24 research outputs found

    Emission Inventory of Marine Traffic for the Port of Zadar

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    This paper estimates the exhaust gases emissions from ships in the international marine traffic in the port of Zadar. The emission results refer to the pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2). The methodology that has been applied, so called ā€œbottom-upā€ approach, uses detailed data on shipā€™s characteristics (engine power, the load factor, fuel type, the emission factor) and time spent cruising and hotelling. The estimated inventory for the port of Zadar includes overall marine traffic from the passenger and cargo terminals. The exhaust gases emissions have been divided into three shipā€™s activities: cruising in the reduce speed zone, hotelling (at berth) and manoeuvring. The results (tons/year) have shown that approximately 80% of total emissions come from passenger ships and 20% from cargo ships

    Esthetic Reconstruction of Teeth in Patient with Dentinogenesis Imperfecta ā€“ A Case Report

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    Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is the result of a dominant genetic defect and affects both the deciduous and permanent dentitions. It is characterized by opalescent teeth composed of irregularly formed and undemineralized dentin which obliterates pulp chamber and root canal. DI can appear as a separate disorder or with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). The teeth with DI show a grayish-blue to brown hue with dislodged enamel, dysplastic dentine with irregular dentinal tubules and interglobular dentine, short roots and pulpal obliteration, which all may lead to rapid and extensive attrition which require adequate crown reconstruction. The aim of this study was to show a reconstruction of frontal teeth in upper jaw with direct composite veneers in young adult patient with DI

    Impact of ship exhaust gases emission on human health

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    The protection of the environment in maritime industry has always been of major concern. Nowadays emission sources from ships are a threat not only to the environment but also to human health, especially in ports and coastal areas. Diesel engine exhaust contains several pollutants that are harmful such as: nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, sulphur oxides and particulate matter. Exposure to diesel exhaust may have the consequences of premature lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It may also cause coughs, headaches, nausea and an increase in the frequency of asthma attacks. The microscopic particles from exhausts can easily penetrate deep into our lungs as we breathe and inhale. An estimate of emission gases from international marine traffic for the port of Zadar was calculated for this paper. The focus of research was on the particulate matter (PM) emission in the passenger port and cargo port of Zadar. This research includes the overall marine traffic from passenger and cargo terminals over one year. Furthermore, some recommendations for reducing emissions in ports are emphasized and explained

    Maintenance Interval Adjustment Based on the Experience, Case Study of Marine Air Compressor System

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    The paper presents the initial case of a research of analysing maintenance interval adjustment in the shipping industry. This case is an example of the adjustment of the maintenance interval carried out by shipā€™s crew on starting air compressor system. The example is found and followed through the records in the computerized Planned Maintenance System. Maintenance interval adjustment proposal and actual adjustment were carried out based on userā€™s experience, after rechecking maintenance data and actual machinery condition, without theoretical approach or analysis. That process created new maintenance plan which is in use on the system for past ten years. Missing actions in the process, i.e. theoretical analysis of the initial and modified maintenance, are performed using the MA-CAD method with a modified reliability testing and are described in the paper. Results obtained by the theoretical analysis are compared with the requested and performed modification of the Maintenance Plan and a conclusion about performed action has been derived

    The Low Duty Centrifugal Compressor Control System and its Impact on the Surge Pressure

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    This paper presents an analysis of the low duty compressor for marine steam generators and its running conditions. The analysed low duty compressor was observed under three different running zones caused by a throttled flow towards main steam generators. All examples were explained according to real exploitation conditions. As the low duty compressor has the highest influence on the flame stability for the main steam generators while running, it is very important to observe the constant flow towards the main steam generators. Possible flow fluctuation implies instabilities which are explained in the article and the same have to be avoided in order to assure a reliable life span of the low duty compressor and smooth operation of the main steam generators. Furthermore, for preventing efficiency losses of a steam power plant, some methods for avoiding surge effects are emphasized and recommended

    Vertical Fractures of the Tooth Crown With Amalgam Filling

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    Amalgam se kao restorativni materijal rabi već viÅ”e od 150 godina. Mehaničko opterećenje može rezultirati dimenzijskim promjenama dovodeći do nastanka rubnih pukotina i fraktura tvdoga zubnog tkiva. Svrha rada bila je utvrditi čestoću i lokaciju takvih fraktura kod zuba s amalgamskim ispunom. Ispitano je 30 ispitanika (21 muÅ”kog i 9 ženskog spola) u dobi od 16. do 42. godine. Kliničkim pregledom u 23 od 30 ispitanika (159 zubi) ustanovljene su frakture. Rezultati su pokazali da: 1. 48% fraktura postoji kod primarnih amalgamskih restauracija, 2. frakture su lokalizirane bukalno (31%) i disto-aproksimalno (26%), 3. gotovo polovica ispuna I. i II. razreda ima frakture, 4. najčeŔće su kod gornjih molara (75%), osobito kod prvoga molara (80%), 5. u 61% ispitanika frakture su locirane disto-aproksimalano, 6. nema statistički znatne razlike između muÅ”koga i ženskoga spola po čestoći fraktura, 7. čestoća fraktura raste s godinama starosti. Frakture su uvjetovane svojstvima amalgama, utjecaju opterećenja na amalgamsku restauraciju i drugim čimbenicima. Ovo ispitivanje navodi nas na zaključak da svaki drugi pacijent s amalgamskim ispunom ima frakturu te je potrebna točna dijagnoza i zamjena ispuna kako bi se spriječila daljnja napuknuća tvrdoga zubnog tkiva.Amalgam has been used as a restorative material for 150 years. Mechanical loading can lead to dimensional changes resulting in marginal gaps and cracking of the hard dental tissue. The aim of this investigation was to locate and find out how often cracks happen with amalgam restorations. On order to determine this 30 examines were examined (21 male and 9 female), aged from 16 to 42 years. Clinical examination resulted in 23 out of 30 examined patients (159 teeth) had cracks. Cracks were drawn on formerly prepared schemes. Results showed that: 1. 48% of cracks were in primary amalgam restorations; 2. cracks were localized buccally (31%) and distally-proximally (26%); 3. nearly half of all Black Class I and II restorations had cracks; 4. cracks were found in upper molars (75%) and especially in first ones (80%); 5. 61% of examines with cracks were distally-proximally; 6. There were no statistically significant differences between male and female examines; 7. Frequency of cracking raises with age. Cracking is bound with properties of amalgam, influence of loading on amalgam restorations and other factors. This investigation lead us to conclude that every second patient with an amalgam restoration had a crack and better diagnosis and repairing is needed to prevent further cracking

    Esthetic Reconstruction of the Incisal Edge of Upper Central Incisors

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    OÅ”tećeni incizijski bridovi srediÅ”njih gornjih sjekutića smatraju se značajnim i razmerno složenim problemom u restorativnoj stomatologiji zbog minimalnoga stupnja oÅ”tećenja, složenih estetskih zahtijeva te zbog osiguravanja dugotrajnosti provedene rekonstrukcije. Za opskrbu incizijskih defekata postoji niz tehnika. Među njima je najmanje invanzivna izravna tehnika kompozitnim smolama. Svrha rad bila je prikazati jednu od mogućnosti rekonstrukcije traumom oÅ”tećenog incizijskoga brida. Pacijent K.R., u dobi od 22 godine, imao je nakon udarca tvrdim predmetom frakture cakline i dijela dentina na incizijskome bridu. PrijaÅ”nji restorativni zahvat nije bio odgovarajući pa se proveo nov postupak uporabom Artemis (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) mikrohibridnoga kompozitnoga materijala s paletom estetskih nijansi za stimuliranje cakline, dentina i posebnih efekata. Opakne nijanse boja stimulirale su izgubljeni dentin, prozirne caklinske boje caklinu, a mamelonske i jasne transparentne boje posebne efekte. Rekonstrukcija je provedena u slojevitoj tehnici uz uporabu instrumenata za plasticiranje i odgovarajućih kistova uz polimerizaciju svakoga sloja posebno.Damaged incisal edges of the upper central incisors are considered to be an important as well as a relatively complex problem in restorative dentistry because the degree of damage is minimal yet esthetical demand provision of long-lasting reconstruction complex. There are several techniques for provision of incisal defects, the least invasive being direct technique with composite resins. The purpose of this study was to present one of the possibilities for reconstruction of trauma damaged incisal edge. A 22 year old patient after being strike by a hard object, sustained fractures od enamel and part of the dentin on the incisal edge. Previously performed restorative treatment was not satisfactory, so a new procedure was undertaken, using Artemis (Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) microhybrid composite material with a wide spectrum of shades for enamel and dentin simulation as well as special effects. Opaque shades of colours simulated lost dentin, transparent enamel shades enamel, and mammelon and clear transparent shades special effects. Reconstruction was performed in layer technique with the use of instruments for plasticizing including responding brushes and polymerization of each layer separately

    Influence of Prepared Cavity Surface on Microleakage - Pilot Study

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    Caklina i dentin po svojoj su kemijskoj građi dva različita supstrata pa ih je potrebno pažljivo i različito prirediti za postavljanje kompozitnoga materijala. Svrha rada bila je pokazati kako različit predtretman cakline i dentina (ā€œtotal-etchā€ tehnika i samojetkajući adhezivi) utječe na kakvoću sveze s kompozitnim materijalom. Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da je optimalno vrijeme jetkanja 37%- tnom ortofosfornom kiselinom 20 sekundi za caklinu i 10 sekundi za dentin.Enamel and dentin are, by their very chemical structure, two different substrates which necessitate different preparation before placing of composite resin. The aim of this study was to show how various enamel and dental pretreatment methods (ā€œtotal etchā€ technique and self etching adhesives) affect the quality of bonding with composite resin. The results obtained showed optimal etching time, using 37% orthophospohoric acid, of 20 seconds for enamel and 10 seconds for dentin

    Dens Invaginatus - Treatment method

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    Dens invaginatus je razvojna anomalija koja se očituje uvlačenjem cakline i dentina u unutraÅ”njost krune i korijena. Aberacija se može očitovati u Å”irokome spektru morfoloÅ”kih varijacija of foramen coecum do manjeg ili većeg uvlačenja u korijen, a ponekad sve do vrÅ”ka korijena. Suvremenu podjelu anomalije ponudio je Oehlers godine 1957. Prema njoj postoje tri tipa abnormalnosti. NajčeŔće se otkriva radiografskim pregledom. Ako postoji komunikacija invaginacije s pulpom ili periradikularnim tkivom, vrlo će brzo nakon nicanja zuba nastati promjene u vitalnosti pulpe, njezine afekcije, nekroze i periapikalne patoloÅ”ke promjene koje zahtijevaju hitnu intervenciju. Liječenje ovisi o tipu anomalije i njezine komunikacije s pulpom i periapikalnim tkivom. Svrha rada bila je prikazati mogućnosti endodontskoga liječenja navedene anomalije. DvadesetogodiÅ”nji pacijent javio se je u Zavod za dentalnu patologiju StomatoloÅ”koga fakulteta u Zagrebu zbog bolova u području gornjega desnog srediÅ”njeg sjekutića. Kliničkim pregledom ustanovljena je palatinalna protuberancija i Y oblik palatinalne plohe zuba, te tri foramena. RadioloÅ”kom pretragom vidljiva je invaginacija klase III po Oehlersu s komunikacijom s periapeksom te s opsežnim periapeksnim procesom. Provelo se je endodontsko liječenje, a istodobno su proÅ”irena oba invaginacijska otvora i srediÅ”nji prostor između njih. Distalni kanal imao je oblik C, a mezijalni je bio ovalan. Instrumentacija je provedena kombinirano: profile i step-back tehnikom. Radna dužina korijenskoga kanala provjeravana je elektroničkim uređajem Endometer ES-03. Kanali su ispunjeni termoplastičnim postupkom i napravljena je kontrolna snimka nakon Å”to je ispunjen endodontski prostor. Kruna je estetski rekonstruirana kompozitnom smolom. Kontrola je provedena nakon jedan, tri i Å”est mjeseci, te je opažena redukcija patoloÅ”kog procesa bez kliničkih simptoma.Dens invaginatus is a developmental anomaly, manifested by insertion of enamel and dentin inside the crown and root. This aberration is revealed by the broad spectrum of morphological variations, from the foramen coecum to the smaller larger insertion in the root, sometimes extending to the very apex. Current anomaly classification, presented by Oehlers in 1957, divides the anomaly into three categories. It is usually detected by roentgen examination. If there is a communication between the invagination and the pulp or a periradicular tissue, soon after tooth eruption change occurs in the pulp vitality in the form of affectation, necrosis and periapical pathological transformation wich necessitates urgent dental intervention. The treatment depends on the type of anomaly and its communication with the pulp and the periapical tissue. The purpose of the study was to present endodontic treatment possibility for the stated anomaly. A 20 yearold patient contacted the Department of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Zagreb school of Dental Medicine complaining of pain in the area of the upper right central incisor. Clinical examination determined palatal protuberation and Y shape form of the palatal tooth surface including three foramens. Radiological examination showed class II invgination according to Oehlers with periapical communication and extensive periapical process. Endodontic treatment was performed simultaneously with enlargement of both invagination foramens as well as the central area inbetween. Distal root canal was C-shaped while the mesial was oval. Method of instrumentation was combined Profile and ā€œstep-backā€ techniqe. Working lenght of the root canal was verified using electronic device Endometer ES-03. Root canals were filled using thermoplastic techniqe and the control X-rays was made after the endodontic treatment. Finally, the crown was esthetically reconstucted with composite resin. Follow through after one, three and six months revealed a reduction of the pathological process as well as disppearance of clinical symtoms

    NaŔe iskustvo u dijagnostici spinalnog epiduralnog apscesa upotrebom novih dijagnostičkih metoda - kompjutorizirane tomografije i magnetske rezonancije

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    A 69-year-old woman, a diabetic, presented to emergency unit for severe back pain that occurred three weeks of her having sustained a fall and blow in the back. Upon admission, she developed elevated body temperature, urinary retention and severe paraparesis of lower extremities. Laboratory testing showed increased levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (93 mm/h), leukocyte count (18.3x103/ mL), C-reactive protein (246.5 mg/L) and liver enzymes, and abundant bacteria in urine sediment. Penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in blood culture. Antibiotic therapy according to the antibiotic sensitivity report was introduced. Magnetic resonance of thoracic spine revealed epidural liquid collection compressing the spinal medulla from Th2 to Th7. The patient was transferred to neurosurgery for posterior laminectomy and decompression, along with antibiotic therapy. Microbiology confirmed Staphylococcus aureus in the intraoperative tissue specimen. The patient was discharged from the hospital with mild paraparesis and continuing antibiotic therapy recommended.Bolesnica u dobi od 69 godina sa Å”ećernom boleŔću javila se na hitnu pomoć zbog jakih bolova u leđima tri tjedna nakon pada i udarca u leđa. Kod prijma je zabilježena visoka temperatura, zadržavanje mokraće i teÅ”ka parapareza donjih udova. Laboratorijski nalazi su pokazali poviÅ”ene vrijednosti sedimentacije (93 mm/h), leukocita (18,3x10Ā³/ĀµL), C-reaktivnog proteina (246,5 mg/L), jetrenih enzima te dosta bakterija u mokraći. Iz kemokulture izoliran je Staphylococcus aureus rezistentan na penicilin pa je bolesnici uvedena antibiotska terapija prema antibiogramu. Magnetska rezonancija torakalne kralježnice pokazala je epiduralnu nakupinu tekućeg sadržaja koji je izazivao pritisak na medulu spinalis od Th2 do Th7. Na neurokirurgiji je izvedena stražnja laminektomija i dekompresija te je nastavljena antibiotska terapija. MikrobioloÅ”ka analiza operacijskog uzorka potvrdila je Staphylococcus aureus. Bolesnica je otpuÅ”tena u poboljÅ”anom stanju, s blagom paraparezom i preporukom za daljnju antibiotsku terapiju