910 research outputs found

    Externally Dispersed Interferometry for Precision Radial Velocimetry

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    Externally Dispersed Interferometry (EDI) is the series combination of a fixed-delay field-widened Michelson interferometer with a dispersive spectrograph. This combination boosts the spectrograph performance for both Doppler velocimetry and high resolution spectroscopy. The interferometer creates a periodic spectral comb that multiplies against the input spectrum to create moire fringes, which are recorded in combination with the regular spectrum. The moire pattern shifts in phase in response to a Doppler shift. Moire patterns are broader than the underlying spectral features and more easily survive spectrograph blurring and common distortions. Thus, the EDI technique allows lower resolution spectrographs having relaxed optical tolerances (and therefore higher throughput) to return high precision velocity measurements, which otherwise would be imprecise for the spectrograph alone.Comment: 7 Pages, White paper submitted to the AAAC Exoplanet Task Forc

    Conduction-Electron Screening in the Bulk and at Low-Index Surfaces of Ta Metal

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    High-resolution core-level photoemission spectra from Ta(100) have been measured. The well-resolved peak from the first atomic layer allows a separate assessment of bulk and surface-layer screening responses: singularity indices αB=0.10±0.01 and α100=0.205±0.025, respectively, are obtained. The measured surface-atom lifetime broadening of 70±20 meV (compared to 37±5 meV in the bulk) is consistent with published Auger–photoemission coincidence measurements. The result for the bulk singularity index has been applied in the analysis of previous data in order to extract the screening response in the first atomic layer of Ta(111) (α111=0.16±0.01) and Ta(110) (α110=0.150±0.015). The trend in surface α’s implies an increasingly atomic character for the surface-layer atoms as one proceeds from Ta(110) to Ta(111) to Ta(100)

    Thermally Induced Core-Electron Binding-Energy Shifts in Transition Metals: An ExperimentalInvestigation of Ta(100)

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    High-resolution photoemission spectra from the 4f7/2 levels of Ta(100) have been obtained between 77 K and room temperature. The data show an increase in both the surface and bulk core-level binding energies (BE’s) as the temperature is raised: between 77 and 293 K the bulk and surface BE’s increase by 31±3 and 13±2 meV, respectively. A model calculation of the bulk binding-energy increase, which is based upon the lattice expansion of the solid, is in good agreement with the experimental results and indicates that the shifts arise from both initial- and final-state effects that are of comparable magnitude. The model is further used to estimate thermally induced shifts for the whole 5d transition-metal series. © 1996 The American Physical Society

    Low-cost point-focus solar concentrator, phase 1

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    The results of the preliminary design study for the low cost point focus solar concentrator (LCPFSC) development program are presented. A summary description of the preliminary design is given. The design philosophy used to achieve a cost effective design for mass production is described. The concentrator meets all design requirements specified and is based on practical design solutions in every possible way

    The western Mediterranean region provided the founder population of domesticated narrow-leafed lupin

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    Key message: This study revealed that the western Mediterranean provided the founder population for domesticated narrow-leafed lupin and that genetic diversity decreased significantly during narrow-leafed lupin domestication. Abstract: The evolutionary history of plants during domestication profoundly shaped the genome structure and genetic diversity of today’s crops. Advances in next-generation sequencing technologies allow unprecedented opportunities to understand genome evolution in minor crops, which constitute the majority of plant domestications. A diverse set of 231 wild and domesticated narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) accessions were subjected to genotyping-by-sequencing using diversity arrays technology. Phylogenetic, genome-wide divergence and linkage disequilibrium analyses were applied to identify the founder population of domesticated narrow-leafed lupin and the genome-wide effect of domestication on its genome. We found wild western Mediterranean population as the founder of domesticated narrow-leafed lupin. Domestication was associated with an almost threefold reduction in genome diversity in domesticated accessions compared to their wild relatives. Selective sweep analysis identified no significant footprints of selection around domestication loci. A genome-wide association study identified single nucleotide polymorphism markers associated with pod dehiscence. This new understanding of the genomic consequences of narrow-leafed lupin domestication along with molecular marker tools developed here will assist plant breeders more effectively access wild genetic diversity for crop improvement

    Nonsynchronous, episodic incision: Evidence of threshold exceedance and complex response as controls of terrace formation

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    Terrace sequences can represent regional or continental scale factors such as climatic fluctuations, neotectonic activity, and base-level change. However, they can also reflect random incision events brought about by local scale, geomorphic threshold exceedance, and subsequent complex response. This study explores the formative processes of three discontinuous, but adjacent, late Pleistocene to late Holocene stepterrace sequences in southeastern Australia. Correlation of river terrace fills was undertaken by comparing terrace remnants based on topography, morphology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, and chronology. A geomorphic model of floodplain abandonment and terrace formation for this valley setting is presented. Most of southeastern Australia has shown no evidence of tectonic uplift during the late Quaternary. Bedrock bars on the Hunter River isolate the study reach from downstream base-level changes. The nonsynchronous, episodic behavior of incision events in this catchment strongly indicates that climate is not a dominant control on terrace formation. With the exclusion of climatic fluctuations, tectonic uplift and base-level change as causes of incision, catastrophic floods, and the exceedance of geomorphic thresholds emerge as the dominant controls of terrace formation. Crow

    Carrier-Induced Magnetic Circular Dichloism in the Magnetoresistive Pyrochlore Tl2Mn2O7

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    Infrared magnetic circular dichloism (MCD), or equivalently magneto-optical Kerr effect, has been measured on the Tl2Mn2O7 pyrochlore, which is well known for exhibiting a large magnetoresistance around the Curie temperature T_C ~ 120 K. A circularly polarized, infrared synchrotron radiation is used as the light source. A pronounced MCD signal is observed exactly at the plasma edge of the reflectivity near and below T_c. However, contrary to the conventional behavior of MCD for ferromagnets, the observed MCD of Tl2Mn2O7 grows with the applied magnetic field, and not scaled with the internal magnetization. It is shown that these results can be basically understood in terms of a classical magnetoplasma resonance. The absence of a magnetization-scaled MCD indicates a weak spin-orbit coupling of the carriers in Tl2Mn2O7. We discuss the present results in terms of the microscopic electronic structures of Tl2Mn2O7.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Observation of magnetic circular dichroism in Fe L_{2,3} x-ray-fluorescence spectra

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    We report experiments demonstrating circular dichroism in the x-ray-fluorescence spectra of magnetic systems, as predicted by a recent theory. The data, on the L_{2,3} edges of ferromagnetic iron, are compared with fully relativistic local spin density functional calculations, and the relationship between the dichroic spectra and the spin-resolved local density of occupied states is discussed

    Entropy-Dominated Dissipation in Sapphire Shock-Compressed up to 400 GPa (4 Mbar)

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    Sapphire (single-crystal Al2O3) is a representative Earth material and is used as a window and/or anvil in shock experiments. Pressure, for example, at the core-mantle boundary is about 130 gigapascals (GPa). Defects induced by 100-GPa shock waves cause sapphire to become opaque, which precludes measuring temperature with thermal radiance. We have measured wave profiles of sapphire crystals with several crystallographic orientations at shock pressures of 16, 23, and 86 GPa. At 23 GPa plastic-shock rise times are generally quite long (~100 ns) and their values depend sensitively on the direction of shock propagation in the crystal lattice. The long rise times are probably caused by the high strength of inter-atomic interactions in the ordered three-dimensional sapphire lattice. Our wave profiles and recent theoretical and laser-driven experimental results imply that sapphire disorders without significant shock heating up to about 400 GPa, above which Al2O3 is amorphous and must heat. This picture suggests that the characteristic shape of shock compression curves of many Earth materials at 100 GPa pressures is caused by a combination of entropy and temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
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