13,962 research outputs found

    SCUBA polarisation observations of the magnetic fields in the prestellar cores L1498 and L1517B

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    We have mapped linearly polarized dust emission from the prestellar cores L1498 and L1517B with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) using the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) and its polarimeter SCUBAPOL at a wavelength of 850um. We use these measurements to determine the plane-of-sky magnetic field orientation in the cores. In L1498 we see a magnetic field across the peak of the core that lies at an offset of 19 degrees to the short axis of the core. This is similar to the offsets seen in previous observations of prestellar cores. To the southeast of the peak, in the filamentary tail of the core, we see that the magnetic field has rotated to lie almost parallel to the long axis of the filament. We hypothesise that the field in the core may have decoupled from the field in the filament that connects the core to the rest of the cloud. We use the Chandrasekhar-Fermi (CF) method to measure the plane-of-sky field strength in the core of L1498 to be 10 +/- 7 uG. In L1517B we see a more gradual turn in the field direction from the northern part of the core to the south. This appears to follow a twist in the filament in which the core is buried, with the field staying at a roughly constant 25 degree offset to the short axis of the filament, also consistent with previous observations of prestellar cores. We again use the CF method and calculate the magnetic field strength in L1517B also to be 30 +/- 10 uG. Both cores appear to be roughly virialised. Comparison with our previous work on somewhat denser cores shows that, for the denser cores, thermal and non-thermal (including magnetic) support are approximately equal, while for the lower density cores studied here, thermal support dominates.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication by MNRA

    SCUBA observations of the Horsehead Nebula - what did the horse swallow?

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    We present observations taken with SCUBA on the JCMT of the Horsehead Nebula in Orion (B33), at wavelengths of 450 and 850 \mum. We see bright emission from that part of the cloud associated with the photon-dominated region (PDR) at the `top' of the horse's head, which we label B33-SMM1. We characterise the physical parameters of the extended dust responsible for this emission, and find that B33-SMM1 contains a more dense core than was previously suspected. We compare the SCUBA data with data from the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and find that the emission at 6.75-\mum is offset towards the west, indicating that the mid-infrared emission is tracing the PDR while the submillimetre emission comes from the molecular cloud core behind the PDR. We calculate the virial balance of this core and find that it is not gravitationally bound but is being confined by the external pressure from the HII region IC434, and that it will either be destroyed by the ionising radiation, or else may undergo triggered star formation. Furthermore we find evidence for a lozenge-shaped clump in the `throat' of the horse, which is not seen in emission at shorter wavelengths. We label this source B33-SMM2 and find that it is brighter at submillimetre wavelengths than B33-SMM1. SMM2 is seen in absorption in the 6.75-\mum ISO data, from which we obtain an independent estimate of the column density in excellent agreement with that calculated from the submillimetre emission. We calculate the stability of this core against collapse and find that it is in approximate gravitational virial equilibrium. This is consistent with it being a pre-existing core in B33, possibly pre-stellar in nature, but that it may also eventually undergo collapse under the effects of the HII region.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    A Far-Infrared Survey of Molecular Cloud Cores

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    We present a catalogue of molecular cloud cores drawn from high latitude, medium opacity clouds, using the all-sky IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA) images at 60 and 100~ÎŒ\mum. The typical column densities of the cores are N(H2)∌3.8×1021 N(H_2)\sim 3.8 \times 10^{21} cm−2^{-2} and the typical volume densities are n(H2)∌2×103 n(H_2) \sim 2 \times 10^3cm−3^{-3}. They are therefore significantly less dense than many other samples obtained in other ways. Those cloud cores with IRAS point sources are seen to be already forming stars, but this is found to be only a small fraction of the total number of cores. The fraction of the cores in the protostellar stage is used to estimate the prestellar timescale - the time until the formation of a hydrostatically supported protostellar object. We argue, on the basis of a comparison with other samples, that a trend exists for the prestellar lifetime of a cloud core to decrease with the mean column density and number density of the core. We compare this with model predictions and show that the data are consistent with star formation regulated by the ionisation fraction.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    An empirical model for protostellar collapse

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    We propose a new analytic model for the initial conditions of protostellar collapse in relatively isolated regions of star formation. The model is non-magnetic, and is based on a Plummer-like radial density profile as its initial condition. It fits: the observed density profiles of pre-stellar cores and Class 0 protostars; recent observations in pre-stellar cores of roughly constant contraction velocities over a wide range of radii; and the lifetimes and accretion rates derived for Class 0 and Class I protostars. However, the model is very simple, having in effect only 2 free parameters, and so should provide a useful framework for interpreting observations of pre-stellar cores and protostars, and for calculations of radiation transport and time-dependent chemistry. As an example, we model the pre-stellar core L1544.Comment: To appear in Astrophysical Journal, Jan 20th, 2001. 18 pages incl. 3 fig

    Modelling submillimetre spectra of the protostellar infall candidates NGC1333-IRAS2 and Serpens SMM4

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    We present a radiative transfer model, which is applicable to the study of submillimetre spectral line observations of protostellar envelopes. The model uses an exact, non-LTE, spherically symmetric radiative transfer `Stenholm' method, which numerically solves the radiative transfer problem by the process of `Lambda-iteration'. We also present submillimetre spectral line data of the Class 0 protostars NGC1333-IRAS2 and Serpens SMM4. We examine the physical constraints which can be used to limit the number and range of parameters used in protostellar envelope models, and identify the turbulent velocity and tracer molecule abundance as the principle sources of uncertainty in the radiative transfer modelling. We explore the trends in the appearance of the predicted line profiles as key parameters in the models are varied. We find that the separation of the two peaks of a typical infall profile is dependent not on the evolutionary status of the collapsing protostar, but on the turbulent velocity dispersion in the envelope. We also find that the line shapes can be significantly altered by rotation. Fits are found for the observed line profiles of IRAS2 and SMM4 using plausible infall model parameters. The density and velocity profiles in our best fit models are inconsistent with a singular isothermal sphere model. We find better agreement with a form of collapse which assumes non-static initial conditions. We also find some evidence that the infall velocities are retarded from free-fall towards the centre of the cloud, probably by rotation, and that the envelope of SMM4 is rotationally flattened.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    A SCUBA survey of Orion, the low-mass end of the core mass function

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    We have re-analysed all of the SCUBA archive data of the Orion star-forming regions. We have put together all of the data taken at different times by different groups. Consequently we have constructed the deepest submillimetre maps of these regions ever made. There are four regions that have been mapped: Orion A North & South, and Orion B North & South. We find that two of the regions, Orion A North and Orion B North, have deeper sensitivity and completeness limits, and contain a larger number of sources, so we concentrate on these two. We compare the data with archive data from the Spitzer Space Telescope to determine whether or not a core detected in the submillimetre is pre-stellar in nature. We extract all of the pre-stellar cores from the data and make a histogram of the core masses. This can be compared to the stellar initial mass function (IMF). We find the high-mass core mass function follows a roughly Salpeter-like slope, just like the IMF, as seen in previous work. Our deeper maps allow us to see that the core mass function (CMF) turns over at ~ 1.3 Mo, about a factor of 4 higher than our completeness limit. This turnover has never previously been observed, and is only visible here due to our much deeper maps. It mimics the turnover seen in the stellar IMF at ~ 0.1 Mo. The low-mass side of the CMF is a power-law with an exponent of 0.35 +/- 0.2, which is consistent with the low-mass slope of the young cluster IMF of 0.3 +/- 0.1. This shows that the CMF continues to mimic the shape of the IMF all the way down to the lower completeness limit of these data at ~ 0.3 Mo.Comment: 9 pages, inc. 6 figures (+ Appendix; 1 Table = 6 pages

    A turbulent MHD model for molecular clouds and a new method of accretion on to star-forming cores

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    We describe the results of a sequence of simulations of gravitational collapse in a turbulent magnetized region. The parameters are chosen to be representative of molecular cloud material. We find that several protostellar cores and filamentary structures of higher than average density form. The filaments inter-connect the high density cores. Furthermore, the magnetic field strengths are found to correlate positively with the density, in agreement with recent observations. We make synthetic channel maps of the simulations and show that material accreting onto the cores is channelled along the magnetized filamentary structures. This is compared with recent observations of S106, and shown to be consistent with these data. We postulate that this mechanism of accretion along filaments may provide a means for molecular cloud cores to grow to the point where they become gravitationally unstable and collapse to form stars.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    SCUBA and Spitzer observations of the Taurus molecular cloud - pulling the bull's tail

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    We present continuum data from the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), and the Mid-Infrared Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope, at submillimetre and infrared wavelengths respectively. We study the Taurus molecular cloud 1 (TMC1), and in particular the region of the Taurus Molecular Ring (TMR). In the continuum data we see no real evidence for a ring, but rather we see one side of it only, appearing as a filament. We name the filament `the bull's tail'. The filament is seen in emission at 850, 450 and 160um, and in absorption at 70um. We compare the data with archive data from the Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) at 12, 25, 60, 100um, in which the filament is also seen in absorption. We find that the emission from the filament consists of two components: a narrow, cold (~8K), central core; and a broader, slightly warmer (~12K), shoulder of emission. We use a radiative transfer code to model the filament's appearance, either in emission or absorption, simultaneously at each of the different wavelengths. Our best fit model uses a Plummer-like density profile and a homogeneous interstellar dust grain population. Unlike previous work on a similar, but different filament in Taurus, we require no grain coagulation to explain our data.Comment: 10 pages, 9 Figures, Accepted by MNRA

    Simulating star formation in molecular cloud cores I. The influence of low levels of turbulence on fragmentation and multiplicity

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    We present the results of an ensemble of simulations of the collapse and fragmentation of dense star-forming cores. We show that even with very low levels of turbulence the outcome is usually a binary, or higher-order multiple, system. We take as the initial conditions for these simulations a typical low-mass core, based on the average properties of a large sample of observed cores. All the simulated cores start with a mass of M=5.4M⊙M = 5.4 M_{\odot}, a flattened central density profile, a ratio of thermal to gravitational energy αtherm=0.45\alpha_{\rm therm} = 0.45 and a ratio of turbulent to gravitational energy αturb=0.05\alpha_{\rm turb} = 0.05 . Even this low level of turbulence is sufficient to produce multiple star formation in 80% of the cores; the mean number of stars and brown dwarfs formed from a single core is 4.55, and the maximum is 10. At the outset, the cores have no large-scale rotation. The only difference between each individual simulation is the detailed structure of the turbulent velocity field. The multiple systems formed in the simulations have properties consistent with observed multiple systems. Dynamical evolution tends preferentially to eject lower mass stars and brown dwarves whilst hardening the remaining binaries so that the median semi-major axis of binaries formed is ∌30\sim 30 au. Ejected objects are usually single low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, yielding a strong correlation between mass and multiplicity. Our simulations suggest a natural mechanism for forming binary stars that does not require large-scale rotation, capture, or large amounts of turbulence.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures submitted to A&
