72 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Citra Penginderaan Jauh untuk Mendukung Mitigasi Dampak Perubahan Iklim di Sektor Pertanian

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    Abstrak. Penggunaan citra penginderaan jauh dalam menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim saat ini, memerlukan data geospasialdalam identifikasi dampak dan sumber sumber yang berpengaruh terhadap perubahan iklim. Dampak perubahan iklim yangberdampak pada lahan dan lingkungan dapat dikaji dari penginderaan jauh, adalah suhu udara, curah hujan, kenaikan air laut(batimetri) dan proses kebakaran lahan. Dampak perubahan iklim terhadap sumberdaya lahan dapat dikaji dengan penginderaanjauh seperti berkurangnya areal hutan, kebakaran hutan dan lahan, perubahan ekologi dan kondisi hutan dan keanekaragamanhayati. Perubahan lahan, akibat kekeringan kebanjiran atau perubahan luapan. Penginderaan jauh dapat mengkaji kenaikan suhu,dan estimasi emisi gas rumah kaca selain perubahan pola curah hujan, dan kejadian iklim ekstrim. Intrusi air laut yang berkaitandengan perubahan garis pantai dapat dirunut dari penginderaan jauh. Data spasial dari penginderaan jauh juga menjadi dasarpenggunaan tanaman rendah emisi, cara mengelola air untuk mengurangi terjadinya oksidasi bahan organik. Peran penginderaanjauh untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim dapat diperhatikan dalam hal pengamatan sumberdaya lahan dan hidrologi, lahan gambut,biomasa sebagai sumber cadangan karbon, monitoring perubahan pengunaan lahan, indikator penting terjadinya perubahankondisi hidrologi. Makalah ini membahas peranan teknik penginderaan jauh dalam menyikapi dampak perubahan iklim terhadapsumber daya tanah dan air di Indonesia dengan contoh-contoh aplikasi yang telah dilakukan.Abstract. The use of remote sensing image in the face of climate change impacts at this time, require the identification of theimpact of geospatial data and resources that affect climate change. Impact of climate change on land and environmental impactcan be seen from remote sensing, is the air temperature, precipitation, sea level rise (bathymetry) and the process of land fires.The impact of climate change can be observed by remote sensing through the reduction of forest area, forest and land fires,changes in forest conditions and the ecology and biodiversity changes in land, flood or drought due to changes in the floodingbehaviour. Remote sensing can assess the increase in temperature, and estimation of greenhouse gas emissions in addition tochanges in rainfall patterns, and extreme climate events. Seawater intrusion associated with changes in the shoreline can betraced from remote sensing. Spatial data from remote sensing is also the basis for the use of low-emission plants, how to managethe water to reduce the oxidation of organic matter. The role of remote sensing for the mitigation of climate change can beaddressed in terms of land resources and hydrological observations, peat, biomass as a source of carbon stocks, monitoringchanges in land use, an important indicator of changes in hydrological conditions. This paper discusses the role of remote sensingtechniques in addressing the impacts of climate change on land and water resources in Indonesia with examples of applicationsthat have been done

    Degradasi Lahan di Indonesia: Kondisi Existing, Karakteristik, dan Penyeragaman Definisi Mendukung Gerakan Menuju Satu Peta

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    Abstrak. Degradasi lahan adalah proses penurunan produktivitas lahan, baik yang sifatnya sementara maupun tetap. Lahan terdegradasi dalam definisi lain sering disebut lahan tidak produktif, lahan kritis, atau lahan tidur yang dibiarkan terlantar tidak digarap dan umumnya ditumbuhi semak belukar. Lahan yang telah terdegradasi berat dan menjadi lahan kritis luasnya sekitar 48,3 juta ha atau 25,1% dari luas wilayah Indonesia. Untuk lahan gambut dari sekitar 14,9 juta ha lahan gambut di Indonesia, ± 3,74 juta ha atau 25,1 % dari total luas gambut telah terdegradasi dan ditumbuhi semak belukar. Proses degradasi lahan dimulai dengan tidak terkontrolnya konversi hutan, dan usaha pertambangan kemudian diikuti dengan penggunaan lahan yang tidak sesuai dengan potensi dan pengelolaan lahan yang kurang tepat. Lahan terdegradasi baik di tanah mineral maupun gambut ini menjadi sumber emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) karena rentan terhadap kebakaran di musim kemarau panjang. Sesuai Perpres No. 61 tahun 2011 dan himbauan dari Kelompok Bank Dunia, bahwa “rehabilitasi lahan terdegradasi/terlantar harus memprioritaskan investasi pada sektor pertanian dan perkebunan kelapa sawit untuk produksi pertanian/perkebunan yang berkelanjutan”, hal tersebut perlu direalisasikan secara nasional. Dalam inisiatif “Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Plus” (REDD+), lahan terdegradasi juga menjadi isu utama yang ditangani. Namun hingga saat ini, Indonesia belum memiliki definisi, metodologi pemetaan, dan kebijakan pengelolaan lahan terdegradasi yang terintegrasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kebijakan yang didasarkan pada kesepahaman tentang lahan terdegradasi yang memuat aspek definisi dan karakteristiknya, dari berbagai sektor Kementerian/Lembaga (K/L) yang berkaitan dengan degradasi lahan. Penyeragaman melalui gerakan menuju satu peta (ONE MAP POLICY movement) yaitu satu referensi, satu database, satu prosedur/protokol, satu geoportal) menjadi kebutuhan mutlak.Abstract. Land degradation is the decline in land productivity, either temporary or permanent. Due to further degradation process, will become unproductive land and it is called as critical land. Existing strong degraded land and become critical land area around of 48.3 million ha or25.1% of the total area of Indonesia. Indonesian peatland for about of 14.9 million ha, and as amounts of 3.74 million ha or 25.1% of the total area have been degraded and covered by shurbs and bushes. Degraded land as an impact of uncontrolled forest conversion and mining, followed by incompatible land use and un-appropriate land management. Degraded land (both on mineral soil and peatsoil) is a source of green house gas emissions (GHG) as susceptible to fires in the long dry season period. As per Presidential Decree No. 61 in 2011 and the appeal of the World Bank Group, that for the "rehabilitation of degraded lands/abandoned land should prioritize investment for sustainable agriculture and oil palm plantations and needs to be realized nationally. In the initiative "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Plus" (REDD +), degraded land is also a major issue to be addressed. But until now, Indonesia does not have a definition, mapping methodology, and policy of integrated management on degraded lands. National Development Policy needs to be based on an understanding of the degraded land as outlined in the definition and its characteristics, from various sectors. Standardized on degraded land through ONE MAP policy movement (one reference, one database, one procedure/protocol, the geoportal) becomes an absolute necessity


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    Peatland is an increasingly important land resource for livelihood, economic development, and terrestrial carbon storage. Kubu Raya and Pontianak Districts of West Kalimantan rely their future agricultural development on this environmentally fragile peatland because of the dominance (58% and 16% area, respectively) of this land in the two districts. A study aimed to evaluate land use changes on peatland and to develop strategies for sustainable peatland use and management for agriculture. Time series satellite imageries of land use and land cover, ground truthing, and statistical data of land use change were analyzed for generating the dynamics of land use changes in the period of 1986-2008. Field observation, peat sampling, and peat analyses of representative land use types were undertaken to assess peat characteristics and its agricultural suitability. The study showed that within 22 years (1986-2008), the area of peat forests in Kubu Raya and Pontianak Districts decreased as much as 13.6% from 391,902 ha to 328,078 ha. The current uses of the peatland in the two districts include oil palm plantation (8704 ha), smallholder rubber plantation (13,186 ha), annual crops (15,035 ha), mixed cropping of trees and annual crops (22,328 ha), and pineapple farming (11,744 ha). Our evaluation showed unconformity of the current uses of peatland with regulations and crops agronomic requirements such as peat thickness and maturity, rendering unsustainability. This study recommends that expansion of agriculture and plantation on peatland areas be limited over idle land within the agricultural production and conversion production forest areas. About 34,362 ha (9.7%) of uncultivated log-over forest and shrubs can potentially be developed for agriculture. Peat soils with the thickness of >3 m should be allocated for conservation or forest protection due to low inherent soil fertility and high potential greenhouse gas emissions if converted for agriculture


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    ABSTRAKDrainase yang berlebihan dan penggunaan pupuk yang intensifdiduga menjadi penyebab tingginya emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) padaperkebunan kelapa sawit di lahan gambut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmempelajari pengaruh tinggi muka air (TMA) saluran drainase, pupuk,serta amelioran terhadap emisi CO 2  dari perkebunan kelapa sawit di lahangambut. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Januari 2010 sampai denganDesember 2011, pada perkebunan sawit di lahan gambut, di KecamatanSiak Kecil, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau, menggunakan rancangan petakterpisah, tiga ulangan. Petak utama adalah TMA saluran drainase (40, 60,dan 80 cm). Anak petak adalah pupuk dan amelioran: (1) dolomit 3kg/pohon/tahun; (2) Pugam 10 kg/pohon/tahun; (3) Pupuk dosisrekomendasi (2,5 kg urea+2,75 kg SP-36+2,25 kg KCl+dolomit 2kg)/pohon/tahun; (4) Pupuk 75% dosis rekomendasi pukan 20kg/pohon/tahun; (5) Pupuk 75% dosis rekomendasi Pugam 2,5 kg/pohon.Parameter yang diamati adalah fluks CO 2 . Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa pada TMA drainase 80 cm, perlakuan dolomit menghasilkan fluksCO 2 nyata paling tinggi (142,1 t/ha/tahun) dan terendah (44,5 t/ha/tahun)dicapai perlakuan pugam. Fluks CO 2 yang tinggi (130,6 t/ha/tahun) jugadicapai perlakuan pupuk dosis rekomendasi, khususnya pada TMA 40 cm.Pada musim kemarau TMA drainase berpengaruh nyata terhadap fluksCO 2 , terendah dicapai TMA 40 cm. Oleh karena itu, untuk meminimalkanemisi gas CO 2 , maka TMA drainase perlu dipertahankan sedangkalmungkin (sekitar 40 cm) selama tidak menurunkan produksi kelapa sawit.Amelioran dengan bahan aktif kation polyvalen berpotensi dapat menekanemisi GRK dari lahan gambut yang dikelola secara intensif.Kata kunci: amelioran, emisi, drainase, gambut, kelapa sawit, pupukABSTRACTExcessive drainage and intensive use of fertilizers thought to bethe cause of high greenhouse gas emissions in peatland under oil palmplantations. The study aimed at measuring the influence of water leveldrainage (WLD), fertilizer, and ameliorant on CO 2 emissions from oilpalm plantations on peatland. The study was conducted from January2010 to December 2011, at oil palm plantation on peatland, located in SiakKecil District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau, using split plot design, with threereplications. The main plot were WLD (40, 60, and 80 cm), as sub plotswere fertilizer and amelioran: (1) dolomite 3 kg/tree/year; (2) peatfertilizer 10 kg/tree/year; (3) dose of fertilizer recommendations (2,5 kgurea+2,75 kg SP-36+2,25 kg KCl+dolomite 2 kg)/tree/year; (4) 75% doseof fertilizer recommendations + manure 20 kg/tree/year; (5) 75% dose offertilizer recommendations + peat fertilizer 2.5 kg/tree/year. Parameterobserved was CO 2 flux. The result showed that at WLD 80 cm, dolomitetreatment resulted the highest (142,1 t/ha/year) and the lowest CO 2  flux(44,5 t/ha/year) resulted by peat fertilizer. The highest CO 2 flux alsoreached by fertilizer recommendations treatment, particularly on WLD 40cm. In dry season WLD significantly effect on CO 2 flux. The lowestreached by WLD 40 cm. Based on that the WLD needs to be maintainedin a state of shallow (approximately 40 cm), without lowering production.The use of fertilizer containing ameliorant with the polyvalen cation asactive material, potentially suppress the rate of greenhouse gas emissionsfrom peatlands are managed intensively.Key words: ameliorant, emission, drainage, peatland, oil palm, , fertilize

    Land Use Change and Recommendation for Sustainable Development of Peatland for Agriculture: Case Study at Kubu Raya and Pontianak Districts, West Kalimantan

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    Peatland is an increasingly important land resource for livelihood, economic development, and terrestrial carbon storage. Kubu Raya and Pontianak Districts of West Kalimantan rely their future agricultural development on this environmentally fragile peatland because of the dominance (58% and 16% area, respectively) of this land in the two districts. A study aimed to evaluate land use changes on peatland and to develop strategies for sustainable peatland use and management for agriculture. Time series satellite imageries of land use and land cover, ground truthing, and statistical data of land use change were analyzed for generating the dynamics of land use changes in the period of 1986-2008. Field observation, peat sampling, and peat analyses of representative land use types were undertaken to assess peat characteristics and its agricultural suitability. The study showed that within 22 years (1986-2008), the area of peat forests in Kubu Raya and Pontianak Districts decreased as much as 13.6% from 391,902 ha to 328,078 ha. The current uses of the peatland in the two districts include oil palm plantation (8704 ha), smallholder rubber plantation (13,186 ha), annual crops (15,035 ha), mixed cropping of trees and annual crops (22,328 ha), and pineapple farming (11,744 ha). Our evaluation showed unconformity of the current uses of peatland with regulations and crops agronomic requirements such as peat thickness and maturity, rendering unsustainability. This study recommends that expansion of agriculture and plantation on peatland areas be limited over idle land within the agricultural production and conversion production forest areas. About 34,362 ha (9.7%) of uncultivated log-over forest and shrubs can potentially be developed for agriculture. Peat soils with the thickness of >3 m should be allocated for conservation or forest protection due to low inherent soil fertility and high potential greenhouse gas emissions if converted for agriculture