7 research outputs found

    Studi Kasus sebagai Salah Satu Proses Belajar di Perguruan Tinggi

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    To prepare the academician degree-holder is not enough by giving them the theory based from the text-book only. Like Alfred North said, what the faculty has to cultivate is activity in the presence of knowledge. What the students have to learn is activity in the presence of knowledge. In this context the lecturer must shifting the paradigm and rejecting the doctrine that student should first learn passively, and then having learned, should apply knowledge. It is psychological error. And now the question is, what should we do as faculty member to prepare the academician degree-holder for entering the real business world after they graduated from this faculty? In this article the writer will describe the difference between learning (by case study) and teaching, the reader can also find the learning objectives and learning process in study with cases. And last but not least the writer will describe how to write the case for lecturing material

    Penelitian Grounded Theory, Apakah Itu..?

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    Generally speaking, Grounded Theory is an approach for looking systematically at (mostly) qualitative data (like transcripts of interviews or protocols of observations) aiming at the generation of theory. Sometimes, Grounded Theory is seen as a qualitative method, but Grounded Theory reaches farther: it combines a specific style of research (or a paradigm) with pragmatic theory of action and with some methodological guidelines. This approach was written down and systematized in the 1960s by Anselm Sfrauss (himself a student of Herbert Blumer) and Bamey Glaser (a student of Paul Lazarsfeld), while working together in studying the sociology of t7lness at the University of California. For and with their studies, they developed a methodology, that was then made explicit and became the founding stone for an important branch of qualitative sociology. Important concepts of Grounded Theory are categories, codes and codings. The research principle behind Grounded Theory is neither inductive nor deductive, but combines both in a way of abductive reasoning (coming from the works of Charles S. Peirce). This leads to a research practice where data sampling, data analysis and theory development are not seen as distinct and disjunct, but as different steps to be repeated until one can describe and explain the phenomenon that is to be researched. This stopping point is reached when new data doesn't change the emerging theory anymore. Grounded Theory according to Glaser emphasizes induction or emergence, and the individual researchers creativity within a clear frame of stages, while Sfrauss is more interested in validation criteria and a systematical approach. This methodical way of creating Grounded Theory (and still be acceptable to scientific standards) is explained in Strauss/Corbin (1990)


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    Generally speaking, Grounded Theory is an approach for looking systematically at (mostly) qualitative data (like transcripts of interviews or protocols of observations) aiming at the generation of theory. Sometimes, Grounded Theory is seen as a qualitative method, but Grounded Theory reaches farther:  it combines a specific style of research (or a paradigm) with pragmatic theory of action and with some methodological guidelines. This approach was written down and systematized in the 1960s by Anselm Sfrauss  (himself a student of Herbert Blumer) and Bamey Glaser  (a student  of Paul Lazarsfeld), while working  together  in studying  the sociology  of t7lness at the University of California. For and with their studies, they developed a methodology, that was then made explicit and became the founding stone for an important  branch of qualitative sociology.  Important concepts of Grounded Theory are categories, codes and codings.  The research principle behind Grounded Theory is neither inductive nor deductive, but combines both in a way of abductive reasoning (coming from the works of Charles S. Peirce). This leads to a research practice where data sampling, data analysis and theory development are not seen as distinct and disjunct, but as different steps  to be repeated until one can describe  and explain the phenomenon that  is to be researched.  This stopping point is reached when new data doesn’t change the emerging theory anymore. Grounded Theory according to Glaser emphasizes induction or emergence, and the individual researchers creativity within a clear frame of stages, while Sfrauss is more interested in validation criteria and a systematical approach.  This methodical way of creating Grounded Theory (and still be acceptable to scientific standards)  is explained  in Strauss/Corbin (1990)


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    Generally speaking, Grounded Theory is an approach for looking systematically at (mostly) qualitative data (like transcripts of interviews or protocols of observations) aiming at the generation of theory. Sometimes, Grounded Theory is seen as a qualitative method, but Grounded Theory reaches farther:  it combines a specific style of research (or a paradigm) with pragmatic theory of action and with some methodological guidelines. This approach was written down and systematized in the 1960s by Anselm Sfrauss  (himself a student of Herbert Blumer) and Bamey Glaser  (a student  of Paul Lazarsfeld), while working  together  in studying  the sociology  of t7lness at the University of California. For and with their studies, they developed a methodology, that was then made explicit and became the founding stone for an important  branch of qualitative sociology.  Important concepts of Grounded Theory are categories, codes and codings.  The research principle behind Grounded Theory is neither inductive nor deductive, but combines both in a way of abductive reasoning (coming from the works of Charles S. Peirce). This leads to a research practice where data sampling, data analysis and theory development are not seen as distinct and disjunct, but as different steps  to be repeated until one can describe  and explain the phenomenon that  is to be researched.  This stopping point is reached when new data doesn’t change the emerging theory anymore. Grounded Theory according to Glaser emphasizes induction or emergence, and the individual researchers creativity within a clear frame of stages, while Sfrauss is more interested in validation criteria and a systematical approach.  This methodical way of creating Grounded Theory (and still be acceptable to scientific standards)  is explained  in Strauss/Corbin (1990)

    Studi Kasus Sebagai Salah Satu Proses Belajar di Perguruan Tinggi

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    To prepare the academician degree-holder is not enough by giving them the theory based from the text-book only. Like Alfred North said, what the faculty has to cultivate is activity in the presence of knowledge. What the students have to learn is activity in the presence of knowledge. In this context the lecturer must shifting the paradigm and rejecting the doctrine that student should first learn passively, and then having learned, should apply knowledge. It is psychological error. And now the question is, what should we do as faculty member to prepare the academician degree-holder for entering the real business world after they graduated from this faculty? In this article the writer will describe the difference between learning (by case study) and teaching, the reader can also find the learning objectives and learning process in study with cases. And last but not least the writer will describe how to write the case for lecturing material