1,476 research outputs found

    Estimating Analysis Temperature And Humidity Biases Due To Assimilation Of Aerosol & Cloud Contaminated Hyperspectral Infrared Radiances

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    Observations from hyperspectral infrared sounder (HIS) instruments aboard earth-observing satellites have become a cornerstone of numerical weather prediction assimilation efforts – providing the largest decrease in forecast error of any assimilated satellite observations. The assimilation of infrared (IR) radiances is predicated on the assumption of clear-sky observations. Thus, any signal imparted upon the HIS radiances due to cloud or aerosol will likely result in unexpected and uncharacterized biases in analyzed temperature and humidity fields. Forecasts based upon these biased fields may have large inherent inaccuracies. The process of cloud and aerosol screening of passive satellite products and radiances is imperfect. Residual aerosol and cirrus clouds are found to contaminate HIS radiances assimilated from presumed clear-sky scenes at concerning rates (approximately 30% and 8% for the Naval Research Laboratory Variational Data Assimilation System, respectively). As such, the presence of an uncharacterized bias exists within model analyses. To determine the biases a modified one-dimensional variational (1DVar) assimilation system is used for two studies: one for aerosol, one for cloud. For the aerosol study, observations of dust from the Island of Tenerife, Spain are used to create synthetic dust contaminated HIS observations. For the cloud study, a series of clouds of varying optical depth and cloud top altitude are simulated. Analysis biases greater than expected forecast uncertainties are found for both studies. Aerosol biases are smaller, likely due to lower thermal contrast with the lower atmosphere. For instance, at an average aerosol optical depth of 0.30 a peak temperature bias of 0.5 K and dew point bias of 1.0 K is found. Meanwhile, for cloud optical depths as small as 0.1, maximum temperature and dew point biases of 3 K and 10 K are shown. Finally, a third study in similar vein to the first two simplifies the impact of aerosols on numerical weather prediction by examining the impact of aerosol optical model on broadband radiative properties. Observations above and within a dust aerosol plume collected during the Studies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEAC4RS) field campaign are used to attempt radiative closure. Large variability for different commonly used aerosol optical models is shown for shortwave fluxes and heating rates of up to 50% and 400%, respectively. In the IR, variability is still relatively smaller, but still very large at 3% for flux and 25-50% for heating rates. Finally, it is determined that aerosol analyses from models are not sufficiently accurate to provide accurate fluxes or heating rates

    Estimating Optically-Thin Cirrus Cloud Induced Cold Bias On Infrared Radiometric Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval In The Tropics

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    Passive longwave infrared radiometric satellite-based retrievals of sea surface temperature (SST) at instrument nadir are investigated for cold bias caused by unscreened optically-thin cirrus (OTC) clouds (cloud optical depth \u3c 0.3; COD). Level 2 split-window SST retrievals over tropical oceans (30 S - 30 N) from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) radiances collected aboard the NASA Aqua satellite (Aqua-MODIS) are collocated with cloud profiles from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) instrument, mounted on the independent NASA CALIPSO satellite. OTC are present in approximately 25% of tropical quality-assured (QA) Aqua-MODIS Level-2 data, representing over 99% of all contaminating cirrus found. This results in cold-biased SST retrievals using either split- (MODIS, AVHRR and VIIRS) or triple-window (AVHRR and VIIRS only) retrieval methods. SST retrievals are modeled based on operational algorithms using radiative transfer model simulations conducted with a hypothetical 1.5 km thick OTC cloud placed incrementally from 10.0 - 18.0 km above mean sea level for cloud optical depths (COD) between 0.0 - 0.3. Corresponding cold bias estimates for each sensor are estimated using relative Aqua-MODIS cloud contamination frequencies as a function of cloud top height and COD (assuming them consistent across each platform) integrated within each corresponding modeled cold bias matrix. Split-window relative OTC cold biases, for any single observation, range from 0.40 - 0.49 C for the three sensors, with an absolute (bulk mean) bias between 0.10 - 0.13 C. Triple-window retrievals are more resilient, ranging from 0.03 - 0.04 C relative and 0.11 - 0.16 C absolute. Cold biases are constant across the Pacific and Indian Ocean domains. Absolute bias is smaller over the Atlantic, but relative bias is larger due to different cloud properties indicating that this issue persists globally

    Is exercise therapy the right treatment for rotator cuff-related shoulder pain: Uncertainties, theory, and practice

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    BACKGROUND: Exercise therapy is a popular non-surgical treatment to help manage individuals with rotator cuff-related shoulder pain (RCRSP) and is recommended in all clinical practice guidelines. Due to modest effect sizes, low quality evidence, uncertainty relating to efficacy, and mechanism(s) of benefit, exercise as a therapeutic intervention has been the subject of increasing scrutiny.AIMS: The aim of this critical review is to lay out where the purported uncertainties of exercise for RCRSP exist by exploring the relevant quantitative and qualitative literature. We conclude by offering theoretical and practical considerations to help reduce the uncertainty of delivering exercise therapy in a clinical environment.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Uncertainty underpins much of the theory and practice of delivering exercise therapy for individuals with RCRSP. Nonetheless, exercise is an often-valued treatment by individuals with RCRSP, when provided within an appropriate clinical context. We encourage clinicians to use a shared decision-making paradigm and embrace a pluralistic model when prescribing therapeutic exercise. This may take the form of using exercise experiments to trial different exercise approaches, adjusting, and adapting the exercise type, load, and context based on the individual's symptom irritability, preferences, and goals.CONCLUSION: We contend that providing exercise therapy should remain a principal treatment option for helping individuals with RCRSP. Limitations notwithstanding, exercise therapy is relatively low cost, accessible, and often valued by individuals with RCRSP. The uncertainty surrounding exercise therapy requires ongoing research and emphasis could be directed towards investigating causal mechanisms to better understand how exercise may benefit an individual with RCRSP.</p

    Feasibility of Using Electroactive Polymers for Wearable Posture Sensing

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    Electroactive polymers (EAPs) are soft, flexible materials that can generate an electrical response to a stimulus and can be used for a variety of sensing applications, including wearable biosensing. The objective of this project is to investigate the feasibility of using EAP sensors for wearable posture sensing. Proper back posture is essential for everyday tasks since improper back posture can lead to back pain and ultimately, long term back problems. An existing EAP strain sensor was used that generates a capacitive response due to changes in strain. The basic concept is that the sensor will stretch and generate a higher capacitance in response to back flexion. The study involves characterization of an existing stain sensor under conditions that mimic daily use scenarios to evaluate its feasibility as a wearable sensor

    Kinetic and Kinematic Analysis of the Squat with and Without Supportive Equipment

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    The most common type of supportive equipment utilized in powerlifting is the squat suit (SS). The SS has the same fit and relative design of a singlet used in weightlifting, composed of various materials that stretch and then contract during the lift to possibly aid in increasing force, power and velocity. However, no previous investigation has examined the effect of a SS on squat performance. Thus, the purpose of this investigation was to investigate various kinetic and kinematic variables associated with squats with and without supportive equipment (i.e. SS)

    Recent Developments: The Uniform Arbitration Act

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    This Article is an overview of recent court decisions that interpret state versions of the Uniform Arbitration Act ( U.A.A. ). Arbitration statutes patterned after the U.A.A. have been adopted by thirty-four states and the District of Columbia. The goal of this project is to promote uniformity in the interpretation of the U.A.A. by analyzing the various underlying policies and rationales of recent court decisions interpreting the U.A.A

    Exploring the Links between Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements and Merchandise Trade

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    Over 200 bilateral and regional trade agreements are currently in force, yet their impact remains a topic of debate. We analyse effects of 27 agreements that are of particular importance for Australia on the value of merchandise trade flows using data from 1970 up to the global financial crisis in 2008. We show that preferential trade agreements generally increase trade between members but that there are often offsetting negative effects on trade with non-signatories. In contrast to regional trading blocs and bilateral accords, agreements more oriented towards open trade principles have a positive impact on all trade flows of member nations

    Teacher behavior checklist: psychometric evidence in teacher evaluation by Brazilian university students

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    Performance evaluations help university teachers to improve teaching, especially when based on internationally recognized criteria. This study aimed to carry out a cross-cultural adaptation of the Teacher Behavior Checklist (TBC) for Brazilian students to evaluate their teachers (Study 1) and investigate its psychometric evidence (Study 2). In Study 1, evidence was favorable to the use of TBC for teacher evaluation by the student. In Study 2, 714 public university students participated (Average age = 24.3 years; SD = 6.85), 57.2% women. The TBC was applied collectively in the classroom. The results corroborated the two-factor model according to the instrument’s original version, demonstrating an evidence of validity. Evidence of reliability has been documented (alpha = 0.92; Test-Retest = 0.75). This study presented an adequate instrument for the teacher formative evaluation and expanded Brazil’s insertion in international research on effective teaching.Las evaluaciones de desempeño ayudan a que los docentes universitarios mejoren la enseñanza, sobre todo cuando se basan en criterios reconocidos internacionalmente. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo llevar a cabo una adaptación transcultural de la Teacher Behavior Checklist (TBC) para que los estudiantes brasileños evalúen a sus profesores (Estudio 1), así como investigar las evidencias psicométricas (Estudio 2). En el Estudio 1, las evidencias fueron favorables al uso de la TBC para que el estudiante evalúe al profesor. En el Estudio 2, participaron 714 estudiantes de una universidad pública (Promedio de edad = 24,3 años; DE = 6,85), siendo el 57,2% mujeres. La TBC se aplicó colectivamente en el aula. Los resultados corroboran el modelo de dos factores de acuerdo con la versión original del instrumento, lo que demuestra evidencia de validez. Se documentaron evidencias de fiabilidad (alfa = 0,92; Test-Retest = 0,75). Este estudio presentó un instrumento adecuado para evaluar a los docentes y expandió la inserción de Brasil en la investigación internacional sobre la enseñanza efectiva.Avaliações de desempenho auxiliam professores universitários a aperfeiçoar o ensino, especialmente quando baseadas em critérios internacionalmente reconhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma adaptação transcultural do Teacher Behavior Checklist (TBC) para que discentes brasileiros avaliem seus professores (Estudo 1) e investigar suas evidências psicométricas (Estudo 2). No Estudo 1 as evidências foram favoráveis ao uso do TBC para a avaliação docente pelo discente. No Estudo 2, participaram 714 estudantes de universidade pública (Média de idade = 24,3 anos; DP = 6,85), 57,2% mulheres. O TBC foi aplicado coletivamente em sala de aula. Os resultados corroboraram o modelo de dois fatores conforme a versão original do instrumento, demonstrando uma evidência de validade. Foram documentadas evidências de fidedignidade (alpha = 0,92; Teste-Reteste = 0,75). Este estudo apresentou instrumento adequado para a avaliação formativa docente e ampliou a inserção do Brasil na investigação internacional sobre ensino eficaz

    A Blueprint for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support: Implementation of Three Components

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    This article provides a case study (focus on an eighth-grader with autism) within a case study (focus on an urban middle school) in terms of the implementation of positive behavior support (PBS). Information is provided on the characteristics of three key components of schoolwide PBS-universal support, group support, and individual support. For each component, information is presented on policy, assessment, and intervention in terms of an evolving approach to schoolwide PBS with descriptions of how the components were implemented at the middle school with a particular emphasis on the eighth-grade student. The authors conclude with implications for practice in terms of assessing current resources, providing professional development, and intensifying universal support within urban schools to address some of the complex issues associated with poverty