385 research outputs found

    Three serendipitous pathways in E. coli can bypass a block in pyridoxal-5′-phosphate synthesis

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    Overexpression of seven different genes restores growth of a ΔpdxB strain of E. coli, which cannot make pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), on M9/glucose.None of the enzymes encoded by these genes has a promiscuous 4-phosphoerythronate dehydrogenase activity that can replace the activity of PdxB.Overexpression of these genes restores PLP synthesis by three different serendipitous pathways that feed into the normal PLP synthesis pathway downstream of the blocked step.Reactions in one of these pathways are catalyzed by low-level activities of enzymes of unknown function and a promiscuous activity of an enzyme that normally has a role in another pathway; one reaction appears to be non-enzymatic

    Yukawa potentials in systems with partial periodic boundary conditions I : Ewald sums for quasi-two dimensional systems

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    Yukawa potentials are often used as effective potentials for systems as colloids, plasmas, etc. When the Debye screening length is large, the Yukawa potential tends to the non-screened Coulomb potential ; in this small screening limit, or Coulomb limit, the potential is long ranged. As it is well known in computer simulation, a simple truncation of the long ranged potential and the minimum image convention are insufficient to obtain accurate numerical data on systems. The Ewald method for bulk systems, i.e. with periodic boundary conditions in all three directions of the space, has already been derived for Yukawa potential [cf. Y., Rosenfeld, {\it Mol. Phys.}, \bm{88}, 1357, (1996) and G., Salin and J.-M., Caillol, {\it J. Chem. Phys.}, \bm{113}, 10459, (2000)], but for systems with partial periodic boundary conditions, the Ewald sums have only recently been obtained [M., Mazars, {\it J. Chem. Phys.}, {\bf 126}, 056101 (2007)]. In this paper, we provide a closed derivation of the Ewald sums for Yukawa potentials in systems with periodic boundary conditions in only two directions and for any value of the Debye length. A special attention is paid to the Coulomb limit and its relation with the electroneutrality of systems.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures and 4 table

    Human skin penetration of a copper tripeptide in vitro as a function of skin layer

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    We study a set of 28 GRB light-curves detected between 15 December 2002 and 9 June 2003 by the anti-coincidence shield of the spectrometer (SPI) of INTEGRAL. During this period it has detected 50 bursts, that have been confirmed by other instruments, with a time resolution of 50 ms. First, we derive the basic characteristics of the bursts: various duration measures, the count peak flux and the count fluence. Second, a sub-sample of 11 bursts with 12 individual, well-separated pulses is studied. We fit the pulse shape with a model by Kocevski et al. (2003) and find that the pulses are quite self-similar in shape. There is also a weak tendency for the pulses with steep power-law decays to be more asymmetric. Third, the variability of the complex light-curves is studied by analyzing their power-density-spectra (PDS) and their RMS variability.
The averaged PDS, of the whole sample, is a power-law with index of 1.60±0.051.60\pm0.05 and a break between 1–2 Hz. Fourth, we also discuss the background and noise levels. We found that the background noise has a Gaussian distribution and its power is independent of frequency, i.e., it is white noise. However, it does not follow a Poisson statistic since on average the variance is ~1.6 larger than the mean. We discuss our results in context of the current theoretical picture in which GRBs are created in an anisotropic, highly relativistic outflow from collapsing massive stars. Finally, we note that the exact behaviour of the instrument is not yet known and therefore the above results should be treated as preliminary.

    Human skin penetration of a copper tripeptide in vitro as a function of skin layer

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    Objective and designSkin retention and penetration by copper applied as glycyl-L-histidyl-L-lysine cuprate diacetate was evaluated in vitro in order to assess its potential for its transdermal delivery as an anti-inflammatory agent.Materials and methodsFlow-through diffusion cells with 1 cm(2) exposure area were used under infinite dose conditions. 0.68% aq. copper tripeptide as permeant was applied on isolated stratum corneum, heat-separated epidermis and dermatomed skin and receptor fluid collected over 48 h in 4 h intervals using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to analyze for copper in tissues and receptor fluid.ResultsThe permeability coefficient of the compound through dermatomed skin was 2.43 ± 0.51 × 10(-4) cm/h; 136.2 ± 17.5 μg/cm(2) copper permeated 1 cm(2) of that tissue over 48 h, while 97 ± 6.6 μg/cm(2) were retained as depot.ConclusionsCopper as tripeptide was delivered in potentially therapeutically effective amounts for inflammatory disease

    Enhanced hyporheic exchange flow around woody debris does not increase nitrate reduction in a sandy streambed

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    Anthropogenic nitrogen pollution is a critical problem in freshwaters. Although riverbeds are known to attenuate nitrate, it is not known if large woody debris (LWD) can increase this ecosystem service through enhanced hyporheic exchange and streambed residence time. Over a year, we monitored the surface water and pore water chemistry at 200 points along a ~50m reach of a lowland sandy stream with three natural LWD structures. We directly injected 15N-nitrate at 108 locations within the top 1.5m of the streambed to quantify in situ denitrification, anammox and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia, which, on average, contributed 85%, 10% and 5% of total nitrate reduction, respectively. Total nitrate reducing activity ranged from 0-16µM h-1 and was highest in the top 30cm of the stream bed. Depth, ambient nitrate and water residence time explained 44% of the observed variation in nitrate reduction; fastest rates were associated with slow flow and shallow depths. In autumn, when the river was in spate, nitrate reduction (in situ and laboratory measures) was enhanced around the LWD compared with non-woody areas, but this was not seen in the spring and summer. Overall, there was no significant effect of LWD on nitrate reduction rates in surrounding streambed sediments, but higher pore water nitrate concentrations and shorter residence times, close to LWD, indicated enhanced delivery of surface water into the streambed under high flow. When hyporheic exchange is too strong, overall nitrate reduction is inhibited due to short flow-paths and associated high oxygen concentrations

    Urticaria and infections

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    Urticaria is a group of diseases that share a distinct skin reaction pattern. Triggering of urticaria by infections has been discussed for many years but the exact role and pathogenesis of mast cell activation by infectious processes is unclear. In spontaneous acute urticaria there is no doubt for a causal relationship to infections and all chronic urticaria must have started as acute. Whereas in physical or distinct urticaria subtypes the evidence for infections is sparse, remission of annoying spontaneous chronic urticaria has been reported after successful treatment of persistent infections. Current summarizing available studies that evaluated the course of the chronic urticaria after proven Helicobacter eradication demonstrate a statistically significant benefit compared to untreated patients or Helicobacter-negative controls without urticaria (p < 0.001). Since infections can be easily treated some diagnostic procedures should be included in the routine work-up, especially the search for Helicobacter pylori. This review will update the reader regarding the role of infections in different urticaria subtypes