145 research outputs found

    Effect of adaptive abilities on utilities, direct or mediated by mental health?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In cost-utility analyses gain in health can be measured using health state utilities. Health state utilities can be elicited from members of the public or from patients. Utilities given by patients tend to be higher than utilities given by members of the public. This difference is often suggested to be explained by adaptation, but this has not yet been investigated in patients. Here, we investigate if, besides health related quality of life (HRQL), persons' ability to adapt can explain health state utilities. Both the direct effect of persons' adaptive abilities on health state utilities and the indirect effect, where HRQL mediates the effect of ability to adapt, are examined.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In total 125 patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis were interviewed. Participants gave valuations of their own health on a visual analogue scale (VAS) and time trade-off (TTO). To estimate persons' ability to adapt, patients filled in questionnaires measuring Self-esteem, Mastery, and Optimism. Finally they completed the SF-36 measuring HRQL. Regression analyses were used to investigate the direct and mediated effect of ability to adapt on health state utilities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Persons' ability to adapt did not add considerably to the explanation of health state utilities above HRQL. In the TTO no additional variance was explained by adaptive abilities (Δ R<sup>2 </sup>= .00, β = .02), in the VAS a minor proportion of the variance was explained by adaptive abilities (Δ R<sup>2 </sup>= .05, β = .33). The effect of adaptation on health state utilities seems to be mediated by the mental health domain of quality of life.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Patients with stronger adaptive abilities, based on their optimism, mastery and self-esteem, may more easily enhance their mental health after being diagnosed with a chronic illness, which leads to higher health state utilities.</p

    The educational needs of people with systemic sclerosis: a cross-sectional study using the Dutch version of the Educational Needs Assessment Tool (D-ENAT)

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    © 2015, The Author(s). The Dutch Educational Needs Assessment Tool (D-ENAT) systematically assesses educational needs of patients with rheumatic diseases. The present study aims to describe the educational needs of Dutch patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). The D-ENAT was sent to 155 SSc patients registered at the outpatient clinic of a university hospital. The D-ENAT consists of 39 items in seven domains. “Each domain has different number of items therefore we normalized each domain score: (domain score/maximum)×100) and expressed in percentage to enable comparisons between domains.” A total D-ENAT score (0–156) is calculated by summing all 39 items. In addition, age, disease duration, gender, educational level, present information need (yes/no) and information need (1–4; wanting to know nothing–everything) were recorded. Univariate regression analysis was used to examine factors associated with the D-ENAT scores. The response rate was 103 out of 155 (66%). The mean % of educational needs scores (0–100%; lowest–highest) were 49% for “D-ENAT total score,” 46% for “Managing pain,” 41% for “Movement,” 43% for “Feelings,” 59% for “Disease process,” 44% for “Treatments from health professionals,” 61% for “Self-help measures” and 51% for “Support systems.” No associations between the D-ENAT total score and age, disease duration, gender and educational level were found. The D-ENAT demonstrated its ability to identify educational needs of Dutch SSc patients. SSc patients demonstrated substantial educational needs, especially in the domains: “Disease process” and “Self-help measures.” The validity and practical applicability of the D-ENAT to make an inventory of SSc patients’ educational needs require further investigation

    Are Aspects of a Motivational Interview Related to Subsequent Changes in Physical Activity and Regulatory Style? Examining Relationships among Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Objectives: To determine whether the integrity of motivational interviewing (MI) delivery relates to short-term changes in physical activity (PA) and regulatory style within a sample of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and to examine whether therapist proficiency in MI improves over time. Methods: During a randomized controlled trial to promote PA, 27 patients received a MI from one of three trained physical therapists, which was coded with the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity scales (MITI). Pearson correlations examined associations between MITI scores and changes in PA and regulatory style.  Linear regression examined therapist proficiency over time. Results: MIs with greater reflection-to-question ratios and higher MI proficiency scores were related to increases in PA. MIs higher in global spirit and with a greater percentage of MI-adherent behaviors were associated with decreases in introjected regulation. Therapist proficiency in MI delivery tended to improve over time. Conclusions: Characteristics of motivational interviews are related to favorable shifts in regulatory style and PA behavior.  Although MI proficiency increases over time and with feedback, a 15-hour training course seems insufficient for physical therapists to obtain basic MI proficiency. Practice Implications:  Providing feedback to therapists new to delivering MI seems to improve MI proficiency and should help therapists to avoid using MI-non-adherent techniques

    Differences in characteristics, health status and fulfillment of exercise recommendations between axial spondyloarthritis patients with and without supervised group exercise

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    OBJECTIVE: Since decades, supervised group exercise (SGE) is recommended for people with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). This study examines if weekly SGE contributes to fulfillment of exercise recommendations in axSpA patients. METHODS: Cross-sectional data from three studies with axSpA patients in The Netherlands, including two with outpatient populations (n = 196 and n = 153) and one with SGE participants (n = 128), were analysed. Sociodemographic and disease characteristics, SGE participation, health status (ASAS Health Index), spinal mobility and fulfillment of the recommendations for leisure-time aerobic (≥150 min/week moderate-intensity or ≥75 min/week vigorous-intensity) and strength and mobility (≥2 sessions/week) exercise (measured with SQUASH-questionnaire) were assessed. Differences between patients with and without SGE were analysed. RESULTS: In the two outpatient populations (n = 349), 17 patients (5%) used SGE. The SGE participants (n = 145) were significantly older, had longer disease duration, were less frequently employed, used less medication and had worse spinal mobility than patients without SGE (n = 332). There were no significant differences in health status. Patients with SGE fulfilled the moderate-intensity aerobic (89 % vs. 69%) and strength and mobility (44 % vs. 29%) exercise recommendations more often than patients without SGE, but the aerobic exercise recommendation was less often fulfilled with vigorous-intensity exercise (5 % vs. 12%). CONCLUSION: SGE is used by just few, especially older, axSpA patients and contributes to fulfilling recommendations for moderate-intensity, mobility and strength exercise. Both in patients with and without SGE, only a minority fulfilled the recommendations for vigorous-intensity, strength and mobility exercises. Therefore, future promotion of exercise should focus on implementing these types of exercise

    What is Important in E-health Interventions for Stroke Rehabilitation? A Survey Study among Patients, Informal Caregivers, and Health Professionals.

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    Incorporating user requirements in the design of e-rehabilitation interventions facilitates their implementation. However, insight into requirements for e-rehabilitation after stroke is lacking. This study investigated which user requirements for stroke e-rehabilitation are important to stroke patients, informal caregivers, and health professionals. The methodology consisted of a survey study amongst stroke patients, informal caregivers, and health professionals (physicians, physical therapists and occupational therapists). The survey consisted of statements about requirements regarding accessibility, usability and content of a comprehensive stroke e-health intervention (4-point Likert scale, 1=unimportant/4=important). The mean with standard deviation was the metric used to determine the importance of requirements. Patients (N=125), informal caregivers (N=43), and health professionals (N=105) completed the survey. The mean score of user requirements regarding accessibility, usability and content for stroke e-rehabilitation was 3.1 for patients, 3.4 for informal caregivers and 3.4 for health professionals.  Data showed that a large number of user requirements are important and should be incorporated into the design of stroke e-rehabilitation to facilitate their implementation.

    Agreement of general practitioners with the guideline-based stepped-care strategy for patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: To improve the management of hip or knee osteoarthritis (OA), a multidisciplinary guideline-based stepped-care strategy (SCS) with recommendations regarding the appropriate non-surgical treatment modalities and optimal sequence for care has been developed. Implementation of this SCS in the general practice may be hampered by the negative attitude of general practitioners (GPs) towards the strategy. In order to develop a tailored implementation plan, we assessed the GPs' views regarding specific recommendations in the SCS and their working procedures with regard to OA. Methods. A survey was conducted among a random sample of Dutch GPs. Questions included the GP's demographical characteristics and the practice setting as well as how the management of OA was organized and whether the GPs supported the SCS recommendations. In particular, we assessed GP's views regarding the effectiveness of 14 recommended and non-recommended treatment modalities. Furthermore, we calculated their agreement with 7 statements based on the SCS recommendations regarding the sequence for care. With a linear regression model, we identified factors that seemed to influence the GPs' agreement with the SCS recommendations. Results: Four hundred fifty-six GPs (37%) aged 30-65 years, of whom 278 males (61%), responded. Seven of the 11 recommended modalities (i.e. oral Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, physical therapy, glucocorticoid intra-articular injections, education, lifestyle advice, acetaminophen, and tramadol) were considered effective by the majority of the GPs (varying between 95-60%). The mean agreement score, based on a 5-point scale, with the recommendations regarding the sequence for care was 2.8 (SD = 0.5). Ten percent of the variance in GPs' agreement could be explained by the GPs' attitudes regarding the effectiveness of the recommended and non-recommended non-surgical treatment modalities and the type of practice. Conclusion: In general, GPs support the recommendations in the SCS. Therefore, we expect that their attitudes will not impede a successful implementation in general practice. Our results provide sev

    Physical therapy in systemic sclerosis: the patient perspective

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    Objective: To assess the use, satisfaction, needs, and preferences regarding physical therapy (PT) in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods: A total of 405 SSc patients, treated in the Leiden University Medical Center multidisciplinary care program and fulfilling American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) 2013 SSc criteria, received a questionnaire containing 37 questions on use and satisfaction regarding PT over a 2-year period, and their needs and preferences for future PT. Results: A total of 204 SSc patients (median age 63 years, 81% female) completed the questionnaire. One hundred twenty-eight patients (63%) had used or were using PT in a primary care setting. For 39% of patients not using PT, lack of referral or lack of knowledge was the reason for not using it. The most frequently reported active treatments were muscle-strengthening (n = 92 [72%]), range of motion (n = 77 [60%]), and aerobic exercises (n = 72 [56%]). Specific SSc hand- and mouth-opening exercises were reported by 20 (15%) and 7 (6%) patients, respectively. Manual treatment (massage or passive mobilization) was reported by 83 patients (65%). The mean ± SD satisfaction score (range 0–10) was 8.2 ± 1.6. Regarding patients' needs, 96 patients (47%) of the total group wanted to receive more information concerning PT, and 128 (63%) wanted to continue, start, or restart PT in the near future, with 56 of the 128 patients (44%) favoring individual treatment on a continuous basis. Conclusion: We observed a significant variation in the use and content of PT for SSc patients in a primary care setting. Our results suggest potential underuse of PT care, in particular for hand and oral dysfunction, and underpin the need for initiatives to improve the quality and accessibility of PT care for SSc patients

    Evaluation of a website providing information on regional health care services for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: an observational study

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    Studies on the effectiveness of information provision for patients with arthritis through the Internet are scarce. This study aimed to describe rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients’ knowledge and information needs before and after launching a website providing information on regional health care services for patients with rheumatic conditions. The intervention consisted of a weekly updated website comprising practical information on regional health care services for patients with arthritis. In addition, patients were offered information leaflets and an information meeting. Before (T1) and 24 months after (T2) the website was launched, a random sample of 400 RA patients filled in a questionnaire regarding knowledge and information need (scores 0–18) about accessibility and contents of 18 regional health care services. Two hundred and fifty-one patients returned the questionnaire (response rate 63%) at T1 and 200 patients (50%) at T2, respectively, with 160 paired observations (112 females (70%), mean age 60.4 years (SD 9.9)). The total score for insufficient knowledge about contents decreased from 9.3 (SD 4.9) to 8.5 (SD 4.8; p = 0.03) and for accessibility from 8.6 (SD 4.7) to 8.4 (SD 4.9; p = 0.59). Total score for information need about contents decreased from 4.2 (SD 4.5) to 1.9 (SD 2.9; p < 0.01) and for accessibility from 3.6 (SD 4.5) to 1.4 (SD 2.4; p < 0.01) (paired t-tests)
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