429 research outputs found

    Trickle Irrigation Installation for Horticulture Crops

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    Course Outline Trickle Irrigation Overview Design Planning Water Supply Basic Trickle Irrigation System Design Drawing Installation Emitter Clogging Problems Irrigation Schedulin

    Dietary influences on cognitive development and behaviour in children

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    There are a number of ways in which food can influence behaviour, including malnutrition, types of diet, eating habits, pharmacological effects, food allergy, fatty acid deficiency and possibly food additives. The range of behaviour affected is also wide, and includes attention, conduct disorder and mood. A particular focus of interest has been the effects of food on hyperactivity in children. There is some initial evidence that fatty acids may influence hyperactivity in children with specific learning disabilities. The findings also suggest that some food additives (colourings, flavourings and preservatives) may increase hyperactivity in children with behaviour problems. For children showing behaviour problems such as hyperactivity the use of dietary manipulation tends to be a more acceptable approach to treatment than the use of drugs. However, there needs to be awareness of the dangers of the use of unsupervised restriction diets with children, and the use of dietary treatments alone is not likely to be sufficient treatment for many children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. A study is currently underway to investigate the possible effects of additives on behaviour in the general population of childre

    Genotype moderates the impact of food additives on hyperactive behavior in children

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    Introduction: The claim of a relationship between artificial food color and additive (AFCs) intake and behavior is highly contentious. We have shown in a previous population-based trial with 3yo children adverse effects of food additives on parentally-rated hyperactive behaviour (Bateman et al, 2004). The possible role of genetic polymorphisms in moderating this adverse effect has not been previously examined. Methods A randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled, within subject crossover food challenge was used for 144, 8 to 9 year old children and 153, 3 year old children. Following baseline assessment children were placed on a diet eliminating food additives and a benzoate preservative for 6 weeks during which time they were challenged for weekly periods with either a placebo mix or a drink containing sodium benzoate (45mg daily) and one of two mixes of AFCs.: Results: The T939C and Thr105Ile polymorphisms of the histamine N-methyltransferase gene (HNMT) moderated the adverse effect s of AFCs but the polymorphisms in catecholamine genes COMT Val108Met and ADRA2A C1291G did not. These findings point to a possible role for histamine in mediating the effects of food additives and help to explain why there has been inconsistency between previous studies. Conclusions: Genes influencing a range of neurotransmitter systems and their interplay with environmental factors, such as diet, need to be examined to understand genetic influences on hyperactivity.<br/

    NMR Structure Determination of KTM: A Rationally Designed Alpha-Conotoxin Targeting Parkinson\u27s-Relevant Receptor Isoforms

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    KTM is a rationally designed alpha-conotoxin predicted to have optimal binding affinity for the rat α3β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor isoform, a homology model for the human α6α4β2β3 receptor isoform implicated in Parkinson’s Disease. Validation of computational accuracy will help adjust computational parameters to give more accurate predictions of receptor binding, which are critical to receptor understanding and effective drug development for neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. The NMR structure of KTM is currently being solved in order to validate computational results. Current progress indicates that the NMR structure follows the predicted structure well, but is not highly constrained

    An analysis of the local causes and effects of AGN produced jets in galaxies at z~2-3.5

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    We investigate the radio, X-Ray and far-infrared properties of active galactic nuclei (AGN) with strong radio jets at 2.2 0 and average of 0.41±0.21, higher than the average for AGN without jets of 0.14±0.47. We conclude that the presence of jets may inhibit the AGN’s current activity, due to the large size and luminosity of jets, the energy and matter distributions are altered in such a way that the galaxy’s SFR and BHAR are impacted noticeably, agreeing with previous research and findings

    Particle swarming of sensor correction filters

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    Reducing the impact of seismic activity on the motion of suspended optics is essential for the operation of ground-based gravitational wave detectors. During periods of increased seismic activity, low-frequency ground translation and tilt cause the Advanced LIGO observatories to lose 'lock', reducing their duty cycles. This paper applies modern global-optimisation algorithms to aid in the design of the 'sensor correction' filter, used in the control of the active platforms. It is shown that a particle swarm algorithm that minimises a cost-function approximating the differential root mean squared velocity between platforms can produce control filters that perform better across most frequencies in the control bandwidth than those currently installed. These tests were conducted using training data from the LIGO Hanford Observatory seismic instruments and simulations of the Horizontal Access Module Internal Seismic Isolation platforms. These results show that new methods of producing control filters are ready for use at LIGO. The filters were implemented at LIGO's Hanford Observatory, and use the resulting data to refine the cost function. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the U

    Mars Earth Return Vehicle (MERV) Propulsion Options

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    The COMPASS Team was tasked with the design of a Mars Sample Return Vehicle. The current Mars sample return mission is a joint National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and European Space Agency (ESA) mission, with ESA contributing the launch vehicle for the Mars Sample Return Vehicle. The COMPASS Team ran a series of design trades for this Mars sample return vehicle. Four design options were investigated: Chemical Return /solar electric propulsion (SEP) stage outbound, all-SEP, all chemical and chemical with aerobraking. The all-SEP and Chemical with aerobraking were deemed the best choices for comparison. SEP can eliminate both the Earth flyby and the aerobraking maneuver (both considered high risk by the Mars Sample Return Project) required by the chemical propulsion option but also require long low thrust spiral times. However this is offset somewhat by the chemical/aerobrake missions use of an Earth flyby and aerobraking which also take many months. Cost and risk analyses are used to further differentiate the all-SEP and Chemical/Aerobrake options

    The Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, Scotland : geoconservation history and challenges

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    Glen Roy is a classic geosite for ice-dammed lake shorelines, the Parallel Roads, and associated features formed during the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stade (12.9–11.7 ka). The area played a key part in the development of the glacial theory in the early 19th century and continues today to have outstanding scientific value for understanding the processes and timing of events at the end of the last glaciation. Glen Roy has also been long-appreciated as an awe-inspiring visitor attraction, and is now a flagship site for geotourism within Lochaber Geopark. Statutory geoconservation in Glen Roy, beginning in the second half of the 20th century, was founded on the exceptional scientific value of the area. The history and practice of geoconservation in Glen Roy illustrate the contested values of geoheritage and the evolving approaches adopted. Important lessons include the need for open dialogue and partnership working among the local community, land owners and managers, the statutory conservation agency (Scottish Natural Heritage), Lochaber Geopark and the scientific community.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Human Exploration Using Real-Time Robotic Operations (HERRO)- Crew Telerobotic Control Vehicle (CTCV) Design

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    The HERRO concept allows real time investigation of planets and small bodies by sending astronauts to orbit these targets and telerobotically explore them using robotic systems. Several targets have been put forward by past studies including Mars, Venus, and near Earth asteroids. A conceptual design study was funded by the NASA Innovation Fund to explore what the HERRO concept and it's vehicles would look like and what technological challenges need to be met. This design study chose Mars as the target destination. In this way the HERRO studies can define the endpoint design concepts for an all-up telerobotic exploration of the number one target of interest Mars. This endpoint design will serve to help planners define combined precursor telerobotics science missions and technology development flights. A suggested set of these technologies and demonstrator missions is shown in Appendix B. The HERRO concept includes a crewed telerobotics orbit vehicle as well three Truck rovers, each supporting two teleoperated geologist robots Rockhounds (each truck/Rockhounds set is landed using a commercially launched aeroshell landing system.) Options include a sample ascent system teamed with an orbital telerobotic sample rendezvous and return spacecraft (S/C) (yet to be designed). Each truck rover would be landed in a science location with the ability to traverse a 100 km diameter area, carrying the Rockhounds to 100 m diameter science areas for several week science activities. The truck is not only responsible for transporting the Rockhounds to science areas, but also for relaying telecontrol and high-res communications to/from the Rockhound and powering/heating the Rockhound during the non-science times (including night-time). The Rockhounds take the place of human geologists by providing an agile robotic platform with real-time telerobotics control to the Rockhound from the crew telerobotics orbiter. The designs of the Truck rovers and Rockhounds will be described in other publications. This document focuses on the CTCV design
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