83 research outputs found


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    Teachers are the key to the educational system where professional standards of teaching are used as a set of criteria in determining professionalism of technical teachers. This article discusses the elements of competence in the development of technical teachers' professionalism in Malaysia. Competence can be divided into three elements such as knowledge, skills and attitudes that need to be improved in line with the government's desire to empower Vocational Education. Based on literature review and pilot findings, the need for leadership elements towards the teaching profession is an important aspect of strengthening the teacher's competence in the development of technical and vocational teacher professionalism to be more systematic in support of current and future Quality Education efforts

    Relationship Between Inservice Training With Students' Achievements At TVET Insitutions In Malaysia

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    In-service training in the field of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) acts as a catalyst for students’ achievements. Nevertheless, studies on the matter is still lacking especially in the context of its contributions by the teachers attending the training with students’ achievements. This study, thus, aims to identify the effectiveness of in-service training attended by teachers at TVET institutions in Malaysia. Data gathered was collected using two sets of questionnaire, Set A and Set B. Set A was distributed to 43 teachers from technical schools while Set B was given out to 1225 students of the 43 sample teachers. Data collected was recorded and descriptive statistic analysis was carried out using SPSS version 12. Among the analysis carried out was the t-test to identify for differences in students’ achievements whom the teachers taught either by those who have or have not attended any related in-service training. Findings of the study found significant relationship between in-service training attended by the teachers and teachers’ teaching effectiveness, teachers teaching effectiveness with students’ achievements as well as between in-service training with students’ achievements

    Geopolymer lightweight bricks manufactured from fly ash and foaming agent

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    This paper deals with the development of lightweight geopolymer bricks by using foaming agent and fly ash. The mix parameters analysed through a laboratory experiment with fix ratio of sodium silicate/sodium hydroxide solution mass ratio 2.5, fly ash/alkaline activator solution mass ratio 2.0, foaming agent/paste mass ratio 1:2 and molarity of sodium hydroxide solution used was 12M. Different curing temperature (Room Temperature, 60, 80) and foaming agent/water mass ratio (1:10 and 1:20) were studied. Compressive strength, density analysis, and water absorption has been investigated. The results show that the foamed geopolymer bricks with a lower foam/water mass ratio (1:10)and high curing temperature (80°C) leading to a better properties. Mixtures with a low density of around 1420 kg/m3 and a compressive strength of around 10 MPa were achieved

    Level of readiness to become entrepreneurs among lifelong learning programmes participants in Malaysian community colleges

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    An entrepreneur needs to be physically and mentally prepared, with creative thinking skills, risk taker attitudes, as well as being a wise decision maker. Individuals aiming to be successful entrepreneurs need to have adequate entrepreneurial readiness with respect to knowledge, interests, motivation and abilities. The purpose of the research is to measure the level of readiness towards becoming entrepreneurs among participants of the lifelong learning programme in Malaysian community colleges. This research focuses on four elements of readiness comprising knowledge, interest, motivation and ability which were measured using a self-perception questionnaire. The sample for this research consisted of 236 participants from 305 students in the Lifelong Learning (LL) programme for Pastry making at Malaysian community colleges under the Ministry of Education. Data were analysed using mean and Kruskal Wallis test. The data analyses results show that the level of readiness from the aspect of knowledge (M = 3.67, SD = 0.58) is moderate, interest (M = 4.13, SD = 0.55) is high, motivation (M = 4.13, SD = 0.55) is high and ability (M = 3.8852, SD = 0.64) is moderate. No difference was found on entrepreneurial readiness between participants of different age groups indicating that age may not be a contributing factor towards entrepreneurship among pastry making LL programme participants

    Exploring Domains and Elements for Behavioural Competency and Employability Skills

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    Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) system is crucial in producing skilled workers who can command high incomes, which in turn will help Malaysia achieve the developed nation status by the year 2020. There is a mismatch between the graduates produced by the Public Skills Training Institutes in Malaysia and the competent workforce required by the industry. Therefore, this study aims to explore the domains and elements that can help automotive industry trainees acquire behavioural competence and employability skills. The Delphi technique is used to explore the domains and elements that contribute towards the integration programme for the Public Skills Training Institutes (PTSIs) and Private Training Centres (PTCs)  involved in churning out automotive industry trainees. Analysis of interview data from the two rounds of the Delphi study indicates that 12 domains  contribute to shaping behavioural competence and employability skills, namely governance; framework of qualifications; standard of competence; supplier of skill standards; delivery; industrial relations; experience of industrial work;  twinning programmes;  community service programmes; curriculum-based industrial visits; and educational entrepreneurship


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    The use of teaching aids (BBM) in Teaching and Learning (P&P) processes is very important for teachers to ensure that the delivery of information related to the subjects taught is more clear, systematic and better for students to follow. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of teachers’ use of BBM in P&P in four secondary schools of the Pontian district in terms of practice, skills and attitudes and differences based on teachers' gender in these three aspects. The study involved 198 respondents consist teachers, of SMK Sri Tanjung, SMK Benut, SMK Ayer Baloi and SMK Parit Betak in the Pontian district. The design of this study is a survey. This study was carried out using a questionnaire as a research instrument and the data were analyzed descriptively and inferred. Data analysis is processed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences for Windows Version 17.0 (SPSS) software and the findings are reported in the form of mean, standard deviation, percentage and T-Test Independent tests. The findings show that the use of teachers to BBM in P&P from all three aspects is at high level in the practice aspect (mean score 3.89), skill aspect (mean score 3.86) and attitude aspect (mean score 3.86). While T-Test Independent tests results showed that there was no significant difference base on teachers gender towards the use of BBM in the P&P process; in the practice aspect (P> 0.05 = 0. 803), skill aspect (p>0.05=0.518 ) and attitude aspect (p>0.05=0.447). Overall, teachers need to realize that the use of BBM in P&P is important to attract and improve student performance as well as achieve the teaching objectives of a subject

    The readiness level of using e-learning among Teacher Graduate Programme (TGP)

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    Using e-Learning among Teacher Graduate Programme (TGP) to students who are newly exposed in Teaching and Learning (T&L) proses. The major problem among student’s TGP is the readiness level in knowledge, attitude and skills using e-Learning during Teaching and Learning (T&L) . This study is to identify any significant differences of the knowledge level between male and female TGP students. The design of this study is to survey research using instruments of questionnaire which are distributed to respondents among TGP students at the Faculty of Technical and Vocational, UTHM. The sample is given to 248 respondents and analysis using version SPSS 21.0. Data presented using descriptive method such as, Mean, Standard Deviation(SD), inferens statistic using Mann-Whitney U to identify the knowledge difference between male and female TGP students. The result showed that the level of application of e-Learning among TGP students in terms of knowledge, attitude and skill at moderate level. The study also showed that there are no significant knowledge difference among male and female TGP students because the result of p= 0.044 value is less <0.05 can be stated that Ha failed rejected. The results of this study is important to provide awareness especially to the TGP students, lecturers and also UTHM in providing new T&L using eLearning


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    oai:mjis.www.journal.unisza.edu.my:article/1Artikel ini membincangkan sumbangan al-Faruqi dalam mentransformasi pemikiran Islam di Malaysia. Ia memfokuskan kepada manhajnya dalam menggerakkan perubahan dalam tradisi pemikiran dan intelek di Malaysia. Manhaj ini direalisasikan dalam gagasan Islamiyyat al-Ma‘rifat (Islamisasi Ilmu - Islamization of Knowledge) di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM). Visi yang dirangkanya memberi kesan dan impak yang signifikan dalam mengilhamkan perubahan dan reformasi pendidikan dan usaha pengislaman Ilmu yang diterapkan secara komprehensif di UIAM. Perbincangan ini menfokuskan kepada peranan dan sumbangannya yang penting terhadap transformasi nilai dan praktik Islam di Malaysia dan hubungannya dengan UIAM, dengan melihat kepada tiga dasar pengislaman di UIAM yang terkesan dari fikrah dan idealismenya (1) Islamisasi ilmu, (2) integrasi ilmu dan nilai dan (3) metode pengajian agama yang dikembangkan di Kulliyyah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan al-Faruqi telah memberi sumbangan yang besar kepada transformasi Islam di Malaysia dengan kekuatan nilai dan aspirasi tauhid yang dibawanya dan usaha pengislaman ilmu yang membawa idealisme pembaharuan dalam manhaj pemikiran. Kata kunci: Al-Faruqi, UIAM, Islamisasi, nilai Islam
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