1,214 research outputs found

    Magnetic superelasticity and inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-In

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    Applying a magnetic field to a ferromagnetic Ni50_{50}Mn34_{34}In16_{16} alloy in the martensitic state induces a structural phase transition to the austenitic state. This is accompanied by a strain which recovers on removing the magnetic field giving the system a magnetically superelastic character. A further property of this alloy is that it also shows the inverse magnetocaloric effect. The magnetic superelasticity and the inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-In and their association with the first order structural transition is studied by magnetization, strain, and neutron diffraction studies under magnetic field.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. Published in the Physical Review

    Magnetic superelasticity and inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-In

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    Applying a magnetic field to a ferromagnetic Ni50_{50}Mn34_{34}In16_{16} alloy in the martensitic state induces a structural phase transition to the austenitic state. This is accompanied by a strain which recovers on removing the magnetic field giving the system a magnetically superelastic character. A further property of this alloy is that it also shows the inverse magnetocaloric effect. The magnetic superelasticity and the inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-In and their association with the first order structural transition is studied by magnetization, strain, and neutron diffraction studies under magnetic field.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. Published in the Physical Review

    Lattice dynamics and structural stability of ordered Fe3Ni, Fe3Pd and Fe3Pt alloys

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    We investigate the binding surface along the Bain path and phonon dispersion relations for the cubic phase of the ferromagnetic binary alloys Fe3X (X = Ni, Pd, Pt) for L12 and DO22 ordered phases from first principles by means of density functional theory. The phonon dispersion relations exhibit a softening of the transverse acoustic mode at the M-point in the L12-phase in accordance with experiments for ordered Fe3Pt. This instability can be associated with a rotational movement of the Fe-atoms around the Ni-group element in the neighboring layers and is accompanied by an extensive reconstruction of the Fermi surface. In addition, we find an incomplete softening in [111] direction which is strongest for Fe3 Ni. We conclude that besides the valence electron density also the specific Fe-content and the masses of the alloying partners should be considered as parameters for the design of Fe-based functional magnetic materials.Comment: Revised version, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Constitutive and inducible co-expression systems for non-viral osteoinductive gene therapy

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    Tissue regenerative gene therapy requires expression strategies that deliver therapeutic effective amounts of transgenes. As physiological expression patterns are more complex than high-level expression of a singular therapeutic gene, we aimed at constitutive or inducible co-expression of 2 transgenes simultaneously. Co-expression of human bone morphogenetic protein 2 and 7 (BMP2/7) from constitutively expressing and doxycycline inducible plasmids was evaluated in vitro in C2C12 cells with osteocalcin reporter gene assays and standard assays for osteogenic differentiation. The constitutive systems were additionally tested in an in vivo pilot for ectopic bone formation after repeated naked DNA injection to murine muscle tissue. Inductor controlled differentiation was demonstrated in vitro for inducible co-expression. Both co-expression systems, inducible and constitutive, achieved significantly better osteogenic differentiation than single factor expression. The potency of the constitutive co-expression systems was dependent on relative expression cassette topology. In vivo, ectopic bone formation was demonstrated in 6/13 animals (46 % bone formation efficacy) at days 14 and 28 in hind limb muscles as proven by in vivo μCT and histological evaluation. In vitro findings demonstrated that the devised single vector BMP2/7 co-expression strategy mediates superior osteoinduction, can be applied in an inductor controlled fashion and that its efficiency is dependent on expression cassette topology. In vivo results indicate that co-expression of BMP2/7 applied by non-viral naked DNA gene transfer effectively mediates bone formation without the application of biomaterials, cells or recombinant growth factors, offering a promising alternative to current treatment strategies with potential for clinical translation in the future

    Evolution and stability of a magnetic vortex in small cylindrical ferromagnetic particle under applied field

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    The energy of a displaced magnetic vortex in a cylindrical particle made of isotropic ferromagnetic material (magnetic dot) is calculated taking into account the magnetic dipolar and the exchange interactions. Under the simplifying assumption of small dot thickness the closed-form expressions for the dot energy is written in a non-perturbative way as a function of the coordinate of the vortex center. Then, the process of losing the stability of the vortex under the influence of the externally applied magnetic field is considered. The field destabilizing the vortex as well as the field when the vortex energy is equal to the energy of a uniformly magnetized state are calculated and presented as a function of dot geometry. The results (containing no adjustable parameters) are compared to the recent experiment and are in good agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Magnetoelastic effects in Jahn-Teller distorted CrF2_2 and CuF2_2 studied by neutron powder diffraction

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of crystal and magnetic structures of the Jahn-Teller distorted transition metal difluorides CrF2_2 and CuF2_2 by neutron powder diffraction in the temperature range 2-280 K. The lattice parameters and the unit cell volume show magnetoelastic effects below the N\'eel temperature. The lattice strain due to the magnetostriction effect couples with the square of the order parameter of the antiferromagnetic phase transition. We also investigated the temperature dependence of the Jahn-Teller distortion which does not show any significant effect at the antiferromagnetic phase transition but increases linearly with increasing temperature for CrF2_2 and remains almost independent of temperature in CuF2_2. The magnitude of magnetovolume effect seems to increase with the low temperature saturated magnetic moment of the transition metal ions but the correlation is not at all perfect

    Some computations in the cyclic permutations of completely rational nets

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    In this paper we calculate certain chiral quantities from the cyclic permutation orbifold of a general completely rational net. We determine the fusion of a fundamental soliton, and by suitably modified arguments of A. Coste , T. Gannon and especially P. Bantay to our setting we are able to prove a number of arithmetic properties including congruence subgroup properties for S,TS, T matrices of a completely rational net defined by K.-H. Rehren .Comment: 30 Pages Late

    A Simple Separable Exact C*-Algebra not Anti-isomorphic to Itself

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    We give an example of an exact, stably finite, simple. separable C*-algebra D which is not isomorphic to its opposite algebra. Moreover, D has the following additional properties. It is stably finite, approximately divisible, has real rank zero and stable rank one, has a unique tracial state, and the order on projections over D is determined by traces. It also absorbs the Jiang-Su algebra Z, and in fact absorbs the 3^{\infty} UHF algebra. We can also explicitly compute the K-theory of D, namely K_0 (D) = Z[1/3] with the standard order, and K_1 (D) = 0, as well as the Cuntz semigroup of D.Comment: 16 pages; AMSLaTeX. The material on other possible K-groups for such an algebra has been moved to a separate paper (1309.4142 [math.OA]

    Metal insulator transition in TlSr2CoO5 from orbital degeneracy and spin disproportionation

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    To describe the metal insulator transition in the new oxide TlSr2CoO5 we investigate its electronic structure by LDA and model Hartree-Fock calculations. Within LDA we find a homogeneous metallic and ferromagnetic ground state, but when including the Coulomb interaction more explicitly within the Hartree-Fock approximation, we find an insulating state of lower energy with both spin and orbital order. We also interpret our results in terms of a simple model.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure