40 research outputs found

    Controls, Astrophysics, and Structures Experiment in Space (CASES)

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    As the size and performance requirements of future NASA and DOD spacecrafts and payloads tend to increase, the associated control systems that must effect these requirements tend to interact with the vehicle's structural dynamics. Some of the Control Structure Interaction (CSI) issues are being addressed in a flight experiment which is entitled CASES (Controls, Astrophysics and Structures Experiment in Space). As one of the first CSI flight experiments, the main emphasis for CASES is to provide a test bed for validating CSI developments and simultaneously, to pave the way for subsequent CSI experiments and science missions by establishing precedents for flight qualifying Large Space Structures (LSS)-class spacecraft. In addition, CASES provides an opportunity to obtain data bases for in-space controls and structures experiments and, at the same time, to gather hard x ray data from pertinent galactic sources

    Large space structures ground experiment checkout

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    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center has developed a facility in which closed loop control of Large Space Structures (LSS) can be demonstrated and verified. The main objective of the facility is to verify LSS control system techniques so that on-orbit performance can be ensured. The facility consists of an LSS test article or payload which is connected to a 3-axis angular pointing mount assembly that provides control torque commands. The angular pointing mount assembly is attached to a base excitation system which will simulate disturbances most likely to occur for Orbiter and DOD payloads. The control computer contains the calibration software, the reference systems, the alignment procedures, the telemetry software, and the control algorithms. The total system is suspended in such a fashion that the LSS test article has the characteristics common to all LSS

    Distributed control using linear momentum exchange devices

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    MSFC has successfully employed the use of the Vibrational Control of Space Structures (VCOSS) Linear Momentum Exchange Devices (LMEDs), which was an outgrowth of the Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory (AFWAL) program, in a distributed control experiment. The control experiment was conducted in MSFC's Ground Facility for Large Space Structures Control Verification (GF/LSSCV). The GF/LSSCV's test article was well suited for this experiment in that the LMED could be judiciously placed on the ASTROMAST. The LMED placements were such that vibrational mode information could be extracted from the accelerometers on the LMED. The LMED accelerometer information was processed by the control algorithms so that the LMED masses could be accelerated to produce forces which would dampen the vibrational modes of interest. Experimental results are presented showing the LMED's capabilities

    Development and use of a linear momentum exchange device

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    In 1981 the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) began establishing an inhouse facility for testing control concepts to be applied to Large Space Structures (LSS). The original concept called for a long flexible beam suspended from the ceiling by a low friction support system. The lower end of the beam was to be mounted to the Advanced Gimbal System (AGS). Analysis and system engineering soon showed that a more tenable design would be where the whole system was inverted, i.e., the AGS hung from the ceiling with the beam hanging down from it. While this configuration, augmented by a base excitation table (RET) was being built, an ASTROMAST obtained from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was extended, analyzed and tested. From that basic configuration was evolved the cruciform, VCOSS and ACES configurations as shown. The addition of the cruciform added low frequency nested modes and the additional instrument package at the tip contains gyros to monitor tip motion

    Characterization and hardware modification of linear momentum exchange devices

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    A sequence of modifications were made on the TRW Linear Momentum Exchange Devices (LMEDs) which were supplied for a joint MSFC/Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory (AFWAL) control venture called Vibrational Control of Space Structures (VCOSS)-II. The modifications were necessary to alleviate and assuage the LMED nonlinearities. Extensive discussion of the LMED modification are presented along with the test plan, test results and conclusions. In addition, a chronology of events, relative to the LMED changes, is given

    Failure of erythromycin to eliminate airway colonization with ureaplasma urealyticum in very low birth weight infants

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    BACKGROUND: Airway colonization of mechanically ventilated very low birth weight infants (birth weight < 1500 grams) by Ureaplasma urealyticum (Uu) is associated with an increased risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). While Uu is sensitive to erythromycin in vitro, the efficacy of intravenous (IV) erythromycin to eliminate Uu from the airways has not been studied. METHODS: 17 very low birth weight infants with Uu positive tracheal aspirate (TA) cultures were randomized to either 5 (8 infants) or 10 days (9 infants) of IV erythromycin lactobionate (40 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses). Tracheal aspirate cultures for Uu were performed on days 0, 5, 10 and 15. RESULTS: Intravenous erythromycin failed to eliminate airway colonization in a large proportion of infants regardless of whether they received 5 or 10 days of treatment. Ureaplasma urealyticum was isolated from 4/15 (27%) of TAs obtained at 5 days, 5/12 TAs (42%) obtained at 10 days and 6/11(55%) TAs obtained at 15 days (combined group data). CONCLUSIONS: Erythromycin administered IV does not eliminate Uu from the airways in a large proportion of infants. Failure of erythromycin to eliminate Uu from the airways may contribute to the lack of efficacy of this drug in reducing the incidence of BPD in very low birth weight infants