1,004 research outputs found

    A mobile planetary lander utilizing elastic loop suspension

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    Efforts to increase the cost effectiveness of future lunar and planetary rover missions have led to the mobile lander concept, which replaces the landing legs of a soft-lander craft with a compact mobility system of sufficient strength to withstand the landing impact. The results of a mobile lander conceptual design effort based on existing NASA-Viking '75 hardware are presented. The elastic loop concept, developed as a post-Apollo rover technology, is found to meet stringent stowage, traction, power and weight requirements

    Articulated elastic-loop roving vehicles

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    Prototype vehicle features exceptional obstacle-negotiating and slope-climbing capabilities plus high propulsive efficiency. Concept should interest designers of polar or ocean-bottom research vehicles. Also, its large footprint and low ground pressure will minimize ecological damage on terrain with low bearing strength, as in off-the-road application

    Optimum rendezvous guidance study Interim report

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    Minimum fuel rendezvous guidance of powered interceptor from parking orbit to target in coplanar circular orbi

    Control System Optimization for Saturn 5 Launch Vehicles Using Gradient Techniques Final Report

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    Control system optimization for Saturn 5 launch vehicles using gradient technique

    The application of optimal control technqiues to advanced manned missions, volume 1

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    Two problems are presented in the area of optimal control and its application to the design of attitude control systems for advanced complex aerospace vehicles. The problems discussed are specification of performance criteria in terms of structural load minimization and/or maximum orbital payload injection requirements of the controlled vehicle; and formulation and solution of the optimization problem such that practical control systems are obtained

    Mars Rover system loopwheel definition support

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    The feasibility of the loopwheel suspension system for use on a Mars roving vehicle was analyzed. Various steering concepts were evaluated and an optimum concept was identified on the basis of maximum probability of mission success. In the structural analysis of the loopwheel core and tread as the major fatigue critical components, important technology areas were identified

    Operational Loopwheel Suspension System for Mars Rover Demonstration Model

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    The loopwheel (or elastic loop) mobility concept, appears to be uniquely qualified to provide a high degree of mobility at low weight and stowage requirements for the next Mars mission now in the early planning stage. Traction elements compatible with sterilization and Mars surface environmental constraints were designed and are compatible with the rover mass, range and stowage requirements of JPL's point design Mars rover. In order to save cost, the loopwheel suspensions for the demonstration model were made of S-glass/epoxy instead of titanium, alloy specified for flight units. The load carrying fiberglass loop core is covered by a rubber tread on the outside. Reinforced rubber gear belts bonded along the inside edges provide positive engagement and transmission drive torques. A 12 Vdc drive motor with a 167:1 gear head is installed in the payload section of the hull. A chain drive transmits the motor power to the rear sprocket in the demonstration model, whereas future flight units would be directly driven by brushless hub motors within each sprocket and independent four-leg height control

    The application of optimal control techniques to advanced manned missions, volume 2

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    The hybrid optimization techique for attitude control design is described in detail. The technque is capable of optimizing an n-dimensional adjustable parameter vector, but a 1-dimensional vector is used as an example to explain the procedure. This permits an easier explanation as opposed to a multidimensional case. The procedure used to derive the perturbation equations of motion describing the 6-DOF shuttle ascent phase is presented. These equations were programmed on the EAI 8800 analog computer to describe the perturbations of the shuttle vehicle from a nominal zero lift trajectory due to wind disturbances. Included are the control system equations, trim equations, and wind angle of attack equations. Analog wiring diagrams, raw data and time-varying coefficients, and state variable responses during shuttle ascent are also considered