12 research outputs found
Efikasi Program Konseling Pranikah untuk Kesiapan Menikah dan Hidup Berkeluarga di Perguruan Tinggi
Persiapan pernikahan dan hidup berkeluarga perlu dipahami dan dilakukan oleh mahasiswa sebagai bentuk penyelesaian dan pencapaian tugas perkembangan, keinginan hidup bahagia dan mencegah serta meminimalisir persoalan ketidaksiapan menikah perlu dipersiapkan melalui penyelidikan kepribadian individu, karakteristik pasangan, dan kematangan emosional sehingga terjadi terhadap penyesuaian diri dan pasangan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan efikasi (kemanjuran) program konseling pranikah di perguruan tinggi dalam rangka mempersiapkan pernikahan dan hidup berkeluarga bagi mahasiswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan studi efikasi untuk melihat apakah program konseling pranikah dapat bekerja dalam keadaan ideal, populasi yaitu mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo berjumlah 438 mahasiswa dengan non probability sampling dengan bentuk purposive sampling, sampel kelompok eksperimen berjumlah 17 orang mahasiswa dan kelompok kontrol berjumlah 24 orang mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program konseling pranikah tidak memiliki efikasi (kemanjuran), meskipun adanya perbedaan peningkatan kesiapan menikah dan hidup berkeluarga antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Rasionalitas program konseling pranikah tidak memiliki efikasi ialah pemahaman mahasiswa belum mendalam terkait kesiapan menikah sebelum intervensi dilakukan, dan belum memiliki perbandingan dengan kerangka teoritis maupun hasil riset terhadap indikator bahasan kesiapan menikah.
Kata Kunci: Konseling pranikah, Efikasi program, Kesiapan menikah.
Preparation for marriage and family life needs to be understood and carried out by students as a form of completion and achievement of developmental tasks. The desire to live happily and prevent and minimize the problem of unpreparedness for marriage needs to be prepared through an investigation of individual personality, partner characteristics, and emotional maturity so that it occurs in self-adjustment and couples. This article aims to describe the efficacy of premarital guidance programs in universities to prepare for marriage and family life for students. The research method uses an efficacy study to see whether the premarital guidance program can work in ideal conditions, the population is 438 students of the Faculty of Education, the State University of Gorontalo totaling 438 students with non-probability sampling in the form of purposive sampling, the experimental group sample totaling 17 students and the control group totaling 24 student people. The results showed that the premarital counseling program had no efficacy, although there were differences in the increase in readiness for marriage and family life between the experimental class and the control class. The reason the premarital counseling program is not effective is that students' understanding of marriage readiness was not deep before the intervention was carried out, and there was no comparison with the theoretical framework or research results on indicators to discuss marriage readiness.
Keywords: Pre-marital counseling, Program efficacy, Marriage readiness.
This study aims to reveal the One Decade of botungobungo village, using qualitative historical research methods. Qualitative research is a type of research whose findings are not obtained through statistical procedures or other forms of calculation and seeks to understand and interpret the meaning of an event of human behavior interaction in certain situations according to the researcher's own perspective. The collection of sources in this study was carried out with the initial stage of observing the research location and then conducting interviews with the local community to obtain relevant data related to the research title and continued with writing the research results juxtaposed with existing concepts. So that this research can reveal related research topics
Analisis Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Pemrosesan Informasi Dalam Mata Pembelajaran Sejarah Di Kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Al-Muttaqin Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu
The purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of Information Processing Learning in History Subjects in Class XI Madrasah Aliyah Al-Muttaqin, Kapuas Hulu Regency for the 2012/2013 academic year. based on a population of only 93 people, the entire population was taken as a sample so that this study was a population study. The data collection tools used were observation guides, questionnaires, interview guides, syllabus and lesson plans. Data processing and data analysis is known. Preparation of the implementation of information processing learning by history teachers is classified as very good with the results obtained by 85.7%. The implementation of information processing learning by history teachers is classified as very good with a result of 80.1%. Evaluation of the implementation of information processing learning by history teachers is classified as good with a result of 74.8. For this reason, information processing learning in history subjects needs to be continuously applied and developed in other materials so that the planned learning objectives can be achieved effectively
Perilaku Prokrastinasi Akademik dan Faktor Penyebabnya pada Mahasiswa
Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif yang mendeskripsikan perilaku prokrastinasi mahasiswa dan faktor-faktor Penyebabnya pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku prokrastinasi dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling yang berjumlah 349 mahasiswa sedangkan pengambilan sampel penelitian dengan teknik Sampling Insidental berjumlah 100 mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dianalisis dengan analisis persentase menunjukkan bahwa dari perilaku prokrastinasi mahasiswa dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut : penundaan untuk memulai maupun menyelesaikan kerja pada tugas yang dihadapi (65%), keterlambatan dalam mengerjakan tugas (75%), kesenjangan waktu antara rencana dan kinerja aktual (82,7%) dan melakukan aktivitas lain yang lebih menyenangkan daripada melakukan tugas yang harus dikerjakan (87%). Sedangkan faktor-faktor penyebab prokrastinasi mahasiswa diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut : faktor internal (85%) dan faktor eksternal (89,5%). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo memiliki perilaku prokrastinasi dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya memperoleh persentase sebesar (80,7%)
Kepak Nilai Kesejarahan Bagi Generasi Milenial Melalui Media Sosial Guna Membangun Revolusi Mental Ditengah Pandemi Global
This Study aims to determined the historical value for millennials through social media. This study uses historical resarch methods with several steps such as Heuristics, Criticism, Interpretation and Historiography. In this study, it countains historical value that must be understoot by the millennial generation at this time, especially with the efficiencyof using social media such as Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube, etc
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menganalisisĀ Ā pendidikan karakter dalam meningkatkan disiplin siswa, 2) menganalisis pendidikan karakter dalam meningkatkan saling berbagi siswa, 3) menganalisis pendidikan karakter dalam meningkatkan percaya diri siswa dan 4) menganalisis pendidikan karakter dalam mengendalikan emosiĀ siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; 1) Pendidikan karakter yang dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler kepramukaan mampu meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa di SDN 79 Kota Tengah Kota Gorontalo. Kedisiplinan yang dimiliki siswa sangat membantu dalam membentuk karakter untuk mandiri dalam melaksanakan aktivitas, 2) kegiatan pramuka yang dilaksanakan di SDNĀ 79 Kota Tengah mampu mendidik siswa untuk memiliki sikap saling berbagi dengan siswa lain dalam semua kegiatan. Hal ini sangat positif dalam mendukung dan meningkatkan kemandirian siswa karena tanpa disuruh mereka memiliki sikap mulia untuk berbagi dengan sesama yang membutuhkan, 3) pendidikan karakter melalui kegiatan esktrakurikuler kepramukaan sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan sikap percaya diri siswa di SDN 79 Kota Tengah Kota Gorontalo. Sikap percaya diri yang dibina dalam kegiatan kepramukaan tersebut memberikan dampak terhadap peningkatan karakter kemandirian siswa. Dengan percaya diri yang dimilikinya maka siswa dapat melakukan aktivitas secara mandiri tanpa tergantung pada orang lain, dan 4) kegiatan pramuka yang dilaksanakan di SDN 79 Kota Tengah mampu membina siswa sehingga dapat mengendalikan emosi siswa dalam beraktivitas. Melalui kegiatan pramuka siswa dibimbing untuk mengendalikan emosi mereka, mengelola stress, mengelola kejenuhan dan menggantinya dengan emosi cerdas dalam bentuk optimisme dan semangat untuk belajar dan maju sehingga menjadi pribadi yang tangguh
Reformulation of the Authority of Judicial Commission: Safeguarding the Future of Indonesian Judicial Power
Jurisdiction of Indonesian judiciary still leaves various polemics, one of which relates to decisions that are antinomian between the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court. This research aims to describe efforts to resolve these issues through reformulation within the constitution, regarding the supervisory authority of the Judicial Commission in creating harmonization of judicial decisions in the future. This type of research is normative research. The results indicate that reformulation or redefinition of the authority of the Judicial Commission in the constitution is a gateway to optimizing the role of the Judicial Commission as a product of reform in supervising judges in issuing correct, fair, and legal certainty decisions. Regulation through the constitution is an attributive authority in which the formulation of constitutional norms in the chapter on judicial power, particularly Article of the Judicial Commission, should preferably include phrases of "safeguarding" and "upholding" the code of ethics and conduct of judges, as preventive and repressive measures to prevent antinomian decisions between two judicial state institutions from recurring
Along with the time that continues to turn where previously children who were still toddlers were taken care of by their parents until they moved to the village and got a job and were busy to have a partner and offspring and their own lives, on the other hand the parents who used to raise them have now entered old age which should be the child's obligation to take care of parents at that time. The dilemma that occurs between the obligation to care for wives and children and work with caring for parents when they enter old age or old age. Responding to the phenomenon that occurs related to the child's obligation to choose parents when entering old age. So the service team from the Faculty of Law, Goronalo State University conducted counseling in a number of villages which basically had a number of problems related to this, including Kaaruyaan Village, Paguyaman District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province. The problems raised in this service include the background of children taking care of their own elderly parents at home and children who entrust elderly parents in nursing homes. Legal review of the responsibilities of children who entrust their parents in nursing homes. This research method uses qualitative methods and discussions in counseling, where the research was carried out in the Kaaruyaan Village area. The subjects of counseling are children who care for and children who entrust elderly parents (Elderly) in Nursing Homes. Observation, interviews and documentation. Extension results. The background of children choosing to entrust elderly parents in the orphanage is triggered by a number of things including work, obstacles in communication between family and parents, incompatibility between the wife / husband and parents in the house. While the background of children chooses to take care of their own parents at home, facilitate communication with parents, control physical health, guarantee the needs and needs of parents daily to apply forms of love and affection to parents
Pendampingan Masyarakat Desa dalam Membangun Kesadaran Mendaftarkan Tanah Hak Milik (Penyuluhan Hukum di Desa Buntulia Utara Kec. Buntulia Kab. Pohuwato)
The problem of land ownership in Buntulia Village is influenced by the lack of knowledge and awareness of the community about land ownership rights because of the total population of 549 families, 463 people have not registered their own land. This of course raises a fairly basic problem by the village government to be resolved. Therefore, in this downstreaming, the service team provides understanding and legal knowledge to the community about the importance of registering property rights and providing assistance to the community together with the Land Agency through the Border Marks Post Community Movement (GEMA PATAS) in order to increase community participation in installing boundary markings, making it easier for BPN officers to take measurements, as well as being able to accelerate the government program on Complete Systematic Land Registration. Thus the community could see the importance of legalizing property rights to the land in order to avoid disputes and thereby give legal certainty to the parties