better measurement tools to obtain more accurate results

    Nurse Behavior in Implementation of Diabetes Mellitus Education Based on Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Introduction: Education is the important component in self-management of Diabetes mellitus patients. Nurse as one of the health care provider should take active role in giving adequate education. The aim of this study were to analyze factors influencing nurse's behavior in implementation of Diabetes mellitus education based on theory of planned behavior. Method: This study used cross sectional design. Population in this study were all nurses in medicinal public hall whose were assigned to give education toward patients in 62 puskesmas induk in Surabaya city in 2016. Sampling technique used total sampling and 112 nurses obtained as samples. Variables in this study consist of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control (PBC), intention and practice in DM education. Data collection was using questionnaire and observation sheet and also analyzed using spearman rho with α 0,05. Result: Statistical analysis result shows there is significant relationship between attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control (PBC) toward intention with p value of 0,022; 0,048; dan 0,000 respectively and there is no significant relationship between intention and practice of Diabetes mellitus education with p value 0,194. Nurse's attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control (PBC) had positive effect toward intention of Diabetes mellitus education but intention had no effect toward practice of Diabetes mellitus education in puskesmas. Conclusion: Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) stated that individual behavior occurred because of intention that could be affected by attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control (PBC). Future study was expected to use qualitative approach, and related study regarding development of education media in Puskesmas