1,152 research outputs found

    Results from the Palo Verde neutrino oscillation experiment

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    The Ī½Ģ…e flux and spectrum have been measured at a distance of about 800 m from the reactors of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station using a segmented Gd-loaded liquid scintillator detector. Correlated positron-neutron events from the reaction Ī½Ģ…epā†’e+n were recorded for a period of 200 d including 55 d with one of the three reactors off for refueling. Backgrounds were accounted for by making use of the reactor-on and reactor-off cycles, and also with a novel technique based on the difference between signal and background under reversal of the e+ and n portions of the events. A detailed description of the detector calibration, background subtraction, and data analysis is presented here. Results from the experiment show no evidence for neutrino oscillations. Ī½Ģ…eā†’Ī½Ģ…x oscillations were excluded at 90% C.L. for Ī”m2>1.12Ɨ10-3 eV2 for full mixing and sin22Īø>0.21 for large Ī”m2. These results support the conclusion that the observed atmospheric neutrino oscillations do not involve Ī½e

    Recommendations for Providers on Person-Centered Approaches to Assess and Improve Medication Adherence

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    Medication non-adherence is a significant clinical challenge that adversely affects psychosocial factors, costs, and outcomes that are shared by patients, family members, providers, healthcare systems, payers, and society. Patient-centered care (i.e., involving patients and their families in planning their health care) is increasingly emphasized as a promising approach for improving medication adherence, but clinician education around what this might look like in a busy primary care environment is lacking. We use a case study to demonstrate key skills such as motivational interviewing, counseling, and shared decision-making for clinicians interested in providing patient-centered care in efforts to improve medication adherence. Such patient-centered approaches hold considerable promise for addressing the high rates of non-adherence to medications for chronic conditions

    Magnitude and Characteristics of Patients Who Survived an Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to describe the magnitude and characteristics of patients who did not experience any significant major adverse cardiovascular event early (within 6 weeks) and late (during the first year) after hospital discharge for an acute myocardial infarction (AMI). METHODS AND RESULTS: Data from 12 243 patients discharged after an AMI from 233 sites across the United States in the TRANSLATE-ACS (Treatment With ADP Receptor Inhibitors: Longitudinal Assessment of Treatment Patterns and Events After Acute Coronary Syndrome) study were analyzed. Multivariable adjusted regression analyses modeled factors associated with 6-week and 1-year survivors who did not experience a recurrent AMI, stroke, unplanned coronary revascularization, or rehospitalization for unstable angina/chest pain during these time periods. The average age of this study population was 60.0 years, 72.0% were men, and 87.9% were white. In this population, 92.4% were classified as early low-risk survivors and 76.3% were classified as late low-risk survivors of an AMI. Factors associated with being an early and late postdischarge survivor included being male and having single-vessel coronary artery disease at the patient\u27s index hospitalization. Patients who were not first seen with any chronic health condition, had an index hospital stay of \u3c /=3 days, and had high baseline quality-of-life scores were more likely to be late low-risk survivors. CONCLUSIONS: Identifying low-risk survivors of an AMI may permit healthcare providers to focus more intensive efforts and interventions on those at higher risk of experiencing adverse cardiovascular events during the postdischarge transition period. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01088503

    Psychological Reactions to COVID-19: Survey Data Assessing Perceived Susceptibility, Distress, Mindfulness, and Preventive Health Behaviors

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    The COVID-19 pandemic created a complex psychological environment for persons in America. A total of 450 USA MTurk workers completed measures of: (a) basic demographic characteristics; (b) health risk factors for COVID-19; (c) perceived susceptibility variables related to COVID-19; (d) COVID-19 preventive health behaviors; and (e) distress, physical symptoms, and quality of life measures. The surveys were completed between April 9, 2020 and April 18, 2020. This recruitment period corresponded to the first 2-3 weeks of lockdown in most of the USA. Follow-up surveys were completed by 151 of the USA participants between June 19, 2020 and July 11, 2020 (approximately 2 months after the first measurement). These data permit evaluation of relationships among demographic variables, COVID-19 stress and coping, COVID-19 preventive health behavior, and the role of mindfulness as a possible moderator of distress as well as a predictor of preventive health behavior. The availability of follow-up data permit longitudinal analyses that provide a stronger basis for causal inference

    The medically managed patient with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis in the TAVR era: Patient characteristics, reasons for medical management, and quality of shared decision making at heart valve treatment centers

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    Background Little is known about patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS) who receive medical management despite evaluation at a heart valve treatment center. Objective We identified patient characteristics associated with medical management, physician-reported reasons for selecting medical management, and patientsā€™ perceptions of their involvement and satisfaction with treatment selection. Methods and results Of 454 patients evaluated for AS at 9 established heart valve treatment centers from December 12, 2013 to August 19, 2014, we included 407 with severe symptomatic AS. Information was collected using medical record review and survey of patients and treating physicians. Of 407 patients, 212 received transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), 124 received surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR), and 71 received medical management (no SAVR/TAVR). Thirty-day predicted mortality was higher in patients receiving TAVR (8.7%) or medical management (9.8%) compared with SAVR (3.4%) (P<0.001). Physician-reported reasons for medical management included patient preference (31.0%), medical futility (19.7%), inoperability/anatomic infeasibility (11.3%), and inadequate vascular access (8.5%). Compared with patients receiving AVR, medically managed patients were less likely to report that they received enough information about the pros and cons of treatment options (P = 0.03), that their physicians involved them in treatment decisions (P<0.001), and that final decisions were the right ones (P<0.001). Conclusions Patient preference was the most common physician-reported reason for selecting non-invasive AS management, yet patients not undergoing AVR after valve center evaluation reported being less likely to receive sufficient education about treatment options and more likely to feel uncertain about final treatment decisions. Greater attention to shared decision making may improve the experience of care for this vulnerable group of patients

    Race and place differences in patients hospitalized with an acute coronary syndrome: Is there double jeopardy? Findings from TRACE-CORE

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    The objectives of this longitudinal study were to examine differences between whites and blacks, and across two geographical regions, in the socio-demographic, clinical, and psychosocial characteristics, hospital treatment practices, and post-discharge mortality for hospital survivors of an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). In this prospective cohort study, we performed in-person interviews and medical record abstractions for patients discharged from the hospital after an ACS at participating sites in Central Massachusetts and Central Georgia during 2011-2013. Among the 1143 whites in Central Massachusetts, 514 whites in Central Georgia, and 277 blacks in Central Georgia, we observed a gradient of socioeconomic position with whites in Central Massachusetts being the most privileged, followed by whites and then blacks from Central Georgia; similar gradients pertained to psychosocial vulnerability (e.g., 10.7%, 25.1%, and 49.1% had cognitive impairment, respectively) and to the hospital receipt of all 4 evidence-based cardiac medications (35.5%, 18.1%, and 14.4%, respectively) used in the acute management of patients hospitalized with an ACS. Multivariable adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for the receipt of a percutaneous coronary intervention for whites and blacks in Georgia vs. whites in Massachusetts were 0.57 (0.46-0.71) and 0.40(0.30-0.52), respectively. Thirty-day and one-year mortality risks exhibited a similar gradient. The results of this contemporary clinical/epidemiologic study in a diverse patient cohort suggest that racial and geographic disparities continue to exist for patients hospitalized with an ACS

    Final results from the Palo Verde Neutrino Oscillation Experiment

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    The analysis and results are presented from the complete data set recorded at Palo Verde between September 1998 and July 2000. In the experiment, the \nuebar interaction rate has been measured at a distance of 750 and 890 m from the reactors of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station for a total of 350 days, including 108 days with one of the three reactors off for refueling. Backgrounds were determined by (a) the swapswap technique based on the difference between signal and background under reversal of the positron and neutron parts of the correlated event and (b) making use of the conventional reactor-on and reactor-off cycles. There is no evidence for neutrino oscillation and the mode \nuebar\to\bar\nu_x was excluded at 90% CL for \dm>1.1\times10^{-3} eV2^2 at full mixing, and \sinq>0.17 at large \dm.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Protection of early phase hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury by cholinergic agonists

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    BACKGROUND: Cytokine production is critical in ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury. Acetylcholine binds to macrophages and inhibits cytokine synthesis, through the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway. This study examined the role of the cholinergic pathway in cytokine production and hepatic IR- injury. METHODS: Adult male mice underwent 90-min of partial liver ischemia followed by reperfusion. The AChR agonists (1,1-dimethyl-4-phenyl-L-pioperazinium-iodide [DMPP], and nicotine) or saline-vehicle were administered i.p. before ischemia. Plasma cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Ī±, macrophage inflammatory protein-2, and Interleukin-6 were measured. Liver injury was assessed by plasma alanine transaminase (ALT) and liver histopathology. RESULTS: A reperfusion time-dependent hepatocellular injury occurred as was indicated by increased plasma-ALT and histopathology. The injury was associated with marked elevation of plasma cytokines/chemokines. Pre-ischemic treatment of mice with DMPP or nicotine significantly decreased plasma-ALT and cytokines after 3 h of reperfusion. After 6 h of reperfusion, the protective effect of DMPP decreased and reached a negligible level by 24 h of reperfusion, despite significantly low levels of plasma cytokines. Histopathology showed markedly diminished hepatocellular injury in DMPP- and nicotine-pretreated mice during the early-phase of hepatic-IR, which reached a level comparable to saline-treated mice at late-phase of IR. CONCLUSION: Pharmacological modulation of the cholinergic pathway provides a means to modulate cytokine production and to delay IR-induced heaptocellular injury

    Occurrence and sources of radium in groundwater associated with oil fields in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Chemical Society, 2019. This is an open access article published under an ACS AuthorChoice License. The definitive version was published in Environmental Science and Technology 53(16), (2019): 9398-9406, doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b02395.Geochemical data from 40 water wells were used to examine the occurrence and sources of radium (Ra) in groundwater associated with three oil fields in California (Fruitvale, Lost Hills, South Belridge). 226Ra+228Ra activities (range = 0.010ā€“0.51 Bq/L) exceeded the 0.185 Bq/L drinking-water standard in 18% of the wells (not drinking-water wells). Radium activities were correlated with TDS concentrations (p < 0.001, Ļ = 0.90, range = 145ā€“15,900 mg/L), Mn + Fe concentrations (p < 0.001, Ļ = 0.82, range = <0.005ā€“18.5 mg/L), and pH (p < 0.001, Ļ = āˆ’0.67, range = 6.2ā€“9.2), indicating Ra in groundwater was influenced by salinity, redox, and pH. Ra-rich groundwater was mixed with up to 45% oil-field water at some locations, primarily infiltrating through unlined disposal ponds, based on Cl, Li, noble-gas, and other data. Yet 228Ra/226Ra ratios in pond-impacted groundwater (median = 3.1) differed from those in oil-field water (median = 0.51). PHREEQC mixing calculations and spatial geochemical variations suggest that the Ra in the oil-field water was removed by coprecipitation with secondary barite and adsorption on Mnā€“Fe precipitates in the near-pond environment. The saline, organic-rich oil-field water subsequently mobilized Ra from downgradient aquifer sediments via Ra-desorption and Mn/Fe-reduction processes. This study demonstrates that infiltration of oil-field water may leach Ra into groundwater by changing salinity and redox conditions in the subsurface rather than by mixing with a high-Ra source.This article was improved by the reviews of John Izbicki and anonymous reviewers for the journal. This work was funded by the California State Water Resources Control Boardā€™s Regional Groundwater Monitoring in Areas of Oil and Gas Production Program and the USGS Cooperative Water Program. A.V., A.J.K., and Z.W were supported by USDA-NIFA grant (#2017-68007-26308). Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for description purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government
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