937 research outputs found

    Utilizing waste from the pulp and paper industry: optimizing the production of fuels from black liquor

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    UWill Discover Abstract, Winter 2019 Zihan Wang, MASc Environmental Engineering candidate Dr. Jerald A. Lalman, Advisor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario Title: Utilizing waste from the pulp and paper industry: optimizing the production of fuels from black liquor. Abstract Black liquor, a major waste byproduct from the pulp and paper industry, has always not been considered for producing fuels, because of the presence of complex chemicals such as lignin. In contrast to many biopolymers such as carbohydrates and proteins, lignin is resistant to bacterial degradation due to its complicated chemical structure. This resistance allows lignin to survive many traditional waste treatment methods. However, photocatalysis utilizing sunlight and a metal catalyst has been proven to be effective in degrading lignin. The chemicals produced from photocatalysis can be further converted into fuels such as methane. In this research, black liquor will be treated by photocatalysis utilizing ultraviolet light and titanium dioxide (TiO2). TiO2 is a white pigment which is commonly used in air filters, to enhance the white color in paper and in white paint. Preliminary findings of this research have shown that TiO2 photocatalysis is a viable treatment option for converting black liquor into smaller molecules which shows 36% total organic carbon removal from the experiment. In the next phase of the study, a common statistical method will be employed to optimize the photocatalysis process and maximize the amount of small biodegradable chemicals. Those small biodegrade chemicals could be digested and hydrogen would be produced. Overall, this work contributes to improving the sustainability of the pulp and paper industry by providing an option for producing fuels from lignin. Keywords: Black liquor; Lignin; Photocatalysis; Statistical design; Renewable energ

    The influence of TikTok on tourism destination decision in the post-pandemic era

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    This dissertation analyzes the influence of the social media Tik Tok on a tourism destination decision, mainly among particpants that belong to the Generation Z, who are heavy users of social media. The recognition of social media as a relevant communication channel has been increasing by companies and citizens. In this context, the awareness of the Chinese Tik Tok has fast increased in China, as well as expanding internationally. A quantitative study was designed expecting to cover not only Chinese participants. An online questionnaire in two languages, Chinese (Wenjuanxing 问卷星) and English (Google Form) was submitted to a convenience sample. Data could be obtained from 259 participants, with 177 valid participants. The multiple linear regression was applied to estimate the theoretical model. Results show the absence of mediating effects, but the influence of Tik Tok on destination decision, mainly for Generation Z, on five determinants explain it: Trust on TikTok, Travel influencer on TikTok, Types of travel videos on TikTok, and the main information sources to get information. Only the perceived risk from accidents, such as airplane hijacking or terrorist attack, and with common problems, such as health, political stability and security explain destination decision. Tik Tok main users belong to the Generation Z in China, but it is still not popular to Portuguese young adult. Future studies should analyze more determinants and mediating effects, as consider short videos using new technologies (AI, AR and VR).Esta dissertação analisa a influência da rede social Tik Tok na decisão de destino turistico, identificando os determinantes mais relevantes principalmente para os que pertencem à Geração Z, que são os maiores utilizadores de redes sociais. O reconhecimento das redes sociais enquanto importante canal de comunicação tem vindo a aumentar por empresas e cidadãos. Neste contexto, a notoriedade da Chinesa Tik Tok tem aumentado rapidamente na China e internacionalmente. Foi desenhado um estudo quantitativo esperando atingir não apenas participantes Chineses. Um questionário online redigido em chinês (Wenjuanxing 问卷星) e inglês (Google Form) foi submetido a uma amostra de conveniência. Obtiveram-se 259 respostas, das quais 177 válidas. A regressão linear múltipla foi usada para a estimação do modelo. Os resultados mostram ausência de efeitos mediadores, mas que o Tik Tok influencia a decisão de destino sobretudo para a Geração Z em cinco determinantes: Confiança no Tik Tok, do influenciador de viagem no Tik Tok, do tipo de vídeos no Tik Tok e das fontes de informação obtidas. Apenas o risco percebido com acidentes na viagem, como sequestro de avião ou ataque terrorista, e com problemas comuns como saúde, estabilidade política e segurança explicam a decisão do destino. Os maiores utilizadores do Tik Tok pertencem á Geração Z na China, mas para os outros jovens adultos esta rede social ainda não é popular. Estudos futuros devem analizar mais determinantes e efeitos mediadores, bem como considerar pequenos vídeos feitos com as novas tecnologias (IA, RA e RV)

    Using TiO2 to Optimize the Photocatalytic Degradation of Kraft Black Liquor Using Response Surface Methodology

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    The Canadian pulp and paper industry has been concerned with reducing annual emissions of pollutants into water bodies, air and landfills. Black liquor is a major byproduct from pulp mills such as Kraft. Black liquor is utilized in boilers to produce steam and electricity. Black liquor is a low-value chemical and researchers have employed thermal and chemical processes to produce products such as oils, adhesives, and dispersants. In recent years, photocatalysis has become an alternative to degrade black liquor into short chain carbon chemicals. This study aims to optimize the performance of black liquor photocatalytic degradation using the TiO2/UV system. Five practical factors were selected to develop the optimal total organic carbon (TOC) reduction. A two-level 2k design was used as the preliminary study for examining the optimal initial concentration of black liquor and TiO2. A three-level Box-Behnken design (BBD) with three factors that included pH, temperature, and particle size was then applied to further enhance the photocatalytic performance. The greatest TOC removal of 36.2±4.0% after 4 hours UV irradiation was obtained for 230 mg TS·L-1 black liquor and 2 g·L-1 TiO2. The black liquor concentration had larger impact on TOC removal in comparison with TiO2 concentration. A response surface methodology (RSM) model was developed to predict the maximum 4-hour TOC reduction of 51.6% under optimal conditions of a pH of 7.87, 37 ℃, and a catalyst particle size of 5 nm. Compared with the preliminary study, an additional improvement of 15% TOC removal efficiency was observed using the BBD

    Study on Performance Control of Intercalated Melt-Blowout Method Based on Least Nonlinear Squares

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    In this paper, the performance control of intercalated melt-blown nonwoven materials has been studied in many aspects. According to the different indexes given by the title, a model has been established to analyze the change rule of structure variables and product performance of intercalated melt-blown nonwoven materials and the influence relationship of different indexes, and the model has been verified. For the research on the change law of structural variables and product performance, we first preliminarily analyzed the change law of structural variables and product performance after intercalation through data visualization, and studied the change ratio of six indicators. The primary objective of the model is to study the dependence of the intercalation rate on the six indexes. Then we study the influence of the intercalation rate on the change ratio of the three indexes, namely porosity, compression and resilience, and filtration resistance, through correlation analysis. Studies on the relationship between process parameters and structural variables, we after data processing on multiple correlation analysis of the dependent variable and the correlation coefficient between different independent variable indicators, and then by the least squares fitting receiving distance, air velocity and thickness, porosity, compression resilience, the relationship between the use of the relationship developed predict eight parameters combination structure of the variable. Finally, we use simulation data to verify the practicability of the model and the effectiveness of the algorithm, solve the problem of intercalating melt-blown nonwovens performance control, so as to improve the efficiency of the processing and weaving system, maximize the use of resources. And analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the model, explore the significance of promotion and reference