77 research outputs found

    Empirical Power, Imperial Science: Science, Empire, and the ‘Classification’ of the Late Eighteenth Century Pacific

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    The Pacific of the mid eighteenth century was far removed from what it would become by the first decade of the nineteenth. The transformation from an expansive, unknown blue desert to a clearly defined space crisscrossed by trade routes and dotted with burgeoning colonial settlements came as the result of four decades of survey and study carried out by the governments of Europe. At the fore of this expeditionary fervor, Great Britain sponsored five separate voyages of discovery that served to codify the Pacific Ocean under the precepts of European cartography and Linnaean classification with the aid of natural historians, botanic draughtsmen, gardeners, and astronomers. At a time when European powers found themselves at odds, if not outright war, these voyages and their discoveries became a focal point of cooperation as the far-flung regions of the globe were slowly given shape and meaning within a European context. Combining the resources of the Royal Navy with members and backing from the Royal Society, these endeavours sought to bring back to Europe a defined picture of the Pacific, from its coastlines to its flora and fauna and, of course, descriptions of the Polynesian societies they encountered. Covering the final decades of the long eighteenth century, these voyages formed quintessential examples of Enlightenment ideals, seeking out the unknown areas of the globe and sharing those discoveries with the world, and would ultimately be appropriated and used towards the national interest. This thesis, then, serves to highlight the move from empirical voyage of discovery to imperial scientific endeavour through the changing role of naval captains and natural historians and their understanding of their place in this larger endeavour

    Bon ton of boring? De ontwikkeling van het Frans in onderwijs en uitgeverij in Nederland

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    Het Frans staat in Nederland onder druk. Van belangrijkste moderne vreemde taal in het Nederlandse voortgezet onderwijs tot in de jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw, is Frans afgezakt naar de derde rang, met het hardnekkig imago: ‘moeilijk’ en ‘saai’. Steeds minder leerlingen kiezen het vak in hun eindexamenpakket. Op sommige scholen is Frans als examenvak zelfs uit het curriculum geschrapt. Ondanks het feit dat steeds minder Nederlanders Frans kennen, verschenen er de afgelopen jaren ook minder boekvertalingen uit het Frans. Dit boek vertelt hoe in de loop van de tijd de positie van de Franse taal in Nederland is veranderd en hoe die ontwikkeling is te verklaren

    Appropriate use criteria for echocardiography in the Netherlands

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    Introduction Appropriate use criteria (AUC) for echocardiography based on clinical scenarios were previously published by an American Task Force. We determined whether members of the Dutch Working Group on Echocardiography (WGE) would rate these scenarios in a similar way. Methods All 32 members of the WGE were invited to judge clinical scenarios independently using a blanked version of the previously published American version of AUC for echocardiography. During a face-to-face meeting, consensus about the final rating was reached by open discussion for each indication. For reasons of simplicity, the scores were reduced from a 9-point scale to a 3-point scale (indicating an appropriate, uncertain or inappropriate echo indication, respectively). Results Nine cardiologist members of the WGE reported their judgment on the echo cases (n = 153). Seventy-one indications were rated as appropriate, 35 were rated as uncertain, and 47 were rated as inappropriate. In 5% of the cases the rating was opposite to that in the original (appropriate compared with inappropriate and vice versa), whereas in 20% judgements differed by 1 level of appropriateness. After the consensus meeting, the appropriateness of 7 (5%) cases was judged differently compared with the original paper. Conclusions Echocardiography was rated appropriate when it is applied for an initial diagnosis, a change in clinical status or a change in patient management. However, in about 5% of the listed clinical scenarios, members of the Dutch WGE rated the AUC for echocardiography differently as compared with their American counterparts. Further research is warranted to analyse this decreased external validity

    Bon ton of boring? De ontwikkeling van het Frans in onderwijs en uitgeverij in Nederland

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    textabstractHet Frans staat in Nederland onder druk. Van belangrijkste moderne vreemde taal in het Nederlandse voortgezet onderwijs tot in de jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw, is Frans afgezakt naar de derde rang, met het hardnekkig imago: ‘moeilijk’ en ‘saai’. Steeds minder leerlingen kiezen het vak in hun eindexamenpakket. Op sommige scholen is Frans als examenvak zelfs uit het curriculum geschrapt. Ondanks het feit dat steeds minder Nederlanders Frans kennen, verschenen er de afgelopen jaren ook minder boekvertalingen uit het Frans. Dit boek vertelt hoe in de loop van de tijd de positie van de Franse taal in Nederland is veranderd en hoe die ontwikkeling is te verklaren

    Analys av musens synkroniserade rörelse av morrhÄren

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    In active sensing, sensory organs are actively controlled by the motor system to optimize stimuli acquisition. Coupling behaviour of animal models with electrophysiological signals could give us important insights in the workings of this active sensing in health and disease. In this work, a contribution is made towards this aim. A modern machine learning method, called DeepLabCut, is evaluated and optimized for the use of tracking whiskers from videos of head-fixed, free whisking mice from two groups. Novel to the approach is the longer observation of the mice, without markers or trimming. This tracking is then used to investigate the natural statistics of whisking in healthy and Parkinsons Disease (PD) modeled animals. Two groups of mice (6 healthy versus 4 PD) were filmed for 5 minutes on 1-3 days per animal during head-fixed free air whisking, resulting in 21 filmed days in total. 6 Whiskers were tracked with 4 points per whisker using DeepLabCut and as few as 105 manually labeled images.A tracking accuracy of <3 pixels training error and <15 pixels test error was achieved. Qualitatively, tracking errors occurred both along and perpendicular to the whisker, but the perpendicular error reduced after 30 Hz low-pass filtering. The observed whisking was non-stationary and predominantly slow (<10 Hz). Whisking was also synchronized in time, as the cross-spectra were significantly higher than the random shuffled cross-values (pKS<0.05), but this synchronicity was lost on the right side in lesion animals with whisking frequencies between 15 and 25 Hz. In this PD-modeled group, a difference between left and right side co-synchronization was found (JSD=0.067, pKS<0.05) for higher frequencies (15-25 Hz). In total, control animals where whisking 34.1% of the time versus 35.6% for the lesion animals. Upon examining these active bouts, it was found that lesion animals have relatively more long bouts of co-activation than healthy controls across all subgroups (pKS<0.001). Furthermore, in lesion animals the activity distributions are laterally different (LL vs RR, JSD=0.178, pKS<0.001), but this cannot be concluded for healthy controls. Thus, it can be concluded that DeepLabCut is a promising method to speed up whisker tracking. Future improvements could be made in sharpness and contrast of the tips of the whiskers; incorporating information on the relation of whisker position in time; extending the tracking to 3D; and evaluating tracking by means of biomechanical models. These improvements will enable observation in a more realistic environment, and for a longer time. Finally, coupling of whisker position data to electrophysiological recordings will hopefully result in new insights in the relation between sensorimotor behaviour and global brain dynamics.Vid 'active sensing' styrs sinnesorgan aktivt av motorsystemet för att optimera insamling av stimuli. Koppling av djurmodeller med elektrofysiologiska signaler skulle kunna ge oss viktig insikt i funktionen av denna 'active sensing' i hÀlsa och sjukdom. I detta arbete görs ett bidrag till detta mÄl. En modern maskininlÀrningsmetod, kallad DeepLabCut, utvÀrderades och optimerades för anvÀndning av spÄrning av morrhÄr frÄn videor dÀr möss i tvÄ grupper hade huvudet fixerat men morrhÄren kunde rör sig fritt. Nytt för denna metod Àr den lÀngre observationen av mössen utan mÀrkning eller hÄrklippning. Denna spÄrning anvÀndes sedan för att undersöka den naturliga statistiken över morrhÄrens rörelse i kontrollgruppen och gruppen med Parkinsons sjukdom (PD). TvÄ grupper av möss (6 kontroll mot 4 PD) filmades i 5 minuter pÄ 1-3 dagar per djur dÀr huvudet var fixerat men morrhÄren kunde röra sig fritt, vilket resulterade i totalt 21 filmade dagar. Sex morrhÄr spÄrades med 4 punkter per hÄr med hjÀlp av DeepLabCut med sÄ fÄ som 105 manuellt mÀrkta bilder. En spÄrningsnoggrannhet med trÀningsfel pÄ <3 pixlar och testfel pÄ <15 pixlar uppnÄddes. Kvalitativt intrÀffade spÄrningsfel bÄde lÀngs med och vinkelrÀtt mot morrhÄret, men det vinkelrÀta felet minskade efter 30 Hz lÄgpassfiltrering. Den observerade rörelsen av morrhÄret var förÀnderlig och övervÀgande lÄngsam (<10 Hz). Rörelsen av morrhÄren synkroniserades ocksÄ i tid, eftersom korsspektra var signifikant högre Àn de blandade korsvÀrdena (pKS<0.05), men denna synkronitet förlorades pÄ höger sida i PD djur med frekvenser mellan 15 och 25 Hz. I denna PD grupp hittades en skillnad mellan vÀnster och höger sida i samsynkronisering (JSD=0.067, pKS<0.05) för högre frekvenser (15-25 Hz). Kontrollgruppen rörde pÄ morrhÄren i totalt 34,1% av tiden mot 35,6% för PD gruppen. Inom denna aktiva period visade det sig att PD djur hade relativt mer lÄnga perioder av samaktivering Àn kontrolldjur i alla delgrupper (pKS<0.001). Dessutom var aktivitetsfördelning laterallt olika i PD gruppen (LL vs RR, JSD=0,178,pKS<0.001), men detta kunde inte pÄvisas i kontrollgruppen. SÄledes kan man dra slutsatsen att DeepLabCut Àr en lovande metod för att pÄskynda spÄrning av rörelse av morrhÄr. Framtida förbÀttringar skulle kunna göras med förbÀttrad skÀrpa och kontrast av morrhÄrens Àndar; innehÄlla information om morrhÄrens postion relativt till varandra över tid; utvidga spÄrningen till 3D; och utvÀrdera spÄrning med hjÀlp av biomekaniska modeller. Dessa förbÀttringar möjliggör observation i en mer realistisk miljö och under en lÀngre tid. Slutligen kommer koppling av morrhÄrspositionens data till elektrofysiologiska inspelningar förhoppningsvis att resultera i ny insikt i förhÄllandet mellan sensorimotoriskt beteende och global hjÀrndynamik

    Analys av musens synkroniserade rörelse av morrhÄren

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    In active sensing, sensory organs are actively controlled by the motor system to optimize stimuli acquisition. Coupling behaviour of animal models with electrophysiological signals could give us important insights in the workings of this active sensing in health and disease. In this work, a contribution is made towards this aim. A modern machine learning method, called DeepLabCut, is evaluated and optimized for the use of tracking whiskers from videos of head-fixed, free whisking mice from two groups. Novel to the approach is the longer observation of the mice, without markers or trimming. This tracking is then used to investigate the natural statistics of whisking in healthy and Parkinsons Disease (PD) modeled animals. Two groups of mice (6 healthy versus 4 PD) were filmed for 5 minutes on 1-3 days per animal during head-fixed free air whisking, resulting in 21 filmed days in total. 6 Whiskers were tracked with 4 points per whisker using DeepLabCut and as few as 105 manually labeled images.A tracking accuracy of <3 pixels training error and <15 pixels test error was achieved. Qualitatively, tracking errors occurred both along and perpendicular to the whisker, but the perpendicular error reduced after 30 Hz low-pass filtering. The observed whisking was non-stationary and predominantly slow (<10 Hz). Whisking was also synchronized in time, as the cross-spectra were significantly higher than the random shuffled cross-values (pKS<0.05), but this synchronicity was lost on the right side in lesion animals with whisking frequencies between 15 and 25 Hz. In this PD-modeled group, a difference between left and right side co-synchronization was found (JSD=0.067, pKS<0.05) for higher frequencies (15-25 Hz). In total, control animals where whisking 34.1% of the time versus 35.6% for the lesion animals. Upon examining these active bouts, it was found that lesion animals have relatively more long bouts of co-activation than healthy controls across all subgroups (pKS<0.001). Furthermore, in lesion animals the activity distributions are laterally different (LL vs RR, JSD=0.178, pKS<0.001), but this cannot be concluded for healthy controls. Thus, it can be concluded that DeepLabCut is a promising method to speed up whisker tracking. Future improvements could be made in sharpness and contrast of the tips of the whiskers; incorporating information on the relation of whisker position in time; extending the tracking to 3D; and evaluating tracking by means of biomechanical models. These improvements will enable observation in a more realistic environment, and for a longer time. Finally, coupling of whisker position data to electrophysiological recordings will hopefully result in new insights in the relation between sensorimotor behaviour and global brain dynamics.Vid 'active sensing' styrs sinnesorgan aktivt av motorsystemet för att optimera insamling av stimuli. Koppling av djurmodeller med elektrofysiologiska signaler skulle kunna ge oss viktig insikt i funktionen av denna 'active sensing' i hÀlsa och sjukdom. I detta arbete görs ett bidrag till detta mÄl. En modern maskininlÀrningsmetod, kallad DeepLabCut, utvÀrderades och optimerades för anvÀndning av spÄrning av morrhÄr frÄn videor dÀr möss i tvÄ grupper hade huvudet fixerat men morrhÄren kunde rör sig fritt. Nytt för denna metod Àr den lÀngre observationen av mössen utan mÀrkning eller hÄrklippning. Denna spÄrning anvÀndes sedan för att undersöka den naturliga statistiken över morrhÄrens rörelse i kontrollgruppen och gruppen med Parkinsons sjukdom (PD). TvÄ grupper av möss (6 kontroll mot 4 PD) filmades i 5 minuter pÄ 1-3 dagar per djur dÀr huvudet var fixerat men morrhÄren kunde röra sig fritt, vilket resulterade i totalt 21 filmade dagar. Sex morrhÄr spÄrades med 4 punkter per hÄr med hjÀlp av DeepLabCut med sÄ fÄ som 105 manuellt mÀrkta bilder. En spÄrningsnoggrannhet med trÀningsfel pÄ <3 pixlar och testfel pÄ <15 pixlar uppnÄddes. Kvalitativt intrÀffade spÄrningsfel bÄde lÀngs med och vinkelrÀtt mot morrhÄret, men det vinkelrÀta felet minskade efter 30 Hz lÄgpassfiltrering. Den observerade rörelsen av morrhÄret var förÀnderlig och övervÀgande lÄngsam (<10 Hz). Rörelsen av morrhÄren synkroniserades ocksÄ i tid, eftersom korsspektra var signifikant högre Àn de blandade korsvÀrdena (pKS<0.05), men denna synkronitet förlorades pÄ höger sida i PD djur med frekvenser mellan 15 och 25 Hz. I denna PD grupp hittades en skillnad mellan vÀnster och höger sida i samsynkronisering (JSD=0.067, pKS<0.05) för högre frekvenser (15-25 Hz). Kontrollgruppen rörde pÄ morrhÄren i totalt 34,1% av tiden mot 35,6% för PD gruppen. Inom denna aktiva period visade det sig att PD djur hade relativt mer lÄnga perioder av samaktivering Àn kontrolldjur i alla delgrupper (pKS<0.001). Dessutom var aktivitetsfördelning laterallt olika i PD gruppen (LL vs RR, JSD=0,178,pKS<0.001), men detta kunde inte pÄvisas i kontrollgruppen. SÄledes kan man dra slutsatsen att DeepLabCut Àr en lovande metod för att pÄskynda spÄrning av rörelse av morrhÄr. Framtida förbÀttringar skulle kunna göras med förbÀttrad skÀrpa och kontrast av morrhÄrens Àndar; innehÄlla information om morrhÄrens postion relativt till varandra över tid; utvidga spÄrningen till 3D; och utvÀrdera spÄrning med hjÀlp av biomekaniska modeller. Dessa förbÀttringar möjliggör observation i en mer realistisk miljö och under en lÀngre tid. Slutligen kommer koppling av morrhÄrspositionens data till elektrofysiologiska inspelningar förhoppningsvis att resultera i ny insikt i förhÄllandet mellan sensorimotoriskt beteende och global hjÀrndynamik
