63 research outputs found

    Sådybde og spiretemperatur ved etablering av åkerbønner og erter

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    Frosttoleranse og vernaliseringskrav i ulike sorter av høsthvete

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    Denne rapporten omtaler testing av seks ulike høsthvete-sorter for vernaliseringskrav og frosttoleranse. Undersøkelsen ble gjennomført som en del av ProHøst-prosjeket (NFR 320694) med tilleggsfinansering fra Graminor, for å skaffe mer kunnskap om maksimalt oppnåelig frosttoleranse og lengde på vernaliseringskrav hos ulike sorter av høsthvete på det norske markedet. Frysetesten viser at sortene Magnifik, Jantarka og Praktik har en genetisk høyere grad av frosttoleranse enn Kuban, Bernstein og Nordkapp. De fleste av de seks testede sortene ser ut til å ha et vernaliseringskrav som ligger rundt ± 50 vernaliseringsdager, men Praktik ser ut til å ha et noe lenger vernaliseringskrav. Med både god frosttoleranse og et langt vernaliseringskrav har Praktik to gunstige egenskaper som gjør den bedre rustet for norske vintre.Frosttoleranse og vernaliseringskrav i ulike sorter av høsthvetepublishedVersio

    Vekstskifte - forsøk og praksis

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    Effect of temperature during flowering, pod set, and seed development on yield components and accumulation of protein, starch, and low molecular weight carbohydrates in two faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivars

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    The aim was to explore the impact of temperature during seed development on yield performance and seed quality in faba bean when grown at cool temperatures representative for high latitude regions. Two varieties, an early and a medium late maturing, were grown in climate chambers with three temperature regimes (day/night temperatures of 14°C/12°C, 19°C/12°C, and 24°C/12°C) from onset of flowering to maturation. Yield components were recorded, and the accumulation of protein, starch, and low molecular weight carbohydrates including the raffinose family oligosaccharides was followed during the accumulation phase until physiological maturity. The lower temperature regimes strongly delayed pod and seed development compared with 24°C/12°C. Temperature affected the number of pods per plant for the upper node group. Plants grown at 19°C had the highest total dry seed weight compared with plants grown at 14°C and 24°C. Temperature per se did not influence the content of starch, protein, and low molecular weight carbohydrates, while their accumulation followed the moisture content in the seed, and thus the seed development stage. The content of raffinose family oligosaccharides increased sharply when the seed moisture dropped below 70% and leveled off at about 40% and 50% moisture for verbascose and stachyose, respectively, coinciding with physiological maturity. The results provide more knowledge about the seed maturation and accumulation in faba bean under low temperatures, important for cultivation under high latitude regions.Effect of temperature during flowering, pod set, and seed development on yield components and accumulation of protein, starch, and low molecular weight carbohydrates in two faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivarspublishedVersio

    Økologisk produksjon av høstraps

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    Rapsfrø er etterspurt råvare til proteinfôr og olje til mat. Høstraps egner seg godt i vekstskifte med korn og åkervekster, men trenger lang veksttid. Eng som forgrøde gir størst mulighet for tidlig etablering. Med sine pålerøtter har rapsplantene god effekt på jordstrukturen, og er en god forgrøde til for eksempel hvete.Økologisk produksjon av høstrapspublishedVersio

    Successful reestablishment of golf greens following winter damages – Final Report

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    A number of factors such as low soil temperature, desiccation and thatch can be serious limiting factors for the successful reestablishment of golf greens following winter damages. The rate of germination and seedling root growth have important implications for competition between species on a golf green. This research project has shown that P. annua is a very competitive species, due to quicker germination at lower temperatures, especially compared to A. stolonifera and F. rubra ssp communtata. Root growth of P.annua was also significantly quicker than of the Agrostis species tested. Seedlings of Agrostis species and F.rubra ssp commutata that germinate in close proximity to P. annua seedlings stand a large chance of being choked out. In order to reduce competition with P.annua, early seeding should be avoided. In this study, no difference in turfgrass establishment wasobserved when seedlings were grown using soil water extracts or soil from an ice-encased green,compared to a control. However, further investigations regarding reestablishment following iceencasement are warrant, and should be investigated on older greens with a higher organic mattercontent. The results from the demonstration trials emphasize the importance of using a sowingtechnique that ensures proper seed – soil contact. This is of particular importance for theestablishment of turfgrass species on golf greens, due to the high risk of desiccation.publishedVersio