225 research outputs found

    Comparison of first generation tomato crosses and their parents

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    This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations

    Positive Transfer as a Factor in Memory

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    It is but reiteration to observe that once a skill has been acquired or a problem solved, the second attempt at that or a similar task will be accomplished with greater efficiency, lesser expenditure of time or effort, or both. Such improvement may be due either to memory or transfer of training-memory when repetition of the same performance is requested at a later date, and transfer when a different but more or less similar task is to be done. Memory is commonly measured by one of two principal ways: by amount retained, and by relearning. The latter method gives an index of retention in terms of saving, or economy, of time or some other measure over the score for the original acquisition. After a certain lapse of time, the subject is asked to bring again to perfection the material he once had learned. Relearning has often been claimed to be the fairest means of estimating retention, because, it is said, many elements may on the first relearning trial be subliminal, yet will come back to the subject so readily after one or two promptings that it would be unfair to assign him a zero memory score on these elements. The rapid reacquisition is evidence that he has retained them, but not clearly enough to reproduce them unaided without a little review

    A research laboratory for the Bethlehem Steel Company at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

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    Thesis (M. Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1956.Accompanying drawings held by MIT Museum.Includes bibliographical references.by Richard Wellington Homer.M.Arch

    Level of Awareness of Effects of the Use of Cosmetic Bleaching Products among Women: A Case Study of Bolgatanga Municipality of Ghana

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    This study intends to find out the level of awareness of the harmful effects of cosmetic bleaching products among women in Bolgatanga municipality of Ghana. The study also investigated the motives for skin bleaching as well as observing any physical manifestation of bleaching effects on the skin. Structured questionnaire was the main instrument used for the data collection. The questionnaires were administered in ten (10) selected communities in the Bolgatanga Municipality from which one hundred and twenty (120) women were randomly selected. The results showed that 39.2% of the women interviewed used cosmetics bleaching products, 9 women representing 7.5% experienced related side-effects and 82.4% had no knowledge on the side effects of these bleaching products. Chi-square analysis showed that lack of formal education could account for their ignorance. High amount of sunshine in addition to skin bleaching could serve as a predisposing factor which would lead to the contraction of skin cancer. The knowledge of the effects of cosmetic bleaching products is an imperative measure in maintaining a healthy skin. Keywords: women, cosmetics, bleaching products, skin


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    From 2001 to 2010, 132 costume-reared juvenile whooping cranes (Grus americana) were led by ultralight aircraft from Necedah National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in central Wisconsin to the Gulf Coast of Florida on their first autumn migration (ultralight-led or UL), and 46 juveniles were released directly on Necedah NWR during autumn of the hatch year (direct autumn release or DAR). Return rate in spring was 90.5% for UL and 69.2% for DAR, the lower value of the latter attributable to 1 cohort with migration problems. Overall population survival 1 year and from 1 to 3 years post-release was 81% and 84%, respectively. Survival 1 year post-release was significantly different between UL (85.1%) and DAR (65.7%) cranes. Since summer 2008, DAR migration and wintering have improved, winter distribution of the population has changed, the migration route of the population has shifted westward, and number of yearlings summering in locations used during spring wandering has increased. Human avoidance problems resulted in 2 birds being removed from the population. As in earlier years, homing to the natal area and prolific pair formation continued (29 of 31 adult pairs have formed in the core reintroduction area), predation continued to be the primary cause of mortality, and parental desertion of nests, especially during the initial (primary) nesting period, continued. During 2005-2010, all 43 of these early nests failed; of 15 late nests or renests, chicks hatched from 8 nests, and 3 chicks fledged. As of 31 March 2011, the population contained a maximum 105 individuals (54 males and 51 females) including 20 adult pairs

    Performance of an environmental test to detect Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger social groups

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    A study by Courtenay and others (2006) demonstrated that the probability of detecting Mycobacterium bovis by PCR in soil samples from the spoil heaps of main badger setts correlated with the prevalence of excretion (infectiousness) of captured badgers belonging to the social group. It has been proposed that such a test could be used to target badger culling to setts containing infectious animals (Anon 2007). This short communication discusses the issues surrounding this concept, with the intention of dispelling any misconceptions among relevant stakeholders (farmers, policy makers and conservationists)

    Improve the potato crop

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    8 pages; includes photographs. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu

    Gerenciamento de riscos em programas de aventura

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    O gerenciamento de riscos em programas de aventura será analisado de maneira sistemática neste trabalho. Os elementos que conformam os padrões de precaução em atividades comerciais de aventura serão tratados de forma crítica. Várias questões relacionadas à polêmica do credenciamento e certificação de programas comerciais de aventura serão analisadas. Os principais conceitos relativos à segurança na concepção, no planejamento, no monitoramento e na execução de programas turísticos de aventura e eventos na natureza serão abordados. Após a revisão conceitual, será exposto o resultado do estudo dos elementos de gerenciamento de riscos, introduzidos na legislação que rege a implementação da política de desenvolvimento do turismo sustentável no Município de Brotas.Risk management in adventure programs has been systematically analyzed within this work. The elements that integrate the standards of care in commercial adventure programming have been critically approached. Different questions related to the debate on accreditation and certification ofadventure programs. The main concepts regarding safety during the conception, planning, monitoring, and execution of adventure tourism programs and events in the wild have been also approached. Following this conceptual revision, the result of the study of risk management topics introduced in the legislation related to the policy of sustainable tourism development in Brotas borough will be displayed