6,439 research outputs found

    Multiple Resource Modeling of Task Interference in Vehicle Control, Hazard Awareness and In-vehicle Task Performance

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    We describe a computational model of multiple task performance used to predict task interference and subsequent decrements in performance, based on the resource demands of a particular task (i.e., the difficulty) as well as the competition between tasks over limited and overlapping resources. We describe the model components, the computational aspects, and further validate it with data from a simulated driving study

    Habitat use by demersal nekton on the continental shelf in the Benguela ecosystem, southern Africa

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    Videotapes collected by the research submersible Jago in the Benguela ecosystem during spring 1997 were analyzed to determine demersal nekton assemblage composition, fish behavior, and microscale habitat association, and habitat selection. Demersal fish assemblage diversity was generally low, and their composition was a function of substratum type. Individual species showed an often marked association with either rocky or soft substrata (or both), and a strong or weak selection for the associated biota. Soles and dragonets actively selected areas of bioactive soft substrata, to which they are behaviorally and morphologically adapted. False jacopever were associated with crevices in areas of high-relief rocky substrata. Kingklip are piscivorous and were largely confined to holes at the base of rocks and favored areas without a conspicuous epifauna. Juvenile hake and gobies avoided extremely rocky areas and were largely indifferent to the presence of benthic invertebrates—behavior that is consistent with their planktonic diets. These results represent the first direct observations of demersal nekton in the region and are important because they allow better interpretations of the results of trawl studies

    Ecological IVIS design : using EID to develop a novel in-vehicle information system

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    New in-vehicle information systems (IVIS) are emerging which purport to encourage more environment friendly or ‘green’ driving. Meanwhile, wider concerns about road safety and in-car distractions remain. The ‘Foot-LITE’ project is an effort to balance these issues, aimed at achieving safer and greener driving through real-time driving information, presented via an in-vehicle interface which facilitates the desired behaviours while avoiding negative consequences. One way of achieving this is to use ecological interface design (EID) techniques. This article presents part of the formative human-centred design process for developing the in-car display through a series of rapid prototyping studies comparing EID against conventional interface design principles. We focus primarily on the visual display, although some development of an ecological auditory display is also presented. The results of feedback from potential users as well as subject matter experts are discussed with respect to implications for future interface design in this field

    Internal alignement of the SLD vertex detector

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    The tracking resolution and vertex finding capabilities of the SLD experiment depended upon a precise knowledge of the location and orientation of the elements of the SLD pixel vertex detector (VXD3) in 3D space. At the heart of the procedure described here to align the 96 CCDs is the matrix inversion technique of singular value decomposition (SVD). This tool was employed to unfold the detector geometry corrections from the track data in the VXD3. The algorithm was adapted to perform an optimal Â2 minimization by careful treatment of the track hit residual measurement errors. The tracking resolution obtained with the aligned geometry achieved the design performance. Comments are given on how this method could be used for other trackers

    Attention and automation: New perspectives on mental underload and performance

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    There is considerable evidence in the ergonomics literature that automation can significantly reduce operator mental workload. Furthermore, reducing mental workload is not necessarily a good thing, particularly in cases where the level is already manageable. This raises the issue of mental underload, which can be at least as detrimental to performance as overload. However, although it is widely recognized that mental underload is detrimental to performance, there are very few attempts to explain why this may be the case. It is argued in this paper that, until the need for a human operator is completely eliminated, automation has psychological implications relevant in both theoretical and applied domains. The present paper reviews theories of attention, as well as the literature on mental workload and automation, to synthesize a new explanation for the effects of mental underload on performance. Malleable attentional resources theory proposes that attentional capacity shrinks to accommodate reductions in mental workload, and that this shrinkage is responsible for the underload effect. The theory is discussed with respect to the applied implications for ergonomics research

    Current Concepts and Trends in Human-Automation Interaction

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The purpose of this panel was to provide a general overview and discussion of some of the most current and controversial concepts and trends in human-automation interaction. The panel was composed of eight researchers and practitioners. The panelists are well-known experts in the area and offered differing views on a variety of different human-automation topics. The range of concepts and trends discussed in this panel include: general taxonomies regarding stages and levels of automation and function allocation, individualized adaptive automation, automation-induced complacency, economic rationality and the use of automation, the potential utility of false alarms, the influence of different types of false alarms on trust and reliance, and a system-wide theory of trust in multiple automated aids

    Telephone conversation impairs sustained visual attention via a central bottleneck

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    Recent research has shown that holding telephone conversations disrupts one's driving ability. We asked whether this effect could be attributed to a visual attention impairment. In Experiment 1, participants conversed on a telephone or listened to a narrative while engaged in multiple object tracking (MOT), a task requiring sustained visual attention. We found that MOT was disrupted in the telephone conversation condition, relative to single-task MOT performance, but that listening to a narrative had no effect. In Experiment 2, we asked which component of conversation might be interfering with MOT performance. We replicated the conversation and single-task conditions of Experiment 1 and added two conditions in which participants heard a sequence of words over a telephone. In the shadowing condition, participants simply repeated each word in the sequence. In the generation condition, participants were asked to generate a new word based on each word in the sequence. Word generation interfered with MOT performance, but shadowing did not. The data indicate that telephone conversation disrupts attention at a central stage, the act of generating verbal stimuli, rather than at a peripheral stage, such as listening or speaking

    The effects of voice and manual control mode on dual task performance

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    Two fundamental principles of human performance, compatibility and resource competition, are combined with two structural dichotomies in the human information processing system, manual versus voice output, and left versus right cerebral hemisphere, in order to predict the optimum combination of voice and manual control with either hand, for time-sharing performance of a dicrete and continuous task. Eight right handed male subjected performed a discrete first-order tracking task, time-shared with an auditorily presented Sternberg Memory Search Task. Each task could be controlled by voice, or by the left or right hand, in all possible combinations except for a dual voice mode. When performance was analyzed in terms of a dual-task decrement from single task control conditions, the following variables influenced time-sharing efficiency in diminishing order of magnitude, (1) the modality of control, (discrete manual control of tracking was superior to discrete voice control of tracking and the converse was true with the memory search task), (2) response competition, (performance was degraded when both tasks were responded manually), (3) hemispheric competition, (performance degraded whenever two tasks were controlled by the left hemisphere) (i.e., voice or right handed control). The results confirm the value of predictive models invoice control implementation

    Predictive value of respiratory symptoms and bronchial hyperresponsiveness to diagnose asthma in New Zealand

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    SummaryRespiratory symptoms are often used as the only diagnostic criteria for asthma in epidemiological surveys and the clinical diagnosis of asthma relies primarily on a detailed history. The aim of this study is to predict the diagnostic value of 11 different respiratory symptoms to diagnose asthma, and to determine if bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) improves the predictive value of these respiratory symptoms.A random sample of 1257 subjects aged 20–44 years old in 3 different areas of New Zealand were selected between March 1991 and December 1992 to answer the European Community Respiratory Health Survey questionnaire on respiratory symptoms. Of these, 784 underwent bronchial challenge with methacholine. The prevalence of current doctor diagnosed asthma (DDA) defined as asthma confirmed by a physician and an asthma attack in the last 12 months was 8.3%. Wheezing with dyspnoea is the single best predictor of diagnosed asthma with a sensitivity of 82%, a specificity of 90% and a Youden's index of 0.72. Wheezing alone is more sensitive (94%) but less specific (76%), with a Youden's index of 0.70. The addition of BHR to asthma symptoms decreases sensitivity and increases specificity with a small increase in Youden's index to 0.75. In New Zealand adults, a history of wheezing with BHR best predicts a diagnosis of asthma but wheezing alone or with dyspnoea are the two best symptoms for predicting asthma
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