55 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of adsorption of organic compounds on C-120 silochrome surface with precise layers of nickel acidyl acetoneates, cobalt and copper

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    Studied the adsorption properties of the surface Silochrom C-120 and chemically modified on the basis of its sorption materials containing acetylacetonates of nickel, cobalt and copper. As test compounds were used n-alkanes (C[6]-C[9]) and the adsorbates whose molecules have different electron-withdrawing and electron donating properties. From the experimental data on the retention of adsorbates designed their differential molar heat of adsorption qdif, 1, change the standard differential molar entropy [delta]S[S1], C and for polar adsorbates contributions [delta] q[dif],1(spec) for energy dispersive and specific interactions

    The analysis of cadmium and its oxide by atomic-emission and massspectrometry with inductive coupled plasma

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    In present work, the multielemental methods for the cadmium and its oxide analysis by atomicemission and mass-spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (AES-ICP and MS-ICP) have been proposed. The influence of the matrix concentration and the power supplied to the plasma on the analytic signals of the impurities has been studied, analytical lines and isotopes of the determined elements have been chosen. We have made the accuracy estimation of the developed techniques, the ICP-AES technique allows to determine 41 analytes with detection limits in the range from n•10{-7} to n•10{-4} % wt, ICP-MS technique allows to determine 58 elements with detection limits on the level n •10{-8}-n•10{-3} % wt Введение. Кадмий высокой чистоты является прекурсором

    Разработка приложения для покадровой обработки видео с помощью библиотеки классов AForge.NET

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    The following article describes libraries and classes for frame extraction from videofile and creating an RGB-histogram for those extracted frames.. As a result, it will help to develop a dynamic RGB-histogram creator

    The problem(atics) of post-colonisation: the subject in settler post-colonial discourse

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    This thesis concerns aspects of settler post-colonial discourse, examined through fictional and non-fictional prose writing from Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Major works discussed have been published between the 1970s and 1990s. These include fiction by Kate Grenville, Elizabeth Jolley, and Sally Morgan, from Australia; Alice Munro, Audrey Thomas, Aritha Van Herk and Rudy Wiebe, from Canada; and Stevan Eldred-Grigg, Patricia Grace, Keri Hulme, Witi Ihimaera and Ian Wedde, from New Zealand. Section One of the thesis begins with an Introduction which contextualises the following discussion in relation to background issues of definition of the term 'post-colonialism', and then describes the scope, method and selection of texts in the thesis. The argument is briefly stated and expanded upon in discussion of the theoretical perspectives. Chapter One suggests a reading of Empire as (M)Other in relation to Britain's settler colonies, and the status of the latter, within the terms of the familial metaphor, as extensions of Empire. The ambivalence of that status – as extension and as autonomous being -- is explored in consideration of affective relations between colonies and Empire. Also considered are the consequences of this 'familial'-colonial background for the attainment of 'autonomous' Nationhood, imaged as 'self-hood' according to a masculine model of the self. Analysis of discourses of (national) identity reveals 'subjective sovereignty' to be a discursive illusion, disturbed by two sources of 'disunity': 'neo-imperialism' is suggested as an 'external' threat to sovereignty, while post colonialism constitutes the difference within', akin to the functioning of the unconscious in relation to the subject. The chapter concludes with an analysis of subjective processes in three fictional texts. Section Two introduces a focus on how subjectivity is articulated through post-colonial discourses. Chapter Two explores the post-colonial textual mediation of relationships to the land, including the representation of land and landscape in writing, and the resultant facilitation of settler appropriation of the land -- of belonging. It concludes with a reading of post-colonial fictional critiques of colonisation and textuality as the basis of an authentic relationship to the land. Chapter Three considers discourses from indigenous and 'other' subject-positions which, rather than subsuming the land under their own identity, seek to gain and express their identity in relation to the land, attempts at elision of the alienating intervention of textuality. It concludes with discussion of texts which problematise the authority of textuality. Chapters Four and Five more fully examine the subject-positions of 'self' and 'other' in the context of the settler post-colonial ambivalence of authority and authenticity. Chapter Four considers strategies of privileging and appropriating the discursive place of the 'post-colonised' in order to authenticate the authority of the 'post-colonisers'. Chapter Five addresses the 'authorising' of the 'other' into a 'self', or a subject in discourse, and entry into the discursive market as the ambivalent attempt both to accede to subjectivity and to articulate it with the integrity of authenticity. The problems with this invoke the subjective problematic of hybridity which is introduced at the end of Chapter Five. The third section develops the preceding exploration of discourses into a consideration of subjective and discursive problematics, informed by an understanding of post-colonialism as a condition of instability resulting from the re-introduction of what the dominant (National) discourse constitutively excludes. In its phallocentric subjective moment, the exclusion is shown to be that of the maternal body and thus any possibility of a feminine sex; in its imperially-informed cultural moment, it is difference and heterogeneity which are submitted to and subsumed under the colonising gaze: they are disavowed, and the disavowed objects repressed to the 'national' unconscious. Chapter Six posits an analogy between the productions of sexual and colonial difference. Similarly in that chapter the return to, and reconsideration of, motifs and analyses in the thesis enact the thematic-analytic focus on the return of the body and its contaminations of unity, purity and linearity. In Chapter Seven, the theory of the abjection of the subject is employed to suggest a reading of the non-autonomy and non-integrity of settler post-colonial subjectivities and cultures: the settler post-colonial subject is abjected by the internal difference of its own heterogeneity -- the body-difference for which the metaphor of the land (as mother) is used -- and by the perceived radical cultural otherness or externality of post-modernism. However, it is argued that these others are constitutive of the post-colonial self, and that cultural and political agency must therefore relinquish its privileging of purity and sameness, principles which themselves re-play the dynamics of imperialism. Chapter Seven concludes with an argument against the imperialism of identity and against the identity of a text. Chapter Eight concludes the third Section, and the thesis as a whole, with the exploration of a textual-cultural 'case-study' in the discourses and problematics which have constituted the preceding discussions

    Фторидная технология получения титановых порошков

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    Обоснована необходимость разработки новой технологии переработки титансодержащих концентратов. Выполнено исследование процесса фторирования рутилового концентрата элементным фтором. Описаны процессы, протекающие при электролитическом получении титановых порошков во фторидных расплавах TiF4. Для отмывки от примесей катодного осадка предложено две технологии – в смеси неорганических кислот и безводным HF; показаны преимущества отмывки HF; содержание примесей в порошке титана, полученном отмывкой в безводном HF несколько ниже, чем при "кислотной" отмывке. При промышленном осуществлении процесса HF рециркулирует в схеме, обеспечивая экологическую безопасность и низкую себестоимость Ti.The brief review of industrial technologies of processing the titanium containing concentrates has been carried out. The research of the fluorination process of rutile concentrates with element fluorine was carried out. The processes occurring during the electrolysis of titanic powders from fluoride fusions, from TiF4, are described. In order to wash off impurities of cathode deposit, two techniques were proposed - in a mixture of inorganic acids and anhydrous HF; advantages of washing off with HF are shown; the impurity content in the titanium powder obtained by washing off in anhydrous HF is slightly lower than at "acid" washing off. In the industrial process implementation HF recycles tin a circuit that ensures environmental safety of production and low production cost of obtained Ti

    Привлечение туристов посредством продвижения веб-квеста в социальных сетях (на примере «Центр экскурсий и туризма» г. Томска)

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    Объект: SMM в сфере туризма. Предмет: технология веб-квеста как способ привлечения потребителей через социальные сети. Цель: разработать концепцию веб-квеста и программу его продвижения в социальных сетях для расширения клиентской базы ООО "Центр экскурсий и туризма" г. Томск.Object: SMM in the field of tourism. Subject: Web-Quest technology as a way to attract consumers through social networks. Goal: To develop the concept of the web-quest and the program of its promotion in social networks for the expansion of the client base of LLC "Center for Excursions and Tourism", Tomsk

    Разработка технологии изготовления детали «Седло»

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа включает в себя проектирование технологического процесса обработки детали "Седло" и содержит: анализ чертежа и технологичности детали; способ получения заготовки; расчет припусков на обработку; разработку технологического процесса, выбор и расчет режимов резания; размерный анализ технологического процесса.Final qualifying work includes the design of the technological process of processing details in the "Saddle" and contains: an analysis of drawing and technology details; method of harvesting; calculation of allowances for processing; the design process, the selection and calculation of cutting conditions; dimensional analysis process