933 research outputs found

    A Second Order Fully-discrete Linear Energy Stable Scheme for a Binary Compressible Viscous Fluid Model

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    We present a linear, second order fully discrete numerical scheme on a staggered grid for a thermodynamically consistent hydrodynamic phase field model of binary compressible fluid flow mixtures derived from the generalized Onsager Principle. The hydrodynamic model not only possesses the variational structure, but also warrants the mass, linear momentum conservation as well as energy dissipation. We first reformulate the model in an equivalent form using the energy quadratization method and then discretize the reformulated model to obtain a semi-discrete partial differential equation system using the Crank-Nicolson method in time. The numerical scheme so derived preserves the mass conservation and energy dissipation law at the semi-discrete level. Then, we discretize the semi-discrete PDE system on a staggered grid in space to arrive at a fully discrete scheme using the 2nd order finite difference method, which respects a discrete energy dissipation law. We prove the unique solvability of the linear system resulting from the fully discrete scheme. Mesh refinements and two numerical examples on phase separation due to the spinodal decomposition in two polymeric fluids and interface evolution in the gas-liquid mixture are presented to show the convergence property and the usefulness of the new scheme in applications

    The impact of the medical treatment combination model on stakeholders and patient flow in a Chinese county

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    Background and purpose Since China's reform and opening up, people’s demands for health service have increased, and requirements for healthcare service are higher with the rapid development of society and economy. Based on the reality of a county in China, the new operation and management model of medical reform the Medical Treatment Combination Model is established and implemented. This model integrates the medical resources in the county, reform the payment method of medical insurance, shift the management of medical institutions to profit seeking, and realize the united pursuit of medical institutions, doctors and patients, thus achieving the goal of safeguarding the health of the county's residents. Data source and research method Data source: this thesis used data from interviews to the stakeholders, statistics from health department and healthcare security department of Dancheng (DC) county, Henan province (HN) in China; annual reports, statistical reports, data from the Ministry of Health and other national authorities; documents from the State Council, the Ministry of Health, the Healthcare Security Administration and other relevant authorities of China. Research method: Through the content analysis of the interviews and statistic analysis of the data, the impact of the Medical Treatment Combination Model , or the new operation model featuring "the integration of county and township medical institutions into medical group operation (MHG) + integrated medical insurance package payment (IBPMI)", namely, th e MHG+IBPMI model (MHG+IBPMI) on the stakeholders and flow of patients in a county level region is observed, to provide reference for China's regional medical reform. Conclusion The establishment and implementation of the new operation and management mode in a county of China, namely the Medical Treatment Combination Mode (MHG+IBPMI), effectively shifts hospital's original operation direction of profit seeking, and realizes orderly patient flow so that medical resources and hierarchical medical treatment can be achieved. Thus, it improves the utilization rate of medical resources in township healthcare centers, while reducing hospital s medical expenditure, patients’ medical expenses and the risk of overspending medical insurance funds . Overall, it improves the accessibility of county medical services and promotes healthy development.Contexto Desde a reforma e abertura da China, a procura por serviços de saúde aumentou e os requisitos de serviços de saúde são maiores com o rápido desenvolvimento da sociedade e da economia. Com base na realidade de uma região da China, o novo modelo de gestão do sector da saúde o Modelo de Combinação de Tratamento Médico é definido e implementado. Este modelo integra os recursos médicos da regiã o, reforma o método de pagamento do seguro médico, muda o funcionamento das instituições médicas com fins lucrativos e integra instituições médicas, médicos e pacientes, alcançando assim o objetivo de salvaguardar a saúde dos residentes da região. Fonte dos dados e método de pesquisa Fonte dos dados: Esta tese usou dados obtidos de entrevistas feitas aos stakeholders, estatísticas do departamento de saúde e departamento de segurança de saúde da região de DC, província de Henan (HN) na China; dados de relatórios anuais, relatórios estatísticos, dados internos do Ministério da Saúde e outras autoridades nacionais; documentos do Conselho de Estado, do Ministério da Saúde, da Administração da Segurança da saúde, e de outras autoridades relevantes da China. Método de pesquisa: Através da análise do conteúdo das entrevistas, da análise estatística dos dados, o impacto do Modelo de Combinação de Tratamento Médico ou O Novo Modelo de Gestão que caracteriza "a integração de instituições médicas da região e municípios na gestão do grupo médico (MHG) + pagamento de pacote de seguro médico integrado (IBPMI)", ou seja, o modelo MHG + IBPMI (MHG + IBPMI) sobre as partes interessadas e o fluxo de pacientes na região é analisado, para sugerir políticas para a reforma mé dica regional da China. Conclusão A implementação do novo modo de gestão do sector da saúde numa região da China, ou seja, o Modo de Combinação de Tratamento Médico (MHG + IBPMI), altera a gestão hospitalar com objetivos de lucro e consegue um fluxo ordena do de pacientes, de modo a que os recursos médicos e o tratamento médico hierárquico sejam alcançados. A taxa de utilização de recursos médicos em centros de saúde municipais melhora e as despesas médicas do hospital reduzem. As despesas médicas dos pacienhospital reduzem. As despesas médicas dos pacientes e o risco de gastos excessivos com fundos de seguro médico também se reduzem. No geral, o novo modelo melhora a fundos de seguro médico também se reduzem. No geral, o novo modelo melhora a acessibilidade aos serviços médicos na região acessibilidade aos serviços médicos na região

    Understanding Different Cognitive Levels of Social Engagement: Evidence from Paid Q&A

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    Despite the widespread conversion of free content to paid content, empirical research investigating social engagement in the paid context still lags. Moreover, prior research used like and comment to measure social engagement without considering their differences. In this study, we conceptualize like and comment on two distinct behavioral manifestations differing cognitive processes involved: low- and high-cognitive social engagement. Specifically, setting in a paid Q&A site, we identify the answer provider characteristic (i.e., the number of followers and posts) and answer characteristic (i.e., viewership revenue) as salient factors influencing social engagement. We compare their direct and interaction effects on the two types of social engagement. Results show that identified factors have a greater direct effect and smaller interaction effect on low-cognitive social engagement than on highcognitive social engagement. Our work advances knowledge of social engagement and has practical implications for platform practitioners to achieve social engagement

    How Does Social Media Improve Work Efficiency? Insights from the Theory of Communication Visibility

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    Social media tools have been increasingly used by employees for internal communication, knowledge sharing, and problem-solving. Despite many studies on knowledge sharing in online settings, little has examined what affects employees’ use of social media for work-related knowledge sharing and work efficiency. Drawing on theories of communication visibility and work motivation, this study examines the direct and indirect influence of message transparency and network translucence together with work motivations (i.e., reputation and social networking) on employees’ knowledge sharing. We further hypothesize the impacts of message transparency and network translucence on work efficiency. Based on a survey of 259 employees, we find that message transparency positively influences knowledge sharing and work efficiency. Notably, message transparency weakens the impact of reputation on knowledge sharing while network translucence strengthens the effect of social networking on knowledge sharing. The practical and theoretical implications of our findings are discussed

    Reward improves response inhibition by enhancing attentional capture

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    Reward plays a crucial role in enhancing response inhibition. While it is generally assumed that the process of response inhibition involves attentional capture and the stopping of action, it is unclear whether this reflects a direct impact of reward on response inhibition or rather an indirect mediation via attentional capture. Here, we employed a revised stop-signal task (SST) that separated these two cognitive elements, by including a continue signal that required the same motor response as in go trials, but also attention to a cue, as in stop trials. We first confirmed the engagement of the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) during stop and continue trials, both of which required the attentional capture of the task-relevant cue, but only one of which required motor inhibition. The pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA) was specifically activated by the contrast of the stop trials with the continue trials. The results indicated that the IFG played an important role in attentional capture by unexpected stimuli, while the pre-SMA was responsible for the direct control of motor inhibition. Behavioral performance of the SST was improved by reward, and moreover, reward induced an increase in IFG activity. In addition, this advantageous reward effect was associated with enhanced connectivity between the anterior cingulate cortex and the IFG. These results indicated that the reward facilitation effect on response inhibition was indirect, occurring via a change in attentional processing. The present data confirm the specific function of the IFG and pre-SMA in response inhibition and provide straightforward evidence that reward can increase attentional capture-related activation in the IFG, which in turn improves the performance of response inhibition