2,809 research outputs found

    Modal functions of future tenses in French

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    The paper disputes two influential claims in the Romance Linguistics literature. The first is that the synthetic future tenses in spoken Western Romance are now rivalled, if not supplanted, as temporal functors by the more recently developed GO futures. The second is that these synthetic futures now have modal rather than temporal meanings in spoken Romance. These claims are seen as reflecting a universal cycle of diachronic change, in which verb forms originally expressing modal (or aspectual) values take on future temporal reference, becoming tenses. The new modal meanings supplant the temporal, which are then taken up by new forms. Challenges to this theory for French are raised on the basis of empirical evidence of two sorts. Positively, future tenses in spoken Romance continue to be used with temporal meaning. Negatively, evidence of modal meaning for these forms is lacking. The evidence comes froma corpora of spoken French, native speaker judgements and verb data from a daily broadsheet. Cumulatively, it points to the reverse of the claims noted above: the synthetic future in spoken French has temporal but little modal meaning

    Taming the rugged landscape: production, reordering, and stabilization of selected cluster inherent structures in the X_(13-n)Y_n system

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    We present studies of the potential energy landscape of selected binary Lennard-Jones thirteen atom clusters. The effect of adding selected impurity atoms to a homogeneous cluster is explored. We analyze the energy landscapes of the studied systems using disconnectivity graphs. The required inherent structures and transition states for the construction of disconnectivity graphs are found by combination of conjugate gradient and eigenvector-following methods. We show that it is possible to controllably induce new structures as well as reorder and stabilize existing structures that are characteristic of higher-lying minima. Moreover, it is shown that the selected structures can have experimentally relevant lifetimes.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phys. Reasons for replacing a paper: figures 2, 3, 7 and 11 did not show up correctl

    A concept for a fuel efficient flight planning aid for general aviation

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    A core equation for estimation of fuel burn from path profile data was developed. This equation was used as a necessary ingredient in a dynamic program to define a fuel efficient flight path. The resultant algorithm is oriented toward use by general aviation. The pilot provides a description of the desired ground track, standard aircraft parameters, and weather at selected waypoints. The algorithm then derives the fuel efficient altitudes and velocities at the waypoints

    NP-hardness of the cluster minimization problem revisited

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    The computational complexity of the "cluster minimization problem" is revisited [L. T. Wille and J. Vennik, J. Phys. A 18, L419 (1985)]. It is argued that the original NP-hardness proof does not apply to pairwise potentials of physical interest, such as those that depend on the geometric distance between the particles. A geometric analog of the original problem is formulated, and a new proof for such potentials is provided by polynomial time transformation from the independent set problem for unit disk graphs. Limitations of this formulation are pointed out, and new subproblems that bear more direct consequences to the numerical study of clusters are suggested.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted to J. Phys. A: Math. and Ge

    Prediction of long and short time rheological behavior in soft glassy materials

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    We present an effective time approach to predict long and short time rheological behavior of soft glassy materials from experiments carried out over practical time scales. Effective time approach takes advantage of relaxation time dependence on aging time that allows time-aging time superposition even when aging occurs over the experimental timescales. Interestingly experiments on variety of soft materials demonstrate that the effective time approach successfully predicts superposition for diverse aging regimes ranging from sub-aging to hyper-aging behaviors. This approach can also be used to predict behavior of any response function in molecular as well as spin glasses.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Taming the rugged energy landscape: Techniques for the production, reordering, and stabilization of selected cluster inherent structures

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    We report our studies of the potential energy surface (PES) of selected binary Lennard-Jones clusters. The effect of adding selected impurity atoms to a homogeneous cluster is explored. Inherent structures and transition states are found by combination of conjugate-gradient and eigenvector-following methods while the topography of the PES is mapped with the help of a disconnectivity analysis. We show that we can controllably induce new structures as well as reorder and stabilize existing structures that are characteristic of higher-lying minima.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    Symptomatic adrenal insufficiency during inhaled corticosteroid treatment

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    Symptomatic adrenal insufficiency, presenting as hypoglycaemia or poor weight gain, may occur on withdrawal of corticosteroid treatment but has not previously been reported during inhaled corticosteroid treatment. This case series illustrates the occurence of clinically significant adrenal insufficiency in asthmatic children while patients were on inhaled corticosteroid treatment and the unexpected modes of presentation. General practitioners and paediatricians need to be aware that this unusual but acute serious complication may occur in patients treated

    A Doubly Nudged Elastic Band Method for Finding Transition States

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    A modification of the nudged elastic band (NEB) method is presented that enables stable optimisations to be run using both the limited-memory quasi-Newton (L-BFGS) and slow-response quenched velocity Verlet (SQVV) minimisers. The performance of this new `doubly nudged' DNEB method is analysed in conjunction with both minimisers and compared with previous NEB formulations. We find that the fastest DNEB approach (DNEB/L-BFGS) can be quicker by up to two orders of magnitude. Applications to permutational rearrangements of the seven-atom Lennard-Jones cluster (LJ7) and highly cooperative rearrangements of LJ38 and LJ75 are presented. We also outline an updated algorithm for constructing complicated multi-step pathways using successive DNEB runs.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah Di Desa Tonom Kecamatan Dumoga Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the income of lowland rice farming in Tonom Village, Dumoga Timur District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency. This research was conducted for 3 months, from November 2021 to January 2022. The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data. The sample was selected using a proportional stratified random sampling method (Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling). The population was divided into three strata based on the area of land planted with lowland rice, namely strata I (land area 1 Ha), Strata II (land area 1-2 Ha) and strata III (land area 2 Ha). The number of samples is 30 people from 116 farmer population. The results of this study indicate that the income of lowland rice farming per hectare at strata I, II, and III respectively is Rp. 6,029,865, Rp. 6,241,915, and Rp. 6,257,939. This shows a tendency that the larger the cultivated land, the higher the income per hectare from lowland rice farming