114 research outputs found

    The influence of work-related factors on job satisfaction among assistant medical officer in Hospital Kuala Lumpur

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    The purpose of this study was to find out factors that influence job satisfaction among Assistant Medical Officer at Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Independent variables are workload, work stress and working environment while dependent variables are job satisfaction. In this study, out of the total Assistant Medical Officer at Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 238 participated in this study by answering the survey questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inference statistics (correlation and multiple regressions). The findings of this study show that workload is not significant with job satisfaction and work stress was significant and have negative relationship with job satisfaction, whereas working environment have a significant positive relationship with job satisfaction. The study also showed that overall job satisfaction among respondents was moderate. Meanwhile, based on the multiple regression results, 25.4% of job satisfaction was explained by the factors studied. The most influential factor was the working environment, followed by work stress and non-influential factor was workload. The study proposes to increase the level of job satisfaction of all employees, management and supervisors, to improve their respective roles to ensure that all employees' welfare is improved and to look at other factors that may contribute to employee job satisfaction. Workload, work stress and work environment are moderate. This indicates that only two contributing factors studied among Assistant Medical Officers such as work stress and working environment contribute to employee job satisfaction while workload did not significantly contribute to job satisfaction. Researcher’s hope that more studies will be conducted in the future either in the qualitative or quantitative form of the Assistant Medical Officer in ensuring the existence and level of professionalism of this profession is comparable to other professions in the Ministry of Health Malaysia

    The Impending Effects of Shipping Phenomenal Undertaking on Shipboard Safety: Sleep Problem as Moderator

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    Throughout maritime history, disasters have led to the loss of many human lives, environmental pollution, and property loss. The historic sinking of the iconic Titanic on 14 April 1912 had prompted massive change and enhancement in shipping regulations. Nonetheless, the shipping industry still encounters similar incidents. This study aims at empirically examining the effects of Work-Family Conflict (WFC), Quality Regulatory Activity (QRA), Ship Owner Efficiency Demand (SOED), and Sleep Problem (SP) towards Shipboard Safety (SS). A theoretical model was adopted to measure the relationship between the variables considered. A structured self-administrated questionnaire was developed and disseminated to seafarers via the Human Resources department of various shipping companies and social media outlets. Quantitative analysis and a five-point Likert scale were utilized to quantify the respondents’ feedback. A total of 314 useable seafarers\u27 responses from 12 countries provided intrinsic value from the perspectives of cultural and race adaptation towards safety behaviour. The data were subjected to the reliability, explanatory factor, normality, correlation, and regression analysis, to determine the validity, relationship, strength, and effects of the constructs in the research objectives. The research attested the conceptualised model and pedagogic QRA and SOED positive effects on shipboard safety, whilst WFC and the moderating tool - SP, found not moderated WFC, neither influencing shipboard safety. This research has proposed a new phenomenon that prompts shipboard safety, predicted to contribute towards the industry from different views of safety-related elements, and provide valuable insight for shipping companies, authorities, and maritime organisations

    The effect of low dose organic arsenic exposure on inflammatory genes expression in rat’s kidney

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    Monosodium methylarsonate (MSMA) is an organic arsenical pesticide widely used in agriculture. Exposure to arsenic has been linked with multiple health problems. Inflammatory genes such as interleukin 6 (IL-6) and interleukin 8 (IL-8) play an important role in the pathophysiology of exposure to an acute high dose arsenic-mediated nephrotoxicity, which led to the proximal tubular injury. However, studies focusing on low dose organic arsenic exposure and its adverse effects on kidneys are limited. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of low dose arsenic exposure on the inflammatory genes expression in rats’ kidneys at three different duration intervals; 2 months, four months and six months. Thirty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups (n=6); a treatment group and its control for each interval. The treatment groups were given daily oral gavage of MSMA at 63.0 mg/kg body weight (BW) which is equivalent to 1/20 LD50 of MSMA. While control groups received distilled water via oral gavage. At the end of study intervals, the kidney tissues were harvested for arsenic level analysis and molecular analysis. The RNA integrity was confirmed with Qiaxcel analysis. The expressions of inflammatory genes were analysed using RT2 SYBR Green qPCR Mastermix. Tissue arsenic concentration was higher in all treated group. Both IL-6 and IL-8 showed a similar pattern of expressions. Organic arsenic down-regulated IL-6 and IL-8 in 2-month (both fold change -1.03) and 6-month groups (fold change -1.36,-1.15). However, in the 4-month group, both IL-6 and IL-8 were up-regulated (both fold change 1.31). Interestingly, these findings suggest that low dose arsenic exposure has shown the anti-inflammatory effect at 2-month and 6-month. However, 4-month paradoxically demonstrated a pro-inflammatory effect consistent with the tissue arsenic levels

    Perkembangan ilmu Munasabah dan sumbangannya pada konsep kesatuan tema al-Qur’an

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    Ilmu Munasabah ialah salah satu ilmu penting dalam pentafsiran al-Qur’an. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis sejarah perkembangan ilmu Munasabah sejak awal kemunculannya sehingga menjadi satu cabang ilmu yang sistematik dalam pentafsiran al-Qur’an pada waktu ini. Kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini menggunakan reka bentuk kajian secara analisis kandungan. Data dikumpul melalui analisis kandungan terhadap karya-karya Ulum al-Qur’an, kitab-kitab tafsir yang mengaplikasikan ilmu Munasabah dan kajiankajian semasa para sarjana berkenaan dengan ilmu Munasabah. Selanjutnya, data yang diperoleh ini dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dapatan kajian mendapati ilmu Munasabah telah mengalami proses perkembangan dan pematangan sehingga mencetuskan ilmu kesatuan tema surah dan kesatuan tema alQur’an itu sendiri. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan pentingnya kefahaman terhadap ilmu Munasabah ini agar para pentafsir al-Quran dapat memberikan kefahaman yang komprehensif kepada satu-satu nas al-Qur’an dan membuktikan bahawa al-Qur’an adalah kalam Allah S.W.T yang sempurna tanpa sedikitpun kecatatan

    Conventional Sintering Effects on the Microstructure and Electrical Characteristics of Low-Voltage Ceramic Varistor

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    Conventional, free or pressure less sintering is the simplest technique which involves heating of a powder compact, previously prepared at ambient temperatures, without applying any external pressure. It can be conducted with various box furnaces or tube furnaces under different atmospheres (oxidizing, reducing, inert, and vacuum). Through the use of this method, a highly applicable varistor can be mass produced. Varistors are of a particular interest for modern surge protection of over-voltage. Nowadays, ZnO ceramic varistors are most favorable in electronic industry due to their excellent electrical characteristics and high energy handling capabilities. By optimizing the method during sintering process, the number of potential barriers formed can be controlled thus improving the capability of the low-voltage varistor

    Preliminary characteristic of electrical non-linearity Co doped CMO-ZnO based varistor ceramic

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    Zinc oxide based varistor are widely used as circuit protective devices by literally absorbs these dangerous surge and spikes or grounding this unwanted magnitudes. In this research, zinc oxide is added with 20 mol% calcium manganite (CaMnO3) as an additive and Cobalt oxide (CoO) as doping material. Citrate-gel method is used as fabrication method compared to conventional solid-state method. This compound (ZnO-CaMnO3 -CoO) undergoes pre-sintering at 500 °C for 2 hours. In the sintering process, sintering temperature at 1300 °C, while the sintering time are setting at 1.5 hours. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns shows the components and phases of the compounds. The change of functional group was observed by Furrier transform infra-red (FTIR). I-V characteristic shows the value of nonlinear coefficient in the range of 1.0-2.0

    Associated Factor of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Academic Outcome

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    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) was defined by recurrent and intrusive thoughts, images or urges (obsessions) and repetitive behaviour or mental acts. There were several themes of OCD symptoms which were checking, symmetry, contamination, repeating, hoarding, cleaning or washing, and counting. Each symptom showed different behaviour. We use Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Scale to measure the severity of obsessive compulsive disorder. Our target population was in secondary school students in Tapah which were Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tapah and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Buyong Adil. The aims of our project were to study the association between OCD and academic outcome. The research design was Cross-Sectional Research. This design was based on observations that take place in different groups at one time. This means that there was no experimental procedure, so no variables are manipulated by the researcher. For example, the variable of interest was age because we wanted to see if any changes were noticed in groups of different ages. We used convenience sampling to conduct the survey. We met Administrative Senior Assistant of the school to find class that was free without disturbing their learning process. Then, we went to the class and distributed the questionnaires. Our respondents were from teenagers in range between 13 to 17 years old and we did not include secondary school students. Moreover, to study the association between OCD and academic outcome, we used chi-square test for the statistical analysis. Thus, we found that there was no significant association between Academic Outcomes and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder since the p-value for Chi-Squared test was more than 0.05 (p-value: 0.092).  We can conclude that the OCD does not affect the academic outcomes of the secondary students. This was because based on our research; the result showed that the respondent’s academic outcomes were majority pass. OCD’s impact on learning cannot be underestimated. So this study was very important in order to estimate the impact. Besides, it was important to educate and give awareness to the public about OCD. It  would be meaningful when people know about this symptoms moreover for those who have OCD. It would help then to control their severity. Keywords: academic, chi-squared, obsessive compulsive disorde

    Comparison of Mean Knowledge on Age, Location and Education Level towards Dengue Fever Prevention

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    The World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) recommends extensive community educational campaigns that emphasize reducing vector breeding sites as an effective way of dengue prevention. Several studies suggest that better knowledge of dengue and dengue vector prevention practices among people was one of the predictors of better practices of dengue prevention. The purpose of this study was to find the comparison of mean knowledge on age, location and education level towards dengue fever prevention. The study design was a cross sectional study with concerning the knowledge, attitude and practices of the dengue fever prevention among the people in Perak Tengah district, Perak. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) was engaged in this study to find the difference on mean knowledge between education, age and location. We found that all variables (age, location and education) were statistically significant difference on mean knowledge since the p-value was less than 0.05. For age, the mean knowledge shows that there were significant difference on age 41 until 50 years old and age below 20 years old using post-hoc test Bonferroni’s procedures. Other than that, for mean knowledge there was statistically significant difference on variable location [F-statistic (df): 6.643 (5,194)] with the p-value less than 0.001. Finally, there were statistically significant difference on mean knowledge between education levels [F-statistic (df): 3.677 (6,193)] with the p-value equal to 0.002. As a conclusion strengthening the public health measures at local place would protect the people as well as providing them an adequate knowledge about infectious disease control and develop the correct behaviour on health and prevention of disease. Keywords: Knowledge, Dengue, Aedes, Prevention Ethical Approval – Ethical approval was obtained from UiTM Research Ethics Committee, Ref. No. (600-RMI(5/1/6/01)

    Highly efficient proliferation and regeneration of protocorm-like bodies (PLBS) of the threatened orchid, phalaenopsis bellina

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    Phalaenopsis bellina is an important indigenous fragrant orchid threatened with extinction. In this study, we evaluated the effect of medium strength, sucrose, nitrogen (NH4NO3) and potato extract on proliferation of P. bellina protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) to improve micropropagation in this species. Optimal treatment for PLBs proliferation rate with an average fresh weight (FW) of 0.97±0.16 g was obtained through culturing on half strength (½) MS medium containing 20 g/L sucrose, 15 mM NH4NO3 and 20% w/v potato extract supplemented with 0.8 μM 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The optimal treatment produced large, healthy and greenish PLBs with reduction in the occurrence of culture browning. In contrast, treatments with high potato extract (>20% w/v) or NH4NO3 (>30 mM) concentrations tend to have inhibitory effect and resulted in low PLBs proliferation rate, with an average FW of 0.77±0.15 g and 0.69±0.15 g, respectively. Plant regeneration of PLBs was achieved on plant growth regulator (PGR)-free ½ MS medium. In total, 60 healthy PLBs from the optimal treatment were successfully regenerated, acclimatized with 100% survival percentage and grew well in a mixture of soil, sand and vermicompost (8:4:2 (w/w/w)). With the optimal treatment, PLBs proliferation rate was enhanced by 27.63%. Our findings offer an improved micropropagation protocol of the endangered P. bellina for conservation and commercial production