5,245 research outputs found

    Progress in InP solar cell research

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    Progress, in the past year, in InP solar cell research is reviewed. Small area cells with AMO, total area efficiencies of 18.8 percent were produced by OMCVD and Ion Implantation. Larger area cells (2 and 4 sq cm) were processed on a production basis. One thousand of the 2 sq cm cells will be used to supply power to a small piggyback lunar orbiter scheduled for launch in February 1990. Laboratory tests of ITO/InP cells, under 10 MeV proton irradiation, indicate radiation resistance comparable to InP n/p homojunction cells. Computer modeling studies indicate that, for identical geometries and dopant concentrations, InP solar cells are significantly more radiation resistant than GaAs under 1 MeV electron irradiation. Additional computer modeling calculations were used to produce rectangular and circular InP concentrator cell designs for both the low concentration SLATS and higher concentration Cassegrainian Concentrators

    Heteroepitaxial InP solar cells on Si and GaAs substrates

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    The characteristics of InP cells processed from thin layers of InP heteroepitaxially grown on GaAs, on silicon with an intervening GaAs layer, and on GaAs with intervening Ga(x)In(1-x)As layers are described, and the factors affecting cell efficiency are discussed. Under 10 MeV proton irradiations, the radiation resistances of the heteroepitaxial cells were superior to that of homoepitaxial InP cells. The superior radiation resistance is attributed to the high dislocation densities present in the heteroepitaxial cells

    Papapetrou Energy-Momentum Tensor for Chern-Simons Modified Gravity

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    We construct a conserved, symmetric energy-momentum (pseudo-)tensor for Chern-Simons modified gravity, thus demonstrating that the theory is Lorentz invariant. The tensor is discussed in relation to other gravitational energy-momentum tensors and analyzed for the Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom, and FRW solutions. To our knowledge this is the first confirmation that the Reissner-Nordstrom and FRW metrics are solutions of the modified theory.Comment: 8 pages; typos corrected, references fixed, some calculations shortene

    Gravitational waves from an early matter era

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    We investigate the generation of gravitational waves due to the gravitational instability of primordial density perturbations in an early matter-dominated era which could be detectable by experiments such as LIGO and LISA. We use relativistic perturbation theory to give analytic estimates of the tensor perturbations generated at second order by linear density perturbations. We find that large enhancement factors with respect to the naive second-order estimate are possible due to the growth of density perturbations on sub-Hubble scales. However very large enhancement factors coincide with a breakdown of linear theory for density perturbations on small scales. To produce a primordial gravitational wave background that would be detectable with LIGO or LISA from density perturbations in the linear regime requires primordial comoving curvature perturbations on small scales of order 0.02 for Advanced LIGO or 0.005 for LISA, otherwise numerical calculations of the non-linear evolution on sub-Hubble scales are required.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Singular Points of Reducible Sextic Curves

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    There are 106 individual types of singular points for reducible complex sextic curves.</jats:p

    Singular Points of Real Quartic and Quintic Curves

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    There are thirteen types of singular points for irreducible real quartic curves and seventeen types of singular points for reducible real quartic curves. This classification is originally due to D. A. Gudkov. There are nine types of singular points for irreducible complex quartic curves and ten types of singular points for reducible complex quartic curves. There are 42 types of real singular points for irreducible real quintic curves and 49 types of real singular points for irreducible real quintic curves. The classification of real singular points for irreducible real quintic curves is originally due to Golubina and Tai. There are 28 types of singular points for irreducible complex quintic curves and 33 types of singular points for reducible complex quintic curves. We derive the complete classification with proof by using the computer algebra system Maple. We clarify that the classification is based on computing just enough of the Puiseux expansion to separate the branches. Thus, the proof consists of a sequence of large symbolic computations that cam be done nicely using Maple

    Singular Points of Real Sextic Curves I

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    A complete classification of the individual types of singular points is given for irreducible real sextic curves. This classification is derived by using the computer algebra system Maple. There are 191 types of singular points for real irreducible sextic curves. We clarify that the classification is based on computing just enough of the Puiseux expansion to separate the branches. A significant portion of the proof consists of a sequence of large symbolic computations that can be done nicely using Maple

    Singular Points of Reducible Sextic Curves

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    There are 106 individual types of singular points for reducible complex sextic curves.Comment: 11 page