156 research outputs found

    A cross organisation compatible workflows generation and execution framework

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    With the development of the Internet, the demand for electronic and online commerce has increased. This has, in turn, increased the demand for business process automation. In this paper, we look at the use of workflows for business process automation. An automatically generated workflow can save time and resources needed for running online businesses. In general, due to the interdependencies between their activities, multiple business organisations will need to work together by collaborating and coordinating their activities with each other. This gives rise to the need for workflow collaboration across organisations. Current systems for workflow collaboration are only capable of reconciling existing workflows of the collaborating organisations. Automatic workflow generation systems only generate workflows for individual organisations and cannot handle the automatic generation of compatible workflows for multiple collaborating organisations. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we present a framework that is able to generate multiple sets of compatible workflows for multiple collaborating organisations. The proposed framework supports runtime enactment and runtime collaboration of the generated workflows. This framework enables users to save the time and resources that would otherwise be spent in modelling, reconciling and reengineering workflows

    Cross organisational compatible plans generation framework

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    In this modern era, organisations have to work in coordination with many other organisations in order to succeed in business. Interacting organisations can only proceed in business if they have compatible workflows. This paper proposes a framework to automatically generate compatible workflows for multiple interacting organisations from their process definitions and service descriptions. Existing systems can reconcile existing workflows only, and cannot generate compatible workflows for multiple organisations automatically. The proposed system is different from existing systems since it targets workflow collaboration by generating workflows automatically. This allows the organisations to save the time that would otherwise be spent in modelling workflows and making them compatible with the workflows of interacting organisations

    A personal knowledge management tool that supports organizational knowledge management

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    This paper describes the concept and design of PK-MAST (a Personal Knowledge Management And Sharing Tool), which is a novel knowledge management tool and framework that seeks to bridge the gap between personal knowledge management and organizational knowledge sharing. PK-MAST gives the user a strong ‘personal’ feel in capturing knowledge for his/her own purposes and is very easy to use, but it also supports selective knowledge sharing with minimal effort from the user

    Perubahan Struktural Dalam Pembangunan Perkotaan

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    Pertumbuhan daerah kota di negra berkembang menunjukan gejala yang tidak di harapkan.untuk mengantisipasi kondisi keterbelakangan ini, daerah perkotaan haurus di dorong secara kuat untuk meningkatkan permintaan terhadap barang dan pelayanan untuk seluruh kepentingan nasional. permasalahan kota yang telah di hadapi bukan hanya persoalan keruangan dan Perubahan struktur ekonomi saja, tapi juga pembentukan implikasi sosial dan lingkungan. hal ini dapat di lihat di Bogota dengan pola dualisme sistem sosialnya, adanya pemisahan ruang antara masyarakat kaya di daerah utara dan masyarakat miskin di daerah selatan dan barat. Fenomena serupa juga di temukan di Indonesia. Jakarta yang berkembang secara cepat dengan dukungan sektor manufaktur dan keuanga, mencapai kondisi ekonomi dan pendapatan yang baik. Bagaimanapun, di Balik kondisi tersebut, ditemukan biaya yang tak terhindarkan secara nyata, yang umum muncul berupa penurunan kualitas lingkungan. Beberapa kebijaksanaan direkomendasikan adalah: (1) Meningkatkan produktivitas ekonomi wilayah kota yang terintegrasi ke dalam pembangunan regional dan pedesaan, (2) Meningkatkan produktivitas kelompok miskin perkotaan melalui perbaikan infrastruktur sosial dan perluasan kesempatan kerja, (3) Menghindari Perusakan lingkungan serta konsekwensi lainnya di sekitar wilayah masyarakat miskin, dan (4) Membangun persepsi yang seimbang terhadap pembangunan kota dan permasalahan-permasalahan yang berkaitan dengannya: pemerintah, sektor swasta, dan masyarakat

    Recombination analysis of TTSuV2 and TTSuV1 sequences using the RAT.

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    <p>The colour of the line on the graph is the same as the colour of its sequence name on the left.</p

    Phylogenetic tree of 41 TTSuV2 sequences and 29 TTSuV1 sequences.

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    <p>● represents TTSuV2 and ○ represents TTSuV1.</p

    Cluster tree result of 41 TTSuV2 genes based on hierarchical cluster method.

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    <p>Cluster tree result of 41 TTSuV2 genes based on hierarchical cluster method.</p

    Distribution of the ENC values and GC content at synonymous codon third position (GC<sub>3S</sub>).

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    <p>The curve indicates the expected codon usage if compositional constraint alone account for codon usage bias.</p

    Statistics of heavy metal concentrations in agricultural soils of the suburbs of Beijing.

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    <p>Statistics of heavy metal concentrations in agricultural soils of the suburbs of Beijing.</p